Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #53

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Narcissists don't accept responsibility for their actions and I think FD would continue to live as if he did nothing wrong, and JD voluntarily disappeared. Also, I don't think FD would have taken the children any distance from their grandmother. Clearly, even during the divorce and missing person investigation, FD believed he would (and should) continue to receive an annual gift distribution from his mother-in-law.

If you listen to reporters covering MT, she allegedly has supportive friends and the business community in CT (i.e., ties to the community). If FD remained in CT, MT wasn't going anywhere.

Nope... FD was shameless. He'd eventually leave the area but not immediately and not because he was "run out of town."

Great post.
I never believed he was poised to take his children out of the country.
They were his life line, his money line.
IMO, he really believed he had committed the perfect crime.
And, maybe he did?
Pains me to say that.
I am banking on LE and Mr. Colangelo to solve this and bring it home. In spite of Mr. Fotis taking the easy way
He hung the noose around his paramour's neck.
Miss Michi.
This is how much he loved her.
Then quickly moved on to Anna Curry.
Can't help but think the T's are having a hissy fit.
Talk about in your face!
And his sister Rena declares his love for Michi.
How will she feel when Michi's family throws him under the bus?
IMO, it's coming.
Stay tuned.
MOO and MOO and MOO again.
As I reviewed arrest warrants, noticed that MT's includes a statement that not all her alibis were truthful. The warrant does not state which were proven false.

Here is a screenshot:
View attachment 284422

“alibi witnesses” that were proved maybe she didn’t return a purse, or go to sat “bye” to Petu?

Narcissists don't accept responsibility for their actions and I think FD would continue to live as if he did nothing wrong, and JD voluntarily disappeared. Also, I don't think FD would have taken the children any distance from their grandmother. Clearly, even during the divorce and missing person investigation, FD believed he would (and should) continue to receive an annual gift distribution from his mother-in-law.

If you listen to reporters covering MT, she allegedly has supportive friends and the business community in CT (i.e., ties to the community). If FD remained in CT, MT wasn't going anywhere.

Nope... FD was shameless. He'd eventually leave the area but not immediately and not because he was "run out of town."


I Respectfully disagree.

No Doubt in my mind that Fd was prepared to abscond with the 5 children and do so Immediately.

In addition, Fd could Not guarantee that the children would Not be removed from him when he refused to return them after the holiday weekend. As He saw it, who was he supposed to return them to?

Family Court may have eventually given Fd custody at some Future date.

However, and this is a HUGE HOWEVER, Jennifer's disappearance did Not and does Not Negate the fact that Fd was under 'Supervised' Visitation.

That 'Supervised' Visitation Does Not immediately become null and void just because Jennifer is missing.

The Family Court Judge did Not impose Supervised Visitation on a whim. According to the Judge, FD had serious issues that had to be addressed and those issues did not become null and void just because Jennifer is missing.

The ONLY Action by Fd that could Guarantee his complete custody of the children at that particular point in time, was to Immediately Abscond with them.

Yes, the children's American Passports were submitted to the Court at the beginning of the Divorce and Custody case.

However, According to FC, Fd had began the process of applying for Greek Passports for the Children. The FC Judge instructed Fd that he was Restricted from completing those applications.

Throughout the Divorce and Child Custody Case, Fd treated ALL Instructions by the Judge as 'Optional'.

As Fd Testified in Civil Court, Fd 'Respectfully Disagreed' with the FC Judge and that is Why he Lost All Contact with the 5 children for 10 MONTHS.

Did Fd 'Respectfully Disagree' with the FC Judge about those Greek Passports for the Children?

When Jennifer Farber dulos was Brutally Murdered, Fd had Just Recently received 'Supervised' Visitation after 10 Months of No Contact and Only After he began completing the Judge's Requirements for the reinstatement of 'Supervised' Visitation.

The FC Judge giving Fd 'Supervised' Visitation, SAYS IT ALL.

The FC Judge did Not Trust Fd.

So, Why would the FC Judge Immediately Give Fd Full Physical Custody of the 5 Motherless Children, Just Because their mother was missing?

IMO, Fd had no choice but to abscond with the children, Immediately.

