Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019

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I would think everyone, including JD and her mother, would be aware of the debt all along. More likely it was the marital split between JD and KD that led the mother to seek repayment.
So, you're thinking JD's father's death in early January 2017 was just a coincidence of all the other events that followed?

Could be, I suppose. I was thinking the examination of his estate was eye-opening, but maybe just coincidental timing.


Edited to make correction. I forgot an important word!
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Someone up thread said that Hartford and perhaps other areas had license plate readers and perhaps his license plate had been read and entered therefore locating him at that particular sewer across from the bakery.
Wouldn't it take a warrant to put his plate number into the system by LE to see where he had been? Maybe that is what is referenced by LE as other evidence.
I'm surprised we didn't see FD cry to the cameras begging for his wife to be found. No reward offered, no community searches called for, no statements at all on his part. Even if the ruse focused on her leaving voluntarily, he could've begged for her to come back ala Chris Watts, Ganesh Ramsaran, etc.

ETA: A true narcissist would think his acting would've fooled the entire world JMO
I can't see that happening, it would piss of the paramour and he certainly didn't want to do that. Dude is in a very tricky spot right now, reported no money and a lover that knows a lot about his business dealings and his personal life. Question is...who's going to squeal first?
Also, he needs money to pay someone.
Where does he find easy access to monies, without it being known?

Could he have had a life insurance policy on her she didn’t know about? Maybe he gave a down payment and promised the remainder once the policy paid out. Some hitmen might be stupid or desperate enough to take this deal...
I believe his cars were taken by the police for forensic evaluation. I'd asked if anyone knows how to ID a rental plate in MD but didn't hear anything back. I will see if I can figure it out and report back if I find anything.
My friend works for a rental car agency and he says there is nothing on the plate that indicates that it is a rental car.

He says the sticker on the windshield could be a barcode, which would indicate that is a rental.

He’s going to run it through his system tomorrow and see if he gets a hit.
It will be curious to see how aggressive the prosecuter is in this case. Freezing assets could be part of the plan to deal with STBX and this could make it quite difficult to secure representation.

The grandmothers legal team is another wildcard in this case as they could make it quite difficult for STBX to sell or move assets. Further the GAL could potentially enter the fray on behalf of the children to secure assets. I wouldn't hold my breath on a GAL in CT doing much but the grandmother's team has been on point and they could be a real thorne in the side of STBX.

CT Prosecutors are frankly all over the map so we will see who leads the team. Time will tell on the legal front but I hope the State goes in hard on the financial front.
I agree re: the grandmother's legal team and her being the thorn. Never go up against a wealthy person who has the motto of "I have a lawyers and I know how to use them!" She alone will bury him businesswise and financially if she hasn't already. JMO and IME
I agree re: the grandmother's legal team and her being the thorn. Never go up against a wealthy person who has the motto of "I have a lawyers and I know how to use them!" She alone will bury him businesswise and financially if she hasn't already. JMO and IME
I also think grandma is prepared to fight. Just wish at age 85 she didn't have to.

So, you're thinking JD's death in early January 2017 was just a coincidence of all the other events that followed?

Could be, I suppose. I was thinking the examination of his estate was eye-opening, but maybe just coincidental timing.


Yes, I think it was coincidental. I think the divorce filing later in 2017 likely engendered the attempt to get the money back.
Time was this guy’s biggest enemy here.

With the benefit of time, you can better hide a body, and muddy the timeline.

If law enforcement doesn’t know exactly when a crime happened, it is harder to track down evidence.

With a specific period of time, you can focus in on a suspect’s location during that time period.

Cell phone data and surveillance footage will prove huge.
If he is half as smart as he thinks he is, untraceable burner phone or planned ahead so no phone. However, GPS is harder to deactivate on cars so that may be key. JMO
I think everyone, including JD and her mother, would have been aware of the debt all along. More likely it was the marital split between JD and KD that led the mother to seek repayment.
Yes and by that time of split JD was probably more than aware of
FIL died Jan. Jan. 8, 2017
JD files for divorce and moves out July 2017.
Surely FIL had paperwork to secure loans, if not liens on homes.
MIL decides to get Probate or Trust Attys involved after hearing
JD's backstory on the marriage sham.
FD's financial world comes tumbling down.
I'm positive that as long as FIL was alive and his daughter was
still married and living as a family unit w/ FD, the FIL let slide
the financial agreements since the homes were not selling.
But all bets were off when JD came back to New Canaan and
now FD was a pariah in the family.
My friend works for a rental car agency and he says there is nothing on the plate that indicates that it is a rental car.

He says the sticker on the windshield could be a barcode, which would indicate that is a rental.

He’s going to run it through his system tomorrow and see if he gets a hit.
Great. I've been trying to figure this out. Apparantly most states did away with specific plates for rental cars based on the theory that it was a red flag to thieves etc. But now some states are bringing back rental plates for whatever reason. I checked the MD DMV sight and under the classifications for license plate types didn't see one specifically for fleets. Will keep looking but as of now I haven't seen anything to ID this car as a rental based on its plate.
Could he have had a life insurance policy on her she didn’t know about? Maybe he gave a down payment and promised the remainder once the policy paid out. Some hitmen might be stupid or desperate enough to take this deal...

I don’t think you can take a life insurance policy out on someone without their knowledge (anymore). Maybe someone more well-versed in insurance can weigh in here.
If that is indeed his SUV in the Marriott parking and it hasn't been impounded than LE must know how she was moved. If they didn't wouldn't they be looking at both the MT and FD's vehicles?
Could he have had a life insurance policy on her she didn’t know about? Maybe he gave a down payment and promised the remainder once the policy paid out. Some hitmen might be stupid or desperate enough to take this deal...
I don't think that's legal anymore due to people getting knocked off for insurance. I believe the insured has to sign acknowledgement
of coverage.
Why would a man who was fighting and gaining ground in court to see his kids as often as possible do the one thing that would guarantee that his relationship with his kids would be changed forever and he would never likely be able to see them again?

Initially Jennifer was granted full custody of the kids, but then the judge more recently allowed him to visit with the kids every 2 weeks for 6-7 hrs on Sat/Sun.

The timing of her murder doesn’t really make sense given where custody hearings were, and the lawsuits that he had pending against him from her family. He would have to know that he would be the obvious suspect. I think there’s more here that we’re not aware of.

They had a court date the following week and she filed a motion that the judge granted stating that he had to supply all financials for his business. He had been deceitful with previous records. I’m thinking (possibly) he may have been doing some shady business dealings.
I also think grandma is prepared to fight. Just wish at age 85 she didn't have to.

Based on what we have seen JD mother has courage and energy for a good fight still left in her. My grandmother is 92 and avidly watching this case BTW and her words when I experessed concern about JD grandmother was to say the beauty of fighting at the age of 80+ is that you have zero to prove and zero to lose. She went on to say the she hopes JD mother drops an atom bomb on STBX in court tomorrow! Love my grandma!
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