Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #52

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Hi Lilypad,

Really pleased you are here! Suzanne Morphew’s case has often reminded me of Jennifer’s for some reason.

I share your instinct in wanting to think the best of people. However, in this instance there is no best side to MT, and there appears to be a mountain of evidence that she wanted Jennifer dead as badly as FD did.

If her only crime was to cover up after her boyfriend told her it was an accident, that would be terrible and wrong but more palatable than the truth. And who knows, she could still try that line as a defence.

However, from early days here, it became clear that she was heavily involved in the planning - and it was the planning of a murder not a conversation - as well as the cover-up.

MT isn’t the only female ever to have committed a heinous crime. However, there’s little more unthinkable than plotting the brutal murder and disposal of a lovely mother of five young kids, because you see her as the obstacle between you and what you want - her husband, her house, her life and ultimately her inheritance.

There are so many horrible facts that have come to light regarding MT in these threads since May 2019, it’s hard to know where to start to explain the inhumanity that she has displayed.

An absolute must-read for anyone just getting interested in this case are MT’s two arrest warrants.

June 2019:

And then, January 2020, Conspiracy To Commit Murder:

Glad to have you on board for Justice for Jennifer! May she and KM reap what they sowed.


Hey @Mimi in London - thanks for the welcome & the AW links! I have just spent a very long time reading them while watching the Super Bowl with my hubbie. I kept saying OMG! out loud and he was confused. Lol:D The amount of detail LE has is these warrants is absolutely shocking and eye opening! I had read some of MT’s AW before but not the entire thing and I wasn’t as informed or vested in this case then. But I just learned so much more by reading these in detail in their entirety, especially about just how desperate FD’s financial situation was. It was all about to come crashing down on him wasn’t it? He was maxed out on his line of credit and owed money on all those mortgages AND to Jennifer’s mom. Money (not love) surely may have been the root of his pure evil.

I also didn’t know all those details about FD insisting PG replace those seats in his truck and being told to refer to them as “hardware.” And I didn’t know Jennifer’s purse was found on the floor by the mud room door. Why would FD take the time to clean the garage (although let’s be real he missed A LOT) but yet he would leave her purse on the floor and blood on the sink and pantry door? I think he must have planned to abduct JD and she was stronger than he anticipated and fought him so hard that he ended up killing her viciously in the garage by bludgeoning her with something. Then it took him forever to clean up the blood so he must have been in a panic because he knew the nanny would be arriving soon.

I speculate he had a place all set to take her to torture and kill her and then he was going to dispose of her body in a pre-dug grave like the one at the gun club. I wonder if he still buried her in the same location or changed the entire disposal plan or even dismembered her and she was in other trash bags that were not recovered. Didn’t FD & MT make 30 stops but only a few were recorded and LE only recovered four trash bags? I know they searched the trash dump place but they could have been missed or already incinerated or maybe those bags were thrown away in dumpsters that went somewhere else? I don’t know but I go back and forth on her being buried vs. thrown away in the garbage dump. That sounds absolutely horrible and I apologize for being so graphic.

And why did MT need to take all those cleaning supplies to the house? Did FD take JD’s body into his house, remove her clothes and wrap her body in something else like a tarp (or Tyvec suit or poncho?) and put her in the Thule carrier? He would have to do something to prevent any further blood or body fluids from getting everywhere. Whatever he did I’m convinced MT was right there helping him and that she knows where Jennifer’s remains are. I don’t have a clear understanding or theory about KM’s involvement after the murder other than I believe they both discussed killing their wives and FD did call him afterwards. Maybe KM helped them get rid of Jennifer’s body? I would think MT would be freaking out that he is going to testify if she knows he knows what she did but she doesn’t seem to be willing to confess or lead LE to Jennifer to try and make some kind of deal for herself. Maybe her attorney thinks the detectives are just bluffing and using KM to illicit a confession. Afterall MT would know what KM knows and how bad it could be for her so maybe she is confident that he can’t be a star witness because he really didn’t witness her doing anything? It will be very interesting to see how this trial plays out. If they have that much detailed information in the AW then MT should be very scared. Getting that ankle monitor removed will be the least of her worries...

