Still Missing CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #54

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Attorney Christopher Hug will be paid $189,525 for settling the estate and attorney Paul Knierim, who represented Hug, will receive $98,326, court documents show.

Um, someone please help me out, why does Atty Hug -- need an attorney here???

At least we know that Hilliard Farber was a gentleman who accepted responsibility; Gloria Farber carries her great burden gracefully.

Many lessons to be learned here.

jmho ymmv lrr
Attorney Christopher Hug will be paid $189,525 for settling the estate and attorney Paul Knierim, who represented Hug, will receive $98,326, court documents show.

Um, someone please help me out, why does Atty Hug -- need an attorney here???

At least we know that Hilliard Farber was a gentleman who accepted responsibility; Gloria Farber carries her great burden gracefully.

Many lessons to be learned here.

jmho ymmv lrr
I was thinking the same. Maybe bc he was plaintiff in the lawsuit against Pattis for return of the retainer?
Um, someone please help me out, why does Atty Hug -- need an attorney here???
I was thinking the same. Maybe bc he was plaintiff in the lawsuit against Pattis for return of the retainer?

In this case, Hug was appointed as the Admin where he just happened to be an attorney himself. (We know what is said about attorneys that represent themselves). ;)

It's actually not unusual for the Admin/PR of an estate to also have a personal attorney since the estate attorney represents only the estate. This might be more transparent when banking personnel act as the Admin of a large estate and the bank has an attorney advising the admin. State probate statutes typically provide where the fees for the attorney the admin are also paid by the estate. (I most recently read this in the Probate Statue for a Colorado county).

My issue with Hug began where he wanted a piece of the pie -- acting as a court appointed receiver, he actually proposed certain properties be sold to him personally! I wouldn't be surprised if some of those attorney fees happened when others opposed that idea. MOO
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Now that KM's case has been moved to trial, interesting implications for MT.
I'll let you all infer your own conclusions from the selected quotes below as to what it means for MT.
(We know JS will take any opportunity to blow up MT as a victim of the criminal justice system, etc. Time to burnish one's image? MTs been hard at work on that one).

Another detail specific to MT is that now that FD is dead, MT can more easily distance herself from him in the public mind. He's not appearing regularly in news updates or in court or being blustered about by NP. This all benefits MT.

One can only hope that the prosecution puts together the evidence in a watertight manner, because the patch of rough skin on her ankle is a teeny tiny price to pay for the luxury she's had of all of this time (although JS has gone on ad nauseam about her poor little ankle).

A Year Without Jury Trials

“A trial is your drop dead date,” Roberge said. “With the prospect of a scheduled jury trial, a decision has to be made. Are you going to try the case, or is there an interest in trying to settle it? There’s no looming deadline anymore, because everyone can just wait it out, so settlements begin to slow down.”...

"Delayed criminal trials can also benefit defendants, Matt Maddox, a criminal defense attorney with Maddox Law Firm in New Canaan explained.

“The fact that there is no threat of a trial provides defendants time to work, go to school, better themselves, and change direction, so when they reach the trial, they have much greater color and definition for a judge to take a measure of the person in front of them,” Maddox said. “The passage of time is a great advantage for people who are industrious. We have a fair number of clients who have really improved their situations, gone to school, gotten degrees, gotten hired and been promoted. It’s superb, when standing in front of a judge, to have been able to build up a resume.”

Defendants in criminal trials also benefit from a delay that often makes it more challenging to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

“The longer a case goes on, the better it gets for the defense,” Pastore said. “Memories fade, and people die and move, so the more time that passes, the better it gets.” ...

"Normally, criminal trials must begin within a year after charges are filed, if the defendant requests it, or within eight months if the defendant is held in pretrial detention, unable to make bail. While many defendants have filed speedy trial motions during the pandemic, all have been denied in deference to the governor’s executive order.

