Darlie's injuries

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
Mama Darlie.
She will tell you what he said. I don't have a report just the info that he thought the police work was bad and that evidence of an intruder did exist in his opinion. He is top notch in my book and I have the highest respect for him. I would also like Dr Lee to look at the blood evidence. I wasn't kidding when I said the boys deserve the best. Dr. Lee is the best in the nation when it comes to blood splatter. I want good, no excellent, police work for my taxes folks I feel ripped off here.
Well, I agree with you here, but I have seen Dr Lee use the same method of analysis to track cast off blood as Bevel used in this case.

BTW, I notice you didn't mention the blood on her shirt which is the most crucial evidence against her. The blond hair found in the early days that later proved to belong to a policewoman doesn't prove guilt or innocence, so while it might be a big deal to the family, it means nothing to us web sleuthers because it proves nothing.
G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
2 perps 2 knives two different amount of force used. One stronger than the other.
This makes more sense than wimping out in the middle of the crime. This is my opinion from watching people work using different tools. My husband once had a student who he forbid to use channel locks cause he would scar up the outside of the nuts so bad loosening them they would have to be replaced before the next class could complete the tests. But this guy could take a compressor off quicker than anyone else- he tended to use the same amount of force regardless of the tools he was using. Your hand and arm strength is pretty much the same when doing repetive tasks.

Think the jurors name was Charles Sampson or samson. Im going to have to drag my book out of storage but he may have been the jury forman.

Barbara Davis crime writer changed her mind too. That surprised me when it happened.

I don't think a diabolical plot was hatched behind the closed doors of the DA's office or the Rowlett police station. They just did the best they could with the little resources available to them and they tried to find pat answers and quickly too. The pressure to solve the crime may have led more to the mistakes that were made.
Since all the blood evidence was not tested and still can not be explained, they is no way they could test everything we would still be waiting for results and the nightshirt was improperly stored when collected. That is why I want Dr Lee to look at the evidence. I want the best answers available from the best experts around. The boys deserve that much, Mama Darlie derserves that much and if Darlie is truly innocent she deserves that much too.
The bloody fingerprint does not belong to Darin or Darlie or one of the boys it has been compared to the prints taken at the time of her arrest, Darin's on file and the exhumation of the boys. The print does not belong to Darlie

Whatever bruised Darlie did it that night during the crime.If they are staged they were staged that night before the police were called. No needle pricks no slamming your arm in a door- don't be embarrased if you tried it I appauld your efforts to discover truth.
And what do you do with the hypnosis report from a couple of years ago? You know the one wherein Darlie has a memory flash depicting the Mutt and Jeff intruder team who fight with her on the couch and fall on top of Damon???
Goody said:
We already know that. :dance:
I was telling duker that. It was in reference to him saying we were overweight housewives.
I am a retired teacher. I have a B.S. and a Master's. I am not overweight. Duker is having issues of his own! LOL!!! If I am a housewife, so is my husband as we are BOTH retired.
G.I.RattlesnakeJane[QUOTE said:
]There is a photo of Darlie in the hospital bed right after surgery. Her arm has stitches from a puncture wound. Darlie was attacked that night by someone and the doctors notes and discussions with family members and police are different than the story the prosecution rehearsed with their witnesses before they testified.
It's a stab wound from a knife, not a puncture wound. Well, you're talking about a time space of just a few hours. At that point they took Darlie's word, even if they were smelling somthing fishy. From a prosecution point of view, it's better at that point, to be on "her side", to get that story set in stone. There's nothing wrong with doing that. Do you have proof that the prosecution rehearsed these witnesses? Are you just going on the fact that some of the statements don't match? Also none of her friends or family testified willingly for the state.
tell the family how close to death Darlie came-2mm
Because it did .
Why do the hospital nurses notes conflict with the sworn testimony?
The medical staff was referring to her reaction(as flat) to her son's deaths when they were on the stand. In the notes they are referring to her overall condition.
The justice system is not set up to establish truth at trial. That is supoosed be done before hand
Yes, it is. Innocent until proven guilty
deandaniellws said:
I am a retired teacher. I have a B.S. and a Master's. I am not overweight. Duker is having issues of his own! LOL!!! If I am a housewife, so is my husband as we are BOTH retired.
I have a B.A. and a Master's degree also! And I'm not fat either. I found that statement very funny though, not offensive
beesy said:
You'd think it would be settled wouldn't you Jim? The Pro-Darlies will just come back saying that not ALL of the photos were shown and that some of them show more bruising than others. That's what Barbara Davis says. They will never be satisfied that Darlie did it unless she tells us.

