Darlie's injuries

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It is a done deal for Darlie, nothing and mean nothing is going to keep her from the needle.

Acomplice testimony(which she is, IF she acted in concert with Darin) is not going to be seen as credible.

Since all of her appeals have been turned down, I find it very unlikely that now at this stage she is going to confess.

There will be no purpose..........it won't keep her from the needle, that MAY have happened before the trial, but not now.........

It cost more money to sentence someone to death row then LWOP.
At one time the pics of the bruises swayed me into thinking she may have been innocent. But the fact that her cuts and injuries are so slight compared to the stabbing of the children lead me to believe otherwise.

I mean all an intruder had to do was stab her. Instead she got a swipe on the neck and a few poke marks on her arms.
Becba said:
At one time the pics of the bruises swayed me into thinking she may have been innocent. But the fact that her cuts and injuries are so slight compared to the stabbing of the children lead me to believe otherwise.

I mean all an intruder had to do was stab her. Instead she got a swipe on the neck and a few poke marks on her arms.

exactly....why would an intruder have to be so brutal & forceful with such young children..yet barley injure the older person who could fight back,run or scream the loudest & hardest. :waitasec: :waitasec:

even susan smith and andrea yates admitted their guilt........(wont even go there with those 2 either....but they did AT THE VERY FRICKING LEAST do that )
Jeana (DP) said:
Sentences aren't there to deter crime Goody. They're there to punish those who did the crime. The death penalty is NOT in place to be a deterrent. Its simply a punishment - the harshest that there is - for murderers like Darlie. I agree with the sentence and as a citizen of this state, I'm going to be pretty angry if its not carried out.
Most people give the "detering crime" argument when this subject comes up. That is why I mentioned it.

When looking at the subject as a punishmen, I admit to being conflicted. I don't know if that is a just punishment in every case. Maybe I just have a soft spot for young women, but I have a hard time with the harshness of it. Esp when I imagine what it might be like for them to be paroled out and back to their families in 20 or 30 years. The person who committed the crime is not going to be the same person walking out. Losing one's freedom for most of their adult lives is pretty harsh, too. I just don't know if it is necessary to kill everyone who kills or to lock them up forever.

However, the nature of the crimes do have a push for revenge, I admit.
j2mirish said:

usually in family situations there are mitigating factors. People get caught up in the drama and lose track of what is important to them. In order for them to reoffend, the same set of circumstances would almost have to duplicate.

I am afraid I am biased when it comes to Peterson and probably most male killers. I don't see desperation in their acts but if all facts were known, I very well could in the Darlies and Susan Smiths, etc.

I am a mother of 2 children. and although I can see some folks feeling sorry for "woman" killers, I guess I go just the opposite--they make me madder than the opposite---how does a mother kill her own children?especially when they only kill the children...whatever the case may be that has brought them to this decision...they sure dont kill themselves along with the children..do they?

Why do you see such a diffence between peterson & darlie? I watched that trial until i think my husband thought I was going over the deep end!! still look here on the other forum..LOL He imo is no better...no any worse than Darlie? why are woman desperate when they kill, byut men arent?

guess this is a good point to just say it looks like we will have to agree to always disagree!!;)
You make very good points. I can't even honestly say I disagree with them. But there is a part of me that does distinguish between the Peterson types and the Darlie types. Maybe because I can relate to some of their issues behind the motives.

Don't get me wrong. I have never been in a place where murdering my children was ever an option or even a consideration, and I can't imagine picking up a knife and following through on even one stab wound, let alone all the many times it took to complete the job. I could not have done it, I have no doubt. But then again I look at Darlie and think what a shame that her life too must be wasted, even though she deserves it. I can't say I have the same empathy for Scott Peterson though, and I admit I would be uncomfortable to have either of them for neighbors.

