Still Missing CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #59

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We are following this trial in real time and are horrified with each revelation, but the Defense has had all this discovery for eons. There are no surprises here for either the beige defendant or her bouncy lawyer. They knew what the State had on her. She was already sunk back then. And they chose to go to trial anyway. Plea deal nothing. She ought to have pled guilty and embraced whatever sentence, JUST to keep these damning details from open court.
There remains the possibility that she never saw or handled any body which to her might bolster her "I'm innocent". "I wasn't cleaning Jennifer". Entitled ice princess. Doesn't think she did anything wrong. Which explains why she has zero reaction to the evidence, zero sympathy for the victim and has tears only for herself. Grotesque.
I wish we could pick her prison.

Thankfully, I know very little about being incarcerated, so please enlighten me (and others here). If you commit a crime in Connecticut, do you have to be incarcerated in the state of Connecticut? I do remember driving by a woman's prison in Niantic, so wondered if that would be her "new home" should she get convicted?
Exactly the way I feel-my grandmother would have been appalled to see the rosary used as a prop.
Honestly the rosary as props for social media clicks farce seen today on the Troconis Crew was just another horrific display but frankly is the tip of the iceberg of issues imo associated with this family.

The idea of taking a sacred religious object and bringing it to Court really isn't all that different than MT who inappropriately wore rosary beads around her neck for years in her various court appearances. Its how the Crew rolls and they are consistent. Consistently gross and inappropriate to say disrespectful to the murdered JF and her family. The family it seems does not have the ability to understand or accept that consequences exist for misdeeds and bad behaviour. This is the family who up until recently said JF was "Missing" and "We don't know where Jennifer might be" and "Maybe she just left"! They also said, "Michelle is innocent", "Michelle did nothing" and "Michelle knows nothing" and "Why is Fotis Dulos being discussed at this trial for Michelle". Right? Nope, its wrong and they have been consistently wrong from the second MT was first arrested imo and zero has been done to stop this from happening.

After watching the slow roll of compelling evidence in Court and then listening to the law enforcement interviews today, on what planet can these statements from the Troconis Crew possibly be correct? The statements aren't correct imo and simply continue the many lies and misstatements made by MT over and over in the interviews seen today. But, I don't think they should be allowed to make such statements on social media but yet they do.

The word sacrilege comes to mind with the rosary display today but also do the words shameless, ignorant and grossly entitled (and this is being kind imo)! The farcical part of this most recent display has been that it was most likely recommended and fully endorsed by Defence Counsel, TP. Yep, his PR advice includes the brilliantly inappropriate advice to bring your rosaries to court and PRAY! IMO their time would be better spent on bended knee IN CHURCH with their rosaries where they belong and perhaps saying a few HAIL MARY's for their no doubt soon to be convicted sister and possibly show up for confession to reflect on your choices.

This is the same Defense Counsel that has JF referred to in Court as "Alleged Victim" and who reduced the "Alleged Victim" to absolute inanimate status in the DNA/Blood analysis where she was referred to as a "Toothbrush". This dehumanisation was approved and given the stamp of approval of Judge Randolph and there was no objection from the state so far as I recall. Great, the folks at the State who should be standing up for dead DV Victims that cannot speak for themselves were silent and did nothing as the deceased JF was reduced to the status of "Toothbrush". Other states have Victims Advocates for deceased victims but not unsurprisingly CT has no such program to protect Victims who cannot speak for themselves.

I think its well beyond time that the social media campaign undertaken by MT and the Troconis Crew over the past 4 years needs to be brought to the fore of discussion as I believe it to be highly relevant to to issues of character (or lack thereof) of the Defendant/her family and Defence Counsel present in this case and IDK why it hasn't been discussed in the Media? I don't know why Courts don't require a social media ban in cases where DV is involved and/or the Victim is deceased?

Where is someone like Shannon Miller of NBC CT who claims to be a reporter (imo she is not) on this case and not looking at what the Defendant is saying about the Victim in this case on Social Media? Ditto for Lisa Backus or Dave Altimiri or any of the other reposters in CT that simply post for clicks and views without doing any substantive work to explain precisely who the Defendant is as a human being and who the family around her is who encouraged their daughter/sister every step of the way in her relationship with FD even to the early days in 2015 when the family well knew that FD was the very married father of 5.

