Darlie's injuries

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It's the same thing with Darlie, the kids were murdered & she just got a couple of scratches. :rolleyes:
Drs in hospital said that the wounds that were inflicted on Darlie were serious, one came within 2mm of a caroid artery, sorry bout spelling.[/quote]

Yes you are right about it coming within 2mm...... however, the others were not. IMHO, she thought she had seriously wounded herself and that is why she called 911. Darlie - "I think I am dying".:boohoo:

What is your reasoning as to why you think Darlie didn't commit these crimes? :behindbar
There are many reasons why I think shes innocent. If you look at the sink the blood seems to be only at the front of sink. If she did 'clean up' after herself there would have been blood all round the sink - not just at front. If you look at sink there is paper towels, half a roll - not just replaced and not empty, there is also a sponge, none of these items were used. If she was cleaning up after herself howcome they aint found whatever she used to clean up? Also the cleaning products had no traces of blood on them - if she was cleaning blood up water wouldnt be enough she would have had to use cleaning products - no cleaning products mixed with blood was found anywhere.
I also do not think she had enouygh time to commit murders, plant sock, stage crime scene THEN call 911.
There is no way she could have inflicted injuries of that extent to herself - the neck wound which I mentioned earlier is just one eg, there is a stab/cut to her elbow that went nealy to bone. Since injuries were on two arms she would have to have been holding knife with an injured arm whist inflicting injuries on second arm, looking at the pictures I dont think that she would be able to inflict wounds of that extent on herself. These are main points why I think shes innocent, hope that answers your question for now.
There are many reasons why I think shes innocent. If you look at the sink the blood seems to be only at the front of sink. If she did 'clean up' after herself there would have been blood all round the sink - not just at front. If you look at sink there is paper towels, half a roll - not just replaced and not empty, there is also a sponge, none of these items were used. If she was cleaning up after herself howcome they aint found whatever she used to clean up? Also the cleaning products had no traces of blood on them - if she was cleaning blood up water wouldnt be enough she would have had to use cleaning products - no cleaning products mixed with blood was found anywhere.
I also do not think she had enouygh time to commit murders, plant sock, stage crime scene THEN call 911.
There is no way she could have inflicted injuries of that extent to herself - the neck wound which I mentioned earlier is just one eg, there is a stab/cut to her elbow that went nealy to bone. Since injuries were on two arms she would have to have been holding knife with an injured arm whist inflicting injuries on second arm, looking at the pictures I dont think that she would be able to inflict wounds of that extent on herself. These are main points why I think shes innocent, hope that answers your question for now.

The stab/slice on her right forearm (not elbow) seem serious because it went to the bone but IF YOU READ THE TRIAL TRANSCRIPTS, you will find that this part of your arm skin is very thin and it would not take much to puncture to the bone. I don't understand why people seem to think that it would be impossible for her to cut herself. People cut themselves all the time - "CUTTERS" and in places you would of never thought of.

The kitchen sink - it sounds like you read "The Kitchen Sink Clean-up" Section on JFD and didn't follow-up with the transcripts. I know what you are trying to say because I felt the same way this time last year. But I took time to read the transcripts, even going back to dispute/clear up anytime I became confused (which happens allot with the JFD site).

Hey I would be the first to apologize to her if it turned out that the whole Rowlett PD and Dallas/Kerr Justice system did in fact frame her. Shoot then she would be RICH and finally get what she was trying to obtain from her actions that night.:waitasec:
It's the same thing with Darlie, the kids were murdered & she just got a couple of scratches. :rolleyes:
Drs in hospital said that the wounds that were inflicted on Darlie were serious, one came within 2mm of a caroid artery, sorry bout spelling.[/quote]

I have never understood the big debate on whether her injuries were serious or not...
let's just say for arguments sake that they WERE serious...Does that mean Darlie could not have inflicted them herself?
Darlie didn't have any medical training...do you honestly think she would know where her carotid artery was and how close she could come to it without killing herself?
I think the quotes above are a bit messed up, so my post is written towards Nicola or anyone else who likes to think Darlie came SO close to dying...please...anyway, her injuries could NOT, I repeat, NOT have been that serious...her own doctor said that if she had come in under normal circumstances she would have been sent home THAT NIGHT!!!! Anyone who is seriously hurt would be kept in the hospital at LEAST overnight, probably longer.
Drs in hospital said that the wounds that were inflicted on Darlie were serious, one came within 2mm of a caroid artery, sorry bout spelling.

