Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #52

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Posted too soon.
The brutality of this young mother's demise.
And, Michelle is charged with conspiracy to commit murder. Serious. Big.
So no. Not buying that she is a victim.


The door slammed on that one the day Fotis Dulos' death was announced.

If Atty Bowman felt Michelle Troconis was a victim of domestic abuse, likely he would have arranged for his client to meet with LE &/or prosecutors &/or specifically trained advocates. Potentially all three.

IMHO this would have been out of the public eye until Fotis' suicide was complete, and sufficiently public when the 'threat' to her was over.

IMHO, we have posters here involved in DV support in Connecticut. If Michelle Troconis had had any contact with a DV support network there, I expect that several of us -- myself included -- would have received politely worded requests to back off via PM.

I haven't had any such message -- have you?

IMHO the Real Michelle Troconis is the one who took plane trips with Fotis Dulos while still married to her first husband, trips bankrolled by Fotis' wife. The Real Michelle Troconis posed for that crotch-grab photo, and the double-bird photo.

The Real Michelle Troconis coveted Jennifer's husband, Jennifer's house, and Jennifer's lifestyle.

The Real Michelle Troconis thought she could get all three!

Awaiting Justice for Jennifer!

JMHO ymmv lrr
Wily Words? Technically the Truth?
@sds71 Thanks for your post w link. After those repeated denials, did rest of interview go on for hours like this?
Arrestee: "Look, detective, I already told you 17 times, I don't know anything, and I wasn't involved."
Detective: "Miss Scarlett, we still think you know who was involved in her death."
Arrestee: Okay. Mr. X did [this] & used Mr Y's pickup. Col. Mustard did [that] & Prof. Plum did [other].
Detective: What weapon did Mr. X use? And the other(s) who injured her?
Arrestee: First [the candlestick, then a dagger, lead pipe, revolver, rope, wrench].
Detective: Where did this happen?
Arrestee: It started [in the conservatory, moved to ballroom, then billiard room, library, kitchen, garage], then trashcans on Albany Ave.
Detective: What about your involvement, aiding, abetting, being an accessory before & after death?
Arrestee: Okay, first I did [this]; then moved a car, got cleaning supplies; later I did [this and that].

If interview went like that, Schoenhorn's stmt about it was meticulously weaselled.
"Schoenhorn has said his client told state police at least 18 times she did not know what happened and was not involved." from ^ link, w bbm

ETA: Should have noted, I did not watch any of the linked vid, just commenting that stmts can be technically true, but misleading.
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Wily Words? Technically the Truth?
@sds71 Thanks for your post w link. After those repeated denials, did rest of interview go on for hours like this?
Arrestee: "Look, detective, I already told you 17 times, I don't know anything, and I wasn't involved."
Detective: "Miss Scarlett, we still think you know who was involved in her death."
Arrestee: Okay. Mr. X did [this] & used Mr Y's pickup. Col. Mustard did [that] & Prof. Plum did [other].
Detective: What weapon did Mr. X use? And the other(s) who injured her?
Arrestee: First [the candlestick, then a dagger, lead pipe, revolver, rope, wrench].
Detective: Where did this happen?
Arrestee: It started [in the conservatory, moved to ballroom, then billiard room, library, kitchen, garage], then trashcans on Albany Ave.
Detective: What about your involvement, aiding, abetting, being an accessory before & after death?
Arrestee: Okay, first I did [this]; then moved a car, got cleaning supplies; later I did [this and that].

If interview went like that, Schoenhorn's stmt about it was meticulously weaselled.
"Schoenhorn has said his client told state police at least 18 times she did not know what happened and was not involved." from ^ link, w bbm

Why can’t he link the 18 times together so we can see all of those times? Ooh-I wonder how many times there were denials in the Kelsey Berreth (sp?) murder? Should we assume a suspect is telling the truth? Are jurors told that every statement in court will be a truthful one? Of course, she said she didn’t do it-they weren’t supposed to get caught pulling off the perfect crime!
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The door slammed on that one the day Fotis Dulos' death was announced.

If Atty Bowman felt Michelle Troconis was a victim of domestic abuse, likely he would have arranged for his client to meet with LE &/or prosecutors &/or specifically trained advocates. Potentially all three.

IMHO this would have been out of the public eye until Fotis' suicide was complete, and sufficiently public when the 'threat' to her was over.

IMHO, we have posters here involved in DV support in Connecticut. If Michelle Troconis had had any contact with a DV support network there, I expect that several of us -- myself included -- would have received politely worded requests to back off via PM.

I haven't had any such message -- have you?

IMHO the Real Michelle Troconis is the one who took plane trips with Fotis Dulos while still married to her first husband, trips bankrolled by Fotis' wife. The Real Michelle Troconis posed for that crotch-grab photo, and the double-bird photo.

The Real Michelle Troconis coveted Jennifer's husband, Jennifer's house, and Jennifer's lifestyle.

The Real Michelle Troconis thought she could get all three!

Awaiting Justice for Jennifer!

JMHO ymmv lrr
Bowman was so chill in the small snippets we have seen during her police interviews. Did he ever jump in and say back off boys? We shall see.
His demeanor was light years away from Mr. Pattis.
Cool and calm, appearing confident. Then she dumped him.
According to records Michelle had been with Fotis since 2015.
She stuck with him until he committed suicide.
They weren't married and IMO he never really loved her.
How could she ever claim DV with him?
There were NO ties.
She could have left at any time. But he had money!
As you say, she wanted all 3.
I dare say he wouldn't have cared.
How long did it take for AC to take her place?
We must not forget how Michelle Troconis refused to answer any questions in the lawsuit regarding business with the Fore Group where she was gainfully employed. Not one.

