Darlie's injuries

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DNA Solves
The photos are shown in Dr. Santos testimony also.

Vol 30 page 764, lines 13 and 14, State's Exhibits 52-E, D, C,
14 B, A, and I.

I'm assuming all are pictures of the bruises so those of you with MTJD correct me if I'm wrong.

Vol 30 page 766 lines 20 and 21, 24-48 hours for the bruising to have occurred.

Vol. 30 page 765, line 17, 18, 19, looks like someone take 52-A and 52-E directly over to the jury to show them the pictures.

Go to justicefordarlie.net, click the green "evidence" bar on the upper left, then on the right side click "trial transcripts" under "miscellaneous documents" and it gives you a page linking to each individuals testimony so you don't have to search the volumes.
michelle said:
so the night darlie was taken to the hospital, the night of the murders, she had no bruises, but a few days later they appeared??
That is correct. According to the photos taken that first day hours after the murders, her arms are lilly white with no big red patches to indicate injury. As bad as her bruises are, there should be some rosy red patches by then. Four days later they are purple. You can see the photos for yourself in MTJD. They are so enlarged on the websites now that it is difficult to get a good feel for what you are really looking at.
Which begs the question, "How did the bruises get there?"

I believe that Darrin knows Darlie did it. Perhaps there was a husband-wife "discussion" about the murders after she got home that got a little intense? Just a guess.

Other ideas?

JimPence said:
Which begs the question, "How did the bruises get there?"

I believe that Darrin knows Darlie did it. Perhaps there was a husband-wife "discussion" about the murders after she got home that got a little intense? Just a guess.

Other ideas?

They are too consistent to be any sort of defensive type bruises, from her arm pits to her hands with hardly a break. Go put your arm in a door, start at your pit and open and close the door on it(gently!), then work your way all the down. See it now?
JimPence said:
Which begs the question, "How did the bruises get there?"

I believe that Darrin knows Darlie did it. Perhaps there was a husband-wife "discussion" about the murders after she got home that got a little intense? Just a guess.

Other ideas?

Yeah...I got other ideas...the loser helped her. I will always believe that. :furious:
I believe they were self inflicted injuries. I know a girl that would not only cut herself but hit herself with objects and cause huge ugly bruises.

If she has the nerve to cut herself the way she did, no doubt she could hit herself repeatedly to cause the bruises.

For the life of me I will never know or understand why she killed her children. The biggest admission of guilt to me is the 911 call. What panicked mother would ever say "I touched the knife, maybe you could have gotten some prints?" No innocent mother or person would ever think of that!
partyuv5 said:
I believe they were self inflicted injuries. I know a girl that would not only cut herself but hit herself with objects and cause huge ugly bruises.

If she has the nerve to cut herself the way she did, no doubt she could hit herself repeatedly to cause the bruises.

For the life of me I will never know or understand why she killed her children. The biggest admission of guilt to me is the 911 call. What panicked mother would ever say "I touched the knife, maybe you could have gotten some prints?" No innocent mother or person would ever think of that!
Yep...she was already explaining away the evidence that would be found pointing to her as the murderer.
JimPence said:
Which begs the question, "How did the bruises get there?"

I believe that Darrin knows Darlie did it. Perhaps there was a husband-wife "discussion" about the murders after she got home that got a little intense? Just a guess.

Other ideas?

I agree with you Jim. This seems a reasonable scenario.
beesy said:
QUOTE] Go put your arm in a door, start at your pit and open and close the door on it(gently!), then work your way all the down. See it now?

Beesy, I did that and and now I'm black & blue, I think I did it a bit too hard!! I ended up having to go to casualty, but all is not in vain because I got a sick note for a week off work.... LOL.... Joke everyone!!!!
JimPence said:
Which begs the question, "How did the bruises get there?"

I believe that Darrin knows Darlie did it. Perhaps there was a husband-wife "discussion" about the murders after she got home that got a little intense? Just a guess.

Other ideas?

Jim, I totally agree with you. I think Darin knows darn well that Darlie did it and that he assisted her somewhere along the line. I find it impossible that she could have created all that carnage on her own without Darin hearing one thing. And, the reason why he is not in prison is because if she tells on him, she would have to admit her guilt also, which we all know she won't do.
Maybe when she has spent up all her appeals and there is not a shred of hope left, only then she may cough up, but it's probably unlikely because she has all these do-gooders and supporters, and of course she wouldn't want to let them down now would she............... she only does that to her sons???
justice2 said:
The photos are shown in Dr. Santos testimony also.

Vol 30 page 764, lines 13 and 14, State's Exhibits 52-E, D, C,
14 B, A, and I.

