Still Missing CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #56

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Troconis’ attorney Jon Schoenhorn filed a motion to suppress any evidence police seized during the search of 4 Jefferson Crossing in Farmington, which Schoenhorn claims wasn’t fully documented and went beyond the scope of the warrant.


Schoenhorn said that was one example of how police were unreasonable in their search. He also pointed to documents recovered from Fotis Dulos' home office, some of which Schoenhorn said were privileged communications with Fotis Dulos' divorce attorney at the time, Jacob Pytranker. That included what police have termed "alibi scripts," handwritten timelines of where Fotis Dulos and Michelle Troconis allegedly were on the day Jennifer Dulos disappeared.

Pytranker also took the stand Thursday and said he believes he told his client to write down his activities on the day in question, which Schoenhorn argued makes it document “created for the purposes of litigation” and beyond what the warrant allowed.

But Supervisory State’s Attorney Michelle Manning countered that police had no way of knowing if anything in the officer fell under attorney/client privilege.

“Did you at any point call law enforcement or have any communication with them and inform them there may be communications or privileged communications inside the home of 4 Jefferson,” Manning asked Pytranker on cross examination. He answered no.

The hearing came one day after Judge Kevin Randolph denied a different defense motion to toss all evidence seized from the Jefferson Crossing home. Schoenhorn previously argued the search warrant itself was overly broad and lacked probable cause.

In a ruling issued Wednesday, Randolph wrote, “the warrant did not fail the particularity requirement of the fourth amendment to the United States Constitution.”

That ruling doesn’t cover other suppression motions filed by Schoenhorn concerning cellular tower dumps, electronic devices, DNA samples, and the method of executing the search warrant. Thursday’s hearing on the latter also included testimony from a state police investigator. That is due to continue Friday.
The defense keeps repeating that the police removed what would be considered “privileged communications” between fD and his divorce lawyer. But-what do the alibi scripts have to do with fD’s divorce? If they have nothing to do with his divorce, how can they be privileged communications? And how does that protect MT? She wasn’t a party to the divorce (even if her presence activated it), and she wasn’t a client of fD’s divorce attorney.
Wednesday's hearing was about the Defense's Motion to throw out the evidence collected because they claimed the search warrant was overly broad and lacked probable cause. Judge Randall ruled against the defense Motion and cited the search warrant was valid and police had probable cause.

On Thursday, the defense argued over the method the search warrant was executed-- including the accusation that police actions were unreasonable when they collected grandma's computer and handwritten timelines (alibi scripts) from the home office. Defense claims the timeline collected as evidence was "privileged communication" and questioned Fd's divorce attorney [Jacob Pytranker] in Court:

Pytranker also took the stand Thursday and said he believes he told his client to write down his activities on the day in question, which Schoenhorn argued makes it document “created for the purposes of litigation” and beyond what the warrant allowed.

But Supervisory State’s Attorney Michelle Manning countered that police had no way of knowing if anything in the officer fell under attorney/client privilege.

Other suppression motions filed by JLS concerning cellular tower dumps, electronic devices, and DNA samples, were continued to Friday.

Pytranker testifies on alibi scripts

Sept 7, 2023


There are many other outstanding motions, including those to suppress evidence gathered through cellphone towers, electronic devices and DNA samples. Randolph previously has said that he anticipates ruling this month on the remaining motions.

The hearings on Schoenhorn’s motions are expected to continue Friday at the state Superior Court in Stamford.

During this time, they also may finish arguments for the motion to change the venue of a potential trial. Schoenhorn has argued the trial has received too much publicity, which could make it difficult to find unbiased jurors in the Norwalk-Stamford Judicial District, and wants the proceeding to be heard in the Hartford Judicial District.
The defense keeps repeating that the police removed what would be considered “privileged communications” between fD and his divorce lawyer. But-what do the alibi scripts have to do with fD’s divorce? If they have nothing to do with his divorce, how can they be privileged communications? And how does that protect MT? She wasn’t a party to the divorce (even if her presence activated it), and she wasn’t a client of fD’s divorce attorney.
You've made good arguments. Here's an article in the New Canaan Patch from back in 2019 that shows MT’s agreement with LE that blood evidence showed that JFD was in the vehicle of PG “at some point.”

“Additionally, during questioning by state police about getting the vehicle washed, Michelle Troconis, Fotis Dulos' ex-girlfriend who also faces charges in connection with the disappearance, is quoted as saying, "Well obviously... all the evidence says because... you showed me the picture of the blood in the door it's because the body of Jennifer at some point was in there." (MT was then represented by Bowman)

NP, quoted in same article, appears to take this as MT’s distancing herself from FD and any foul play that may have befallen JFD. Article appears to show NP going with theory that JFD may have something to do with her own disappearance—FD’s attorneys trying to get records to show JFD had in past been “psychiatrically hospitalized.”