I have never understood the big debate on whether her injuries were serious or not...
let's just say for arguments sake that they WERE serious...Does that mean Darlie could not have inflicted them herself?
Darlie didn't have any medical training...do you honestly think she would know where her carotid artery was and how close she could come to it without killing herself?
I think the quotes above are a bit messed up, so my post is written towards Nicola or anyone else who likes to think Darlie came SO close to dying...please...anyway, her injuries could NOT, I repeat, NOT have been that serious...her own doctor said that if she had come in under normal circumstances she would have been sent home THAT NIGHT!!!! Anyone who is seriously hurt would be kept in the hospital at LEAST overnight, probably longer.[/quote]

So when I broke my tibia completely in half/no longer connected to my foot, and they kept me overnight, performed surgery to reconnect and sent me home 4 days later to learn how to walk all over again ....was much more serious than Darlie's wounds!!!!!! Ya know I actually thought she had hurt herself more than she bargined for, but if she really wants to feel pain, try the above. The more I learn about D...... the more disgusted I feel.
Drs in hospital said that the wounds that were inflicted on Darlie were serious, one came within 2mm of a caroid artery, sorry bout spelling.

Darlie didn't have any medical training...do you honestly think she would know where her carotid artery was and how close she could come to it without killing herself?.[/quote]
Anyone with or without medical training would know that slicing your own throat can result in serious injury/death.

whity wendy - you stated that you used to think darlie was innocent, what changed your mind & what are the reasons why you think shes guilty.

White rain - why do you believe shes guilty?

Do any of you think there could be a possibilty that she is innocent?
Anyone with or without medical training would know that slicing your own throat can result in serious injury/death.

Do any of you think there could be a possibilty that she is innocent?
True, but anyone also knows that when you're about to call for help those self inflicted injuries will be tended to.

I think she is guilty beyond any shadow of a doubt.
whity wendy - you stated that you used to think darlie was innocent, what changed your mind & what are the reasons why you think shes guilty.

Nicola - I didn't want you to think that I was ignoring your questions, just need some time to get my thoughts in order. Plus I need to finish up some invoicing first, so I shall be back shortly with my explanations. Thanks for the interesting debates.
I don't think I'll ever understand how anyone can believe Darlie is innocent. This case is pretty cut and dry, IMO.
Someone wanted those children dead, the target was not Darlie. That is a pretty obvious and non-arguable thing. If someone really wanted Darlie, she would be dead today, not those innocent boys. It takes a lot of anger against someone to create the wounds "someone" gave to Devon and Damon. Their wounds were almost overkill, in the deep and penetrating and forceful way they were stabbed. Read anything on profiling and the conclusion will be that it is not the kind of stabbing that a stranger would do. It would be done by someone who knew them, possibly loved them, and was filled with rage and wanted them dead.
A robber or intruder would have blood spatter on them. An intruder would come to the house armed and not use Darlie's knife. Darlie's prints would not be the only ones on the knife.
As for cleaning up, whether or not she cleaned up is a useless point. If she did clean up, she wouldn't need to use a sponge or cleaning supplies. Paper towel and water could easily clean up fresh blood that has not yet set in. Have you ever thrown paper towel down a garbage disposal? I have, and it goes bye bye.
All of the supposed "proof" towards Darlie's innocence are really baseless, they are grasping at straws. When they try something and it doesn't work, they stop talking about it and try to come up with another reason why is innocent.
One word for Mama Darlie - DENIAL.

No one (including myself) wants to truly believe that a mother could brutally stab her children. But she did, and IMO, there is ZERO proof otherwise.

