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Gonzalez answers Casey Anthony's money questions in civil suit

Zenaida Gonzalez, the woman suing Casey Anthony for defamation, responded this week to several requests from Anthony's lawyers involving Gonzalez's finances and media appearances.

Anthony's legal team wanted any documents Gonzalez has showing payments for interviews, including a recent appearance on theDr. Philshow. The lawyers also asked for Gonzalez's credit card and bank account statements, as well as her pay stubs and any job applications she's filled out since Nov. 22.

Gonzalez's lawyers responded by saying their client doesn't have records of any of that. Her only source of income, they said, is unemployment.

Gonzalez sued after Anthony told law enforcement officers that a similarly named nanny had kidnapped her daughter, 2-year-old Caylee Anthony, in 2008.

The girl was later found dead. Investigators say the nanny never existed.
Posted on Jun 15, 2012 @ 01:00PM - By Radar Staff
Every situation involving Casey Anthony seems to create a legal firestorm, and her recent interview with CNN's Piers Morgan is no exception.
Attorney Spencer Kuvin of the Florida law firm Cohen & Kuvin wrote that he represents an entity that reached an agreement to exclusively interview the notorious “Tot Mom,” who was acquitted of murdering her daughter Caylee. has obtained the letter, in which Kuvin writes: "my clients held lengthy discussions with Ms. Anthony's counsel dating back to July 2011 wherein an agreement was made with respect to the exclusive worldwide rights to interview Ms. Anthony. My client believes that he has a binding agreement with Ms. Anthony for these rights.


Jose Baez to Keynote "Justice Must Be Won XX" -
June 14-16, 2012 - Pensacola Beach Hilton

Keynote Address ONLY- June 15, 2012
Keynote: Jose Baez
$75.00 per ticket for criminal defense attorneys and law school students. Does NOT include Seminar Registration or any other seminar-related events or materials
Click here to purchase Keynote Address tickets ONLY.

Additionally.......the ACDLA took Pay Pal payments for the speech. Didn't JB's camp insult JA for accepting Pay Pal?? Just saying.....

You may use your major credit card OR your PayPal account as payment.

Dinner Banquet Ticket
Limited to spouses of Seminar registrants.

Kid's Club
For children up to age 15.

Keynote Address ONLY* - June 15, 2012
2:00pm - 3:00pm
*Limited to criminal defense attorneys and law school students ONLY. Does NOT include Seminar Registration or any seminar-related events or materials.
by Matt Bultman June 19, 2012
***Neal Haskell Testifies***
6:35 PM, June 11, 2011
Casey Anthony trial: Toddler's body was in trunk at least three days
"Let me put in hypothetical that the body of a child was in that car at the time [and] then moved. Does that fit with the evidence you found?" prosecutors asked.

"Absolutely," Haskell said.

Haskell said flies present in the trunk indicate a body could have been there three to five days.
Quote from above post and link by outlandishone
Her lawyer Cheney Mason told Piers Morgan on CNN last week that his client had no intention of writing a book.
Posted on Jun 20, 2012 @ 08:00AM
By Jen Heger - Radar Assistant Managing Editor
“Make no mistake, Casey will absolutely be releasing a book, it's just a matter of time. Casey feels this is the only way that she can get her story out and she feels that the public wants to hear from her. It's unlikely that Casey will have to submit a book proposal and her lawyer, Cheney Mason, has been in discussions with several different publishers, although the response from most has been lukewarm at best.

St. Petersburg-based author Peter Golenbock offered this Facebook assessment on his latest work, Presumed Guilty, about Jose Baez and the Casey Anthony trial: "After you read it, you'll be more skeptical about what you hear on TV and read in the papers about such cases … and by the way — as you will surely see — she didn't do it. Really."

The book hits shelves July 5, and in case you're wondering, Anthony receives no royalties.
ORLANDO, Fla. -- The Florida mother who was acquitted last year of murdering her 2-year-old daughter had mental health issues that contributed to her habitual lying, the lead attorney in her criminal case says in a new book.

In "Presumed Guilty, Casey Anthony: The Inside Story," Jose Baez said detectives should have realized Casey Anthony had built a "fantasy world," and her lies weren't evidence of guilt but signs of someone with "serious mental health issues."

Read more here:
By CHRISTINA NG June 28, 2012
"They sent someone to Casey's cell," Baez writes in his upcoming book. "They shackled her legs and hands in chains, marched her to the medical unit, sat her down where there were several correctional officers and a couple of nurses standing around watching her, and forced her to watch the breaking news that police had found Caylee's remains so they could record her reaction."
"Meanwhile, oblivious to what they were doing, I was outside trying to get in while they were torturing her," he wrote. "Clearly this was a violation of her right to counsel and what two of the correctional officers would later testify to be cruel and unusual punishment."
"To this day it was one of the cruelest and most disgusting things I have ever seen the cops do," Baez wrote.
Another sordid chapter in the Casey Anthony saga

Between what came out in the trial, and what Casey Anthony said at various times during the investigation, the "truth" in this case is elusive. To me-she's guilty and got the luckiest break of her life. I believe the prosecutor's contention that Anthony became hindered by her daughter, wanted to just have fun and party. My guess is the killing occurred probably in a fit of anger. It may have been borne out of rage.Although she probably dreamed of a life free of responsibility, I don't think the death was premeditated. Who knows? I seriously doubt the real story will ever be told and even if it was- who would believe her?
... Baez came up with a version that involved Caylee drowning in the back yard pool. At the time Casey was(allegedly) home with her father. There was also a side story of how Casey's father(allegedly) molested her when she was a child. I'm not sure what that would have to do with the death of Caylee, but it just served as another ingredient in a jumbled recipe of whatever possibilities could be piled on to the jury so they would be incredibly mixed up-they would just vote for a not guilty verdict (on first degree murder).
Baez has enough nonsense in his book to take up space: do we really need to know that Casey went to Steak 'n Shake for her first post prison meal?,0,5246533.photogallery

George Zimmerman: bond questions, Casey Anthony comparisons

Tennis added that Lester "is a man of few words but those few words are pretty darned important and you want to listen to them carefully."

The conversation usually comes back to the headline-making Casey Anthony trial from last year. Tennis rejected drawing any contrasts between Lester and businesslike Chief Judge Belvin Perry Jr. of the Anthony trial.

Tennis did, however, draw a contrast between the attorneys. The lawyers in the Anthony trial "were a bit more loosey-goosey," she said, than the attorneys in the Zimmerman case, who could offer a tighter and cleaner trial.
Casey Anthony: Will you read Jose Baez’s book?

Brace yourself for a lot of Casey Anthony retrospectives this week as the media mark the first anniversary of her acquittal.

The release of defense attorney Jose Baez’s book, “Presumed Guilty,” on Tuesday could produce news about the verdict that shocked the world on July 5, 2011. On that day, Anthony was found not guilty of murder in daughter Caylee’s 2008 death.

Is it wise to judge a book by its excerpts? Probably not, but the Baez excerpts so far have been strange and hardly good advertisements for the book.

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