Darlie's injuries

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by the way there was regression therapy done. and it did show that there were intruders in the house.

We only have Darlie's word for it......and we know what a liar she is....why hasn't the regression subject been made public? Her lawyers would have been all over it..releasing it to the public so to speak...shouting it from the rooftops.
Well, since you bring up Jon Benet, yes, I think they did do that too. Can't speak for everyone else though, but I believe it was a family crime - always have & always will.

So do I. There's zero evidence of an intruder in that house too. Pedophiles don't leave the body in the basement, they remove the child and they always sexually assault, JonBenet was not raped nor sodomized. They don't wipe the child down and redress her or wrap her tenderly in a blanket.
the point is that you cant honestly say that you dont believe an intruder has NEVER done something like that before...what about Jonbenet, that was in her house and she was found in her house and her parents were left alive, did they do that too?

Yes I agree we can't honestly say an intruder has never done this before..., but we can in this case because all the evidence points back inside the house...to Darlie. She did it, no doubt in my mind.

Maybe you could cite some cases where the children were brutally murdered by an intruder while the parents were left alive. Polly Klass was stalked in the days leading up to her murder so it's not the same either. The Ramseys are still suspects...in fact the only suspects in JonBenet's murder.

I know of one...Stephanie Crowe.

And where is that specific dna test that exonerates MacDonald? Still waiting for it....
I also understand what you are saying Missy, but "usually" child killers, ie Tommy Lynn Sells, are sexual deviants. They "usually" don't break in to homes just with the sole intention of killing kids. There are many evil people in this world, but I have yet to hear of a person roaming the country with the sole person of entering a home just to kill (no sexual motivation) a total stranger's child while leaving the parents alive (knowing you left them alive as you were exiting the home).
you maybe right on a statisical point, but you dont know what all killers are thinking there are so many crazed people out there that sometimes there just isnt a motive, of course in our minds we look at this type of crime and say OMFG how could someone do this! But reality is even someone on some messed up drug could have done this and not have thought twice and if you question pure evil, dont it exists
Yes I agree we can't honestly say an intruder has never done this before..., but we can in this case because all the evidence points back inside the house...to Darlie. She did it, no doubt in my mind.

Maybe you could cite some cases where the children were brutally murdered by an intruder while the parents were left alive. Polly Klass was stalked in the days leading up to her murder so it's not the same either. The Ramseys are still suspects...in fact the only suspects in JonBenet's murder.

I know of one...Stephanie Crowe.

And where is that specific dna test that exonerates MacDonald? Still waiting for it....

I guess you dont watch to much news there was just a show that says that macdonald may get a new trial, as for that you wait and see, i have enough to do keeping up on darlie here, we can dispute JM in another site. well even though jonbenet's parents were suspect you dont see them on death row, guess they learned how to stage a crime scene well. there are a lot of cases like these, what the point is is that it happens. parents are sleeping and children have been murdered, but unless your andrea yates you dont get a new trial and then you get a nice cushiony psyc ward bed, she should be on DR IMO
you maybe right on a statisical point, but you dont know what all killers are thinking there are so many crazed people out there that sometimes there just isnt a motive, of course in our minds we look at this type of crime and say OMFG how could someone do this! But reality is even someone on some messed up drug could have done this and not have thought twice and if you question pure evil, dont it exists

Yes, your right, we don't know what type of crimes these types of people are capable of. And we don't know about every single type of crime that has been committed. However, there are people in LE that do. They have spent years and years investigating scenes that would leave most of us sick and mentally drained. Murders have been happening for thousands and thousands of years and as with anything in life, you learn through experience.
We only have Darlie's word for it......and we know what a liar she is....why hasn't the regression subject been made public? Her lawyers would have been all over it..releasing it to the public so to speak...shouting it from the rooftops.

it was made public I that is where I have heard it was when it was made public on TV its on the same show nicola said for you to watch
Yes, your right, we don't know what type of crimes these types of people are capable of. And we don't know about every single type of crime that has been committed. However, there are people in LE that do. They have spent years and years investigating scenes that would leave most of us sick and mentally drained. Murders have been happening for thousands and thousands of years and as with anything in life, you learn through experience.

and they may be good at what they do, but because we are human there is always room for mistakes and i truly believe there were a lot of them in this case.
I guess you dont watch to much news there was just a show that says that macdonald may get a new trial, as for that you wait and see, i have enough to do keeping up on darlie here, we can dispute JM in another site. well even though jonbenet's parents were suspect you dont see them on death row, guess they learned how to stage a crime scene well. there are a lot of cases like these, what the point is is that it happens. parents are sleeping and children have been murdered, but unless your andrea yates you dont get a new trial and then you get a nice cushiony psyc ward bed, she should be on DR IMO

Do you not believe in mental insanity? I am not being ugly I am seriously wondering. Because, IMO, Andrea Yates is/was very very sick. She spent years seeking medical attention for her mental disturbances which of course in the end failed her. I am not completely blaming Mental Services for her breakdown or the murders but I believe they could of stepped up and helped her before it got so bad.
and they may be good at what they do, but because we are human there is always room for mistakes and i truly believe there were a lot of them in this case.

True, no one is perfect. And no one disputes that there weren't any mistakes during the Darlie trial. However in order for Darlie to be innocent, that would mean that every single person (besides her family) were out to frame her. I know it is hard to believe and I have been on your side of the fence but after spending many, many days reading the entire transcripts and anything else in regards to Darlie, it was too hard for me throw away all the evidence pointing at her. I was actually sad when I came to the conclusion that she was guilty.
Oh but don't you know that according to the "Cult and Clan" of Darlie, everyone else is to blame.