But Sedensky said that it remains to be seen how appellate courts, and eventually, the state’s Supreme Court, will view the order. If it is overruled, many charges could be dropped.

“It’s not an exaggeration to call it a constitutional crisis,” Maddox said. “Speedy trial rights are a foundational concept in our federal and state constitution. Is government encroachment on speedy trial rights justified by sufficiently compelling public need such that the violation of constitutional right is justified? That’s the million dollar question that is going to be tested in our appellate courts and in the Connecticut Supreme Court.”

Connecticut’s Chief Public Defender, Christine Perra Rapillo, said she had a hard time imagining hundreds of convictions reversed for violations to the right to a speedy trial, but she said that in individual cases, lawyers may be able to show that if trials have restarted in one jurisdiction and not in another, it was prejudicial for a client."

One other tidbit from the article @pernickety posted....I think this must refer to Anna Curry. Don't know why the court continiues to protect her. I wonder how much more FD gave her to "hold" before he took his own life. No transparency with regard to Anna....wonder why that could be?

"The accounting of the estate’s assets and debts states that a friend of Fotis Dulos gave his sister, Rena Dulos Kyrimi, $7,000 to bury him in Greece. Fotis Dulos had given the friend the money to hold before his death, according to court documents, which do not reveal the person’s name."

Another example of FD taking care of himself first? Or did the "friend" hold additional funds? We still don't know who cleaned out one of the safety deposit boxes.

AND, the one reference in the article to a safety deposit says the following: "the contents of a safe deposit box worth $8,330." I remember an article that mentioned the contents of a safety deposit box that contained watches and some of Jennifer's jewelry. Weren't these given to the FD family?

Here's an old article about the watches etc.
Inside Fotis Dulos’ safe deposit box: Tiffany ring, Rolex, Cartier watches, court documents reveal

So, did Hug include these as part of the valuation of the estate? This is all very murky, IMO.....
One other tidbit from the article @pernickety posted....I think this must refer to Anna Curry. Don't know why the court continiues to protect her. I wonder how much more FD gave her to "hold" before he took his own life. No transparency with regard to Anna....wonder why that could be?

"The accounting of the estate’s assets and debts states that a friend of Fotis Dulos gave his sister, Rena Dulos Kyrimi, $7,000 to bury him in Greece. Fotis Dulos had given the friend the money to hold before his death, according to court documents, which do not reveal the person’s name."

Another example of FD taking care of himself first? Or did the "friend" hold additional funds? We still don't know who cleaned out one of the safety deposit boxes.

AND, the one reference in the article to a safety deposit says the following: "the contents of a safe deposit box worth $8,330." I remember an article that mentioned the contents of a safety deposit box that contained watches and some of Jennifer's jewelry. Weren't these given to the FD family?

Here's an old article about the watches etc.
Inside Fotis Dulos’ safe deposit box: Tiffany ring, Rolex, Cartier watches, court documents reveal

So, did Hug include these as part of the valuation of the estate? This is all very murky, IMO.....

I think the contents of the box went back to GF. Weren’t there some items that were obviously the kids’ things, like religious jewelry? The watches were supposedly earmarked for the Dulos boys, IIRC, and there might have been documentation on that. fD certainly took good care of himself, didn’t he?

I wonder if it’ll ever come out who the person was who emptied the safe deposit box the day fD gassed himself? I am using rhis rude expression for suicide, by the way, because I have absolutely zero compassion for him. He didn’t kill himself be ause he was hurting and depressed-he did it as the final act of “winning at all cost”, because he realized that LE knew and could prove what he did and how he did it.
Virtual hearing date’s been set (1/24) for the court to hear Schoenhorn’s demand to see all of the files in KM’s domestic violence case, to see if he got a deal in exchange for the information he gave the State. Isn’t there a benefit to be the first one to wise up and start talking? Nobody is under the impression that KM is a good guy-he’s a creep. But the first one to talk DOES get preferential treatment. And this only happened after more than a year in jail for KM; I am sure he thought this over for a long time, and didn’t want to do it in the first place. Actually, I can’t decide if it would have been more likely or less likely for him to do it, if fD was still alive.
One other tidbit from the article @pernickety posted....I think this must refer to Anna Curry. Don't know why the court continiues to protect her. I wonder how much more FD gave her to "hold" before he took his own life. No transparency with regard to Anna....wonder why that could be?

