Still Missing CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #59

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JS asks about the smaller black bags. Asks the witness if they were opaque.

JS asks about the white bags of trash. JS is asking about clear, white, black, separated, not separated or already torn open.

JS is asking if he separated items out when dumping them into the Stare's trash bag, no.

He is asking witness if he knows which items touched each other, no.
From CloudyDiamond:
“I'm perplexed as to why he cut her clothes off. (If they were cut off, and not torn off or other means). Where is the rest of the clothing? Interested to hear your theories.”

Speculation has long been dismemberment at a secondary location which so far as I know remains unknown. It would be easier to undertake dismemberment if clothing was not present was the theory. Since body hasn’t been found we don’t know if this theory is correct.

The shirt and bra were taken separately but placed in same evidence bag if I understand what happened correctly.

We know from testimony yesterday that it’s probable that some of the bags disposed of by FD and MT were in the waste management pickup that happened before law enforcement could pick up all the bags. So, all the JF clothing might not have been seized and in possession of law enforcement.

Ages ago we had looked at the Albany pickup schedule for waste management and it made sense that some of the bags had been taken to the central processing station where we saw law enforcement sifting through items for weeks iirc. We never knew the incineration schedule to know if picked up items had been destroyed. Law enforcement shut down activity at the plant quickly but as it runs 24hrs a day iirc then it’s possible some of the evidence was destroyed.
Yes, there was a lot of talk back in the day of 80MS being a secondary crime scene and whether hypothetical dismemberment was possible in the time frame (I think the general consensus was that is was).

The MIRA evidence is something I am really looking forward to. They made it seem as though things of evidentiary value may have been found over the course of the three week period.

This morning's evidence is so distressing.

I just can't with the defendant.

She was fiddling with her phone.

While the State is showing images of JFd's bloody clothes. A mother. Her shirt and bra, the fabric closest to her body, saturated with her lifeblood.

I am only watching from afar, a million ripples out, and I am devastated by what's been shown. Physically ill.

The level of detachment of the defendant, cavalier.

It defies humanity.

The Jury is seeing the same thing you are seeing (and they have clear view of her if I understand the layout of the room correctly) and so MT is showing them clearly who she is imo!

I'm not sure how ANYONE can watching this evidence unfold and be presented and not be viscerally impacted! Yet, MT is avoiding contact with the tragic and horrific evidence via use of cell phone (which I don't believe is permitted).

As you point out this MT behaviour does "DEFY HUMANITY" but also imo speaks to lack of individual control on a most basic level. I'm sure her attorney instructed her to remain calm and look straight ahead. She has been doing this well for the most part but spends much of the day hiding behind her hair to avoid the camera.

But, its quite telling that she could not look up at the shirt and bra. More telling though is that she showed no distress or upset. Nope, nothing so human. MT simply dismissed it all, looked bored and seems just concerned per usual with herself which imo is sending a powerful message to the Jury. Its all even more disgusting imo as GF and/or family are in the gallery and they are watching this presentation of evidence AND YET MT could not face it or be bothered.

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K. O'Reilly is/was a crime analyst with Hartford PD.

Witness is testifying to the route of the truck.

Sent a request to CC Transit.

Witness created a map depicting the route. She added screenshot and timestamps to make it easier to obtain 3rd party video.

Admitted without objection.
Yes, there was a lot of talk back in the day of 80MS being a secondary crime scene and whether hypothetical dismemberment was possible in the time frame (I think the general consensus was that is was).

The MIRA evidence is something I am really looking forward to. They made it seem as though things of evidentiary value may have been found over the course of the three week period.
IIRC "Bagdad Bob aka Detective Foley who was at the time the Public Spokesperson (now retired)" said that they didn't find anything at MIRA. I was never sure if he should be believed then, as why spend so many weeks looking if they knew where to look based on the dump schedule and dump locations etc. at MIRA. Whole thing never made sense to me. I do hope we are pleasantly surprised and evidence was recovered at MIRA.
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Witness testifies using briefcam to watch a long video quickly, sorting for people, car, etc.

