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Casey and Cindy Anthony Wear Caylee's Ashes Around their Necks,,20608689,00.html

In an interview with Piers Morgan last month, Anthony maintained that she did not kill her daughter, and that she has been misunderstood.

One person who isn't buying it: attorney Jeff Ashton, who prosecuted the case against Casey. "I'm I'm not going to get all weepy at the thought of Casey not being able to go out and party," he tells PEOPLE. "She brought it all upon herself, and she has to live with it – which is incidentally a luxury that Caylee will never get."
‘Dr. Phil’ donated $600,000 to Anthony charity, People reports

WESH-Channel 2’s Bob Kealing reported that George and Cindy’s attorney Mark Lippman wouldn’t confirm the figure in the People article, but Lippman said the Caylee’s Fund charity was dissolved Friday and $100,000 in it had been distributed to three other foundations.

Still, Kealing noted that People reports the “Dr. Phil” money has gone to support Casey Anthony.

How does that information make you feel? I’m pretty sure that McGraw didn’t get his money’s worth, because paying for interviews is such an unseemly practice.
06/11/2012 Initial Brief on Merits Appellant
06/11/2012 Request for Oral Argument AA Lisabeth Fryer 89035
07/02/2012 Mot. for Extensio of time to file Answer Brief
Attorney General - Appellee
Jose Baez Advises Casey Anthony to Leave the Country

Leave the country, Casey.

That's the advice for Casey Anthony, from none other than the lawyer who got her off a murder rap, Jose Baez.

INSIDE EDITION's Paul Boyd asked Baez, "Is it possible for her to lead a normal life here in America, where she really is known as one of the most hated women?"

"I don't know if it's possible here. Unfortunately people aren't as open minded or forgiving," Baez replied.
Jose Baez – The Uncut ‘On the Record’ Interview, Part 1

Jose Baez – The Uncut ‘On the Record’ Interview – Casey Anthony Revisited

Here is Part 2 of our entire interview with Casey Anthony’s attorney (which includes material we were not able to show you on PN THE RECORD at 10). Watch and weigh in!

Jose Baez – The Uncut’ On the Record’ Interview, Part 3
July 9th, 2012 - 11:36 AM ET
This morning on "Starting Point," Baez details what he calls the 'three-ring circus' of the Anthony case, and explains how Casey lived in a fantasy world where many people she talked about didn't actually exist.


quote from video:

Anchor: What do you think it was about our culture, bigger culture that made this so fascinating to everybody on a day to day basis?
Baez: She was young, pretty and white.
posted by halboedeker on July, 9 2012 3:00 PM
He will be a guest at 9 p.m. Monday on CNN’s “Piers Morgan Tonight.”
He will be a guest at 11 a.m. Wednesday on “The View” on ABC.
And Baez discusses the case in an MSNBC documentary, “Defending Casey Anthony,” at 9 p.m. Sunday
“Everything that you think you know about the Casey Anthony case is probably wrong,” Baez says in a clip.

Everything? Does that sound like hyperbole?

VIDEO at link - preview MSNBC documentary

fyi in video hyping the accidental drowning theory

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