I'm still puzzling it out but it appears that FD gifted the White Cherokee that we are seeing in this trial to MT when she was living in FL in I believe 2015 and the vehicle was moved to CT and replaced at some point. FD couldn't afford that vehicle so my bet is that the vehicle was paid for by JF (as everything in the life of MT and FD no doubt was). The couple traveled the world for over 2 years on JF dime while she was unaware of the affair and thought that FD was pursuing his dream of world class water skiing. Right. My guess is as a mother of 2 sets of twins and an infant daughter that she was most likely overwhelmed and frankly glad FD was away for 1/2 of the month so she could get on with surviving and simply taking care of her children!

DV does unexpectedly bad things and awful things to otherwise strong people (usually women but sometimes men) that the victims rarely talk about. I have seen DV bring strong emotionally stable people to their knees emotionally to the point of hospitalisation. I do think that FD did a major job on the mental well being of JF and for an ignorant MT not to recognise this tells me alot about MT and the people in her life. Having an idea of what living with FD might have been like for JF, I can see where having him away was a blessed relief and offered some temporary peace of mind. To read of her fear of leaving and sense of terror of the unexpected was heartbreaking but sadly its usually part of the DV experience for Victims. MT cared for none of this and was simply mad that the money was all being spent on attorneys in Family Court and that she wouldn't be able to stay at 4JX with FD for the rest of her life and we saw in todays law enforcement interviews that when left without a question she would return to talking about JF.

But, I think what enraged me all over again was to hear someone as profoundly uneducated/ignorant/stupid as MT appear to pontificate today in her interviews with law enforcement on the mental health of the Victim in this case, JF who was the vicim of sustained DV over the course of her marriage to FD. Make no mistake but as the longstanding mistress of FD, MT was DIRECTLY responsible for inflicting sustained pain and torment on JF, even if JF didn't acknowledge the existence of MT (which she didn't). Think about the role of a mistress to a married man and what exactly that might mean to the wife to whom he is still legally married. To appropriate a famous phrase, "There were 3 in this marriage" and make no mistake, MT was caught up fully in the drama of the divorce and no doubt fuelled FDs rage and anger to the point where he felt the best option was to murder JF. To say that MT was not involved in the Dulos marriage or divorce or the murder of JF is to not imo understand the role of a mistress and it was all over her ramblings to law enforcement in her interview.

Over and over we saw MT repeating information from a discredited report that had been excluded from the Family Court file and where the involved medical professional was absolute discredited as well. But, this hasn't stopped MT, her family and extended friends from continuing to bring this mis-information to which they were not entitled on to social media on 'rinse and repeat'. We have even seen the exact same disgraceful and unethical behaviour from Defence Counsel as he has now referred to this report WITHOUT SHAME at least 4 times that I can recall (after losing his suit against the Clerk in Family Court to unseal the divorce documents). Judge Randolph DID NOTHING and the STATE DID NOTHING. Why no sanctions, Why no censure and WHY HAVEN"T THESE REFERENCES BEEN STRICKEN FROM THE RECORD in front of the Jury. IDK, but I chalk it up to 'its Connecticut'.

Why do the Media never ask any questions? Why not ask if people think its ok to publicly slam and shame a person on Social Media who was murdered 4 years ago and cannot speak for herself when she is attacked by the person directly responsible for her torment? DV is a pervasive issue in CT (particularly Fairfield County) and the US but rarely discussed in the media and to my knowledge only Fox61 has consistently included DV related content in the coverage of this horrific case.

JF, among other things, was the VICTIM of DV at the hands of FD directly and MT indirectly. MT conducted an ongoing affair with the married father of 5 for nearly 2 years before JF found out about the situation and was forced to flee her house (which she paid for) and where FD and MT effectively squatted for two years without paying a penny as agreed. MT and FD demanded to JF that MT and her daughter move into 4Jx and effectively share the house with JF and the 5 Dulos children. Think about that and then think again. JF fled in fear and great secrecy shortly thereafter and MT and her daughter moved into 4JX. JF continued to live in fear in NC where she fought hard to maintain custody of her children. Ultimately her fight for her children cost her her life at the hands of her enraged husband who was no doubt egged on by his angry mistress that all their money was being spent on the divorce and custody battle.

FD never paid a penny of child support or provided medical care for his ex wife and children for the duration of the separation either. When asked under oath why he wasn't paying child support, he replied that the Court hasn't ordered me to. MT and her family knew that FD wasn't paying to maintain his children and knew also that the couple were residing at 4JX courtesy of JF and her mother whose bank held the mortgage on the property. MT and her family didn't care that FD wasn't paying any support and they no doubt justified their thoughts based on the wealth of the Fabers.