This talk of yours just makes me angry. You do not know a single "Pro-Darlie", I am one but you do not know me or what I think, and yet you feel able to get on here and tell this man what all of us think??? I change my mind. This no longer makes me angry. Now it makes me laugh. hahaha :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
No medical professional has stated that the bruises are not consistant with her injuries
No, but Darlie has never explained the bruises. I can see her not knowing their origin if she had been in a car accident or something like that. In that case, all you know is you were thrown around. But if she was attacked, she should know how those bruises got there. You say yourself they are deep muscle bruises. How in the world could she sustain such trauma to her arms and not know how they got there? Sometimes she says she "struggled" with the man, but someone grabbing at her arms would not cause those bruises. Do you agree? We've thought about all kinds of things, some way out there, some which make sense. Do you have any theories as to what caused them?
This needle prick stuff is complete falsehood. Baylor did have sheathed needles and all AIDS and infectious disease controls in place. This information can be confirmed thru public records and has been federally mandated long before 1996. My cousin also has worked at Baylor and he said they have been up to snuff long before 1996.Darlie was not alone for long periods of time. Her mother, husband and sisters were there before after and during her surgery. ICU at Baylor requires regular physical checking of the patient status. In MTJD you can look at the times entries in the nurses notes. Look at how often the just looked in on her. Sticking yourself with a needle deep enough to cause those kind of bruises- they are not sub -cutenous bruises ( that means just under the skin) They are deep muscle bruises. Those kind of bruises need time to develop. I don't think you are very "aware of the facts" A needle stick bruise would also show the punctures just like when you give blood. The puncture would be the darkest in color and the color would radiate out. Smaller sticks closer together would like a hickey (this term is still used I hope otherwise my age is hanging out) in a couple of days. Small little red spots would show up every place she stuck herself. The pictures show classic deep muscle bruising
Yes, I think hickey is still used, but as I am pushing 40 and have no teenagers, I can't be sure.
Based on the many posts I've participated in on this subject, I think most people were referring not to self-inflicted needle bruises, but simply because they can cause bruises. I've never read a post in which anybody actually accuses Darlie of poking herself up and down her arms. That's a funny image, isn't it? In a photo in MTJD and on the website, you can see a bandaid from either the IV or a shot on her left inner elbow. I know when I've said some of the bruising could be from a needle, I was only referring to those which might normally occur when you are given shots or an IV. I bruise like mad when I get blood drawn.
It is obvious to experts like John Douglass, a highly reknowned FBI AGENT, that the Rowlett police did not correctly preserve the crime scene, did not collect evidence correctly and then even later released stuff like the couch back to the family
I've heard people mention this before. LE got all they needed from the couch. They released it to the family and they could have kept it to run tests.
I wouldn't travel on your bridge to Atlanta as it is so flimsy and faulted it collaspes under the weight of a 1st graders knowledge of science, biology, and human nature.
It was across the Atlantic. Would you take a cruise ship on it? :D

