Cyndy Short Press Conference~31 October 2011

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:waitasec: So WHAT did we REALLY learn from CS's presser ? That her and JT had a "disagreement" ... and basically, JT "won out" ...

:waitasec: We already KNEW that ...

MOO ...

I learned A LOT more than that. Ms Short had many many offers of help from the community and hopefully she will still be able to help although not as an attorney for the family. Good for her!
well IMO that was pretty pointless.

nothing that we didn't know/think already,didn't even mention Lisa's name.:banghead:

i doubt this will be the last we see/hear of her :waitasec:

How many times has she said the name "Lisa"? How many times did she talk about searches? This was all about her "rep" - see, I'm a good person, I was HERE helping the family while the big hot shot national guy is in Rome. Its sad that the family decided to stay with JT - but I just can't. wah wah wah wah"


**cue Circus music as CS exits stage right**


[ame=""]Circus Theme music - YouTube[/ame]

Yes. JT is looking for publicity, for HIMSELF. He cancelled because he wasn't going to be in these PCs, they were going to involve other things like, for example, evidence, the house layout, etc. Not just his head talking.

I respectfully disagree. JT doesn't need publicity, he is internationally known, the go to defense attorney for LE when they have criminal complaints, advises families or victims of crimes, brings civil suits for them as well. He defends the innocent and the guilty to the best of his ability and has a lot of success.

He has publicity all the time. In June he had a big write up in the NYT over two rape cases he took, one where he defended an LE officer and another when he represented a victim.

He doesn't need to chase it, and as lead attorney he can get as much as he wants anyway.

This press conference is a huge example of CS needing and wanting publicity in the worst way imo. If she really cared for the family she wouldn't be casting doubt on their choices and/or trashing their attorney

it seems that she was trying to help the family use baby steps to get back in good graces with the community (she mentioned the vigil, etc) and JT came along and cancelled all of her plans (including the interviews with the boys) while he did national talk shows bashing LE from Rome...

Cyndy had kind words for KCPD

Exactly. My overall impression is this: IF baby Lisa was truly kidnapped, the family would have stayed with her. She has many connections to the community and a fair amount of pull. She would have gotten the community to support the family eventually and the local media too.

BUT, they chose JT instead, and that tells me that they are guilty, because he is alienating them further, along with BS in tow. Now the family has completely left was today. Did the boys return to class? I think we would have heard if they came home by now.
That's funny WOO, your the mod and your sitting on your hands, lol.

I think BS was wrong about JT being paid by the wealthy benefactor, i'm sure this has something to do with the reward and BS and JT all being paid by the benfactor. Hmmm, who is the benefactor? Thay might be a clue as to what happened right there. I don't see JT and BS being very helpful at all, I have seen them make alot of wrong statements.
That is EXACTLY what I was going to say. You know any of the morning shows would have loved to have an "exclusive" with her, yet she chose to have a local press conference and she's being criticized for that. Good grief.

I think I'm criticising her for having any whiny, self-serving press conference AT ALL when a simple PROFESSIONAL statement along the lines that she and JT had differences in the way they wanted to proceed with the case and therefore she had regretfully decided to step down would have done. No, I don't absolve JT either, I'm disgusted by just about everyone who is supposedly advising this family, they are ALL in it for themselves IMO.
So this is about finding Lisa. Because to me it sounds like "Let me save my *advertiser censored*ss"

The word circus can't be used enough because I see a bunch of clowns.

All my opinion :twocents:
:waitasec: So WHAT did we REALLY learn from CS's presser ? That her and JT had a "disagreement" ... and basically, JT "won out" ...

:waitasec: We already KNEW that ...

MOO ...

LOL...I don't have sound so I'm reading the posts here and it sure sounds like it was all about her. :innocent:

Oh brother.
I may get a time out for this,but their is a whole lot of bashing going on with the people in KC- LE,Media and now a lawyer-It just wrong!!! JMO,JMO!! These people just can't get it right I guess!!!! Not all LE,Media and Lawyers are bad !!

How many times has she said the name "Lisa"? How many times did she talk about searches? This was all about her "rep" - see, I'm a good person, I was HERE helping the family while the big hot shot national guy is in Rome. Its sad that the family decided to stay with JT - but I just can't. wah wah wah wah"


**cue Circus music as CS exits stage right**

OH BRAVO!!!!!! :rocker: I so agree. Has to be one of the most self serving pressers I have seen. Never did I imagine more than a "we agreed to part ways" statement in public, it just isn't professional.
Oops. Sorry. My bad.

She did talk about what she will continue to do in the search for Lisa. She is going to keep up the website - AND pay for it too, I might add.

Well, yep. That'll help.

(I really wanted to hear WHY she is so against the boys being interviewed again. Her lil statement about "it will do more harm than good to those boys" last week has me spinning. I just don't understand that AT ALL. And I would have like for one of the reporters to have asked her why she feels that way - get some QUALIFIERS people c'mon.)
Exactly. My overall impression is this: IF baby Lisa was truly kidnapped, the family would have stayed with her. She has many connections to the community and a fair amount of pull. She would have gotten the community to support the family eventually and the local media too.

BUT, they chose JT instead, and that tells me that they are guilty, because he is alienating them further, along with BS in tow. Now the family has completely left was today. Did the boys return to class? I think we would have heard if they came home by now.

that was the way i took it too......:banghead:
well IMO that was pretty pointless.

nothing that we didn't know/think already,didn't even mention Lisa's name.:banghead:

i doubt this will be the last we see/hear of her :waitasec:

CS mentioned the baby many times. Using the name "Lisa" is not a certain talisman for the child's return, yet people are treating this like a loyalty oath that must be signed - say the name, say the name: otherwise, we will know you are insincere.
Exactly. My overall impression is this: IF baby Lisa was truly kidnapped, the family would have stayed with her. She has many connections to the community and a fair amount of pull. She would have gotten the community to support the family eventually and the local media too.

BUT, they chose JT instead, and that tells me that they are guilty, because he is alienating them further, along with BS in tow. Now the family has completely left was today. Did the boys return to class? I think we would have heard if they came home by now.

I think the family has taken bad advice from the get go (CS did say that they got an atty based on advice)... and now they have went down the rabbit hole with JT and BS and cannot get back out...

That's funny WOO, your the mod and your sitting on your hands, lol.

I think BS was wrong about JT being paid by the wealthy benefactor, i'm sure this has something to do with the reward and BS and JT all being paid by the benfactor. Hmmm, who is the benefactor? Thay might be a clue as to what happened right there. I don't see JT and BS being very helpful at all, I have seen them make alot of wrong statements.


Yes, even us mods have to reel ourselves in every once in a while. I'm just so :furious: that we don't see anyone looking for this little girl. WHY?
I got the impression that CS is taking on the role of quasi-investigator now - encouraging tips to her website and saying she wanted to hear from people in the community face-to-face, hoping someone would have helpful information. I wonder how LE feels about that.
Also, another thing that interested me was CS spoke to JI last, which indicates he told her about the decision to stay with JT. Many people speculate that it is DB pulling the strings/wearing the pants, but now I wonder.......
OH BRAVO!!!!!! :rocker: I so agree. Has to be one of the most self serving pressers I have seen. Never did I imagine more than a "we agreed to part ways" statement in public, it just isn't professional.

I agree, no need to hold a presser for that. I feel the family is better off without her, she's been making some really loud mistakes. JT will find, if he has not already, other local counsel. I don't feel she has enough experience with a case that has this sort of magnitude. JMO, MOO, and all that jazz.

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