The issue of ongoing social media posting relating to the Defendant and her family hasn't been reported on by the Media and even when the issues of what were going on in Social Media were reported to the State and the Judge, nothing was done. Who thinks its ok to go on social media and slam someone who cannot respond because she has been murdered? I certainly don't. But, MT and the Troconis Crew think differently. We are talking about people who up until I think yesterday have never by name acknowledged JF or her family and in their recent interview on the Courtroom steps simply refer to the Farbers as, "...the other family....". Right.

We have a Victim in the case that can no longer speak for herself and all of her children are minors and not in a position to speak out either. Where has the State been in terms of protecting the Victim in this case? As far as I'm concerned they have been sitting on their hands and hiding under their desks as public ongoing shaming on social media of a dead DV Victim should not be allowed ever imo. But, we have seen it here and we have seen it from MT, her Counsel and her various family members on Social Media.

None of this sadly shocks me as its CT and not even being charged with Conspiracy to Commit Murder puts you in jail. Nope, no jail. No gag order, no admonitions to Counsel to 'cut it out' on social media etc. Nothing. So, Victim blaming and shaming and slamming continued unabated on social media and continues. This is who MT is and this is who the Troconis Crew are and this is what Defence Counsel recommends as a 'PR' strategy to his client. These are people that will do and say whatever it takes to accomplish whatever goals they have and they don't want MT to go to prison, possibly for the rest of her life.

I don't know what other folks saw today in the rambling non linear and largely irrelevant testimony of MT in the first two interviews with Law Enforcement. I'm still processing it all frankly as I found it more than a bit shocking to say nothing of being disturbing that those interviews happened shortly after the brutal murder of JF in her own garage at the hands of her husband and assisted by MT and KM. What hit me starkly about the interviews was that MT seemed absolutely disconnected from the horror of the situation and when law enforcement sought to bring her back to reality she then became annoyed that she wouldn't be able to randomly ramble about everything that WASN"T IMPORTANT.

Just think about it from the standpoint of it were you being interviewed about your lover's missing estranged wife. Would you have said anything that MT was seen saying today? It was a farce loaded with lies upon lies with even more lies and where reality only made brief appearances and only when prompted by law enforcement. I admire the control of law enforcement as after watching the interviews I'm not even sure waterboarding would have changed the MT performance. And, make no mistake that was a performance. I particularly loved the second where she looked up under her eyelid briefly to see if the faux tear display was having an effect. Brilliantly sociopathic imo and I hope its included in the movie if one is ever made as it was to me at least the essence of who MT is as a human being.

I didn't think much of anything could shock me about MT as I've followed this tragic situation from the day JF was declared 'missing' but today's full length videos showed me the callous disregard that MT has for others and all she cares about is herself and what she wants. To see the nearly 5 minutes of purely ignorant psycho babble rambling about how she wanted to make sure that she wasn't in danger from the Victim had me checking the feed to make sure I was listening to the correct police interview!

JF no doubt didn't experience more a few seconds of thinking about MT as MT was irrelevant to her life imo. So, the idea that MT sees herself as being important to the overall situation or possibly in danger from JF shows the depths of narcissism along with her extreme arrested development. In all the testimony in the interview I also could see that most likely Mama Troconis had dripped poison into the ear of MT on the appropriate babble to utter in a custody battle and no doubt FD was treated to endless advice from MT and Mama Troconis on how to 'better' manage the situation with JF. Thank god this woman lost her licence to practice in FL as I doubt whether MT had the base intelligence or knowledge of the topic to understand what exactly she was even saying about JF. BUT, for MT to think that she would ever be in danger from JF really is the POT CALLING THE KETTLE BLACK and I found it to be one of the more interesting things uttered by MT today!!

IDK many situations where Defendants who have been charged with Conspiracy/Tampering/Hindering etc. have remained free and outside the jurisdiction sking and enjoying life far away from where the brutal murder that they are charged with being associated with took place. I have NO WORDS for the State of CT to have allowed the freedom of movement to the Defendant to travel, ski and live her life with her daughter daily for the past 4 years and for this I blame the Judiciary and the State. JF's children have no mother. I strongly believe that had MT spent more time in jail that perhaps this trial would not be necessary.

How is it possible that MT I believe has spent less than a week in jail since JF was murdered? Think about that and then think about it again. JF was murdered in cold blood and in what looked to be a fit of rage by FD in her garage and her children lost their mother while MT and KM have largely been free out on bail pending trial (KM was unable to raise bail for a good bit of time but I believe is now free on bail) despite being intimately involved with the crime.

This is all so propounding disappointing to see play out on social media and IDK why neither Judge Randolf nor the States Attorneys did anything to protect JF as a victim from the venom of MT and the Troconis clan on Social Media.