Her lawyers were no good, the Jury did not pay attention and did not like her because she is Darlie, you know the big breasted bleach blond. The press vilified her, the stranger would not come forward, the Police were tunnel vision, you know it is the fault of everyone else, but not Darlie, no of course not.

Darlie is sitting on death row because she is innocent, everyone else is wrong. Just like all of the other people who are convicted of a crime, don't you know that they are all innocent too.
:behindbar is exactly where Darlie is and should be.
Oh but don't you know that according to the "Cult and Clan" of Darlie, everyone else is to blame.

Her lawyers were no good, the Jury did not pay attention and did not like her because she is Darlie, you know the big breasted bleach blond. The press vilified her, the stranger would not come forward, the Police were tunnel vision, you know it is the fault of everyone else, but not Darlie, no of course not.

Darlie is sitting on death row because she is innocent, everyone else is wrong. Just like all of the other people who are convicted of a crime, don't you know that they are all innocent too.
:behindbar is exactly where Darlie is and should be.

AMEN TO THAT CYBERLAW. Don't forget all of the experts.
you maybe right on a statisical point, but you dont know what all killers are thinking there are so many crazed people out there that sometimes there just isnt a motive, of course in our minds we look at this type of crime and say OMFG how could someone do this! But reality is even someone on some messed up drug could have done this and not have thought twice and if you question pure evil, dont it exists

I have been reading your posts and looks like you are reaching for things to explain why darlie couldn't have done this (many different things that don't even relate to each other) I was on the same side of the fence as you at one time as well until I read everything I got my hands on -those transcripts,blood evidence and common sense were the deal breaker for me and ironically I found part of my determining opinion on the pro-darlie site! What I found to help keep the emotion out of it and only present the facts was to make a list of factual reasons (not opinions or emotional-strickly proven fact) why she couldn't have done it and another list of facts and evidence that prooved she did. You will be surprised how all of your 'whe could not have' reasons are dispelled by the evidence and then you are left with nothing on that side of the page when you are all done. It makes your stomache just sink.
I guess you dont watch to much news there was just a show that says that macdonald may get a new trial, as for that you wait and see, i have enough to do keeping up on darlie here, we can dispute JM in another site. well even though jonbenet's parents were suspect you dont see them on death row, guess they learned how to stage a crime scene well. there are a lot of cases like these, what the point is is that it happens. parents are sleeping and children have been murdered, but unless your andrea yates you dont get a new trial and then you get a nice cushiony psyc ward bed, she should be on DR IMO

Oh yeah the 48 Hours program. Not much evidence used at trial was used by 48 Hours. We gave it a C for effort. Yeah sorry to swerve off topic but you did indicate that Mac has been exonerated by dna so I want to know what test exonerates him.

He'll never get a new trial on that Jimmy Britt motion and that's all he has in the fire right now. Of course once the 4th circuit denies this appeal, he'll find something new to bring to the table. He'll never ever admit his culpability.

Yes I get your point. However it's not a valid point to the Darlie discussion, IMO. There was no intruder in her case, the jury convicted her based on the evidence they saw and heard at trial...incriminating damning evidence.

No the Ramseys are not on DR because they've never been arrested and charged with JB's murder. They do however remain the only suspects in the crime. That's another discussion as well.
it was made public I that is where I have heard it was when it was made public on TV its on the same show nicola said for you to watch

Yeah okay but I'd rather rely on the trial transcripts than a television program. If they regression was actually true and Darlie indentified two suspects...where are they? How do you get two people fighing with Darlie in that room and not leave any evidence of their struggle? Where did one of the suspects go while Darlie was following the tall one out to the garage?
I locked myself out of my house the other night. The lock is one of those door nob on either side of the door types. The lock is released from the inside by twisting the nob, but on the outside you need a key. The trick used to be to put my hand through the letter box, hook the curtain on the inside of the door round the inside nob and pull. The handle would turn and the lock would release. Unfortunately, I had changed the curtain and the new one wouldn't do it - not enough friction. I tried and tried for about an hour, then gave up and got a locksmith. The metal letter box is just big enough to get my arm through, but not really big enough to move it about.

The result, 24 hours later, is in the pictures. Today, nearly 48 hours later, the bruising has turned almost black.

Does the size and shape seem familiar? In the first picture you can also see a green bruise which I got a couple of weeks ago from knocking into something. Completely different size. The bruising on Darlie's hands is the same as on my arms.

I always thouught her bruises were self-inflicted. Now I know for sure.


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I locked myself out of my house the other night. The lock is one of those door nob on either side of the door types. The lock is released from the inside by twisting the nob, but on the outside you need a key. The trick used to be to put my hand through the letter box, hook the curtain on the inside of the door round the inside nob and pull. The handle would turn and the lock would release. Unfortunately, I had changed the curtain and the new one wouldn't do it - not enough friction. I tried and tried for about an hour, then gave up and got a locksmith. The metal letter box is just big enough to get my arm through, but not really big enough to move it about.

The result, 24 hours later, is in the pictures. Today, nearly 48 hours later, the bruising has turned almost black.

Does the size and shape seem familiar? In the first picture you can also see a green bruise which I got a couple of weeks ago from knocking into something. Completely different size. The bruising on Darlie's hands is the same as on my arms.

I always thouught her bruises were self-inflicted. Now I know for sure.

Wouldn't let see the pictures! I really want to see to see them:(
I have always thought Darlie injuries were self inflicted. I think she's right where she belongs!!
Oh WOW!!!!! You need to take some more pic's after a week or two to show us how they look. I wonder if the dark coloring of Darlie's depends on the actually person. I think we all bruise differently.
I could see them, and they sure do look similar. Thanks for posting this, Deb.

And sorry about your bruises- looks like it hurts!! :eek:

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