Well thanks again and it’s great to see some familiar friends here from Suzanne’s case. I’ve become obsessed with Jennifer’s case now too. I think there are a lot of similarities. Things might be slow on Suzanne’s case right now but I hope one day very soon we will be reading an AW for BM that is just as detailed as these!

All MOO & speculation.
Hey @Mimi in London - thanks for the welcome & the AW links! I have just spent a very long time reading them while watching the Super Bowl with my hubbie. I kept saying OMG! out loud and he was confused. Lol:D The amount of detail LE has is these warrants is absolutely shocking and eye opening! I had read some of MT’s AW before but not the entire thing and I wasn’t as informed or vested in this case then. But I just learned so much more by reading these in detail in their entirety, especially about just how desperate FD’s financial situation was. It was all about to come crashing down on him wasn’t it? He was maxed out on his line of credit and owed money on all those mortgages AND to Jennifer’s mom. Money (not love) surely may have been the root of his pure evil.

I also didn’t know all those details about FD insisting PG replace those seats in his truck and being told to refer to them as “hardware.” And I didn’t know Jennifer’s purse was found on the floor by the mud room door. Why would FD take the time to clean the garage (although let’s be real he missed A LOT) but yet he would leave her purse on the floor and blood on the sink and pantry door? I think he must have planned to abduct JD and she was stronger than he anticipated and fought him so hard that he ended up killing her viciously in the garage by bludgeoning her with something. Then it took him forever to clean up the blood so he must have been in a panic because he knew the nanny would be arriving soon.

I speculate he had a place all set to take her to torture and kill her and then he was going to dispose of her body in a pre-dug grave like the one at the gun club. I wonder if he still buried her in the same location or changed the entire disposal plan or even dismembered her and she was in other trash bags that were not recovered. Didn’t FD & MT make 30 stops but only a few were recorded and LE only recovered four trash bags? I know they searched the trash dump place but they could have been missed or already incinerated or maybe those bags were thrown away in dumpsters that went somewhere else? I don’t know but I go back and forth on her being buried vs. thrown away in the garbage dump. That sounds absolutely horrible and I apologize for being so graphic.

And why did MT need to take all those cleaning supplies to the house? Did FD take JD’s body into his house, remove her clothes and wrap her body in something else like a tarp (or Tyvec suit or poncho?) and put her in the Thule carrier? He would have to do something to prevent any further blood or body fluids from getting everywhere. Whatever he did I’m convinced MT was right there helping him and that she knows where Jennifer’s remains are. I don’t have a clear understanding or theory about KM’s involvement after the murder other than I believe they both discussed killing their wives and FD did call him afterwards. Maybe KM helped them get rid of Jennifer’s body? I would think MT would be freaking out that he is going to testify if she knows he knows what she did but she doesn’t seem to be willing to confess or lead LE to Jennifer to try and make some kind of deal for herself. Maybe her attorney thinks the detectives are just bluffing and using KM to illicit a confession. Afterall MT would know what KM knows and how bad it could be for her so maybe she is confident that he can’t be a star witness because he really didn’t witness her doing anything? It will be very interesting to see how this trial plays out. If they have that much detailed information in the AW then MT should be very scared. Getting that ankle monitor removed will be the least of her worries...

Well thanks again and it’s great to see some familiar friends here from Suzanne’s case. I’ve become obsessed with Jennifer’s case now too. I think there are a lot of similarities. Things might be slow on Suzanne’s case right now but I hope one day very soon we will be reading an AW for BM that is just as detailed as these!

All MOO & speculation.

Lilypad-I was in on Suzanne’s thread early on, too, but it seem to have stalled. These guys who kill their wives (allegedly) are half right about ‘no body, no crime’-it does work for a while, but not forever. Unfortunately, it’s moving slowly over there and I lost my groove on that thread
Lilypad-I was in on Suzanne’s thread early on, too, but it seem to have stalled. These guys who kill their wives (allegedly) are half right about ‘no body, no crime’-it does work for a while, but not forever. Unfortunately, it’s moving slowly over there and I lost my groove on that thread
Hey @Jmoose I thought your name sounded familiar! I’ve been on Suzanne’s thread since the beginning but I’m with’s slowed way down and there are just so many times we can rehash everything. I usually check it every day though just praying one day to see that BM has been arrested. Then it’s going to take off again! Well “no body, no crime” definitely didn’t end well for FD. But it sure is working out great for BM right now but I think he is living on borrowed time. I doubt he is enjoying his freedom very much since every day he lives in fear that today will be the day LE busts his door down and slaps the cuffs on! I can’t wait to see that perp walk either! Unless he pulls a FD and takes the cowards way out too. That wouldn’t surprise me one bit. IMO
I wonder where in Farmington. There is a bunch of Land Trust that was right next to his Mountain Spring property so that is my guess/opinion. Interesting. Its open to the public, maybe ill take a hike in the spring. IMOO