MOO and MAD!
The best I can tell, the mandatory minimum for Murder is 25 years in Connecticut and the sentence can range from 25 years to life (some sites say sentencing guidelines specify 25 to 60 years). The same applies for Conspiracy to Commit Murder since it is not a lesser charge; Conspiracy is considered as serious as the crime of Murder.

In addition to Conspiracy to Commit Murder, MT has also been charged with Tampering with Physical Evidence (in association with the borrowed car of PG). This is a Class D felony, carrying penalty of up to 5 years in prison and $5,000 fine.

In addition, MT has also been charged with 2nd degree Hindering Prosecution (Class C felony, penalty 1-10 years and up to $10,000 fine), Tampering with Physical Evidence (Class D felony, penalty up to 5 years and $5,000 fine), and Conspiracy to Tamper with Physical Evidence (Class D felony, penalty up to 5 years and $5,000 fine).

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if MT is convicted on all charges, she'd be imprisoned a minimum of 25 years (more if her sentences are to be served consecutively rather than concurrently) and could be much more.
I dearly hope so!
I hope not, unless she is willing to cough up where JFD is and what happened to her (all truth, no more lies) and that information is verifiable.

Regardless, she should serve time under any deal.
I do think it would be stunning and a bit of cosmic justice if some remains of JF had been found by CSP but not reported to the public. Perhaps we will find out at trial? "Alleged Victim" indeed....
I do think it would be stunning and a bit of cosmic justice if some remains of JF had been found by CSP but not reported to the public. Perhaps we will find out at trial? "Alleged Victim" indeed....
It wasn't until well into the PFrazee missing person/no body/murder trial that the Prosecution dropped the curtain -- they'd recovered a partial tooth from the firepit.

Perhaps the MIRA search gave up small secrets with big power.

It wasn't until well into the PFrazee missing person/no body/murder trial that the Prosecution dropped the curtain -- they'd recovered a partial tooth from the firepit.

Perhaps the MIRA search gave up small secrets with big power.

From your mouth to GODS EAR! I'm praying for this to be exactly the case where there is indisputable proof of murder. I also wish peace to the Farber family and the children as this experience has to be horrific and hard to endure. MOO
Honestly the rosary as props for social media clicks farce seen today on the Troconis Crew was just another horrific display but frankly is the tip of the iceberg of issues imo associated with this family.

The idea of taking a sacred religious object and bringing it to Court really isn't all that different than MT who inappropriately wore rosary beads around her neck for years in her various court appearances. Its how the Crew rolls and they are consistent. Consistently gross and inappropriate to say disrespectful to the murdered JF and her family. The family it seems does not have the ability to understand or accept that consequences exist for misdeeds and bad behaviour. This is the family who up until recently said JF was "Missing" and "We don't know where Jennifer might be" and "Maybe she just left"! They also said, "Michelle is innocent", "Michelle did nothing" and "Michelle knows nothing" and "Why is Fotis Dulos being discussed at this trial for Michelle". Right? Nope, its wrong and they have been consistently wrong from the second MT was first arrested imo and zero has been done to stop this from happening.

After watching the slow roll of compelling evidence in Court and then listening to the law enforcement interviews today, on what planet can these statements from the Troconis Crew possibly be correct? The statements aren't correct imo and simply continue the many lies and misstatements made by MT over and over in the interviews seen today. But, I don't think they should be allowed to make such statements on social media but yet they do.

The word sacrilege comes to mind with the rosary display today but also do the words shameless, ignorant and grossly entitled (and this is being kind imo)! The farcical part of this most recent display has been that it was most likely recommended and fully endorsed by Defence Counsel, TP. Yep, his PR advice includes the brilliantly inappropriate advice to bring your rosaries to court and PRAY! IMO their time would be better spent on bended knee IN CHURCH with their rosaries where they belong and perhaps saying a few HAIL MARY's for their no doubt soon to be convicted sister and possibly show up for confession to reflect on your choices.

This is the same Defense Counsel that has JF referred to in Court as "Alleged Victim" and who reduced the "Alleged Victim" to absolute inanimate status in the DNA/Blood analysis where she was referred to as a "Toothbrush". This dehumanisation was approved and given the stamp of approval of Judge Randolph and there was no objection from the state so far as I recall. Great, the folks at the State who should be standing up for dead DV Victims that cannot speak for themselves were silent and did nothing as the deceased JF was reduced to the status of "Toothbrush". Other states have Victims Advocates for deceased victims but not unsurprisingly CT has no such program to protect Victims who cannot speak for themselves.

