Still Missing CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #59

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The AA details how MT and FD attended a Memorial Day party at the pond hosted by a friend, HH, iirc. The host asked FD to leave as he didn't think it was a good idea for FD and MT to be seen together at his place while Jen was missing. FD refused. Soon enough, the news came over the tv that showed the police activity in Hartford as the trash bins are being searched. It was a huge event with Sp Agents, police, K9s everywhere along Albany Ave.

The host of the party stated that MT and FD's eyes locked. Then, FD turned and went outside to use his cell phone. It rattled MT so much she forgot her handbag. Is that what we heard today about her purse?

A LawAndCrime special briefly shows the amazing police activity in Hartford.

At 26:09
It's all pretty clear to me. She believed they were in the clear.

People would search Waveny for JFd and eventually have to concede she disappeared of her own volition. FD would be in possession of the children within 24 hours, he'd have five screws into the Farber vault, and they'd be homefree. Literally.

IMO the defendant believed that the alibi scripts were their ticket to ride. Stick to it.

I hate thinking about JFd's last minutes but I think it's important to note that her fierce response -- fighting with her very lifeblood -- thwarted FD's carefully crafted plan. Had he removed her from Welles without leaving a crime scene, he might have been back at 4J in very short order, scarcely missed. Her fight was not in vain.

FD should be here. To face his failures.

That the defendant has been free all these years, to do as she pleases, spend time with HER child, it's revolting. To see her puddle before her attorney -- akin to "Daddy, save me" -- repulsive. I think she thought they'd all go out for dinner. Her biggest grievances, being removed from 4J, not being able to shop there and part with what she pleased. ME ME ME ME ME

She's unconscionable.

And that's way too nice.

And so gleeful and proud of all of Fotis properties. Gloat gloat.
The AA details how MT and FD attended a Memorial Day party at the pond hosted by a friend, HH, iirc. The host asked FD to leave as he didn't think it was a good idea for FD and MT to be seen together at his place while Jen was missing. FD refused. Soon enough, the news came over the tv that showed the police activity in Hartford as the trash bins are being searched. It was a huge event with Sp Agents, police, K9s everywhere along Albany Ave.

The host of the party stated that MT and FD's eyes locked. Then, FD turned and went outside to use his cell phone. It rattled MT so much she forgot her handbag. Is that what we heard today about her purse?

A LawAndCrime special briefly shows the amazing police activity in Hartford.

At 26:09
No, as I understand, it was not MT leaving her purse at the Memorial Day BBQ, it was their friend Hutch's wife leaving her purse at the dinner gathering at 4JC on 5/23 (the night before JFD disappeared). MT was describing her own activities on the morning of 5/24 and one of them was to deliver that purse back to that friend.
If I were a juror, I'd be greatly annoyed to learn MT gave hours of interviews without the benefit of a Spanish translator nor was a translator ever requested by the defendant because everyone is adversely exposed to the translator being constantly evident in a most noisy fashion. It has been a great deal of interference to the quality of the jurors ability to hear each word spoken from the witness stand.

This P appears a little green behind the ears and is far too lenient and kind. Is he intimidated because of anticipating every question he poses will receive an objection by the D? The time is 10:56am and the MT recorded interview is just now beginning. Why is the audio so terrible?
My theory is that the defense is focused on the appeal. It doesn't matter to irritate this jury, according to my theory. All that matters is getting every possible objection in so that the appeal can be comprehensive.

Does it look bad on her attorney if she takes a deal? Or will a good attorney support a deal when there’s an extremely high likelihood that she is going to be convicted and serve some serious time? As in, do what is in the best interest of his client. There’s no way that he doesn’t realize she’s sunk after today. She should take a deal like now; my dad is an attorney and explained to me that a lot of plea deals have to do with money. The more money that is spent by the state, the worse the deal that is offered.
They no longer want to make a deal with her. They know what she did, and also know that she will not give up the whereabouts of Jennifer’s remains, if she knows.
I agree. I think they did think they were in the clear until they were attending a BBQ and the host said something like “Fotis, Breaking News…the police found a bunch of trash in Hartford.” BINGO! Not the crafty criminals after all.
Did all of those people at the BBQ know, or strongly suspect that those two planned her murder? Or were they just passing on the breaking news? They must have or they wouldn’t have asked the two of them to leave. That whole tribe of waterskiiers is kind of icky, aren’t they?
My theory is that the defense is focused on the appeal. It doesn't matter to irritate this jury, according to my theory. All that matters is getting every possible objection in so that the appeal can be comprehensive.

I think you may be right. I wonder if he’s told MT yet that she will be convicted, most likely, and will spend at least some time in prison?
The goals are to find Jennifer and make the perpetrators face justice. Is there currently a way to accomplish both of these goals?
I don’t think so-neither defendant has any interest in giving up that information. The time that it could have helped either of them in a legal sense, is long past. MT made her decision and now she is stuck with whatever the consequences end up being. KW’s trial ought to be interesting, too. They are both despicable, and not worthy of any concern.
If I were a juror, I'd be greatly annoyed to learn MT gave hours of interviews without the benefit of a Spanish translator nor was a translator ever requested by the defendant because everyone is adversely exposed to the translator being constantly evident in a most noisy fashion. It has been a great deal of interference to the quality of the jurors ability to hear each word spoken from the witness stand.

