Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019

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Also, since his visitation was limited to supervised, the school was probably told he could not pick them up. When she didn't get them from school, the school probably called the nanny. Not sure now it's done in other states, but I'm in CT and that's how it's done here.
Yes, but the visitation order had been changed to allow him to have the children for Memorial Day weekend.
WOW! Thanks. This all just keeps getting stranger and stranger. Wonder what mistress immigration legal status is as it sounds like both her parents are working 'professionals' in Miami. She is listed as Manager of Fore Group and I wonder if that is because she needed to be employed to stay in the US. Just speculation as I have zero specific knowledge about her status and I haven't read that the media have reported on it either. But I am sure it will be discussed in court at some point.
Before MT's fb was shut down, she said she was from Memphis, Tn. So it's possible she is US citizen. ??
I think the nanny was heroic in this situation. She picked up five children and whisked them off to NYC and the entire ride down would have/could have been a nightmare of conversation and questions from why? to wheres mommy? to are we going to school tomorrow? There could have been tears and confusion.
Who recognized so early in this scenario that this move to NYC was of paramount importance? The nanny? the friends?
Yes, nanny was total hero here as were JD friends. My guess is that STBX had planned to take the children for the weekend and knew it unlikely that JD would be missed until Mon/Tue when he was due to return children. JDs friends and nanny by virtue of their actions made it impossible for him to have the luxury of time. My suspicion is that this extra time allowed the police to do their jobs and get evidence and also made it impossible for mistress and STBX to flee with the children. MOO.
Yes, but remember the latest judge on the case had changed the visitation order to allow him to have the children for Memorial day weekend. He could have come early to pick up all their gear or to discuss the situation with JD. A discussion could have easily escalated into something violent (testimony about STBX being a hothead and easily excitable over nothing in Hartford Courant article yesterday). We saw no damage to the front door and no broken windows to the JD NC rental house.
If I were in a similar situation, I would only allow someone to come visit alone and unannounced if I was on friendly terms with them. This guy - no way.
Yes, but remember the latest judge on the case had changed the visitation order to allow him to have the children for Memorial day weekend. He could have come early to pick up all their gear or to discuss the situation with JD. A discussion could have easily escalated into something violent (testimony about STBX being a hothead and easily excitable over nothing in Hartford Courant article yesterday). We saw no damage to the front door and no broken windows to the JD NC rental house.

Did you see all the doors and windows of her rental home? I'm just curious how you know so definitively, as I haven't seen this reported anywhere.
Yes, nanny was total hero here as were JD friends. My guess is that STBX had planned to take the children for the weekend and knew it unlikely that JD would be missed until Mon/Tue when he was due to return children. JDs friends and nanny by virtue of their actions made it impossible for him to have the luxury of time. My suspicion is that this extra time allowed the police to do their jobs and get evidence and also made it impossible for mistress and STBX to flee with the children. MOO.
With friends and family having regular contact with her, his plan could never have worked.
I said that to my husband on Friday. Suspecting and hoping that this sad case will spark a national conversation about what constitutes abuse and the need to provide a better safety net for women who don't have the means of a JD.
I wish you were correct about national conversation as the JD case is how things end up in a DV case WHEN THE PERSON has MONEY IMO. Can you imagine how few people going through family court have the means of JD? Most women are fighting for their children and their own lives with little to no means, no experts, no great lawyers and are fighting against partners that have more money and better representation. Many women leave their partner with no place to live or move in with friends or relatives. Having volunteered at a shelter for abused women and heard many tales of their situations I can attest that women sometimes leave with just the clothes on their back and in rough shape mentally. I keep replaying the court decision by Judge Heller that reversed the visitation order that JD has spent 2 years fighting to get and wonder how a court system can do something such as we have seen? Surprisingly though those with family court experience aren't surprised by the order reversal as I am. But I can't get that court order allowing STBX to have the children for Memorial Day out of my head. Simply cannot.
Did you see all the doors and windows of her rental home? I'm just curious how you know so definitively, as I haven't seen this reported anywhere.
The local cable station had video of the house in fairly high resolution of the front door area. But no video of back of house. I was just speaking about the front door which when I blew up the video images showed no damage that I could see. Sorry for any confusion as I have no personal knowledge of the property and didn't mean to mislead anyone. I just blew up HD images and looked closely. Hope this clears up the confusion.
Im going to be reading up on the CT laws and statues regarding visitation and all, but here’s a link in case anyone else is curious: Connecticut Law About Child Custody and Visitation

