Darlie Kee

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Tracey Duffield said:
Yes you're right and I have read this a thousand times on this forum "only Darlie Lynn knows the truth and we will never know unless she coughs up"....... but will she ever do that???

No. I don't think she will.
Tracey Duffield said:
I wasn't sure whether to post this thread, so I asked a friend I have made on this forum for her advice and she said to go ahead, I'm not even sure if it will be of any interest to anyone.
After reading the books on the case but before I knew of this forum, I wanted to know of any updates on Darlie, so I thought who better to ask than Darlies Mum.
Therefore...... in October this year I did just that and mailed her via Darlies website and she mailed me back.... here goes:

Since I had surgery in June, our webmaster has not been doing much and to be fair there is not much happening right now. We have evidence that is being retested and we have to file the federal writ by December 1st of this year.

It is so difficult that I can barely talk about all that has happened. I am hoping that God will handle this and find his vengeance against the liars who have done this to my daughter.

She is such a wonderful person that it makes me ill. If they can do this to Darlie, imagine what they could do to someone who might of had a more colorful past. The waiting is killing me.

I am going to see her tomorrow.

Darlie Kee

Can I point out that I did not offer any kind of support for Darlie in my e-mail, but I think her Mum assumed I was a supporter because I was asking for an upate, please trust me on that one!!
I hope this was ok to post and I have not offended anyone?
I feel so sorry for this woman. She has not done anything wrong but she is being punished as surely as if she had been there that night helping in the murder of her grandchildren. It is one of life's unfair backlashes that the families of the wrongdoers suffer thru no fault of their own. I think she is just doing what she has to do in an effort to save her daughter, but she seems to have lost a lot of steam. My guess is that she knows deep down that hope is gone.

As for calling people liars, I am thinking that stems from the many things the authorities get wrong in cases like this. There are always things misinterpreted or misconstued. They aren't central to the issues though but often terribly important to the players, esp if you feel it puts you or yours in an unfair, unkind light. Maybe even unjust light. I suspect she is referring to the state's overall view of Darlie...the selfishness, the materialism, the ostentatiousness , etc. She probably honestly sees Darlie as kind, gentle, generous, loving, etc. I am sure that is a side of Darlie as well. One that often gets overlooked due to the nature of the crime, but there appears to be some evidence that she was also selfish, materialistic, tempermental, etc at times. Mothers have a tendancy to overlook such flaws in their adult children if they don't see them very often. I think that is probably what is going on with DK. What people say about Darlie is contrary to her perception of her daughter, her overall experience with Darlie. I don't find DK's attitude unusual at all. In fact, I can even relate to her.
Tracey Duffield said:
Jeana, do you think in her heart of hearts that she does know Darlie murdered her children, but because she's her Mum, she feels that her unconditional love for her daughter is forcing her to act otherwise? I often wonder what Darlies' Mum REALLY does think, and how much she actually does know about it??
There was a rumor quoted in one of the books that during a family meeting about this before the trial but after Darlie's arrest that Darlie Kee said, "We might have to accept that Darlie did do this." I don't know what made her feel that way or what the discussion was about other than that statement and I am fairly sure she would deny ever saying it if asked about it, but I think that deep inside Mom does know but can't betray her daughter, whom she loves dearly, by admitting it publicly. Maybe someday she will write about it or tell someone exactly what she has been thinking all these years.

Jeana (DP) said:
In a way, yes and in a way, no. I'm not sure what sort of mental disorder that can "allow" Darlie Lynn to murder her boys. I'm not sure where that mental disorder comes from. Is she a psychopath? I don't know those things. She's got something in her brain or something in her brain is missing that, I believe, actually allows her to shut off certain events or somehow rewrite history in her mind. I think Darlie Lynn KNOWS full well that she murdered the boys, but I also think that many of the lies that she's told over the years have become "true" in her own mind. How much of what she's got does Darlie Kee have? Maybe none. Maybe she is just a mother trying to save her daughter's life no matter what that daughter has done. I can fully appreciate that. However, maybe she's honestly got something in her mind that allows her the luxury of believing everything Darlie Lynn has told her. Maybe her mind won't let her know the truth. I guess we'll probably never know.
I wonder how many people have said to DK, "You don't know your daughter"? I wonder how many times police and prosecutors have said that.
Goody said:
I wonder how many people have said to DK, "You don't know your daughter"? I wonder how many times police and prosecutors have said that.

After the way she behaved to them and in public, perhaps they feel they're two of a kind.
Jeana (DP) said:
After the way she behaved to them and in public, perhaps they feel they're two of a kind.
Do you mean at the trial? I guess I haven't seen DK's ugly side. Is it documented anywhere or can you tell me specifics. I would like to know.
Goody said:
Do you mean at the trial? I guess I haven't seen DK's ugly side. Is it documented anywhere or can you tell me specifics. I would like to know.