Truth is supposed to be established BEFORE a trial, the trial is supposed to be the presentation of truth-in order for justice to be served. That is why they investigate the crime BEFORE they charge someone
yes, investigations are done before the trial. I thought you meant guilt or innocence is proven before the trial. This truth is only known to the people who do the investigations before the trial. It is presented at trial for everyone else to see the truth.
Last time I checked we are supposed to be unbiased and fair when it comes If it were your kids wouldn't you want the very best too? I don't think those boys got the best efforts of the investigators.
Do you remember the interview with Darin and Darlie after the Silly String Party? In it Darin says that they(LE) are using all kinds of fancy stuff to solve the crime. Things he hadn't even seen in movies. This is paraphrased of course. But he seemed to think they were doing a great job, really digging into things, until they arrested Darlie. Suddenly, LE had no idea what they were doing.
SnootyVixen said:
This talk of yours just makes me angry. You do not know a single "Pro-Darlie", I am one but you do not know me or what I think, and yet you feel able to get on here and tell this man what all of us think??? I change my mind. This no longer makes me angry. Now it makes me laugh. hahaha :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
You do not know me either, yet you seem to think you do. From my viewpoint, I have seen many people who support Darlie never be satisfied with any evidence which could point to Darlie's guilt. That is my opinion and I'm allowed to state it. I'm sure by now, Jim has seen it for himself.
My husband and I became very involved in the investigation of a friends murder.
We saw 1 st hand how easy it is to overlook important clues.
We did not have the funds to have DNA tests done on items retrieved from the crime scenes- yes more than1place where clues could be found in fact 3 different sites in 2 states. The police however did- I will forever be on the nagging end of the scale should anyone I know be kidnapped, murdered, or victimized by a crime. I will take a proactive approach and urge complete preservation of all crime scene evidence. Until this case occured and I watched bungle after bungle- I ALWAYS trusted that the police would be able to do an excellent job.
Rowlett is a smaller town. The funding available to them is not what it is in Dallas, Houston, Austin. The police who work there have probably selected Rowlett as a good place to work because they wouldn't have to see as much heinous crimes as in the large cities I listed. Police are people too.
Would you really WANT to have to enter crime scenes like seen in MTJD and investigate them. Rowlett would be a very attractive place to work in law enforcement if I was a policeperson, good pay and benefits, not as much violent crimes to tear at your soul.
They didn't have a great deal of experience doing what they had to do. they had training but training is nothing when you compare it to the real thing.

Photos- not documented as to order taken by labeling the rolls as they came out of the camera-very important as to establishing timelines and other determinations. This is very basic and was not done properly.

Couch- I didn't know before but I do now if the police release evidence to you from a crime scene don't throw it away, clean it, donate it etc. Put on rubber gloves. Wrap it in plastic and seal it up like you are protecting your 16 year old daughters virginity. Do not put tape directly on the item wrap it over well then tape it. If I had known before it was too late I'd have told Mama Darlie to do just that. No one ever suspected we would have to do our own investigation. Since when has the idea been that you are also responsible for doing your own investigation. No you let the police do their jobs cause that is what we pay them for. Darin has no idea what high tech crime tests really are, he was assured by the police they were running every test, using every resource, no holds barred sir we will find who murdered your sons.

Police follow clues like a hound dog does, they caught a sniff on a trail but they forgot that trail does double back and IMO they didn't investigate the possibility of an intruder to its full extent. They didn't investigate Darin's cell phone records from that night either- did they know he had one?

The day of the funeral I talked to Darlie, Darin, Mama Darlie- I advised them to lawyer up and hire a private investigator and referred them to 2 retired Texas Rangers. They had complete and total faith in the police. They were somehat shocked at my suggestion too. Darlie Lynn was the only one that seemed to enertain the thought and heed my advice. I told her they were the best and that her boys deserved the best, she agreed.

Lets say she did it- Why would she have wanted extra investigators (of the caliber of Texas Rangers) she knew on the crime, to find even more evidence to point the finger of blame at her. Why would she say we don't need a lawyer if she had done it- it was her naivity not her guilt.

Despite the fact that as posters we all have our opinions and sometimes, like armpits they stink to others. The one thing that unifies us all here is the boys.