It's for these reasons that I don't offen discuss punishment. I am satisfied to have them go down in history as the killers, and I want their story to be told, details exposed. I just don't need the punishment, too. Mostly, I suppose, because I know there are others who will take care of that. If I were a nun, I would probably fight to spare them, but I am not so I will only opine on occasion that killing most convicts does not appeal to me.
beesy said:
Well, really my point was that Hauptman never confessed, so there is a big chance that Darlie won't either. Not "accidentally", but not planned either. They don't even know with what his skull was smashed.
Lack of confession does not indicate innocence. At least it shouldn't. I went thru a period believing Hauptman myself but I was young and inexperienced then. Now I have so many years of web experience under my belt (hehe)and much knowledge gained from TH experts that I know better. The fact that Darlie won't admit she did it means nothing except that maybe she can't face people with the truth. However, if she is as self absorbed as most think, she will tell before she dies. Once all hope is gone,she is going to be angry that Darin got away and she didn't (unless he really didn't participate at all) that she will tell just to keep from going down in history alone for this. It will be her way of clearing her name, not taking all of the blame. That is what I think.
Jeana (DP) said:
I've known you long enough to understand your feelings about this Goody, but you know there's absolutely nothing she can say about the involvement of any other person that will prevent her from being executed. The only thing that I can see that would have made the situation any different would have been had she spoken up about it sooner. There would most likely have been a second trial for that person, the outcome most likely would have been two individuals on death row instead of one. The testimony of one convicted murderer is not enough to put another person in prison or on the row.
Yes, I know that is true, but in this age of deals, one never knows. However, I expect the most she could gain from confessing after her appeals are gone is the satisfaction of not going down alone for it. A chance to tell what really happened so people won't think she is a monster. If he was involved too, the time to testify against him. That would give her a few more months of life on this earth.
Goody said:
You make very good points. I can't even honestly say I disagree with them. But there is a part of me that does distinguish between the Peterson types and the Darlie types. Maybe because I can relate to some of their issues behind the motives.
What is the distintiction in your mind? without asking about being able to relate to any issue, I am just curious as to what you think the difference is.
In my opinion they both had similar backgrounds--- nice homes, family and friends, financial problems-- I believe they both plotted, were both very sneeky and both denied...but the biggest similarity to me is their lack of emotion when it was all said and done...they both make me pretty sick in those regards! She posing in prison ( had to throw that it ! LOL ) and him in court with the smirks, and defing (sp) the police as they watched him.

Don't get me wrong. I have never been in a place where murdering my children was ever an option or even a consideration, and I can't imagine picking up a knife and following through on even one stab wound, let alone all the many times it took to complete the job. I could not have done it, I have no doubt. But then again I look at Darlie and think what a shame that her life too must be wasted, even though she deserves it.

I dont disagree her life was wasted, and I think I have seen a passion from you for the underdog woman. which is even understandable, I cant imagine how these single moms make it in this world today, especially the ones that really struggle. But I dont put Darlie in that light- I see her more a very selfish woman who just decided the kids were either an obstacle, or she used them as leverage. Susan I believe in my own mind may have been a little more delicate, but that still does not excuse her actions--- my god----- leave the kids with family, friends--- or even ex-husband.....

I can't say I have the same empathy for Scott Peterson though, and I admit I would be uncomfortable to have either of them for neighbors.

LOL..again- why a different empathy for

It's for these reasons that I don't offen discuss punishment. I am satisfied to have them go down in history as the killers, and I want their story to be told, details exposed. I just don't need the punishment, too. Mostly, I suppose, because I know there are others who will take care of that. If I were a nun, I would probably fight to spare them, but I am not so I will only opine on occasion that killing most convicts does not appeal to me.
I guess my reasons for punishment are the same but different--I do not believe prison is a deterent, and I even understand you opinion of the non-violent folks--- but where do we draw the line? it is not about materilasitic things to me--- its simply about the laws of our land-- where do we draw the line?? you rob, steal, caught for drugs 5-10 times...why should that be lessened because it was non violent? Just like the Darlies of the world, that you believe would not re-offend....and lets even say what if I didnt belive they would reoffend...... where do we draw the line on their punishment??