I'm assuming all are pictures of the bruises so those of you with MTJD correct me if I'm wrong.

Vol 30 page 766 lines 20 and 21, 24-48 hours for the bruising to have occurred.

Vol. 30 page 765, line 17, 18, 19, looks like someone take 52-A and 52-E directly over to the jury to show them the pictures.

Go to justicefordarlie.net, click the green "evidence" bar on the upper left, then on the right side click "trial transcripts" under "miscellaneous documents" and it gives you a page linking to each individuals testimony so you don't have to search the volumes.
To add to the above ...
Also same basic showing of photos when Dr. Dillawn testified, Vol. 31, page 866. Also note done on two different days during the trial.

Boy, don't see how they can say they didn't see them.
Jeana (DP) said:
Her own attorney says that the photos WERE shown in court. That pretty much wraps it up for me - with a bow.
You mean like this: works for me too!
partyuv5 said:
The biggest admission of guilt to me is the 911 call. What panicked mother would ever say "I touched the knife, maybe you could have gotten some prints?" No innocent mother or person would ever think of that!
I hear that! If the intruder wasn't wearing gloves, you would have thought there would be prints ALL around the house where he was entering the window, walking through the living room killing sleeping children, and attempted rape of a very deep sleeper. (And why was she downstairs, oh yes, the infant breathing kept her up at night.)

I was watching the Against the Law program the other night, and they have one of the clearest pictures I've seen of Darlie in the hospital. And we've all seen those pictures with the arrows pointing where 'bruises were developing', well I have to say after seeing this one on tv it totally blows that thought away.

The bruises still bother me, but don't convince me of her innocence.
Desilu said:
I was watching the Against the Law program the other night, and they have one of the clearest pictures I've seen of Darlie in the hospital. And we've all seen those pictures with the arrows pointing where 'bruises were developing', well I have to say after seeing this one on tv it totally blows that thought away.

The bruises still bother me, but don't convince me of her innocence.

They don't seem to get the fact that everytime they talk or show something they think helps her, it actually hurts their side.
1) Did anyone use soap and water and WASH her skin to make certain this wasn't makeup applied to her arms? She looked like an 80's diva in the mid 90's, so I know she had plenty of dark cream blush, lipstick and purple eyeshadow around.
I know I would have gotten out the skin cleaner if the bruises weren't evident upon admission to Baylor.

2) She was in the hospital for 2 days... She had IVs, and chances are, she saw the bleeding under the skin which occurs during needle sticks when the needle goes through the vein, and which happens when an IV is taken out. I've come home from the hospital looking like I had been beaten severely on my hands and arms from unsuccessful IV/ lab sticks and IVs coming out of my veins, so I KNOW this happens often.

I think there is a chance that a nurse left an IV needle or syringe with a needle within Darlie's reach accidentally and she found a " handy" use for it. Usually, in ICU, there is a bedside supply of items for the staff's emergency use which includes an airway, suction catheters, and in some facilities, packaged IV catheters with a needle introducer.
I've found IV needles and syringer in my hospital bed before so I know it can easily happen. ( I'm not a chroniclly sick person. I am very hard to stick and these types of things are memorable when they happen- a needle in your bed- yikes!).

Chances are, that in 1996 Baylor didn't have the automatic safety shield needles which are automatically sheathed after use which are most often used now. This renders them safe to the hospital staff from needle sticks and also makes them unable to be reused.
I think we all know what a syringe with a needle looks like, even Darlie. IF you puncture veins or even capillaries with a small gauge needle ( even an insulin syringe), blood will flow out under the skin more than above the skin and look like a deep tissue bruise when it isn't. A small gauge needle would not leave long lasting puncture marks and could be used repeatedly without much discomfort at all, especially if she iced her arms down like we used to do when we pierced our ears. Remember?

I know this may seem way off base, but instead of her slamming her arms against something or into something, or having Darin hit her, I think she may have either obtained a syringe or syringes or had that type of thing on hand.

I have always said that Darlie was NOT smart enough to have made bruises on her own arms before the crime, and I stick to that even more now. I think that when she was examined and questioned initially, a comment or two was made about " Lack of defensive wounds on extremities" within her hearing or when they took photos of the cut on her arm that was sutured, they asked to see her upper arms and she asked why, and was told that they were looking for signs of a struggle- bruises..
So she made up her own in one way or another. I am choosing the less painful and quicker way, which is through small vein punctures. Oh, and the blood under the skin is greater if the plunger on the syringe is pulled back, creating negative pressure and sucking more blood out under the skin.
Lab personnel accidentally do this sometimes when they are getting desperate for a blood sample.