So now it appears MT and her attorney No. 2, JS, are adopting NP’s “blame the victim” theory—in that they’re trying to get JFD’s psychiatric records? Rather than MT distancing herself from Fotis and all the evidence against him? Being psychiatrically hospitalized can mean treatment for something like an eating disorder, one disorder that is treated at a high-end psychiatric institution in NC, for those who can afford it. NP himself wrote on his blog years ago that he was regularly consulting with a psychotherapist.

New Details On How Jennifer Dulos May Have Died: Warrant | New Canaan, CT Patch
Wednesday's hearing was about the Defense's Motion to throw out the evidence collected because they claimed the search warrant was overly broad and lacked probable cause. Judge Randall ruled against the defense Motion and cited the search warrant was valid and police had probable cause.

On Thursday, the defense argued over the method the search warrant was executed-- including the accusation that police actions were unreasonable when they collected grandma's computer and handwritten timelines (alibi scripts) from the home office. Defense claims the timeline collected as evidence was "privileged communication" and questioned Fd's divorce attorney [Jacob Pytranker] in Court:

Pytranker also took the stand Thursday and said he believes he told his client to write down his activities on the day in question, which Schoenhorn argued makes it document “created for the purposes of litigation” and beyond what the warrant allowed.

But Supervisory State’s Attorney Michelle Manning countered that police had no way of knowing if anything in the officer fell under attorney/client privilege.

Other suppression motions filed by JLS concerning cellular tower dumps, electronic devices, and DNA samples, were continued to Friday.

Pytranker testifies on alibi scripts
The MT interpretation of Pyrtranker's testimony bothers me. Either whoever is posting those tweets (or MT herself) is not a very discerning listener.

Pytranker said, "...he BELIEVES he told his client...

That is NOT a statement of certainty. He DID NOT say I specifically told FD....blah, blah blah....Pytranker, in other words, "thinks" (4 years later with prodding from JS)he told FD, or maybe he means he should have told FD.

If we were to turn the tables, say a doctor said during a trial, "he believes he told his patient not to mix his new medication with alcohol," it would not be a strong defense, IMO.
I am apoplectic right now-just came here from X (formerly Twitter)-MT (or whoever is tweeting in her name is relating information purportedly from the Dulos divorce documents. Somebody please talk me down…


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I am apoplectic right now-just came here from X (formerly Twitter)-MT (or whoever is tweeting in her name is relating information purportedly from the Dulos divorce documents. Somebody please talk me down…
Omg I can't. I just can't with this woman and her counsel.

So inflammatory. Married to and trying to divorce FD would be an emotional nightmare for anyone. What MT feels the need to broadcast probably amounts to JFd seeking and being treated for mental health DRAIN or something as simple as an injury and prescribed pain medication. Is there NOTHING the FD, MT and their respective teams won't exploit? Truth be damned?


I am apoplectic right now-just came here from X (formerly Twitter)-MT (or whoever is tweeting in her name is relating information purportedly from the Dulos divorce documents. Somebody please talk me down…
In the last months of JFD's life there were a flurry of motions in the divorce case. In response to JFD requesting financial records from FD filed a request for emergency custody request of the minor children. This was never settled and was initially denied by judge Heller.

If you go to the Ct Court Case Lookup, you can see the motions, but no details. FD was fishing. He had no basis logically for such a motion as he was not interacting with JFD, etc. It was a flash in the pan, look over there, type of motion IMO.

Does it appear that JS is now going to go "JFD disappeared herself" route?? SMH....desperation brings out the worst in MT....also MO.

P.S. I must wonder why the tweeter hasn't corrected the "right it down" comment. We all make mistakes at some point, but....:rolleyes:
In the last months of JFD's life there were a flurry of motions in the divorce case. In response to JFD requesting financial records from FD filed a request for emergency custody request of the minor children. This was never settled and was initially denied by judge Heller.

If you go to the Ct Court Case Lookup, you can see the motions, but no details. FD was fishing. He had no basis logically for such a motion as he was not interacting with JFD, etc. It was a flash in the pan, look over there, type of motion IMO.

Does it appear that JS is now going to go "JFD disappeared herself" route?? SMH....desperation brings out the worst in MT....also MO.