There were blurbs on the local news stations during the trial when they would run into one another outside the courthouse, etc., and didn't have too much good to say about one another. One time, Darlie Kee was called trailer trash after one of them. It was a pretty well publicized hate/hate thing. I don't think she did her family image too much good.
Goody said:
Do you mean at the trial? I guess I haven't seen DK's ugly side. Is it documented anywhere or can you tell me specifics. I would like to know.

She even called ME a liar Goody! LOL You know that. I didn't lie - she did. Documented and all that. ;)
Jeana (DP) said:
She even called ME a liar Goody! LOL You know that. I didn't lie - she did. Documented and all that. ;)
Where is this stuff at?

Are you saying, ME as in "you" or ME as in Medical examiner?
Goody said:
Where is this stuff at?

Are you saying, ME as in "you" or ME as in Medical examiner?

No, me personally. She TOLD me herself that Darlie asked Darin for a separation that night of the murders and they had a "terrible fight." She asked me not to say where that info came from, so I never did, but I did tell about the fight. She told everyone who would listen that I was a liar. Then, it comes out of Darin's own affidavit that it WAS true and once again, Darlie Kee was made the liar. I see no reason to believe that I'm the only person she's done this to and I see no reason to believe that she only started doing this after this case. I think she's got a history of it and I think it goes with the "pathology" of Darlie Lynn's mental problems. I think Darlie Lynn probably came by them honestly. So, while I can to a certain extent agree with you that Darlie Kee is a victim of her daughter, she's got her own crosses to bear in all of this.
Jeana (DP) said:
There were blurbs on the local news stations during the trial when they would run into one another outside the courthouse, etc., and didn't have too much good to say about one another. One time, Darlie Kee was called trailer trash after one of them. It was a pretty well publicized hate/hate thing. I don't think she did her family image too much good.
Patricia Springer did a real good job of desribing the trailer trash incident and I believe one of the profiles showed a clip of that exchange, and it was ugly on both sides. Amazing how personal these things can get.

I agree that she could have made much more progress with a cooler head but she is not a shrinking violet and is brazen enough to get in someone's face who dares to mess with her family. I am not sure if that is a quality or a flaw. Not my style but I am not DK and my daughter is not on trial for her life.

I think she would have been better served to focus on the core of the issue and go after that. Name calling was a waste of time and energy. It was also very distracting and detracted from her message that Darlie was innocent and being misjudged.

I guess what amazes me most is that DK didn't try to prove the blood evidence against Darlie was wrong. She didn't need the physical evidence to do that. She could have proved the theory wrong simply by conducting her own tests and showing those on TV. I wonder why she never tried.
The evidence against Darlie is 100% on target. Darlie Kee knew better than to waste time, energy and money on that.
Jeana (DP) said:
No, me personally. She TOLD me herself that Darlie asked Darin for a separation that night of the murders and they had a "terrible fight." She asked me not to say where that info came from, so I never did, but I did tell about the fight. She told everyone who would listen that I was a liar. Then, it comes out of Darin's own affidavit that it WAS true and once again, Darlie Kee was made the liar. I see no reason to believe that I'm the only person she's done this to and I see no reason to believe that she only started doing this after this case. I think she's got a history of it and I think it goes with the "pathology" of Darlie Lynn's mental problems. I think Darlie Lynn probably came by them honestly. So, while I can to a certain extent agree with you that Darlie Kee is a victim of her daughter, she's got her own crosses to bear in all of this.
Well, you have experience with her and I don't, so I can't really say for sure but I am thinking that she isn't just rattling on and saying whatever comes to her head. She is telling a specific thing that happened, probably thinking it won't be publicized and when it is, she is in trouble with people for telling it, so she just publicly denies saying it. I don't think that makes her a pathological liar. It makes her just covering her butt. That is something any one of us could do. Haven't you ever told someone something and said, "If you tell anyone I told you, I swear to God I will deny I ever said it."

I don't know what is behind Darlie's mental problems, though I do believe she had some. I just read Ann Rule's analyzation of Diane Downs. I was hoping to find some of Darlie in it but I have to say I really didn't see much of Darlie at all. Maybe a little in her need to be the center of attention, but that was promoted so much by Darin and the people around her, I am not sure where their need for her to be the center of attention ended and her need for it began. One of the things I find scarey about Darlie's case is that she doesn't appear to be a psychopath or sociopath or even histronic or narcissistic to any great degree. Maybe she was just sooooooo swayed and ruled by material wants that she would literally sell her soul to hold onto them. I don't know.

But back to Darlie Kee, I don't see her as a habitual liar. I think Darin expresses some of that and that Darlie demonstrated some expectation that she wouldn't be held accountable for what she said (the letters from jail) so she was a little loose with the truth, but I need more to see Darlie Kee in a similar light. Got anymore bad behavior on her part to support your view?
Jeana (DP) said:
The evidence against Darlie is 100% on target. Darlie Kee knew better than to waste time, energy and money on that.
I am surprised she would call people liars if she knows they aren't lying. Possible, I will agree, but surprising. It could be that she is just upset about what she views as the "personal attacks" on Darlie and her family.
Goody said:
Well, you have experience with her and I don't, so I can't really say for sure but I am thinking that she isn't just rattling on and saying whatever comes to her head. She is telling a specific thing that happened, probably thinking it won't be publicized and when it is, she is in trouble with people for telling it, so she just publicly denies saying it. I don't think that makes her a pathological liar. It makes her just covering her butt. That is something any one of us could do. Haven't you ever told someone something and said, "If you tell anyone I told you, I swear to God I will deny I ever said it."