Thanks for reading my opinion.
Thinkoflaura said:
1) Did anyone use soap and water and WASH her skin to make certain this wasn't makeup applied to her arms? She looked like an 80's diva in the mid 90's, so I know she had plenty of dark cream blush, lipstick and purple eyeshadow around.
I know I would have gotten out the skin cleaner if the bruises weren't evident upon admission to Baylor.

2) She was in the hospital for 2 days... She had IVs, and chances are, she saw the bleeding under the skin which occurs during needle sticks when the needle goes through the vein, and which happens when an IV is taken out. I've come home from the hospital looking like I had been beaten severely on my hands and arms from unsuccessful IV/ lab sticks and IVs coming out of my veins, so I KNOW this happens often.

I think there is a chance that a nurse left an IV needle or syringe with a needle within Darlie's reach accidentally and she found a " handy" use for it. Usually, in ICU, there is a bedside supply of items for the staff's emergency use which includes an airway, suction catheters, and in some facilities, packaged IV catheters with a needle introducer.
I've found IV needles and syringer in my hospital bed before so I know it can easily happen. ( I'm not a chroniclly sick person. I am very hard to stick and these types of things are memorable when they happen- a needle in your bed- yikes!).

Chances are, that in 1996 Baylor didn't have the automatic safety shield needles which are automatically sheathed after use which are most often used now. This renders them safe to the hospital staff from needle sticks and also makes them unable to be reused.
I think we all know what a syringe with a needle looks like, even Darlie. IF you puncture veins or even capillaries with a small gauge needle ( even an insulin syringe), blood will flow out under the skin more than above the skin and look like a deep tissue bruise when it isn't. A small gauge needle would not leave long lasting puncture marks and could be used repeatedly without much discomfort at all, especially if she iced her arms down like we used to do when we pierced our ears. Remember?

I know this may seem way off base, but instead of her slamming her arms against something or into something, or having Darin hit her, I think she may have either obtained a syringe or syringes or had that type of thing on hand.

I have always said that Darlie was NOT smart enough to have made bruises on her own arms before the crime, and I stick to that even more now. I think that when she was examined and questioned initially, a comment or two was made about " Lack of defensive wounds on extremities" within her hearing or when they took photos of the cut on her arm that was sutured, they asked to see her upper arms and she asked why, and was told that they were looking for signs of a struggle- bruises..
So she made up her own in one way or another. I am choosing the less painful and quicker way, which is through small vein punctures. Oh, and the blood under the skin is greater if the plunger on the syringe is pulled back, creating negative pressure and sucking more blood out under the skin.
Lab personnel accidentally do this sometimes when they are getting desperate for a blood sample.

Thanks for reading my opinion.
So how many sticks do you think she would have to make to create all those bruises from her elbow to armpit?

By the way, I have also posted on this theory, too. " I think that when she was examined and questioned initially, a comment or two was made about " Lack of defensive wounds on extremities" within her hearing or when they took photos of the cut on her arm that was sutured, they asked to see her upper arms and she asked why, and was told that they were looking for signs of a struggle- bruises.." It seems only natural that detectives would have zeroed in on that early on. If they had testified, maybe we would have been able to hear all about it.
Goody said:
So how many sticks do you think she would have to make to create all those bruises from her elbow to armpit?

By the way, I have also posted on this theory, too. " I think that when she was examined and questioned initially, a comment or two was made about " Lack of defensive wounds on extremities" within her hearing or when they took photos of the cut on her arm that was sutured, they asked to see her upper arms and she asked why, and was told that they were looking for signs of a struggle- bruises.." It seems only natural that detectives would have zeroed in on that early on. If they had testified, maybe we would have been able to hear all about it.

Maybe 10, maybe as many as 20. One needle injury to small blood vessels can cause a 6 inch area of bleeding. I know because, as I said, it happened to me. Maybe she or Darin knew to put a tourniquet above the area to be stuck too. I am NOT talking about a quick jab in and out but leaving the needle in, pulling back on the plunger, maybe even putting pressure on the area to cause the bleeding into the skin to be worse. Again, she most likely did know the old ear piercing trick of putting an ice cube over where she was going to pierce the skin to numb it up, and Darin may have helped her too.
I don't normally post on this forum, but do read. There's no way Darlie could have been struggling with someone with the inside of her arms available to be hurt. A couch isn't wide enough for an intruder to be sitting on her with his legs on the inside of her arms, and there aren't any bruises on Darlie's large chest or face which would also have been scraped and pinned down. The bruises on the back of the wrists also look too much alike. The explanations for the bruises really don't even make much sense.

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