P.S. I must wonder why the tweeter hasn't corrected the "right it down" comment. We all make mistakes at some point, but....:rolleyes:
Sometimes I do wonder if it really is MT tweeting…but then I tell myself that only MT can block people, unless she has totally handed over her account. And maybe she really, truly is dumb. Remember, in spite of the fact that FORE Group was in the business of not only “building” homes, but also marketing them, she couldn’t pass the real estate exam. I am sure there is some complexity involved, but in her line of work, she ought to have been able to pass that test. I think she isn’t smart; just devious and cunning.
Sometimes I do wonder if it really is MT tweeting…but then I tell myself that only MT can block people, unless she has totally handed over her account. And maybe she really, truly is dumb. Remember, in spite of the fact that FORE Group was in the business of not only “building” homes, but also marketing them, she couldn’t pass the real estate exam. I am sure there is some complexity involved, but in her line of work, she ought to have been able to pass that test. I think she isn’t smart; just devious and cunning.
Totally agree...I've always wondered if a "diminished capacity to get it" defense might work...SMH.

Whoever is posting is suffering from a diminished capacity for consideration of minor children of the deceased, however. Publicly stating as fact allegations that were never proved or heard speaks of desperation and lack of caring. It doesn't present the great, compassionate person MT's tweets are trying to sell to the potential jurors, IMO, again.

BTW, is MT still using an interpreter during these hearings? Obviously the big headphones are gone, but she could be listening to iTunes if she's using earbuds....I noticed on Instagram she changed to English while presenting her life story as a wonderful human being. Such nonsense.
Totally agree...I've always wondered if a "diminished capacity to get it" defense might work...SMH.

Whoever is posting is suffering from a diminished capacity for consideration of minor children of the deceased, however. Publicly stating as fact allegations that were never proved or heard speaks of desperation and lack of caring. It doesn't present the great, compassionate person MT's tweets are trying to sell to the potential jurors, IMO, again.

BTW, is MT still using an interpreter during these hearings? Obviously the big headphones are gone, but she could be listening to iTunes if she's using earbuds....I noticed on Instagram she changed to English while presenting her life story as a wonderful human being. Such nonsense.
We don’t know that these “allegations” about Jennifer are even true, since we (the collective “we”) have not seen the documents! And as far as I am concerned, the documents are irrelevent to what MT did before, during, and after Jennifer’s murder. I sent a screen shot of that tweet to Michelle Manning, although I believe they already are aware of such activities. Sending the tweet was my way of telling her that people are seeing these things, and I believe it’s an attempt to taint the jury pool.
We don’t know that these “allegations” about Jennifer are even true, since we (the collective “we”) have not seen the documents! And as far as I am concerned, the documents are irrelevent to what MT did before, during, and after Jennifer’s murder. I sent a screen shot of that tweet to Michelle Manning, although I believe they already are aware of such activities. Sending the tweet was my way of telling her that people are seeing these things, and I believe it’s an attempt to taint the jury pool.
Agree,,,AND, Kudos to you for forwarding the tweet to Michelle Manning. I especially agree that knowing how much so many still care about JFD and the route MT and her counsel seem to be taking is very important.
You know what I find absolutely amazing? MT will not say one negative word about fD, even now, after his death. She is bound and determined to bring Jennifer down to her level-rather than blaming fD for planning and executing this all by himself. So what does that mean-to me, it says she knows that the evidence the prosecution has will not show that she was ignorant and innocent in all of this; that no juror will hear and see the evidence, and conclude that there is “reasonable doubt.” So the only other way to go is to say that Jennifer set them all up, to take the fall for her real or imagined suicide?
Sometimes I do wonder if it really is MT tweeting…but then I tell myself that only MT can block people, unless she has totally handed over her account. And maybe she really, truly is dumb. Remember, in spite of the fact that FORE Group was in the business of not only “building” homes, but also marketing them, she couldn’t pass the real estate exam. I am sure there is some complexity involved, but in her line of work, she ought to have been able to pass that test. I think she isn’t smart; just devious and cunning.
I don't think it's her. I almost want to say it's Steven the horse guy, if it's not anyone from her family or defense team. Because how many people really believe she's innocent? @Jmoose The Steph guy's X account looks like it's been hacked if this is him :D
I don't think it's her. I almost want to say it's Steven the horse guy, if it's not anyone from her family or defense team. Because how many people really believe she's innocent? @Jmoose The Steph guy's X account looks like it's been hacked if this is him :D
If it isn’t her, I wonder how many people have actually seen those documents? Probably quite a few
I am apoplectic right now-just came here from X (formerly Twitter)-MT (or whoever is tweeting in her name is relating information purportedly from the Dulos divorce documents. Somebody please talk me down…

This should come as no surprise given MT's tweet last Friday also misrepresented Jacob Pyrtranker's testimony. Despite their best tweeting campaign, MSM continues to ignore these defense antics for what they are.