Not one person here wants to see a kiiler go free or justice not be served. I know you care because of the posts I read. We are united in our passions for those boys- because of this I have the highest respect for all the posters here regardless of their position on the case.

I know both sides get frustrated trying to convince the other that they are right.

I want to KNOW -What happened to my 2 favorite little "cowpokes" you see the last time I saw the boys we played Cowpersons and Native Americans.
I loved them, I know Darlie Lynn loved them to the very bottom of her soul.
They were not inconvient burdens to her- they were her reason to get up in the morning. She adored all kids, she spoiled her kids ROTTON. Her depression was about not be able to give her kids her best.Mothers who have
killed their children like Andrea Yates to "save them" from themselves or the horrors of this world admit it. They are mentally ill obviously but in their minds they can easily confess to it as they did the right thing.

MOTIVE: No one has been able to give me a motive that rings true to the person I know. I know Darlie Lynns faults believe me she was vain, she was "houseproud", she spent money on useless junk I would have saved in that mason jar in my backyard. She knew of other ways to keep that big house and lifestyle besides murder.
The laws surrounding bankruptcy have changed but at the time Darin and Darlie could have filed and kept EVERYTHING and paid back VERY LITTLE TO NOTHING FOT IT.Credit card agencies and banks solicit very heavily,bankrupt individuals more
than you can believe. If you declare it they figure you want to get your scores back up there and they're there to "HELP".
Debt protection would fall under the federally mandated laws and they would not suffer repossions, even collection phone calls would be stopped. A lot easier answer than killing your kids.

The blood evidence tested (cause this stuff is not cheap ) was tested at the discretion of the investigating officers. Why test items looking for alternatives if you don't really believe there is an alternative. The police are not wacked out by investigating her,most child killings are done by parents and they needed to investigate all plausible answers- A terroist plot by a foreign government would not have been plausible. But very little if any attention was given to her intruders.
I don't know how I would react if attacked in my sleep. I don't imagine if you are being hit or held down that the thought : Hey thats the 2x 4 I bought at Lowes and left in the garage how did it get in here and why am I being hit with it. OH WOW are those Bugle Boy jeans you are wearing while laying down on my arms trying to stab me. Get real,what information you could derive from what was happening is not even stored in your brain as a memory as trying to stay alive takes over. Crime victims are very unreliable sometimes when it comes to complete recall and an unemotional observance of the small details.
It doesn't seem strange that Darlie can't remember in cronlogical order if Damon pushing on her shoulder, hearing a glass break and seeing a figure at the end of the couch. Her subconcious mind still knows she has been attacked but her concious one doesn't want to admit it. The order it happened is less important than the fact that it can all proven true.
Damons blood was on her nightshirt, and the spot on the back could be from that shoulder shove she says he gave her. It was very small and his hands would not have been covered in blood, It is kinda hard to touch your back enough to transfer a large amount of blood to your hands.

There was broken glass on the floor

Boot imprssions on her showroom style kept carpet show someone wearing shoes was in the house, blood outlines of 1 of these impressions show someone was standing there and blood was not under the imprint just outlining it. That says someone is standing here in boots while blood is flowing.

If you have ever been around a crime victim right after the crime they
are shaken and sometimes the details of the crime are foggy and unclear to them. Details are sometimes recalled days later when the brain realizes they are still alive, they made it thru the ordeal and the support system around them has made them feel safe again- somewhat.
I don't expect her to be able to report the crime and the details in a clinical sense and no one should expect that from her as well.
The fight or flight intinct is still going strong for hours even days for some folks
it all depends upon your own psycologal ability to handle stressful situations.
beesy said:
Actually great response Goody! Jeana, is our fearless leader and SHE sets the rules and SHE is very reasonable. We often get weighed down by the sadness of this case and resort to banter. Notice how we all team up when threatened though. Hee hee...take a hike...hee hee..