Think about this one...
If I am a crazed murderer or robber who completely got away with this, don't you think I would do it again?
A similar crime down the street or the next town over couldn't be committed again because the perpetrator, the sick and uncaring Darlie, is in prison - where she belongs.
Nicola, I believe Darlie is guilty because of the massive amt. of evidence that points to her and no one else.
First of all nobody is going to break into a house, go in the kitchen, get a knife from THAT persons kitchen, go to the garage, cut the screen, put the knife they used to cut the screen away, get another knife and then go attack two kids.
And no adult is going to sleep thru an attack just feet away from them.
Then once she woke up she wants us to believe she went after the attacker, who had a knife in his hand, and he ran from her. Now any woman waking up seeing someone standing over her, or even walking away from her is going to scream for her husband. Darlie didn't. Also if someone is attacking you with a knife, yes, you will put up a fight, but if he is walking away from you no woman is going to chase a man with a knife in his hand when she has no weapon.
Then she wants us to believe the attacker DROPPED the knife. Blood spatter evidence did not support this. It showed that the knife has been laid down. So lets see...our attacker is running from a little woman when he has a weapon and she doesn't, and he is going to stop and take the time to LAY down the knife? Ummm no, don't think so.
Blood spatter evidence on the back of darlie's shirt also showed that it was Devon and Damon's blood, and it was consistent with her having drawed her hand back to stab them. If she had not stabbed them herself, then how did their blood come to be SPATTERED on the back of her shirt?
Darlie also said that she heard glass breaking while the attacker was fleeing...but yet there was only one wine bottle broken, and it had been broken ON TOP of Darlie's bloody footprints, and she also had NO cuts on her feet, nothing else was found broken, so that was a lie.
Not to mention her 16 different stories. 1,2, maybe even 3 or 4 small changes in a story after such a traumatic thing, okay, but 16? No, no way. As more and more evidence came out her story would change to fit the scenario.
Also a big factor for me was her polygraph....I know they are not admissible in court, but had she passed that polygraph her family wouldv'e made that known 100 million times over. And her attorneys probably would have let it "slip" in court.
Another thing...the way her voice changed on the 911 call. There were NO tears or hysteria in her voice when she said "Darin, someone intenionally came in here and did this."
Also...the silly-string birthday incident...everyone claims that no one mentions the serious ceremony beforehand..okay, even mentioning that, I've heard how solemn and upset and how much she was crying at the serious ceremony...when Joe Munoz did his interview with her after the birthday party she did NOT look like a woman who had shed a single tear. Her eyes weren't red and puffy, no sign of tears. And even though her family said they were celebrating life, not death..well, as a mother myself, even if I were celebrating life I can't see dancing over my child's grave and laughing and popping gum and spraying silly string...at least not without a million tears...no, scratch that I couldn't do it. Neither could Darin, apparently, because when he was told to spray some silly string he shook his head no and looked very sad...guess he didn't feel like "celebrating life" either.
Also, just from reading the books about her and the transcripts, and watching her interviews on tv...she just doesn't come across as sincere to me. Her sweet little voice sounds sickeningly sweet, like an act.
Those are just some of the reasons for my belief in her guilt.
Now, Nicola, I ask you about not why you believe her, but your speculations on how Damon and Devon's blood SPATTER was on the back of her shirt, and about why if her injuries were so serious her doctor said he would have released her that very night under normal circumstances? I am not asking you this sarcastically, I really do want to know your thoughts on this.
whity wendy - you stated that you used to think darlie was innocent, what changed your mind & what are the reasons why you think shes guilty.

Nicola - I use to believe she was innocent because I just couldn't believe a mother could do that to her kids. At first I thought that Darren had hired someone to to kill her and with the boys being downstairs they were in the "way". Then I saw the "silly string" grave party and couldn't believe a mother that had just had her "BABIES" murdered , and "was left for dead" herself could be so freakin HAPPY.

When the trial was going on I was in California so I didn't get the daily updates as when I lived in Texas but the LA Times covered the story on the front page after she was found guilty but before they sent her to DP. After reading what the LA Times wrote I starting wondering if they were infact sending the wrong person to jail. I mean murdering your kids for $10,000 just didn't fit. If they were interfering with her lifestyle all she had to do was leave Darren with the kids and go find her a new RICH man. After all, according to the reports she was a VERY ATTRACTIVE WOMEN. Years later I came across the write up in Crime Storys. At the end of the article, the writer lead you to believe that she might not be guilty after all. So of course that sparked my Darlie Routier interest again. I started with the site her family has and began reading everything I could find. The unidentifed fingerprint on the utility door, and sofa table, the missing knife, the mysterious black car, Darren looking for someone to break into the home... and of course as the website states "the BLOODY SOCK". At the Justice for Darlie website I found the pictures and the trial transcripts along with other articles. At this point I really believed she was innocent and that the State of Texas had the wrong person. (LAPD IS CORRUPT SO WHY NOT TEXAS TOO)?

Anyhow, after months of reading the transcripts from beginning to end, I BECAME CONVINCED THAT THIS MOTHER MURDERED HER BOYS. WHY?

1. 911 call - Screaming/yelling that her babies ARE DEAD, when in fact one was staring right at her trying to breathe. SO concerned that her fingerprints were on the knife. NOT rendering AID to her sons. Doesn't even mention the fact that there is a 8 month old upstairs -how did she know that Drake was unharmed? Someone came in and intentionally did this DARREN. Why the word "intentionally"? Anytime someone commits any type of crime its intentional not accidental.

2. NEVER ONCE asking about her babies on the way to the hospital or at the hospital. Her lack of emotion when seeing Damon bloody, naked and dead.

3. Blood evidence, lack of evidence of an intruder, her changing stories. Yes I know that when we experience something so devasting that we aren't going to remember each and every detail but her statements changed to match the evidence as it was discovered.

4. Her injuries. Now think about it. If someone came into that house with every intention of killing HER, why then were her injuries so slight in comparison to her sons. IF SHE WAS THE INTENDED TARGET, SHE WOULD BE DEAD NOT HER BABIES. No injury to her face, chest.