I have some personal ties to the issue myself- I have a brother in law that was killed by a drunk driver.... I am a drinker, so please keep thaat in mind! but my point is this-- he did not have any past violent convictions--- he was simply driving without a liscens or insurance...because of his previous dui's..... now- our family was devistated...but none of us felt he meant to do this--- he served 2 1/2 years....got paroled...and 3 months later was convicted of vehicular manslaughter again...

ok- sorry for the novel!!! I just got on a roll!!:blushing:
j2mirish said:
I guess my reasons for punishment are the same but different--I do not believe prison is a deterent, and I even understand you opinion of the non-violent folks--- but where do we draw the line? it is not about materilasitic things to me--- its simply about the laws of our land-- where do we draw the line?? you rob, steal, caught for drugs 5-10 times...why should that be lessened because it was non violent? Just like the Darlies of the world, that you believe would not re-offend....and lets even say what if I didnt belive they would reoffend...... where do we draw the line on their punishment??

I have some personal ties to the issue myself- I have a brother in law that was killed by a drunk driver.... I am a drinker, so please keep thaat in mind! but my point is this-- he did not have any past violent convictions--- he was simply driving without a liscens or insurance...because of his previous dui's..... now- our family was devistated...but none of us felt he meant to do this--- he served 2 1/2 years....got paroled...and 3 months later was convicted of vehicular manslaughter again...

ok- sorry for the novel!!! I just got on a roll!!:blushing:
Wow, Irish! That is some story, and a good one. It certainly hits home about the repeat offenders and is a good argument for longer prison terms. I can't help but wonder though if your brother-in-law and the community wouldn't have been better served to have him spend those 2.5 years in a special rehab facility where he could get a lot of heavy treatment, not only for his drinking problem but for the underlying causes of it. Many people who drink in excess are self medicating, and those who choose to drive must be trying to draw attention to themselves. I know there are so many like him, but it is a good point that even if rehab and heavy therapy were available, he might not be strong enough to stop anyway. And what do we do with those? Good questions there.
j2mirish said:
I guess my reasons for punishment are the same but different--I do not believe prison is a deterent, and I even understand you opinion of the non-violent folks--- but where do we draw the line? it is not about materilasitic things to me--- its simply about the laws of our land-- where do we draw the line?? you rob, steal, caught for drugs 5-10 times...why should that be lessened because it was non violent? Just like the Darlies of the world, that you believe would not re-offend....and lets even say what if I didnt belive they would reoffend...... where do we draw the line on their punishment??

I have some personal ties to the issue myself- I have a brother in law that was killed by a drunk driver.... I am a drinker, so please keep thaat in mind! but my point is this-- he did not have any past violent convictions--- he was simply driving without a liscens or insurance...because of his previous dui's..... now- our family was devistated...but none of us felt he meant to do this--- he served 2 1/2 years....got paroled...and 3 months later was convicted of vehicular manslaughter again...

ok- sorry for the novel!!! I just got on a roll!!:blushing:
I'm sorry about your brother-in-law. I know that's a hard pill to swallow. You're doing a great job! Type away!
beesy said:
I'm sorry about your brother-in-law. I know that's a hard pill to swallow. You're doing a great job! Type away!
Thanks- I wasnt looking for a pitty party- like I said I just got on a roll and didnt know when to quit! glad I did when I did!! :angel:
j2, that wasn't a pity party... that was you telling how repeat offenders have affected your life adversely. That's so sad about your brother-in-law, and I know how devastating it is to lose any member of a family, let alone through something as senseless as being killed by a drunk driver. But your real point, IMO, is that we each bring to the forum our own viewpoint on the world, which has obviously been colored by our own personal experiences. And it has to be that way because personal experiences shape who we become. Thanks for sharing your story.
I don't believe in the death penalty. For anyone.
I DO believe in LWOP. And I do mean WITHOUT parole. Life. In. Prison.

That being said, I also think that there are too many people in our correction system that don't need to be there. I'm all for rehab/therapy idea for drugs or drinking offenses. Intensive rehab, not this "insurance will pay for 10 days then you're on your own" like we have now...