Witness describes reviewing video from three bases but utilized only one bus because it was the only one depicting the vehicle in question.

State is showing video from the bus as it passes the Ford Raptor and an individual at the back of thr vehicle.

State asks witness what the person appears to be doing.

JS objects. The judge helps him with the ground for objection. Sustained.
Yes, there was a lot of talk back in the day of 80MS being a secondary crime scene and whether hypothetical dismemberment was possible in the time frame (I think the general consensus was that is was).

The MIRA evidence is something I am really looking forward to. They made it seem as though things of evidentiary value may have been found over the course of the three week period.
Sorry to be unclear. What I meant to suggest was another location other than 80MS where the body most likely was dealt with by FD and possibly MT as her timeline is unclear during the timeframe imo.

In the AAs I don't believe we got much info about what all was found at 80MS. I think many thought that 80MS was simply used to gather up all the items for disposal and load up the Raptor for the Albany trip. I personally don't think FD would have used 80MS to dispose of the body as imo absent a "professional 'clean up' team by the CIA etc. it would be impossible to remove all traces and he needed to sell that property as his cash was gone. MOO

My personal opinion was that 80MS was just to get bags together for the Raptor and possibly clean up of the bodies of MT and FD but imo this was a risky move too...MT was caught allegedly cleaning the shower/bathroom but we never really saw in the AA what was found from an evidence standpoint in that shower iirc. MT didn't do much cleaning at 80MS by all accounts so the idea that she did seem to be cleaning in the bathroom was interesting imo.

JS on cross of Det. O'Reilly

Asking the witness what the map shows.

JS is distinguishing between photos of stops and photos of traveling.

JS is asking about the Dunkin Donuts on one end and toward W Hartford on the other end.

JS is identifying a river, the University of Hartford. And beyond that Bishop's Corner where there's shopping and gas stations and Starbucks, yes.

JS asking about Milford and Homestead Streets. JS asks if there are businesses along Honestead. Witness says yes there are business cameras but they did not request them.

JS asks to zoom in on the individual in the photo and asks about a logo on the shirt.

Then asks if there's a logo on the shirt in the bus still, no.

JS asks about the wheels, the truck back and a woman walking.

Witness testifies that the truck discrepancy might be a reflection on the truck of the bus.

JS asks the witness if she can be sure it's the same person and truck. She says it's a still of a video so from that you can't say whether it is or isn't.


State asks about the person depicted without an arm and the speed of the bus.

JS objects.

State withdraws question and concludes redirect.
Hate to even think this, yet in light of the evidence and discussion above, was there any speculation or conversation that the clothing cuts might have been to instill fear in the victim? There was evidence of zip ties yes? And the victim being restrained or incapacitated? So so very sad. :( MOO

And as also denoted above, why isn’t the defendant’s phone confiscated and prevented from use during court testimony and sessions? IMO
State's next witness, Steve Soras retired Connecticut State Police. Detective, Central District Major Crimes

He went to review cameras. Ford Raptor, and a Chevy Suburban. Went to the Quickstop to review video. Watched part on scene. Continuous video, accurate time. Multiple angles.

Identified the Raptor and seized the video.
Witness is identifying vehicle of interest. 7:13 pm

His role was simply as an assist.

Went to Crown Market on Albany.

Later went to a third location, Chrysalis Center on Homestead.

Was looking for the Raptor. Crown Market, 7 -9 o'clock time frame. Camera was 4 minutes fast, calibrated as compared to their phones. Looked at exterior cameras and reviewed on site.

Witness identifies the Raptor on Route 44 at 7:27.

Another camera depicts the parking lot, Raptor in view at 7:27.

Witness identifies the Raptor pull into lot at 7:58 toward Starbucks.

Afternoon recess until 3:35.
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