I think its well beyond time that the social media campaign undertaken by MT and the Troconis Crew over the past 4 years needs to be brought to the fore of discussion as I believe it to be highly relevant to to issues of character (or lack thereof) of the Defendant/her family and Defence Counsel present in this case and IDK why it hasn't been discussed in the Media? I don't know why Courts don't require a social media ban in cases where DV is involved and/or the Victim is deceased?

Where is someone like Shannon Miller of NBC CT who claims to be a reporter (imo she is not) on this case and not looking at what the Defendant is saying about the Victim in this case on Social Media? Ditto for Lisa Backus or Dave Altimiri or any of the other reposters in CT that simply post for clicks and views without doing any substantive work to explain precisely who the Defendant is as a human being and who the family around her is who encouraged their daughter/sister every step of the way in her relationship with FD even to the early days in 2015 when the family well knew that FD was the very married father of 5.

I'm still puzzling it out but it appears that FD gifted the White Cherokee that we are seeing in this trial to MT when she was living in FL in I believe 2015 and the vehicle was moved to CT and replaced at some point. FD couldn't afford that vehicle so my bet is that the vehicle was paid for by JF (as everything in the life of MT and FD no doubt was). The couple traveled the world for over 2 years on JF dime while she was unaware of the affair and thought that FD was pursuing his dream of world class water skiing. Right. My guess is as a mother of 2 sets of twins and an infant daughter that she was most likely overwhelmed and frankly glad FD was away for 1/2 of the month so she could get on with surviving and simply taking care of her children!

DV does unexpectedly bad things and awful things to otherwise strong people (usually women but sometimes men) that the victims rarely talk about. I have seen DV bring strong emotionally stable people to their knees emotionally to the point of hospitalisation. I do think that FD did a major job on the mental well being of JF and for an ignorant MT not to recognise this tells me alot about MT and the people in her life. Having an idea of what living with FD might have been like for JF, I can see where having him away was a blessed relief and offered some temporary peace of mind. To read of her fear of leaving and sense of terror of the unexpected was heartbreaking but sadly its usually part of the DV experience for Victims. MT cared for none of this and was simply mad that the money was all being spent on attorneys in Family Court and that she wouldn't be able to stay at 4JX with FD for the rest of her life and we saw in todays law enforcement interviews that when left without a question she would return to talking about JF.

But, I think what enraged me all over again was to hear someone as profoundly uneducated/ignorant/stupid as MT appear to pontificate today in her interviews with law enforcement on the mental health of the Victim in this case, JF who was the vicim of sustained DV over the course of her marriage to FD. Make no mistake but as the longstanding mistress of FD, MT was DIRECTLY responsible for inflicting sustained pain and torment on JF, even if JF didn't acknowledge the existence of MT (which she didn't). Think about the role of a mistress to a married man and what exactly that might mean to the wife to whom he is still legally married. To appropriate a famous phrase, "There were 3 in this marriage" and make no mistake, MT was caught up fully in the drama of the divorce and no doubt fuelled FDs rage and anger to the point where he felt the best option was to murder JF. To say that MT was not involved in the Dulos marriage or divorce or the murder of JF is to not imo understand the role of a mistress and it was all over her ramblings to law enforcement in her interview.

Over and over we saw MT repeating information from a discredited report that had been excluded from the Family Court file and where the involved medical professional was absolute discredited as well. But, this hasn't stopped MT, her family and extended friends from continuing to bring this mis-information to which they were not entitled on to social media on 'rinse and repeat'. We have even seen the exact same disgraceful and unethical behaviour from Defence Counsel as he has now referred to this report WITHOUT SHAME at least 4 times that I can recall (after losing his suit against the Clerk in Family Court to unseal the divorce documents). Judge Randolph DID NOTHING and the STATE DID NOTHING. Why no sanctions, Why no censure and WHY HAVEN"T THESE REFERENCES BEEN STRICKEN FROM THE RECORD in front of the Jury. IDK, but I chalk it up to 'its Connecticut'.

Why do the Media never ask any questions? Why not ask if people think its ok to publicly slam and shame a person on Social Media who was murdered 4 years ago and cannot speak for herself when she is attacked by the person directly responsible for her torment? DV is a pervasive issue in CT (particularly Fairfield County) and the US but rarely discussed in the media and to my knowledge only Fox61 has consistently included DV related content in the coverage of this horrific case.

JF, among other things, was the VICTIM of DV at the hands of FD directly and MT indirectly. MT conducted an ongoing affair with the married father of 5 for nearly 2 years before JF found out about the situation and was forced to flee her house (which she paid for) and where FD and MT effectively squatted for two years without paying a penny as agreed. MT and FD demanded to JF that MT and her daughter move into 4Jx and effectively share the house with JF and the 5 Dulos children. Think about that and then think again. JF fled in fear and great secrecy shortly thereafter and MT and her daughter moved into 4JX. JF continued to live in fear in NC where she fought hard to maintain custody of her children. Ultimately her fight for her children cost her her life at the hands of her enraged husband who was no doubt egged on by his angry mistress that all their money was being spent on the divorce and custody battle.