As part of the FC Record, Fd Did Threaten to take the children to where everyone wore snow skiing attire for the entire year. Venezuela, perhaps?

Greece Does have an Extradition Treaty with the US. However, this is for the Criminal Fugitive and the Criminal Fugitive ONLY and ONLY IF Greece Followed Through with Their Commitment to the Treaty.

Yes, That is Correct. A Treaty Country could and sometimes do, Refuse to Extradite the Fugitive.

Regardless, the Treaty Does Not cover the innocent Children and They would NOT be Returned to the US regardless of Fd's extradition.

The way I see it, Fd, MT and All 6 children could hop on a Commercial flight at Bradley International with those newly printed Greek passports.

Or, Private plane to Venezuela and then take a commercial flight to Greece.

Of Course, the Private Plane could go directly to Greece, but refueling concerns may come in to play depending on the aircraft, whereas several refueling options outside the US for a flight to Venezuela.

IMO, Fd expected the Nanny to be clueless and just bring the children to him that Saturday morning and GAL Meehan be none the wiser in regards to a visitation supervisor. Thus Allowing Fd the Unsupervised opportunity to Immediately Abscond with the Children. Any Reasonable person would expect visitation be cancelled, under the circumstances, and IMO Meehan was also under this impression. But, Fd is Not Reasonable.

We Know, that Fd arrived at Dr.GF's building in NYC Without the Court Ordered Supervisor that weekend. NYPD was called to the location when Security refused entry to Fd. NYPD in turn, contacted CT and learned that Fd was Not Allowed Unsupervised Visitation and was subsequently sent on his way by NYPD. Had Fd arrived With the Supervisor, they may have needed to allow him some form of visitation.

In previous threads, we discussed Fd/MT Need for another Large vehicle. They in fact Rented a Vehicle with at least 5 working vehicles at their disposal. Fd's Ford F150, Chevy Suburban, Jeep Cherokee, the BMW, and an older Toyota Truck. (Not EE's Toyota truck)

So, Why do 2 drivers Need a 6th vehicle? Even if MamaA were to need a vehicle, 5 vehicles are enough for 3 drivers.

IMO, With JFd out of the picture Fd Needed a higher occupancy vehicle for when he expected to receive the children. In Fd's mind, with JFd out of the picture, MT and child would not be forced to remove themselves from 4JC. Fd and his 5 children with MT and her 1 child, makes 8 people. Fd's 2015 Suburban only seated 7 people.

IMO, the Yukon vehicle Fd Rented, seated 8.

Would anyone arriving at 4JC notice ALL 5 of Fd's vehicles in the windowed doors to the garages and Not Suspect that he Absconded with the children in a Rented vehicle?

Would anyone seeing the highly tinted windows of a rented Yukon on the road, Suspect that it carried Fd and All 8 of the people in question and that these 8 were Absconding?

On another aspect. Fd's house of financial cards were collapsing. Had Fd stayed in the US, it would have been beyond detrimental to him. Who knows if or when he could begin receiving JFd's annual trust fund income and who knows if or when the children's education trust fund income would continue. The children's education trust fund Could continue, for the fund manager already paid the expenses directly to the educational entities and the money Never went through Fd or even JFd.

However, IMO, HF protected JFd's trust fund and Fd would have Never received the income or at the very least, have any control over the income. I believe that This information is what MT was sent to find at the Probate Court in Manhattan. No such luck. Trusts are not filed in Probate. Even IF Fd received JFd's income, it was paid in 4 quarterly installments per year of just under $100,000.00 per quarter. When you are literally drowning in MASSIVE Debt, the money cannot come fast enough and in Fd's case, it Definitely would Not have come fast enough before he lost it ALL, Even IF he would receive any of JFd's trust income after a lengthy legal battle with Dr.GF.

In conclusion, IMO, Fd had money stashed in Greece and we know that he had 2 vehicles stashed in Greece, and we know the creditors were knocking down his front door while he was headed out the back door and in Fd's mind, With the 5 motherless children, headed to Greece.

Fd could still continue the fight for the trust income, while the children were already safely tucked away in Greece.