I highly doubt that they had an amicable discussion about changing the visitation for Memorial Day. The timing of it all.
I unfortunately don't have the document handy to post, but try to find the last order as I believe some of the press have it in redacted form online. STBX went from supervised to unsupervised visitation for Memorial Day weekend so far as I can tell so he would have had access to the children if they hadn't been taken by the nanny to NYC. If I'm wrong please correct me/thread. Thanks
WOW! Thanks. This all just keeps getting stranger and stranger. Wonder what mistress immigration legal status is as it sounds like both her parents are working 'professionals' in Miami. She is listed as Manager of Fore Group and I wonder if that is because she needed to be employed to stay in the US. Just speculation as I have zero specific knowledge about her status and I haven't read that the media have reported on it either. But I am sure it will be discussed in court at some point.
She has been working in marketing for years and was also a TV producer for a short while, so I doubt she had a fake job with FD. Wasn't that how they met?
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I, like many others here I'm sure, as soon as I heard of Jennifer missing AND the ongoing 2 year custody battle AND the ongoing 2 year divorce proceedings, it was immediately clear to 'who would have the most motive' here?

He (FD) just as well should've put a sign on his back saying "yep, it's me." Talk about motive... Of all the cases I've followed on Websleuths, IMO this one had a very clear motive from the minute she was reported missing.

Do not any of these type of perps stop for just a minute and say to themselves....but what happens to my children if I should be charged and convicted?? Then they will have no mother AND no father if I am convicted and jailed for the rest of my life?? Are they just this hung up on themselves and just so confident that they think they will never get caught and that no one will ever suspect it was them??

I just don't get it....

And what type of woman gets involved with a man who has 5 children and has been going through a 2 year ongoing contentious custody battle and divorce proceedings? PLUS, bring another inocent child into the mix? Plus, allegedly be involved at least to the extent of being charged when he is charged? Does she really think, oh he's such a great guy and treats me so good, that I have no worries of ever having any problems with him? There's no way I may go missing too if our relationship goes south?

I just don't get it....
I unfortunately don't have the document handy to post, but try to find the last order as I believe some of the press have it in redacted form online. STBX went from supervised to unsupervised visitation for Memorial Day weekend so far as I can tell so he would have had access to the children if they hadn't been taken by the nanny to NYC. If I'm wrong please correct me/thread. Thanks
Ironically, he could have still have been involved with disposing of her and the evidence and couldn't make the pick up from school. But, I seem to remember that visits and then exchanges were made in public places.
This comment is interesting as I couldn't figure out how he chose Farmington/Hartford when the bulk of the big money real estate is much further south.
I'm guessing because the Hartford area has lots more available land at a much more affordable price point. His $3 million dollar home in Farmington would go for twice that in New Canaan. $3mill is pedestrian in NC.
The jogging scenario doesn’t seem to work, on account of the blood and cleanup evidence inside the home.

Court records seem to rule out any possibility of JD allowing her estranged husband in willingly (she was terrified of him).

He could have knocked on her door and then forced her way in when she opened it.

The scenario I’m leaning towards, is FD having a way to access the house. Perhaps he came in through an unlocked door or window.

I think he was waiting for her, and either had a plan to confront her, or more likely, had a premeditated plan to murder her.
I completely agree. And I could see him badgering one of the children to unlock an entry point for him ahead of time. (Hoping that is not the case, but he was admonished by the judge about getting the children to lie for him.).

(Edit: I’m a few pages behind, as usual.)
Carmen Chau (@CChauFOX61) | Twitter
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Re: Visitation - I recall the Judge recently relaxing the visitation schedule at the end of March but I did not think it was unsupervised - My recollection is that it was still Saturday/Sunday for a set number of hours and supervised - I will go hunt up that article unless someone has it handy? I think this is an important point IMO
You are right but I was speaking of this specific case. If FD came to the house with the express purpose of killing her, I think he would have taken her out of the house if he planned to draw blood ( shoot, hit over head, knife etc.) He didn't strangle her or there would be no blood to have to be cleaned up.
I also have considered where the blood residue was found helps to indicate what happened, ie.. the garage, the bedroom, the bathroom.

He may have intended to strangle her, but strangulation is more difficult than most imagine. I would think any blood may have come from her fighting back and getting injured. JMO.
Jennifer Dulos was reported missing Friday night by her mother and a friend, according to her mother’s attorney, Richard Weinstein. New Canaan and state police have been searching parts of that town, including the Welles Lane neighborhood where Dulos has rented a home since filing for divorce in 2017. The search for Jennifer Dulos shifted Wednesday to Waveny Park, with a large number of New Canaan and state police scouring the 300-acre park near the Merritt Parkway starting in the morning.

Divorce documents: Jennifer Dulos feared her estranged husband

So Mom and friend reported her missing...
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