:sick: :sick: :sick:
G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
Couch- I didn't know before but I do now if the police release evidence to you from a crime scene don't throw it away, clean it, donate it etc. Put on rubber gloves. Wrap it in plastic and seal it up like you are protecting your 16 year old daughters virginity. Do not put tape directly on the item wrap it over well then tape it. If I had known before it was too late I'd have told Mama Darlie to do just that. No one ever suspected we would have to do our own investigation. Since when has the idea been that you are also responsible for doing your own investigation. No you let the police do their jobs cause that is what we pay them for. Darin has no idea what high tech crime tests really are, he was assured by the police they were running every test, using every resource, no holds barred sir we will find who murdered your sons
It's her responsibility to find evidence which supports her story. Well, her team's responsibility. As I said, LE didn't need the couch anymore. They preserved what they got from it and had no reason to keep it. I am only saying that to blame them for returning the couch is wrong. I know Darin didn't know anything about crime scene investigations. I was pointing out how happy he was until they arrested his wife. James Crohn was on the scene for goodness sake! Bubba from the gas station wasn't doing this. Luminol was used which picked up the blood that somebody wiped up from the kitchen sink, counter and floor.
I don't know how I would react if attacked in my sleep. I don't imagine if you are being hit or held down that the thought : Hey thats the 2x 4 I bought at Lowes and left in the garage how did it get in here and why am I being hit with it. OH WOW are those Bugle Boy jeans you are wearing while laying down on my arms trying to stab me. Get real,what information you could derive from what was happening is not even stored in your brain as a memory as trying to stay alive takes over. Crime victims are very unreliable sometimes when it comes to complete recall and an unemotional observance of the small details

Now you are just being silly. You know I did not mean that she would know all of that. What I am saying is that Darlie doesn't mention getting hit with anything. She should know she was being hit or beaten or whatever was happening. I was asking you if you had a theory as to what the object might have been. How would she get bruises which are nearly up to her armpits?
Damons blood was on her nightshirt, and the spot on the back could be from that shoulder shove she says he gave her. It was very small and his hands would not have been covered in blood, It is kinda hard to touch your back enough to transfer a large amount of blood to your hands.
Well, first of all, she says he touched her shoulder, not her back. And secondly, it was not one drop and it was cast-off, not transfer, which was on her back in Damon's blood. Transfer does not make drops.
There was broken glass on the floor
I don't think anyone has disputed that there was glass on the floor.
What is the difference between cast off and transfer.

When dealing with an absorbant surface like a shirt, material, carpet etc larger drops of blood are more easily determined to be cast off ( coming from somewhere not rubbed on it). A wall is easy,compared to a shirt, so is any other solid surface to determine this. I asked a doctor ( my cuz' in Dallas) and a Dr. locally what they thought- both agreed the spot is way too small to determine cast off or transfer. Neither one of them felt they would have ruled it as cast off-. In order for so small a drop to deposit there would have had to been some velocity( speed) throwing it onto the shirt. The knife would be traveling at the time the blood dripped from it.
The height the knife would have to have been raised high enough to cast off the blood. It would have to be way over Darlie's head. Coming down with enough force to stab someone then would have left deeper wounds than what Damon suffered had she been stabbing him with the knife and raising it to that level so blood could drip off the knife and on to the back shoulder area onto the back of her nightshirt. The time between blows would also be longer and the pattern of wounds show quick, shorter stabs made at a shallower trajectory than those of his brother Devon.

Couch- the family thought everything had been tested, no one can say whose blood the bloody handprint is. What if was Darlies blood in Damons handprint. this proves she was bleeding when he was still alive. This would have blown the initial theory that one of the parents did it. You elimate the most obvious suspects first before you look for others. They don't try and disprove their own theories only confirm them. This is how police investigations are run. It is more cost effective, and usually, usually it is correct.

They tested the print but not whose blood it was. The family wrongly assumed all testing on every square inch of that crime scene would be done- imagine the cost of that investigation. That isn't how it works in the real world. The police will submit what is their most promising leads, test things and then try to build a case when they start to get back reports based on the fact that these tests cost a lot of money and you don't need to pursue more tests if your theory is being confirmed by initial results.