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Here’s a mash up of MT’s CV and the personal time line we have been discussing.

(Please feel free to fill-in /correct)


Bachelor’s degree in learning difficulties

-Univ Institute AVEPANE


Bachelor’s degree in Psychology

-Central University of Venezuela.

Unknown year

Trained as a therapeutic riding instructor at an academy in Michigan-Cheff Center

Jan , 2000- Oct, 2003

Public Relations at Ghantoot Racing & Polo Club in Abu Dhabi

Feb, 2001-Oct, 2003

Therapeutic Riding Instructor and manager at RDAD Therapeutic Riding Center

Unknown date

Briefly host and producer for an ESPN show called “Snow Time”


Marketing Director Cerritos Caster, SA


Birth of daughter w GB


Wins CS award in the state of Florida.


Marries PEG


Event coordinator Outsourced Marketing group.


Meets FD and sons in Florida waterskiing.


Travels with FD, FD buys tix


Divorce judgement/ 12/2016 petition PEG


? Works at Fore Group?

Fall?/ 2017

Moves into JXing


Troconis in car accident on I-84in Tolland in 2015 Chevrolet Suburban ( IIRC, same exit where KM was picked up. I think there is a Subway out here too. Just odd.


Jennifer is gone.

Btw. Here is something I never read before:

“Authorities say various cameras showed the same Suburban in the area on the day Jennifer was last seen.

The surveillance footage shows what appears to be damage to the vehicle’s front left quarter panel. Resolution and obstruction factors involved in the footage prevented investigators from determining whether the vehicle shown on the Thurton Drive footage was outfitted with a removable Thule cargo carrier affixed to the roof rack of the Chevrolet. Footage appeared to show the same damage to the vehicle’s front left quarter panel as depicted on the insurance photographs.”

It just occurred to me...fD would have expected to be at the top of the suspect list when Jennifer disappeared, but why would MT automatically think that SHE would need an “alibi script” if she had absolutely nothing to do with Jennifer’s disappearance and murder? Why, if Fotis didn’t tell her what happened, would it even occur to her to account for her time? Because it wouldn’t occur to me-I wouldn’t have given it a second thought, and if fD’s lawyer friend said to figure out where I was all day, I would have said “why would I need to? I was doing errands all day, and Fotis was out being a builder.” Seriously-she knew
It just occurred to me...fD would have expected to be at the top of the suspect list when Jennifer disappeared, but why would MT automatically think that SHE would need an “alibi script” if she had absolutely nothing to do with Jennifer’s disappearance and murder? Why, if Fotis didn’t tell her what happened, would it even occur to her to account for her time? Because it wouldn’t occur to me-I wouldn’t have given it a second thought, and if fD’s lawyer friend said to figure out where I was all day, I would have said “why would I need to? I was doing errands all day, and Fotis was out being a builder.” Seriously-she knew

Another sign she knew....lying about what she wrote to account for that time. By the time you're in front of the investigators for the custodial interview (because we ALL know that MT would not return LE's calls), you still lie. She's toast.

I just watched the 48 hours show and thought MT’s sisters’’ claims that she is innocent because she wouldn’t do that were extremely weak. When they say that’s not how she was raised! Well who on earth raises someone to murder or to help someone plan and cover-up a murder?!!! Was MT raised to conduct extramarital affairs? Was she raised to be a liar? She certainly had no problems lying continuously to investigators trying to solve a murder of a mother of 5 young children. I find it perplexing that MT is guilty of having an affair with a married man and lying to police but conveniently claimed innocent when accused of planning and covering up evidence.

I am sure Krystal Kenney’s family felt that she wasn’t raised that way either but surprise! People do crazy things for love and in this case for love and money!

If her sisters cared about MT, I think now would be the time for them to convince her to make a deal since Colangelo is open to one. Yes, she will have to admit she lied, but that’s nothing new. . IMHO it will be the best chance of a better outcome for her. She should think of her daughter.

KM is now a state witness and I am sure he will have a lot to say about MT’s involvement. I am sure he will have some sort of evidence of it after all he is an attorney.

In addition, the prosecution has a heaping pile of evidence that has yet to be shared and we know this to be true from the innuendos in the warrants and from Cummings saying that we don’t have to show our hand.