I don't know what is behind Darlie's mental problems, though I do believe she had some. I just read Ann Rule's analyzation of Diane Downs. I was hoping to find some of Darlie in it but I have to say I really didn't see much of Darlie at all. Maybe a little in her need to be the center of attention, but that was promoted so much by Darin and the people around her, I am not sure where their need for her to be the center of attention ended and her need for it began. One of the things I find scarey about Darlie's case is that she doesn't appear to be a psychopath or sociopath or even histronic or narcissistic to any great degree. Maybe she was just sooooooo swayed and ruled by material wants that she would literally sell her soul to hold onto them. I don't know.

But back to Darlie Kee, I don't see her as a habitual liar. I think Darin expresses some of that and that Darlie demonstrated some expectation that she wouldn't be held accountable for what she said (the letters from jail) so she was a little loose with the truth, but I need more to see Darlie Kee in a similar light. Got anymore bad behavior on her part to support your view?

Goody, I've thought you were borderline nutso before, but now you've got me worried. Darlie is COMPLETELY NARCICCISTIC! That's her picture in the dictionary under the word. COME ON!!!!! As for Darlie's Kee's behavior, it was always the same anytime I ever saw her or dealt with her. Unfortunately you can't crawl into my head and see it all too, but something tells me you'd think of a good reason for her to have done it all.

No offense, but there are some people that can be reached on a subject and some that can't. You've always had this opinion of Kee and I don't see it swayed one bit no matter what, so I've gotta move on to fresh meat. :D
Jeana (DP) said:
Goody, I've thought you were borderline nutso before, but now you've got me worried. Darlie is COMPLETELY NARCICCISTIC! That's her picture in the dictionary under the word. COME ON!!!!! As for Darlie's Kee's behavior, it was always the same anytime I ever saw her or dealt with her. Unfortunately you can't crawl into my head and see it all too, but something tells me you'd think of a good reason for her to have done it all.

No offense, but there are some people that can be reached on a subject and some that can't. You've always had this opinion of Kee and I don't see it swayed one bit no matter what, so I've gotta move on to fresh meat. :D
Jeana, I am ashamed of you!!! Goody borderline nuts?????

I don't agree with your view of Darlie being COMPLETELY NARCISCISTIC! There is all kinds of evidence supporting Diane Downs narcississtic behavior. Where is Darlie's? Breast Implants? Sun bathing in plain sight? Strutting her stuff through the neighborhood in a thong bikini? I don't think that proves much of anything, esp given her age.

There is much more evidence supporting her attachment to material things. I think that is probably where the key to this case lies, not in her mental health, although I can't deny that mental problems must play a role. I just don't see anything that can even come close to explaining this crime. Unless there is something really big that we haven't been told yet.

Goody borderline nuts, indeed!!!!! :slap:
Goody said:
Jeana, I am ashamed of you!!! Goody borderline nuts?????

I don't agree with your view of Darlie being COMPLETELY NARCISCISTIC! There is all kinds of evidence supporting Diane Downs narcississtic behavior. Where is Darlie's? Breast Implants? Sun bathing in plain sight? Strutting her stuff through the neighborhood in a thong bikini? I don't think that proves much of anything, esp given her age.

There is much more evidence supporting her attachment to material things. I think that is probably where the key to this case lies, not in her mental health, although I can't deny that mental problems must play a role. I just don't see anything that can even come close to explaining this crime. Unless there is something really big that we haven't been told yet.

Goody borderline nuts, indeed!!!!! :slap:

sorry. teasing a long time buddy!!!

I think its been too long since you've read the info on Darlie. There are tons of stories told that confirm her behavior.
Jeana (DP) said:
sorry. teasing a long time buddy!!!

I think its been too long since you've read the info on Darlie. There are tons of stories told that confirm her behavior.
Could be, Jeana. Or maybe I am just digesting it more objectively. It is easy to get swept up in the passions of these cases, esp when you get as deep into them as we have on this one. It is just that when I was reading the material, it didn't click. I didn't see Darlie in it, but I was not drawing from anything the nurses said. I was relying more on what people said about her before the crime.
Goody said:
Could be, Jeana. Or maybe I am just digesting it more objectively. It is easy to get swept up in the passions of these cases, esp when you get as deep into them as we have on this one. It is just that when I was reading the material, it didn't click. I didn't see Darlie in it, but I was not drawing from anything the nurses said. I was relying more on what people said about her before the crime.

YOU???? "Digesting it more objectively"??? BWHAAAAAAAAAAAAA :D

Goody, I'm a HUGE hot head! LOl You do EVERYTHING more objectively than I do Goody. I think you're just a nicer person in general. :D

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