"The accounting of the estate’s assets and debts states that a friend of Fotis Dulos gave his sister, Rena Dulos Kyrimi, $7,000 to bury him in Greece. Fotis Dulos had given the friend the money to hold before his death, according to court documents, which do not reveal the person’s name."

I dunno but the more I think about this, I do think that FD was pretty much tapped out. I also wouldn't be surprised if the $7,000 he allegedly entrusted to an unnamed individual was actually given to yet another (new) woman and not AC. Having already put a large dent in AC's resources, FD was probably nurturing a relationship with a new set of pockets...

IMO, FD clearly used AC when he robbed her of more than half a million dollars before checking out -- representing the surety fee that AC contractually pledged to pay to get him out of jail on Jan 9, 2020, when he was charged with JD's murder.

Who does that? FD and his brazen sense of entitlement, that's who! I liken this to nothing short of his expectation that JD fund not only his lifestyle but MT's too! The dude was totally shameless.

Based on the federal lawsuit AC filed last Feb 2021, she's seeking the initial cash deposit at $148,000 paid to the surety's agent for what amounted to FD's 19 days of freedom (Jan 9 to Jan 28) with a balance remaining of $420,000.

At this time, it doesn't appear that the surety is pursuing AC for the $420,000 balance, presenting the fee for the $6M bond by the surety, a condition of FD's release from jail by the court, and FD's guarantee to appear for his trial.

After learning that FD provided false information about the collateral for the $6M bond, the surety withdrew his bond resulting in an emergency bond hearing on Jan 28, 2020. Rather than admit to the court that he was a financial fraud and return to jail, FD gased himself. MOO

Woman who paid deposit for Fotis Dulos’ $6M bond wants money back


In a lawsuit filed in federal court in February, Anna Curry, a North Carolina resident who was living with Fotis Dulos when he was arrested, alleges that she is owed the $148,000 deposit she gave 24/7 Bail Bonds, an agent of Palmetto Surety Company, since the company moved to withdraw the $6 million bond on Jan. 28, 2020.

Fotis Dulos was charged with murder and kidnapping in the disappearance and death of Jennifer Dulos on Jan. 7, 2020. He was released from custody following his arraignment on Jan. 9 when Curry paid 24/7 Bail Bonds a deposit of $148,000, documents said.

Curry was prepared to pay the rest of the $420,000 deposit in installments over several months, filings show, but Fotis Dulos attempted suicide the morning of Jan. 28, 2020. At the time, Palmetto Surety Company, based in South Carolina, was about to revoke the $6 million on the grounds it exceeded the limitations of risk outlined in Connecticut state law, filings show.

I dunno but the more I think about this, I do think that FD was pretty much tapped out. I also wouldn't be surprised if the $7,000 he allegedly entrusted to an unnamed individual was actually given to yet another (new) woman and not AC. Having already put a large dent in AC's resources, FD was probably nurturing a relationship with a new set of pockets...

IMO, FD clearly used AC when he robbed her of more than half a million dollars before checking out -- representing the surety fee that AC contractually pledged to pay to get him out of jail on Jan 9, 2020, when he was charged with JD's murder.

Who does that? FD and his brazen sense of entitlement, that's who! I liken this to nothing short of his expectation that JD fund not only his lifestyle but MT's too! The dude was totally shameless.

Based on the federal lawsuit AC filed last Feb 2021, she's seeking the initial cash deposit at $148,000 paid to the surety's agent for what amounted to FD's 19 days of freedom (Jan 9 to Jan 28) with a balance remaining of $420,000.

