Darlie's injuries

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Goody said:
O, there are two Irishes. No wonder I am confused. LOL! I can't call you Irish because I call IrishMist Irish. Now what can I call you? J2?
J2 will be fine, probably better than some of the other names you would like to have decided on -LOL :eek:
Goody, be sweet to her because J2 will be my new roommate in Franklin!

I think that sometimes drugs can play a horrible role in assisting someone cross the line. Karla Faye's crimes were committed under the influence of drugs. I've read of many cases where "seemingly decent" people crossed the line under the influence of mind-altering drugs. I'm not saying that excuses the evil they do while on drugs... but I do wonder what effect drugs have in altering someone's conscience.
j2mirish said:
I am not here to be correct-- just voicing my opionions on this murder-Do I think a person can be good & evil?.....It depends on exactly how YOU define evil- You have stated you dont see darlie as monsterous, so it is difficult for me to know what your description of evil might be--does everybody do rotten things, even thought they may be very good people..yes I believe we do-but there is a very big difference between doing something rotten..and murder---do good people cross the line and then murder? maybe---but- as you will expect this answer form me...once they cross the line & murder...it doesnt much matter what kind of person they were....because they no longer are....
Interesting comments. I am still pondering, and probably will for a long time.
j2mirish said:
J2 will be fine, probably better than some of the other names you would like to have decided on -LOL :eek:
No way. I have thought nothing but sweet things, I swear!!!:angel:
HeartofTexas said:
Goody, be sweet to her because J2 will be my new roommate in Franklin!

I think that sometimes drugs can play a horrible role in assisting someone cross the line. Karla Faye's crimes were committed under the influence of drugs. I've read of many cases where "seemingly decent" people crossed the line under the influence of mind-altering drugs. I'm not saying that excuses the evil they do while on drugs... but I do wonder what effect drugs have in altering someone's conscience.
I saw a program the other day that said 82% of the inmates in our prisons are there on drug and alcohol related charges.
Goody said:
No way. I have thought nothing but sweet things, I swear!!!:angel:

just kidding ......:blowkiss:
j2mirish said:
HeartofTexas said:
Goody, be sweet to her because J2 will be my new roommate in Franklin!

yea goody- what heart said! :dance:
How could I be mean to anyone who has "Irish" in t:blowkiss: heir name????
I was always wondering the bruises darlie had was it possible the boys could have caused them?
The book by Babs Davis says that maybe one of them kicked her while she was stabbing him. Personally, I think Darin helped her get some bruises.
I always thought that darin had a hand in this crime, its too fishy for him to be upstairs and not hear all of this, i mean come on can you imagine the terror in those poor kids they would be screaming crying ect.....too sad to even think about, i want to write her and give her a piece of my mind!!
the original tez said:
The book by Babs Davis says that maybe one of them kicked her while she was stabbing him. Personally, I think Darin helped her get some bruises.

I know Dasgal knows and likes Babs very much, but I think she's nutty. I've got her book, but couldn't read more than a few pages. She's got too many personal issues to take her seriously.
Jeana (DP) said:
I know Dasgal knows and likes Babs very much, but I think she's nutty. I've got her book, but couldn't read more than a few pages. She's got too many personal issues to take her seriously.
Kind of like me, huh? LOL
The expert testimony was unanimous in saying that the bruising in the photos taken after Darlie was released from hospital was at the maximum 48 hours old. In other words it happened days after the commission of the crime.

Besides which, if the boys made the bruising (presumably with their feet since I can't think how else they would have gotten the force behind them to do damage like that) we should not see the consistent bruising there is but more random and less whole.
the original tez said:
Kind of like me, huh? LOL

Not even close. There was some sort of shooting involving her ex-husband, which I think she was arrested for. Then, her son was shot by police in their kitchen. He was selling drugs and had more firearms than the United States military. They were cooking breakfast when the police came to raid the house. He apparently was armed while in his bathrobe and the police shot him. She apparently had insomnia and was buying the date rape drug in quantities that would have supplied a small country.
Jeana (DP) said:
I know Dasgal knows and likes Babs very much, but I think she's nutty. I've got her book, but couldn't read more than a few pages. She's got too many personal issues to take her seriously.
I like Barbara because I know her. She's a softy. She was a victim's advocate as well as a journalist.
She actually had some dang good contacts until she hooked up with Chris Brown and got taken in by his scam.
Dani_T said:
The expert testimony was unanimous in saying that the bruising in the photos taken after Darlie was released from hospital was at the maximum 48 hours old. In other words it happened days after the commission of the crime.

Besides which, if the boys made the bruising (presumably with their feet since I can't think how else they would have gotten the force behind them to do damage like that) we should not see the consistent bruising there is but more random and less whole.
Jeana, correct me if I'm wrong, but I said from day freakin one, that those bruises were "wall bruising"....the type of injury sustained in a car wreck. No way the boys caused it.
Dani_T said:
The expert testimony was unanimous in saying that the bruising in the photos taken after Darlie was released from hospital was at the maximum 48 hours old. In other words it happened days after the commission of the crime.
Only two days after the crime. The photos were taken 4 days after the crime.

Dani_T said:
Besides which, if the boys made the bruising (presumably with their feet since I can't think how else they would have gotten the force behind them to do damage like that) we should not see the consistent bruising there is but more random and less whole.
I think only Devon would have been able to do any kicking and I think he probably did kick at her. He strikes me as being a fighter just by nature. I think, parent or not, anyone hurting him would have had a fight on their hands. However, I don't think even Devon was able to do much damage. At best, maybe he left one significant bruise. I don't think the massive bruising we see in the photos was caused or could have been caused by the boys' kicking even if both of them had been able to kick just that one arm. As you say, it would be more random and less whole. I still think that those bruises were created to cover up something rather than create defensive wounds.

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