I think the non-violent criminals should be eased up on. We DO have alot of people in prison. And it seems that every day, we are passing more and more laws making more and more things illegal.

But violent offenders?? LWOP.
Do I think Darlie should ever get out? No way. While at the Darlie site looking at her "cupcake" poses, take a look at what she did to those boys, if you can stomach it. In my opinion, LWOP is the punishment that fits that crime.

Life is choices. And one MUST be responsible for their choices.
IrishMist said:
I don't believe in the death penalty. For anyone.
I DO believe in LWOP. And I do mean WITHOUT parole. Life. In. Prison.

That being said, I also think that there are too many people in our correction system that don't need to be there. I'm all for rehab/therapy idea for drugs or drinking offenses. Intensive rehab, not this "insurance will pay for 10 days then you're on your own" like we have now...

I think the non-violent criminals should be eased up on. We DO have alot of people in prison. And it seems that every day, we are passing more and more laws making more and more things illegal.

But violent offenders?? LWOP.
Do I think Darlie should ever get out? No way. While at the Darlie site looking at her "cupcake" poses, take a look at what she did to those boys, if you can stomach it. In my opinion, LWOP is the punishment that fits that crime.

Life is choices. And one MUST be responsible for their choices.
What if the victims had been adults? Would you still feel outraged? How did you feel about Karla Faye Tucker? Would you put Darlie and Karla in the same bag?
Goody said:
Wow, Irish! That is some story, and a good one. It certainly hits home about the repeat offenders and is a good argument for longer prison terms. I can't help but wonder though if your brother-in-law and the community wouldn't have been better served to have him spend those 2.5 years in a special rehab facility where he could get a lot of heavy treatment, not only for his drinking problem but for the underlying causes of it. Many people who drink in excess are self medicating, and those who choose to drive must be trying to draw attention to themselves. I know there are so many like him, but it is a good point that even if rehab and heavy therapy were available, he might not be strong enough to stop anyway. And what do we do with those? Good questions there.
although I appreciate the thought behind the rehab facility..and I know exactly what you mean- but why isnt 2.5 years behind bars, without a drink of any kind, talk about "on the wagon" reflecting on the death you caused to a man 2 days before Christmas, who left behind 2 children a wife and family...enough to say to yourself...damn I am going to get a second chance.....I dont know how much more attention someone would need drawn to themselves after this "mishap":boohoo: again--I truley dont care about WHY people do the things they doooo- they should get the help they need before it reaches the point of murder , whether intentional or not.
Goody said:
What if the victims had been adults? Would you still feel outraged? How did you feel about Karla Faye Tucker? Would you put Darlie and Karla in the same bag?
i cant speak for anyone else-- but I would still be outraged----what if it was her to olders siblings? What difference does it make?? I think the fact it was her own children, the BRUTALITY...and then the fricking DENIAL...is what makes this even more emotional than "JUST" (tongue in cheek) her having killed 2 adults...
HeartofTexas said:
j2, that wasn't a pity party... that was you telling how repeat offenders have affected your life adversely. That's so sad about your brother-in-law, and I know how devastating it is to lose any member of a family, let alone through something as senseless as being killed by a drunk driver. But your real point, IMO, is that we each bring to the forum our own viewpoint on the world, which has obviously been colored by our own personal experiences. And it has to be that way because personal experiences shape who we become. Thanks for sharing your story.
thxs :)
IrishMist said:
Life is choices. And one MUST be responsible for their choices.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Imo --that is the biggest problem with society today.......we always have an excuse, or list of "reasons" for the choice someone has made...........

I will be the first to admitt the mistakes I make-- but I can aslo from the bottom of my heart say--I have never blamed anyone else or any "reason"....( ok...I'm not talking about when i was 10 years old- LOL)
Maybe we need a debate board of for/against the Death Penalty here on websleuths. I haven't found a good board yet.

Goody said:
What if the victims had been adults? Would you still feel outraged? How did you feel about Karla Faye Tucker? Would you put Darlie and Karla in the same bag?
At the very least tucker admiitted to the murders she and her boyfriend committed

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