FD never paid a penny of child support or provided medical care for his ex wife and children for the duration of the separation either. When asked under oath why he wasn't paying child support, he replied that the Court hasn't ordered me to. MT and her family knew that FD wasn't paying to maintain his children and knew also that the couple were residing at 4JX courtesy of JF and her mother whose bank held the mortgage on the property. MT and her family didn't care that FD wasn't paying any support and they no doubt justified their thoughts based on the wealth of the Fabers.

The issue of ongoing social media posting relating to the Defendant and her family hasn't been reported on by the Media and even when the issues of what were going on in Social Media were reported to the State and the Judge, nothing was done. Who thinks its ok to go on social media and slam someone who cannot respond because she has been murdered? I certainly don't. But, MT and the Troconis Crew think differently. We are talking about people who up until I think yesterday have never by name acknowledged JF or her family and in their recent interview on the Courtroom steps simply refer to the Farbers as, "...the other family....". Right.

We have a Victim in the case that can no longer speak for herself and all of her children are minors and not in a position to speak out either. Where has the State been in terms of protecting the Victim in this case? As far as I'm concerned they have been sitting on their hands and hiding under their desks as public ongoing shaming on social media of a dead DV Victim should not be allowed ever imo. But, we have seen it here and we have seen it from MT, her Counsel and her various family members on Social Media.

None of this sadly shocks me as its CT and not even being charged with Conspiracy to Commit Murder puts you in jail. Nope, no jail. No gag order, no admonitions to Counsel to 'cut it out' on social media etc. Nothing. So, Victim blaming and shaming and slamming continued unabated on social media and continues. This is who MT is and this is who the Troconis Crew are and this is what Defence Counsel recommends as a 'PR' strategy to his client. These are people that will do and say whatever it takes to accomplish whatever goals they have and they don't want MT to go to prison, possibly for the rest of her life.

I don't know what other folks saw today in the rambling non linear and largely irrelevant testimony of MT in the first two interviews with Law Enforcement. I'm still processing it all frankly as I found it more than a bit shocking to say nothing of being disturbing that those interviews happened shortly after the brutal murder of JF in her own garage at the hands of her husband and assisted by MT and KM. What hit me starkly about the interviews was that MT seemed absolutely disconnected from the horror of the situation and when law enforcement sought to bring her back to reality she then became annoyed that she wouldn't be able to randomly ramble about everything that WASN"T IMPORTANT.

Just think about it from the standpoint of it were you being interviewed about your lover's missing estranged wife. Would you have said anything that MT was seen saying today? It was a farce loaded with lies upon lies with even more lies and where reality only made brief appearances and only when prompted by law enforcement. I admire the control of law enforcement as after watching the interviews I'm not even sure waterboarding would have changed the MT performance. And, make no mistake that was a performance. I particularly loved the second where she looked up under her eyelid briefly to see if the faux tear display was having an effect. Brilliantly sociopathic imo and I hope its included in the movie if one is ever made as it was to me at least the essence of who MT is as a human being.

I didn't think much of anything could shock me about MT as I've followed this tragic situation from the day JF was declared 'missing' but today's full length videos showed me the callous disregard that MT has for others and all she cares about is herself and what she wants. To see the nearly 5 minutes of purely ignorant psycho babble rambling about how she wanted to make sure that she wasn't in danger from the Victim had me checking the feed to make sure I was listening to the correct police interview!

JF no doubt didn't experience more a few seconds of thinking about MT as MT was irrelevant to her life imo. So, the idea that MT sees herself as being important to the overall situation or possibly in danger from JF shows the depths of narcissism along with her extreme arrested development. In all the testimony in the interview I also could see that most likely Mama Troconis had dripped poison into the ear of MT on the appropriate babble to utter in a custody battle and no doubt FD was treated to endless advice from MT and Mama Troconis on how to 'better' manage the situation with JF. Thank god this woman lost her licence to practice in FL as I doubt whether MT had the base intelligence or knowledge of the topic to understand what exactly she was even saying about JF. BUT, for MT to think that she would ever be in danger from JF really is the POT CALLING THE KETTLE BLACK and I found it to be one of the more interesting things uttered by MT today!!