IMO, the only defense matters worth discussing are what's actually reported from the Court including that the Supreme Court denied their last attempt to obtain transcripts from the Dulos divorce court proceeding.

We also know the Fd's defense tried to smear Gloria Farber in a similar fashion before the Court gave her custody of the Dulos children over Fd when Jennifer was first reported missing.

Bottom line: Jennifer is no 'gone girl' who abandoned her five children and family. JMO

Earlier this week in a state Supreme Court decision, Troconis lost an attempt to obtain transcripts from the Dulos divorce, in a move Schoenhorn hoped might help his client's defense
This should come as no surprise given MT's tweet last Friday also misrepresented Jacob Pyrtranker's testimony. Despite their best tweeting campaign, MSM continues to ignore these defense antics for what they are.

IMO, the only defense matters worth discussing are what's actually reported from the Court including that the Supreme Court denied their last attempt to obtain transcripts from the Dulos divorce court proceeding.

We also know the Fd's defense tried to smear Gloria Farber in a similar fashion before the Court gave her custody of the Dulos children over Fd when Jennifer was first reported missing.

Bottom line: Jennifer is no 'gone girl' who abandoned her five children and family. JMO
Do you think MT is the one who is tweeting, or someone on her “team”?
Do you think MT is the one who is tweeting, or someone on her “team”?

From the beginning, the tweets from this account scream of JLS's office! And no doubt the firm bills MT and/or her family for every single imposter message! Bloody idiots...

I dunno but something is off with MT's tweets and it smells 'Schoenhorn rotten' from my seat.

More specifically, there's been a slew of tweets allegedly by MT (her twitter account) during July with the date/time/location stamp reading "from Stamford, CT, yet MT's earlier tweets (June) simply read from "United States." (User option only provides to turn on/off location display and US is the default when location can't be determined).

Also, I don't think it coincidence that these new tweets from Stamford, CT have also included various pages from documents previously filed in CT family court, as well as unredacted photos of the Dulos' minor children.

This is just wrong on so many levels. MOO :mad:

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The imposter tweeting for MT is back to emphasizing her limitation with English. Guess JS tweet fest has gone on without notice so decided to add 8+ reporters to the tweets. Pathetic.

Sometimes I do wonder if it really is MT tweeting…but then I tell myself that only MT can block people, unless she has totally handed over her account. And maybe she really, truly is dumb. Remember, in spite of the fact that FORE Group was in the business of not only “building” homes, but also marketing them, she couldn’t pass the real estate exam. I am sure there is some complexity involved, but in her line of work, she ought to have been able to pass that test. I think she isn’t smart; just devious and cunning.
I think you're right. She's gotten by in life by being devious and cunning, and attractive in a kind of "ridden hard, put away wet" kind of way, something that likely immediately appealed to FD for stroking his own ill-forged ego.
I am apoplectic right now-just came here from X (formerly Twitter)-MT (or whoever is tweeting in her name is relating information purportedly from the Dulos divorce documents. Somebody please talk me down…

Relative to the tweet, to be clear, filing a Motion is hardly the same as the Court granting the motion!

In Aug 2019, FD also motioned for the court to order Gloria Farber to have a psychological evaluation, claiming, in part, that Farber has been hospitalized in the past. There's no evidence that such a Motion was granted and Mrs. Farber was granted custody of the Dulos children ever since FD disappeared Jennifer.


NEW CANAAN, CT — In the ongoing child custody battle between Fotis Dulos and Gloria Farber, the mother of missing New Canaan mom Jennifer Farber Dulos, a new court filing calls into question Farber's mental capacity.

The Aug. 29 filing by Fotis Dulos' attorney in the matter, Richard Rochlin, seeks a court-ordered psychological evaluation of Farber, claiming, in part, that Farber has been hospitalized in the past.

Additionally, the filing also hints that she is possibly being manipulated by attorneys in the legal fight against Fotis Dulos.

"Upon information and belief, Ms. Farber has previously been psychiatrically hospitalized and had threatened to kill herself and her late husband," the filing reads. "Electric shock therapy was discussed as an option amongst the family, including Mr. Dulos. This troubling history of mental illness needs to be assessed to ensure that the children can be safely cared for by Ms. Farber. This evaluation can also assess Ms. Farber's susceptibility to coercion by her daughter's lawyers concerning a continued strategy of complete and total war against Mr. Dulos, the father of her grandchildren - a strategy that has previously only served Jennifer's lawyers and nobody else."

Farber has been granted temporary custody of the five Dulos children, and she is seeking sole custody.

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