At this time, it doesn't appear that the surety is pursuing AC for the $420,000 balance, presenting the fee for the $6M bond by the surety, a condition of FD's release from jail by the court, and FD's guarantee to appear for his trial.

After learning that FD provided false information about the collateral for the $6M bond, the surety withdrew his bond resulting in an emergency bond hearing on Jan 28, 2020. Rather than admit to the court that he was a financial fraud and return to jail, FD gased himself. MOO

Woman who paid deposit for Fotis Dulos’ $6M bond wants money back


In a lawsuit filed in federal court in February, Anna Curry, a North Carolina resident who was living with Fotis Dulos when he was arrested, alleges that she is owed the $148,000 deposit she gave 24/7 Bail Bonds, an agent of Palmetto Surety Company, since the company moved to withdraw the $6 million bond on Jan. 28, 2020.

Fotis Dulos was charged with murder and kidnapping in the disappearance and death of Jennifer Dulos on Jan. 7, 2020. He was released from custody following his arraignment on Jan. 9 when Curry paid 24/7 Bail Bonds a deposit of $148,000, documents said.

Curry was prepared to pay the rest of the $420,000 deposit in installments over several months, filings show, but Fotis Dulos attempted suicide the morning of Jan. 28, 2020. At the time, Palmetto Surety Company, based in South Carolina, was about to revoke the $6 million on the grounds it exceeded the limitations of risk outlined in Connecticut state law, filings show.

Excellent post. If you'll oblige me, I'm forever replacing "Patagonia Hula" with "nurturing a relationship with a new set of pockets ".

I find all of his behaviors abhorrent.

Excellent post. If you'll oblige me, I'm forever replacing "Patagonia Hula" with "nurturing a relationship with a new set of pockets ".

I find all of his behaviors abhorrent.


Certainly enough women found him appealing, but I just don’t get it. At the most basic, I don’t think he is attractive, and I hate being around people who are wrapped as tightly and are as dramatic as he must have been. I find myself wishing that Jennifer didn’t feel what must have been relentless pressure to marry such an unsuitable man, because she was in her 30s and wanted a husband and children. It makes me worry about my own daughter who will be 32 this year and is not currently dating anyone. I can see her marrying in haste, as I believe Jennifer did, to a man who “love bombed” her.
I am also still stuck on the feeling that Jennifer was disliked by fD’s family and is currently still being treated badly by MT’s family. How is it that a killer can be held in higher esteem than the murder victim?
Certainly enough women found him appealing, but I just don’t get it. At the most basic, I don’t think he is attractive, and I hate being around people who are wrapped as tightly and are as dramatic as he must have been. I find myself wishing that Jennifer didn’t feel what must have been relentless pressure to marry such an unsuitable man, because she was in her 30s and wanted a husband and children. It makes me worry about my own daughter who will be 32 this year and is not currently dating anyone. I can see her marrying in haste, as I believe Jennifer did, to a man who “love bombed” her.
I am also still stuck on the feeling that Jennifer was disliked by fD’s family and is currently still being treated badly by MT’s family. How is it that a killer can be held in higher esteem than the murder victim?

(Say, my son is 27, not dating anyone....)



Three-quarter blinders, perhaps? MT (and JS) only want people to notice the fourth (estimated) of MT's life that doesn't make one nauseous?

Maybe a full hood where MT is concerned....


Well MT brought up the equine species. By posting a picture of herself with a horse working to be as far away from her as possible.

jmho ymmv lrr
(Say, my son is 27, not dating anyone....)


View attachment 330564

Three-quarter blinders, perhaps? MT (and JS) only want people to notice the fourth (estimated) of MT's life that doesn't make one nauseous?

Maybe a full hood where MT is concerned....


Well MT brought up the equine species. By posting a picture of herself with a horse working to be as far away from her as possible.

jmho ymmv lrr

Does your son live near Chicago?
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