I got to go right now, my son wants me OFF the computer so I will have to finish up later but this should give you a good idea.
Continuing from below:

The first time she cried hysterically, (she cried when they arrested her), was during the bond hearing when they played the 911 call. She never once cried for her boys like that. I don't care what drugs her DR's had her on, she should of weeped/cried/frowned anything but smiled. No drugs in the world can take away the pain that would show on your face.

The only blood in that house was Darlie's and her sons. So many things other things, Darlie onthe witness stand, where was her sister Dana and why didn't she testify for Darlie? Like I said so many things.

May I ask, have you read the transcripts? Because before I did, I felt the same as you.
whitywendy, I am enjoying your posts. When I saw the Paris Hilton crying photos of her in the police car, I was reminded of Darlie's hysterical sobs upon being arrested. I too was willing to believe in her innocence until I read the transcripts. I am not great at being able to recite the transcript like Bible verses, but thought this was an interesting bit about how serious one of the doctors felt about her injuries. It was in volume 4
or the surgery reports?

23 Q. Do you know, for instance, how close
24 the neck wound came to the carotid artery?
25 A. Based on the information given to me by

Sandra M. Halsey, CSR, Official Court Reporter 36
1 that resident, combined with my knowledge of anatomy, I
2 can tell you that it didn't come all that close.
3 Q. What would be your best estimate of --
4 what does all that close mean?
5 A. Well --
6 Q. A half an inch?
7 A. In terms of a carotid artery, a half an
8 inch is as good as a mile
. Yes. And it was certainly
9 further away than that.

True, it could have gotten closer and killed her, but it didn't. yet someone made certain the wounds on the boys hit the critical marks. Most people intent on murder don't have double standards that let the adult victim possibly survive but make certain to kill the kids

Do any of you think there could be a possibilty that she is innocent?

Nicola - anything is possible - but the probability of Darlie being not guilty is less than zero. Listen to that 911 call, there is no evidence of an intruder (no real evidence), she killed her children, we'll most likely never know why.
Continuing from below:
May I ask, have you read the transcripts? Because before I did, I felt the same as you.
To be completly honest I have read parts but havent found the time to get through it all - it is alot. Although what you are saying could make sense. There are things I still dont get:waitasec: ....3 unidentified (bloody) fingerprints & the fact thaqt it is still not established where the debris on the kitchen knife came from, screen door/police investigation? Have you got any ideas on this? Thanks for posts by the way they're real interesting.:clap:
In regards to the fibers found on the knife, I do not believe it could be anything other than the glass rods from the window screen. I know in the transcripts they defense team tried to dispute it but couldn't. This knife does not have much meaning to me. I do not believe anyone came in or out of that window. Just as much as "the missing knife". The defense could not prove that Devon's injuries were actually caused by another knife.
CLAP CLAP White Rain - Kudo's to you. My thoughts exactly. It's just so hard to remember everything, so thanks.
In regards to the fingerprints, even Darlie's own fingerprint expert couldn't rule out it was her. They were able to rule out Darren and the kids but not Darlie. The JFD website likes to twist the facts/evidence around to give you the impression that her trial was "corrupt" from the get-go. When I get a little time I will go and find the areas in the transcripts, etc. that helped me decide and let ya know.
Hey Stella, good post. Why is it so hard for some to believe that the intended targets were in fact Devon and Damon not Darlie. As said so many times before, if she was the intended target we would not be here today discussing this.:eek:

whitywendy, I am enjoying your posts. When I saw the Paris Hilton crying photos of her in the police car, I was reminded of Darlie's hysterical sobs upon being arrested. I too was willing to believe in her innocence until I read the transcripts. I am not great at being able to recite the transcript like Bible verses, but thought this was an interesting bit about how serious one of the doctors felt about her injuries. It was in volume 4
or the surgery reports?

23 Q. Do you know, for instance, how close
24 the neck wound came to the carotid artery?
25 A. Based on the information given to me by

Sandra M. Halsey, CSR, Official Court Reporter 36
1 that resident, combined with my knowledge of anatomy, I
2 can tell you that it didn't come all that close.
3 Q. What would be your best estimate of --
4 what does all that close mean?
5 A. Well --
6 Q. A half an inch?
7 A. In terms of a carotid artery, a half an
8 inch is as good as a mile
. Yes. And it was certainly
9 further away than that.

True, it could have gotten closer and killed her, but it didn't. yet someone made certain the wounds on the boys hit the critical marks. Most people intent on murder don't have double standards that let the adult victim possibly survive but make certain to kill the kids

Hey Stella, good post. Why is it so hard for some to believe that the intended targets were in fact Devon and Damon not Darlie. As said so many times before, if she was the intended target we would not be here today discussing this.:eek:
Maybe none of them were intended targets, it is quite possible that initially intruder didnt come to the house to kill. Im not saying that this is fact just that it could be possible.

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