Police and prosecutors are often wrongly blamed for the high cost of investigations and this is a burden that should be removed from their shoulders. Don't gripe about how high your taxes are and how much money your county spends on crime investigations in the end every penny is well spent.
G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
What is the difference between cast off and transfer.
Are you asking me or telling me? ;)
When dealing with an absorbant surface like a shirt, material, carpet etc larger drops of blood are more easily determined to be cast off ( coming from somewhere not rubbed on it). A wall is easy,compared to a shirt, so is any other solid surface to determine this. I asked a doctor ( my cuz' in Dallas) and a Dr. locally what they thought- both agreed the spot is way too small to determine cast off or transfer. Neither one of them felt they would have ruled it as cast off-. In order for so small a drop to deposit there would have had to been some velocity( speed) throwing it onto the shirt. The knife would be traveling at the time the blood dripped from it
It is not a drop. It is cast-off. There is no way around that, it is cast-off. If it were one itty-bitty drop, I'd agree that it might not be determined, but it is not one drop. They are tear-shaped which means cast-off. I do know what velocity is, but thank you for assuming I don't :D and defining it for me.
The height the knife would have to have been raised high enough to cast off the blood. It would have to be way over Darlie's head. Coming down with enough force to stab someone then would have left deeper wounds than what Damon suffered had she been stabbing him with the knife and raising it to that level so blood could drip off the knife and on to the back shoulder area onto the back of her nightshirt. The time between blows would also be longer and the pattern of wounds show quick, shorter stabs made at a shallower trajectory than those of his brother Devon.
The knife would not have to be held up high over her head. Just the action of raising your arm and slamming it back down would cause that sort of cast-off. We know the killer had to have raised his/her arm up to stab Damon. Suggesting that she raised it up is not looney. I have seen Dr. Lee(we all love him, don't we) demonstrate cast-off like the type found on the back of Darlie's shirt. All he had to do was raise the already bloody knife over his head and there it was. He didn't have to raise it high, just a little above his shoulder. If you don't think it's cast-off, what do you think it is?
Couch- the family thought everything had been tested, no one can say whose blood the bloody handprint is. What if was Darlies blood in Damons handprint. this proves she was bleeding when he was still alive.
They tested the print but not whose blood it was
If you are talking about the bloody handprint on the couch, which I think you are, they did not test it. The handprint would have been visible to the naked eye. It was covered by a blanket or pillow(I forget which, maybe both). LE had the lights off so they could see what the Luminol picked up. Therefore they did not see it until they sprayed it. Luminol destroys visible blood. There was nothing to test, the handprint and smudge from Damon's pants faded away. There is no doubt that Darlie was bleeding while Damon was still alive. He didn't die until after she hung up with 911. There is no need to prove that. So it doesn't matter whose blood the handprint and "butt print" were in.
Police and prosecutors are often wrongly blamed for the high cost of investigations and this is a burden that should be removed from their shoulders. Don't gripe about how high your taxes are and how much money your county spends on crime investigations in the end every penny is well spent.
No, I don't gripe about anything like that anymore at least. My husband is an Electric Lineman for the City and the citizens act like they own him. grumble grumble, our taxes pay for you, when really they don't.
Cast-off bloodstain patterns occur, as their name implies, when blood is projected under force from the edge of a weapon. If a victim is stabbed or beaten with an object, blood is transferred to the knife or blunt object. As the weapon is raised back and then plunged forward again, blood is thrown from the surface and can produce a pattern on floors, walls and ceilings. The cast-off pattern produced in relation to the position of the victim can predict whether the perpetrator is right or left handed, and in some cases can indicate the presence of two perpetrators when there is no other evidence to suggest it.
Finally, wipe bloodstain patterns can occur if a victim has wiped a bloody hand along a wall or was dragged from one location to another. Transfer bloodstain patterns occur when an object contaminated with blood comes in contact with another surface. A murder weapon, like a knife temporarily laid on a table, can leave a pattern indicative of the knife blade. If a perp steps in blood on the floor, it can be transferred in the form of a bloody footprint into other areas of the crime scene. This bloody footprint is important shoe print evidence
"Transfer bloodstain patterns occur when an object contaminated with blood comes in contact with another surface. A murder weapon, like a knife temporarily laid on a table, can leave a pattern indicative of the knife blade. If a perp steps in blood on the floor, it can be transferred in the form of a bloody footprint into other areas of the crime scene. This bloody footprint is important shoe print evidence" http://www.officer.com/article/arti...ion=18&id=28138
What is your take on the fact that Darlie's blood caused the knife outline near Damon's body? Darlie says both boys were attacked before she was. She says that after attacking her, the man ran away and dropped the knife on the UR floor. She says she picked it up and put it on the counter. She never says she walked around with it. Now how did it get back into the FR with Darlie's blood on it? A great deal of Darlie's blood had pooled onto the end of the knife. Blood which came from her holding the knife downward while bleeding. Ok, so the cut on her arm is bleeding. Picking up the knife from the floor and placing it on the counter is not long enough to have caused all of that blood. Then somehow the knife got itself back over to where Damon died and it made an outline in Darlie's blood. And please don't tell me LE goofed the blood-typing or anything like that, because that's just silly.
Drats , I can't figure this quote stuff out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In my copy of MTJD the only knife outline is in the kitchen near the door where Darlie says she picked up the knife.
In my book the only blood on the back of her T- shirt used as evidence she killed him was that of Damons and it was a tiny spot not drops or droplets. The picture points to a tiny spot the author circled.