Just like hearing of “cut” clothing which is new information and wasn’t in the AWs.

All my opinions, of course!
Also, speaking of the What’s up app that JS said MT used, I bet that’s what she used to contact FD after arrests, when she was legally prohibited from doing so (hmmm another rule that she had no qualms breaking.)

I am sure she thought since messages are encrypted that she was safe using it but no, the police can retrieve those messages and I am sure will reveal them at trial. Moo
One more point, sorry. The Troconis clan seems to speak English fluently, I am going to go out on a limb here and say that Michi does too. Moo

MT’s mother had a translator during her trial so I wonder if it was her idea or JS
She graduated from Memphis State in 79, I’m going to assume she understands and speaks English
One more point, sorry. The Troconis clan seems to speak English fluently, I am going to go out on a limb here and say that Michi does too. Moo

Sure she does. There is no way she communicated with fD in any language other than English, unless you count the “language of love”-we talked about this a while back
It just occurred to me...fD would have expected to be at the top of the suspect list when Jennifer disappeared, but why would MT automatically think that SHE would need an “alibi script” if she had absolutely nothing to do with Jennifer’s disappearance and murder? Why, if Fotis didn’t tell her what happened, would it even occur to her to account for her time? Because it wouldn’t occur to me-I wouldn’t have given it a second thought, and if fD’s lawyer friend said to figure out where I was all day, I would have said “why would I need to? I was doing errands all day, and Fotis was out being a builder.” Seriously-she knew

And, why did she hire a defense attorney before she had contact with law enforcement? On the same day the dynamic duo were so busy detailing the ex-employee's truck. Mama T's advice?
And, why did she hire a defense attorney before she had contact with law enforcement? On the same day the dynamic duo were so busy detailing the ex-employee's truck. Mama T's advice?

Yep-another thing that wouldn’t occur to me to do, if I really had no hand in it. I mean, I might think “wow-he needs a good attorney”, but not “wow-I need a good attorney”
See, here's the thing:

Let's say FD was magnanimous and wanted to protect MT from incrimination. Let's say he never once expressed any disdain for Jennifer or her parents. Let's say he kept his revenge fantasies to himself, never sharing them with Michi as he had with Jennifer. Let's say he never let on that the divorce was contentious, never let on that Michi was a sticking point in those negotiations. Let's say she never knew she was the reason FD forwent his visitation for ten months.

And let's say, in the middle of a dinner party, MT thought the happy chef left his party and his guests to go get some extra brisket. Did he return with any?

But let's say too he said, "Michi, my love, my paramour, my sudsy budsy, tomorrow morning I'm going to leave real early. Alls I need you to do is answer my phone at about 8am. Talk, don't talk, just keep the connection. Then I want you to run some errands. Be sure to get a selfie with Marty."

In all that, she didn't ask once, "Why? Why do you want me to do that?"

And later that day? Bring me trash bags, hold 'em open, don't look though, 'kay? Clean a clean bathroom, hide a key, go for coffee a half hour past 37 more convenient places to get coffee....

Okay, fine, if he withheld the why, BUT THE MOMENT SHE KNEW JENNIFER WAS MISSING, a normal person would see all those fuzzy details come into focus. A normal, innocent person would say to LE, "I didn't realize the significance of those actions before now but...."

But... if a person were involved in that plan, both ahead of and after, AND had reason to lie to protect the main character, you get what we've gotten -- an accomplice, an accessory. Even if she were blinded by love or fear, he's gone. It's safe to squeal.

There were two ponchos. With copious blood. One hooded, one not, as I recall. One shaved head, one not.

I believe this much: I think they did shower together. I think MT did clean a bathroom. I just think her order of events is off. There was no morning shower. It probably happened just before E showed up for truck. Showering off evidence and cleaning all traces....

If she were innocent, she'd be telling what she knows.

I will say this, if I were her attorney, of all the things I wouldn't say, I wouldn't say my client was left holding the bag.

If however I were the prosecution, I might say exactly that. As my closing argument. While holding up the actual trash bag with MT's patagonian fingerprints on it.

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