This is interesting. You and & @MBP123 might be onto something here. How does FD's property back up to the Farmington Land Trust? I’m going to have to explore the map further in relation to 4JX when I’m more awake. But I did look it up and found there is a lot of swampy areas there and quite a few trails including this creepy :confused: one:

Everyone In Connecticut Should See What’s Inside The Gates Of This Abandoned Zoo
Hi Lilypad,

Really pleased you are here! Suzanne Morphew’s case has often reminded me of Jennifer’s for some reason.

I share your instinct in wanting to think the best of people. However, in this instance there is no best side to MT, and there appears to be a mountain of evidence that she wanted Jennifer dead as badly as FD did.

If her only crime was to cover up after her boyfriend told her it was an accident, that would be terrible and wrong but more palatable than the truth. And who knows, she could still try that line as a defence.

However, from early days here, it became clear that she was heavily involved in the planning - and it was the planning of a murder not a conversation - as well as the cover-up.

MT isn’t the only female ever to have committed a heinous crime. However, there’s little more unthinkable than plotting the brutal murder and disposal of a lovely mother of five young kids, because you see her as the obstacle between you and what you want - her husband, her house, her life and ultimately her inheritance.

There are so many horrible facts that have come to light regarding MT in these threads since May 2019, it’s hard to know where to start to explain the inhumanity that she has displayed.

An absolute must-read for anyone just getting interested in this case are MT’s two arrest warrants.

June 2019:

And then, January 2020, Conspiracy To Commit Murder:

Glad to have you on board for Justice for Jennifer! May she and KM reap what they sowed.


Thank you so much @Mimi in London for sharing these links for our new readers!

It’s super helpful to reread these as a refresh and reminder of just how much evidence there is and also little innuendos to how much more the prosecution team has but are keeping under wrap!

I also love rereading the thread from the beginning, a treasure trove of details and comprehensive sleuthing!

Thank you again! Moo
Schoenhorn just can't help himself, maybe better said as he can't get out of his own way. I don't know what anyone else is thinking, though the 10 second snippets do NOTHING for me as far as showing MT's innocence. What I do see is someone who speaks English and understands English, perfectly. Not sure why Schoenhorn had to pull the 'need for a translator' stunt, though now it seems like he genuinely needed to poke holes in the State's case rather than offer a defense.

I want to know why Troconis needed to lie to investigators SO MANY TIMES and why she wouldn't return investigators calls! These videos don't even touch either of those factors.
Hey @Mimi in London - thanks for the welcome & the AW links! I have just spent a very long time reading them while watching the Super Bowl with my hubbie. I kept saying OMG! out loud and he was confused. Lol:D The amount of detail LE has is these warrants is absolutely shocking and eye opening! I had read some of MT’s AW before but not the entire thing and I wasn’t as informed or vested in this case then. But I just learned so much more by reading these in detail in their entirety, especially about just how desperate FD’s financial situation was. It was all about to come crashing down on him wasn’t it? He was maxed out on his line of credit and owed money on all those mortgages AND to Jennifer’s mom. Money (not love) surely may have been the root of his pure evil.

I also didn’t know all those details about FD insisting PG replace those seats in his truck and being told to refer to them as “hardware.” And I didn’t know Jennifer’s purse was found on the floor by the mud room door. Why would FD take the time to clean the garage (although let’s be real he missed A LOT) but yet he would leave her purse on the floor and blood on the sink and pantry door? I think he must have planned to abduct JD and she was stronger than he anticipated and fought him so hard that he ended up killing her viciously in the garage by bludgeoning her with something. Then it took him forever to clean up the blood so he must have been in a panic because he knew the nanny would be arriving soon.