This P appears a little green behind the ears and is far too lenient and kind. Is he intimidated because of anticipating every question he poses will receive an objection by the D? The time is 10:56am and the MT recorded interview is just now beginning. Why is the audio so terrible?
I respectfully disagree about the prosecutor. He takes him on. Not a bit intimated. JMO.
I just checked and financial aid and payment plans are available. Since it would be based solely on MT's income, not sure how much she would qualify for, but $4,000/month isn't far off from the normal price.
Also, CS is generally separate from educational and medical expenses.

Dad could have been paying per formal or informal agreement.

No, as I understand, it was not MT leaving her purse at the Memorial Day BBQ, it was their friend Hutch's wife leaving her purse at the dinner gathering at 4JC on 5/23 (the night before JFD disappeared). MT was describing her own activities on the morning of 5/24 and one of them was to deliver that purse back to that friend.
Thanks. I found my earbuds this afternoon which helped in hearing some interview but you're right in that it was HH's wife's handbag that MT would drop off at their home on the 24th.

It remains perplexing that Fotis thought he'd get away with the bloody murder of Jennifer by riding a bicycle. What would he benefit by her death? The copious amounts of hard evidence left behind is astounding. Cui Bono? They did it all for permanent custody of his children? I don't know because, iirc, the children's trust was, att, $2 million. (Source: AA) Raising a family of 8 on the Farber's trust would not be an easy feat. What Fotis needed was cold hard cash. He was in major, spiraling debt. Did MT know that, too?
I haven't followed this case as closely as many of you, but a tell-tale snippet from today's video that seems to capture who MT is, is when LE told MT that the FedEx envelope contained the license plates so the crime was planned. She acted upset. LE asked MT if she was surprised by this. She said yes. When asked what surprised her she talked about how Fotis had previously owned a Suburban. (this was after she had said she wasn't aware of that.) she wasn't surprised by the fact that he had planned the murder. Instead she changed the topic.

I think you may be right. I wonder if he’s told MT yet that she will be convicted, most likely, and will spend at least some time in prison?
The best I can tell, the mandatory minimum for Murder is 25 years in Connecticut and the sentence can range from 25 years to life (some sites say sentencing guidelines specify 25 to 60 years). The same applies for Conspiracy to Commit Murder since it is not a lesser charge; Conspiracy is considered as serious as the crime of Murder.

In addition to Conspiracy to Commit Murder, MT has also been charged with Tampering with Physical Evidence (in association with the borrowed car of PG). This is a Class D felony, carrying penalty of up to 5 years in prison and $5,000 fine.

In addition, MT has also been charged with 2nd degree Hindering Prosecution (Class C felony, penalty 1-10 years and up to $10,000 fine), Tampering with Physical Evidence (Class D felony, penalty up to 5 years and $5,000 fine), and Conspiracy to Tamper with Physical Evidence (Class D felony, penalty up to 5 years and $5,000 fine).

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if MT is convicted on all charges, she'd be imprisoned a minimum of 25 years (more if her sentences are to be served consecutively rather than concurrently) and could be much more.
We are following this trial in real time and are horrified with each revelation, but the Defense has had all this discovery for eons. There are no surprises here for either the beige defendant or her bouncy lawyer. They knew what the State had on her. She was already sunk back then. And they chose to go to trial anyway. Plea deal nothing. She ought to have pled guilty and embraced whatever sentence, JUST to keep these damning details from open court.
There remains the possibility that she never saw or handled any body which to her might bolster her "I'm innocent". "I wasn't cleaning Jennifer". Entitled ice princess. Doesn't think she did anything wrong. Which explains why she has zero reaction to the evidence, zero sympathy for the victim and has tears only for herself. Grotesque.
I wish we could pick her prison.

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I can only surmise that perhaps the attorney did not know the full involvement of MT (or scale of it or lack thereof?) at that point? So maybe the attorney was not yet in a position to know how deep the water was for her? MOO
The attorney Jacob was looking out for Fotis's interests, not Michelle's. It was in Fotis' best interest Michelle not cooperate. I think Bowman was right that Michelle would have been better off to cooperate with LE. (Just talking about her best legal outcome. Doing the right thing would have also been to cooperate with LE. They happened not to be in conflict IMO.)

I'm gonna guess Fotis was quite a huge influence on Michelle- much more than her family. But ultimately, every decision she made was her own.

I can only surmise that perhaps the attorney did not know the full involvement of MT (or scale of it or lack thereof?) at that point? So maybe the attorney was not yet in a position to know how deep the water was for her? MOO
I surmise the same. And they eventually parted ways and she hired J.S. Never heard a reason.
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