No matter who stabbed the boy I don't think the knife went above the killers shoulder at any time. By the number of them and the depths of them, he had to have been struggling too. Isn't that part of your theories as well- no one could just sleep thru an attack like that. To hold him down and continue to stab him would have been very difficult to do, raising the knife that high regardless of who stabbed him.
Think about it for a minute, I played it out. Play it out too. The blade, and only the part actually stabbed into the person would have blood on it. The handle would not have blood on it unless someone held it upside down.

I know I'm a smart alec but I don't see anyone stopping in the middle of this and turning the knife upside down for any reason. Just like a crime victim isn't going to notice the Bugle Boys or the 2x4.

The blood if cast off would have come from the blade not the handle, thus meaning the blade area with blood on it, has to be above the shoulder to cast off blood unto the back- IMO thats unnatural .

What show did you see our beloved Dr. Lee on? I have never seen him demonstarate this and I would feel much, much, better if I knew it was possible. I would change my mind then, Dasgal would have to arrest me for sneaking into prison to speed up the execution date. DP would have to testify in court as to all my posts and Mama Darlie might actually beat us all to it.
Sorry, even before all this, it was easy to mix up the boys names.
If Devon was the depositer of the print in Darlie blood, it proves Darlie bled before he did, meaning the order of who got stabbed first is wrong. If the plan was to kill the kids then cover it with injuries of her own she wouldn't injure herself first then go after the kids.
I'm confused and my MTJD has gone M.I.A.
I remodeled my house and have not wanted to put anything back once we got done. It looked so clean and uncluttered I couldn't let all my hubbies hard work look bad.
I'm going on a book hunt and if a lady burning piles of houshold garbage in her front yard in Lubbock makes the news you know it was me. If I have to unpack the junk I'll have to throw away most of it anyway. I am a pack rat and I may have loaned it to my mother-in-law.
Off subject- My sister says y'all can use me for a crime reinactment dummy as she will still not loan me her shirt. It is good to know I have all this family love and support. She suggested we rent the B&B ( you know which one) for one of those murder mystery weekends for amatuer sleuths. Obviously a wierd sense of humor runs in the family.

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