IDK many situations where Defendants who have been charged with Conspiracy/Tampering/Hindering etc. have remained free and outside the jurisdiction sking and enjoying life far away from where the brutal murder that they are charged with being associated with took place. I have NO WORDS for the State of CT to have allowed the freedom of movement to the Defendant to travel, ski and live her life with her daughter daily for the past 4 years and for this I blame the Judiciary and the State. JF's children have no mother. I strongly believe that had MT spent more time in jail that perhaps this trial would not be necessary.

How is it possible that MT I believe has spent less than a week in jail since JF was murdered? Think about that and then think about it again. JF was murdered in cold blood and in what looked to be a fit of rage by FD in her garage and her children lost their mother while MT and KM have largely been free out on bail pending trial (KM was unable to raise bail for a good bit of time but I believe is now free on bail) despite being intimately involved with the crime.

This is all so propounding disappointing to see play out on social media and IDK why neither Judge Randolf nor the States Attorneys did anything to protect JF as a victim from the venom of MT and the Troconis clan on Social Media.

MOO and MAD!
A horrifying case full of narcissists and sociopaths. Why MT and family continue to be loyal to FD after he left them out to dry, wasn't even supporting them with his own money and had moved on to another woman is beyond me. How she can even accept living in a house that was funded with JD's money and slander her is beyond grotesque to me. Sickening. He probably also used some of MT's money from her ex too. Some people are only human in form.
We are following this trial in real time and are horrified with each revelation, but the Defense has had all this discovery for eons. There are no surprises here for either the beige defendant or her bouncy lawyer. They knew what the State had on her. She was already sunk back then. And they chose to go to trial anyway. Plea deal nothing. She ought to have pled guilty and embraced whatever sentence, JUST to keep these damning details from open court.
There remains the possibility that she never saw or handled any body which to her might bolster her "I'm innocent". "I wasn't cleaning Jennifer". Entitled ice princess. Doesn't think she did anything wrong. Which explains why she has zero reaction to the evidence, zero sympathy for the victim and has tears only for herself. Grotesque.
I wish we could pick her prison.

SBM: the beige defendant
Love this Megnut!!
We are following this trial in real time and are horrified with each revelation, but the Defense has had all this discovery for eons. There are no surprises here for either the beige defendant or her bouncy lawyer. They knew what the State had on her. She was already sunk back then. And they chose to go to trial anyway. Plea deal nothing. She ought to have pled guilty and embraced whatever sentence, JUST to keep these damning details from open court.
There remains the possibility that she never saw or handled any body which to her might bolster her "I'm innocent". "I wasn't cleaning Jennifer". Entitled ice princess. Doesn't think she did anything wrong. Which explains why she has zero reaction to the evidence, zero sympathy for the victim and has tears only for herself. Grotesque.
I wish we could pick her prison.

I actually would love the job of picking the prison!

There is a wonderful one in Venezuela that would be perfect or if she preferred to be in Argentina there is an absolutely appropriate one there as well!

Sadly neither of these two options will be possible as she will be resident in CT prisons until after her 'retirement'.

I have always thought that flight risk was a sad reality with MT which is why I thought she should be in jail pending trial. Why has the Court not put the ankle bracelet back on MT during trial? What happens if she flees now? The State of CT would have to spend good money after bad and pursue her to return her to CT. It would be a waste of time and money but would be done. But, such a situation would be avoided if she were tracked and monitored. Are CSP watching her house 24/7 to make sure she doesn't flee? If not, why not?

Also, CS is generally separate from educational and medical expenses.

Dad could have been paying per formal or informal agreement.

It interesting the the agreement signed was very short and sweet and was on here many threads ago. IIRC she just got the $4000/month and the $200,000 for purchase of housing. No mention of education and medical being on top of the monthly payment. My recollection was MT had a hookup that resulted in pregnancy and didn't tell baby daddy until she was in Miami and pregnant. It didn't look like a great deal but we also don't know his financial circumstances.
The attorney Jacob was looking out for Fotis's interests, not Michelle's. It was in Fotis' best interest Michelle not cooperate. I think Bowman was right that Michelle would have been better off to cooperate with LE. (Just talking about her best legal outcome. Doing the right thing would have also been to cooperate with LE. They happened not to be in conflict IMO.)

I'm gonna guess Fotis was quite a huge influence on Michelle- much more than her family. But ultimately, every decision she made was her own.

She is on tape I believe speaking with Mama Troconis who tells her NOT TO SPEAK to Law Enforcement and MT did it anyway 3x.

