Darlie Routier asks for DNA testing

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Darlie has already had more years on DR than average for TX, which stands at about 8.5; probably because she is a woman and even TX wants to make sure as they can that all is in order-she is on ab out 13 years now, isn't she? Not sure how long she can eek out the appeals...maybe they believe that the longer it takes them to raise the money to do their own DNA testing, the longer they can put it off? And maybe this is the case? Does anyone know?
someone posted on another site that they have finally agreed what lab to use so the testing should get underway now.

I don't know how reliable it is. I have been trying to find out if it's true but nothing on either Darlie site about it.

I guess we'll have to wait and see. But I would like to know how long it takes to run those prints through AFIS.
someone posted on another site that they have finally agreed what lab to use so the testing should get underway now.

I don't know how reliable it is. I have been trying to find out if it's true but nothing on either Darlie site about it.

I guess we'll have to wait and see. But I would like to know how long it takes to run those prints through AFIS.


Law enforcement agencies can then request a search in IAFIS to identify fingerprints taken during criminal investigations. Civil searches are also performed, but the FBI charges a small fee and the response time is slower.

A friend of mine just had his prints run for his CHL through IAFIS (Integrated automated fingerprint identification system) and the whole process took only a few days.

Also, I have not been able to find any news on the most recent testing either. I guess no one in the press is interested in keeping up with this case anymore? I am tempted to write to the Dallas Morning News. Maybe someone there might be interested in investigating why Texas still has her languishing on death row? Does it really take years to re-test?
Ask Steve Blow at Dallas Morning News who you should contact for info. Mr. Blow is very connected with his readers. I would like to know also.
Ask Steve Blow at Dallas Morning News who you should contact for info. Mr. Blow is very connected with his readers. I would like to know also.

I sent him an email. I'll let everyone know, if and when I get a reply. :)
Obviously - YES!

I know, right, nicola? She has all these people that believe she is falsely on death row giving her money, and none of them are stepping up to pay for these tests that are going to prove her innocent? Really? :rolleyes:
I believe that Darlie is guilty guilty guilty but when I read the motion she submitted for testing, I was appalled. She needs a much better attorney because the one she has right now is downright incompetent.
I'm not sure that her attorney is incompetent; it's just that he has so little to work with for an appeal.
I'm not sure that her attorney is incompetent; it's just that he has so little to work with for an appeal.

This is true, YOu can't find dna from someone who wasn't there. The best bet is the fingerprints but they don't contain any unsourced dna either so there's really nothing for them to find.

A friend of mine just had his prints run for his CHL through IAFIS (Integrated automated fingerprint identification system) and the whole process took only a few days.

Also, I have not been able to find any news on the most recent testing either. I guess no one in the press is interested in keeping up with this case anymore? I am tempted to write to the Dallas Morning News. Maybe someone there might be interested in investigating why Texas still has her languishing on death row? Does it really take years to re-test?

Thank you very much and for the link too. They were granted the rights in 2008 to run these prints through AFIS. I wonder why no results are being publized?

There is something on her website that's new, it's a lawyer explaining the investigation is continuing but that they need money

Doesn't seem to be there anymore so they must have pulled it.
I'm "friends" with Darlie's site on Facebook. Her testing is going to cost A LOT of money. Her supporters are asking for donations to send to her lawyer and they have set up items to sell on Cafepress to raise the money. It is so sad to see that she will let this continue.
I'm "friends" with Darlie's site on Facebook. Her testing is going to cost A LOT of money. Her supporters are asking for donations to send to her lawyer and they have set up items to sell on Cafepress to raise the money. It is so sad to see that she will let this continue.

very sad but she's locked into her position. You know Jeff MacDonald's loser friends all sent him money for his dna tests and the tests only reaffirmed his guilt. That's what will happen to her, then she'll blame the state again for fowling up the tests. It will never end. I wonder what it would take to get her to confess?
very sad but she's locked into her position. You know Jeff MacDonald's loser friends all sent him money for his dna tests and the tests only reaffirmed his guilt. That's what will happen to her, then she'll blame the state again for fowling up the tests. It will never end. I wonder what it would take to get her to confess?

I think if they told her that they would free her, she'd sing like a bird.
I thought that sense she is an inmate on death row that her legal fees were paid for by the state. I could be wrong about this, but if a judge ordered testing I would think that it would be done, but not at her expense.

I think she is just buying time to delay her execution. I would not go by anything her supporter's websites say as fact:)

This is the last thing I found about the testing, so I guess it worked in buying time for her.
She's like every other killer, she'll either NEVER confess or she'll eventually tell the world she was sexually abused or something to blame her actions on.
On her website, there used to be a scanned copy of report about the bloody fingerprint. It's really funny that I can't find it now because it totally doesn't help her. The report definitely ruled out the boys AND stated that the print (due to size) was more likely to belong to a woman than a man. So, of course I can't find it on the website now.
My bad! I found the copy. Go under the bloody fingerprint and there is a link near the bottom that had the report of Dr. Jantz findings. Here's a snippet that I found interesting:

"The latent print (bloody print) has a value of 12.6mm from core to flexion crease; Devon's value, 10.7, is nearly 2 mm less and Devon's (I assume this is typo and they meant Damon's) is over 3 mm less. The latent is most similar to the adult female mean but also has a probability of falling into adult male distribution. The combined adult male-female posterior probabilities are 0.925, leaving a probability of 0.075 that it falls into the children's distribution. That the print is a child cannot be ruled out, but based on this evidence it has a much lower probability than adult. Devon's print size has it's highest probability of falling into the children's distribution, but cannot reliably be distinguished from an adult female. It's probability with an adult male is low. Damon's right thumb can be identified as that of a child with a probability approaching 90%."

They gave James Cron a Loy of grief because he thought the print belonged to one of the boys, but he never stated that it definitely belonged to them AND he assumed this because the print was small. Darlie's hands are small.

Tell me what you think.
Jantz almost certainly rules out either of the boys as the print owner, as their prints are too small. Darin's would be too large. Darlie describes the intruder as about Darin's size which would indicate that a man that size would have prints too large, also or else he has absurdly small hands for a man his size. The print has to be Darlie's. (Remember though, that Jantz is not a fingerprint expert.)
My bad! I found the copy. Go under the bloody fingerprint and there is a link near the bottom that had the report of Dr. Jantz findings. Here's a snippet that I found interesting:

"The latent print (bloody print) has a value of 12.6mm from core to flexion crease; Devon's value, 10.7, is nearly 2 mm less and Devon's (I assume this is typo and they meant Damon's) is over 3 mm less. The latent is most similar to the adult female mean but also has a probability of falling into adult male distribution. The combined adult male-female posterior probabilities are 0.925, leaving a probability of 0.075 that it falls into the children's distribution. That the print is a child cannot be ruled out, but based on this evidence it has a much lower probability than adult. Devon's print size has it's highest probability of falling into the children's distribution, but cannot reliably be distinguished from an adult female. It's probability with an adult male is low. Damon's right thumb can be identified as that of a child with a probability approaching 90%."

They gave James Cron a Loy of grief because he thought the print belonged to one of the boys, but he never stated that it definitely belonged to them AND he assumed this because the print was small. Darlie's hands are small.

Tell me what you think.

I think Jantz is telling us that print belongs to an adult woman. He gave it a 60% chance it's a woman's and only a 40% chance it's male.

I believe both patent prints are Darlie's.

Did you know they had Devon and Damon brought back up (can't remember the word) so they could take thier prints?

Yes, I have cognitive problems sometimes where I forget words or say the wrong word when I'm thinking the correct one.

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