Another reason to question her as she was very involved, she worked there and it was her job to know the FORE business affairs but she refused to help answer any questions. Detect a pattern? Moo
Why can’t he link the 18 times together so we can see all of those times? Ooh-I wonder how many times there were denials in the Kelsey Berreth (sp?) murder? Should we assume a suspect is telling the truth? Are jurors told that every statement in court will be a truthful one? Of course, she said she didn’t do it-they weren’t supposed to get caught pulling off the perfect crime!
He's working on it?
Remember too that on 30 May Michelle Troconis called a computer tech whom worked as a consultant to FORE for 10 years and asked him for a time machine backup of her phone and computer to an external thumb drive and then he was asked to delete photos from her phone! The police questioned him and I’m certain have a lot more information to share during the trial!

I wonder if she spoke English to him!

Also,the tech shared with LE that Fotis Dulos backed up his files using Backblaze and LE got a search warrant for it!

I just wonder what LE gleaned from Michelle’s and Fotis’ phones and computers! Very curious!

Remember too that on 30 May Michelle Troconis called a computer tech whom worked as a consultant to FORE for 10 years and asked him for a time machine backup of her phone and computer to an external thumb drive and then he was asked to delete photos from her phone! The police questioned him and I’m certain have a lot more information to share during the trial!

I wonder if she spoke English to him!

Also,the tech shared with LE that Fotis Dulos backed up his files using Backblaze and LE got a search warrant for it!

I just wonder what LE gleaned from Michelle’s and Fotis’ phones and computers! Very curious!

I remember reading that when LE went into his house for the first or second time Michelle was at the computer deleting files.
No link to back this up but I know I read it.
Back in the day, when we went to find the media link, it had disappeared. We had speculated that it was pulled deliberately. Long time ago. Early on.
Does that jog anyone's memory?
.... According to records Michelle had been with Fotis since 2015.... They weren't married and IMO he never really loved her. How could she ever claim DV with him? There were NO ties. She could have left at any time. ...
@citygirl bbm sbm Not sure I’m interp’ing your post correctly. Does it say because MT &FD were not married, did not live together, she could not claim domestic abuse or “battered woman’s syndrome defense”? Or something else? Sorry, if I’m misunderstanding.
@citygirl bbm sbm Not sure I’m interp’ing your post correctly. Does it say because MT &FD were not married, did not live together, she could not claim domestic abuse or “battered woman’s syndrome defense”? Or something else? Sorry, if I’m misunderstanding.
Yes.That's what I am saying.
They were a couple that lived together but were not legally bound by marriage. And NO children.
What am I missing?
Once fD was dead, she had nothing to worry about; no reason to be afraid of him-why wait until now to make these claims?

And as for fear of Jennifer...She was with Fotis “He-man” Dulos, and Fotis had a gun, as we all know. What was Jennifer going to do with her and her daughter? Club them to death with a plastic container of Legos, while Fotis chased her with his pistol? Give me a freaking break, Michi!

The whole idea that Troconis was in anyway, anytime "afraid" of JFD harming her or her child is beyond absurd.
MT is/was an athlete, very fit. She was brave enough to give up a life in Miami and move to CT to be with her paramour bringing a minor child with her.
JFD was terrified of FD. She was afraid to move out of 4JX.
MT is a woman who chose to live in the Middle East where women's rights are severely limited. She hobnobbed with the rich and famous (according to her) at ski resorts and water skiing events.
What really gulls me is that MT seems to have made the same mistakes over and over. (Birth daddy for daughter, another marriage, and paramour for FD)
She closer to 50 than 40 now and does not seem to have gained any insight to how adults behave, make decisions, support themselves, or care for their families.
It appears her entire family is still taking care of her.
She claims she has no idea what they were doing in Hartford on May 24th as FD dropped bag into various trash cans, etc.
The only business she accomplished on May 24th was ??? (taking a picture with robot, grocery shopping, cleaning windows or bathroom, taking keys, riding in a truck, talking on the phone for short conversations....what a tough life and quite meaningless, too.)
Did FD and MT only converse on the side of Tacoma and in the shower in the morning?
Where were the adult interactions...they didn't talk at lunch; she no idea what he was doing while she cleaned the window or bathrooms (depends on the interview day) at MS...again no discussion. Did she wonder how her lifestyle was being supported? Did she contribute?
They didn't discuss the fact she took the keys to the employee's truck, although Fotis told the employee not to mention that to police.
She didn't think it was odd FD wasn't in the bedroom in the morning? Or, more likely, he wasn't there during the night.
I'm very weary of the poor MT defense....very weary.
I remember reading that when LE went into his house for the first or second time Michelle was at the computer deleting files.
No link to back this up but I know I read it.
Back in the day, when we went to find the media link, it had disappeared. We had speculated that it was pulled deliberately. Long time ago. Early on.
Does that jog anyone's memory?
I don't know if this is what you remember, but if you go to the 467 pages of search warrants that were publicly released in this case and print out pages 41 through 51 from those 467 (the 7/18/19 search warrant for the Backblaze account), there is discussion of the deleted files:
I can’t access the video :( If anyone can describe it, I’d be grateful.

Though I imagine it goes something like this:
MT (waving hands around wildly): “I didn’t do it, nobody saw me.”
LE: “Here’s a photo of you doing it, Michelle.“
MT: “That’s not me, it can’t be me, I was having sex at that time. Naked.”
LE: “It’s you, Michelle”.
MT: “How do you say in English.... ‘Prove it’”

I remember reading that when LE went into his house for the first or second time Michelle was at the computer deleting files.
No link to back this up but I know I read it.
Back in the day, when we went to find the media link, it had disappeared. We had speculated that it was pulled deliberately. Long time ago. Early on.
Does that jog anyone's memory?

YES. It Does.

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