I do very much believe that not only did MT lie to herself but she lied to her first atty and also to her family. To me it doesn't matter what she might have told TP as I think he disregards Court rules and doesn't really care one way or the other what MT did or even know. He has in common with the Troconis Crew that he is all about what works vs what is permitted under the rules as we have even seen him in Court misquoting rules etc. He imo is someone who shouldn't have a licence to practice anywhere!

My longstanding belief as to why we have never seen a plea is because it would have required some acknowledge from MT that she did something wrong. MT seems constitutionally wired to never admit wrong and so sadly the only people that will be able to tell MT she did wrong would be the Jury in this case. Even with a jury verdict I do think MT will go to her grave saying she was innocent because in her mind there is a reason that what happened did happen and it had zero to do with her because others were responsible. The emotional and moral wiring in MT and the Troconis crew I think is corrupted to the point where there is no personal responsibility for anything and morals and ethics or even rules are for other people. Problems are alway the result of others and have zero to do with personal choices and decisions made.

I kept looking today for some level of acknowledgement from MT as to her role in anything even if its choosing what to have for dinner, or even if it was winding FD in a rage tornado that sent him down the path of planning this evil murder. But MT seemed disconnected from responsibility for anything happening in her world as well as reality. I honestly don't believe the concept of truth exists in the mind of MT. Watching the patient police today in those interviews had me giving them virtual high fives for their patience as well as their ability to hold back laughter at the complete nonsense spewing forth from MT as they knew she spent the entire day largely wasting their time.

We are following this trial in real time and are horrified with each revelation, but the Defense has had all this discovery for eons. There are no surprises here for either the beige defendant or her bouncy lawyer. They knew what the State had on her. She was already sunk back then. And they chose to go to trial anyway. Plea deal nothing. She ought to have pled guilty and embraced whatever sentence, JUST to keep these damning details from open court.
There remains the possibility that she never saw or handled any body which to her might bolster her "I'm innocent". "I wasn't cleaning Jennifer". Entitled ice princess. Doesn't think she did anything wrong. Which explains why she has zero reaction to the evidence, zero sympathy for the victim and has tears only for herself. Grotesque.
I wish we could pick her prison.

Being a glutton for punishment I am going to go back over the weekend and watch these videos again as I am convinced that today I heard MT talking about "parts or pieces of JF" in advance of any such information being conveyed to her by law enforcement as being a possibility.

My recollection is that they had told her based on blood loss that JF was dead and she immediately over the course of the interviews spoke about "Parts or pieces of JF". Later in the interview I do think that law enforcement referred to helping find JF even if she is in pieces or something along those lines. But, I think MT was talking about this prior to this point and she did it without flinching.

Grotesque is a perfect word to describe this situation as well as MT and the Troconis Crew.

Any chance there are plea negotiations going on right now? She’s sunk, this is a slam dunk.
Agree with a slam dunk. She spoke flawless English. I was astounded by how she knew every detail. Nobody is going to buy that she didn’t know anything… see knew everything.

The most interesting part was when it was over and they asked her if she had any questions and she brought up PG as if she realized they were supposed to be pinning it on him
I haven't followed this case as closely as many of you, but a tell-tale snippet from today's video that seems to capture who MT is, is when LE told MT that the FedEx envelope contained the license plates so the crime was planned. She acted upset. LE asked MT if she was surprised by this. She said yes. When asked what surprised her she talked about how Fotis had previously owned a Suburban. (this was after she had said she wasn't aware of that.) she wasn't surprised by the fact that he had planned the murder. Instead she changed the topic.

PERFECT description of the day. Kudos to law enforcement for suffering through the chatter as it was ENDLESS as it was POINTLESS.
Agree with a slam dunk. She spoke flawless English. I was astounded by how she knew every detail. Nobody is going to buy that she didn’t know anything… see knew everything.

The most interesting part was when it was over and they asked her if she had any questions and she brought up PG as if she realized they were supposed to be pinning it on him
Yes, she did it without skipping a beat. It was quite hilarious though as she took a moment and seemed to be trying to remember what it was she was supposed to say and then it came to her. I'm supposed to tell them about the Red Truck! She then looked relieved and moved on. She didn't give a rat's *advertiser censored* about PG who she had known for awhile. Nope, she just pitched him right under the bus without blinking an eye. Stunning to watch narcissist/sociopath in operation but I do think we all witnessed a masterclass courtesy of MT today.
I don’t think so-neither defendant has any interest in giving up that information. The time that it could have helped either of them in a legal sense, is long past. MT made her decision and now she is stuck with whatever the consequences end up being. KW’s trial ought to be interesting, too. They are both despicable, and not worthy of any concern.
Its good time to talk about KM as he has to be watching this play out for MT. I do wonder if he is questioning his choices regarding his cooperation?
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