I speculate he had a place all set to take her to torture and kill her and then he was going to dispose of her body in a pre-dug grave like the one at the gun club. I wonder if he still buried her in the same location or changed the entire disposal plan or even dismembered her and she was in other trash bags that were not recovered. Didn’t FD & MT make 30 stops but only a few were recorded and LE only recovered four trash bags? I know they searched the trash dump place but they could have been missed or already incinerated or maybe those bags were thrown away in dumpsters that went somewhere else? I don’t know but I go back and forth on her being buried vs. thrown away in the garbage dump. That sounds absolutely horrible and I apologize for being so graphic.

And why did MT need to take all those cleaning supplies to the house? Did FD take JD’s body into his house, remove her clothes and wrap her body in something else like a tarp (or Tyvec suit or poncho?) and put her in the Thule carrier? He would have to do something to prevent any further blood or body fluids from getting everywhere. Whatever he did I’m convinced MT was right there helping him and that she knows where Jennifer’s remains are. I don’t have a clear understanding or theory about KM’s involvement after the murder other than I believe they both discussed killing their wives and FD did call him afterwards. Maybe KM helped them get rid of Jennifer’s body? I would think MT would be freaking out that he is going to testify if she knows he knows what she did but she doesn’t seem to be willing to confess or lead LE to Jennifer to try and make some kind of deal for herself. Maybe her attorney thinks the detectives are just bluffing and using KM to illicit a confession. Afterall MT would know what KM knows and how bad it could be for her so maybe she is confident that he can’t be a star witness because he really didn’t witness her doing anything? It will be very interesting to see how this trial plays out. If they have that much detailed information in the AW then MT should be very scared. Getting that ankle monitor removed will be the least of her worries...

Well thanks again and it’s great to see some familiar friends here from Suzanne’s case. I’ve become obsessed with Jennifer’s case now too. I think there are a lot of similarities. Things might be slow on Suzanne’s case right now but I hope one day very soon we will be reading an AW for BM that is just as detailed as these!

All MOO & speculation.

Quite a read, isn’t it?!

I can’t access the video :( If anyone can describe it, I’d be grateful.

Though I imagine it goes something like this:
MT (waving hands around wildly): “I didn’t do it, nobody saw me.”
LE: “Here’s a photo of you doing it, Michelle.“
MT: “That’s not me, it can’t be me, I was having sex at that time. Naked.”
LE: “It’s you, Michelle”.
MT: “How do you say in English.... ‘Prove it’”
I can’t access the video :( If anyone can describe it, I’d be grateful.

Though I imagine it goes something like this:
MT (waving hands around wildly): “I didn’t do it, nobody saw me.”
LE: “Here’s a photo of you doing it, Michelle.“
MT: “That’s not me, it can’t be me, I was having sex at that time. Naked.”
LE: “It’s you, Michelle”.
MT: “How do you say in English.... ‘Prove it’”

Funny, Mimi!
I can’t access the video :( If anyone can describe it, I’d be grateful.

Though I imagine it goes something like this:
MT (waving hands around wildly): “I didn’t do it, nobody saw me.”
LE: “Here’s a photo of you doing it, Michelle.“
MT: “That’s not me, it can’t be me, I was having sex at that time. Naked.”
LE: “It’s you, Michelle”.
MT: “How do you say in English.... ‘Prove it’”

copy and paste on
I find it a little odd that Michelle Troconis was present when Fotis Dulos was begging PG to replace the front seats of his Tacoma! The same one that she helped him clean at 80 MS from a little coffee spill. Also a very expensive $250 full detail. Clueless to a cover-up... I don’t think so! More like complicit. Moo
Oh brother! She was afraid to stay in the house because she thought Jennifer was hiding and might come back to kill her and her daughter?
Glaring statement on how she and her family felt about Jennifer.

The Troconic Clan HATED Jennifer, and does even now...just because she wouldn’t walk away and give Fotis everything. Claiming that she was afraid of JENNIFER is ludicrous; after all, look who’s dead and who’s still lollygagging around?
I find it a little odd that Michelle Troconis was present when Fotis Dulos was begging PG to replace the front seats of his Tacoma! The same one that she helped him clean at 80 MS from a little coffee spill. Also a very expensive $250 full detail. Clueless to a cover-up... I don’t think so! More like complicit. Moo

Can she possibly be that stupid? I mean, with a really diminished IQ? Because to be that clueless, she would have to be.
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