***Day 1-Committal Hearing*** 11th,12,13th March 2013

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Obby I'll stay the eternal optimist & say I think the best & most damning is yet to come :)
I hope you're right, and I love optimism. :)
Do you think the damning evidence will come from the people around them or witnesses we haven't heard about or experts?
We've had a bit of a cross-section of all of the above today, and I had hoped there would be more of the "damning" stuff, to be honest.
I thought Kerry-Ann would be able to say more about the troubled relationship-things she'd heard etc.

I should add, I think Kerry-Ann was fantastic today, and said all she could, but there was no opportunity for her to say more about other stuff. Is she finished now? I presume as she left the building she has finished for the committal stage?
I think the prosecution are barking up the wrong tree to put the focus on GBC's money/mistress motives. Motives = premeditation, and yet this looks like something that erupted out of a fight and was covered up in a panic in the dead of the night. (Why would you risk all that screaming waking kids and leaving them with much to tell the police?) The prosecution can't have it both ways. Yes, he had motive but so do LOTS of couples in unhappy marriages and in debt up to their eyeballs. Their best hope is to focus on the forensic evidence.
I am still very puzzled as to how the girls could possibly have slept through all of the things that the neighbours heard?

They probably didn't sleep through it, poor little mites. We don't know what they heard that night.
Surely someone has spoken to the girls, they couldnt just be ignored if they were in the house that night. I wonder if they have spoken about it to their grandparents (Dickies) or someone from the legal side of things. It doesnt make sense not to speak with them.

As for the glove fingertip - could that not be examined and tested to make sure it is the same brand as the ones used by forensics. I imagine they would go through millions of gloves and therefore would have one definite supplier.

I know this sounds morbid and yuk, but I would like to have seen the body when it was found to understand the level of decomposition. I am getting the impression it was very very bad and am wondering is that normal or has it had a help along. Then if it has been helped along chemically that would show in tests surely.
Thanks they'll get you. I have a BMW 4WD and I agree, closing the back door makes a louder and heavier sound than the car door. But why two thuds?
Question: How many back "doors" to the car in question? Whether vertical or horizontal? Divided doors?
An artist can only work with the material he/she has available. :floorlaugh:

He looked like he's rid of the spiky hair military style cut and opted for a more corporate and trendy 'prison style' which is in fashion right now. <modsnip>:furious:
Just wondering on the sequence of events that makara has so kindly put together, if you removed one event or a few linked (such as the kholo creek ones that happened early) would that be more fitting? Would that fit in with other things we know then?

That particular one seems a bit too early for me, and based on the other things, it doesn't seem to match, but as others have said, there could have been multiple trips? Very confusing. The time could quite possibly be wrong or maybe they heard something unrelated?

I wonder if the prosecution will offer up a sequence of events at this stage or would that come if/when this goes to trial?
My last words about lime. I wouldn't want to handle it without rubber gloves.
I think the prosecution are barking up the wrong tree to put the focus on GBC's money/mistress motives. Motives = premeditation, and yet this looks like something that erupted out of a fight and was covered up in a panic in the dead of the night. (Why would you risk all that screaming waking kids and leaving them with much to tell the police?) The prosecution can't have it both ways. Yes, he had motive but so do LOTS of couples in unhappy marriages and in debt up to their eyeballs. Their best hope is to focus on the forensic evidence.

I am confident that Allison's death was premeditated. I just don't think the date/circumstances were. I think the prosecution have the correct motives. IMO
Further to the above, I'm starting to think maybe the two trip thing is more plausible than I first thought. Does anyone remember the phone charger times again, when the phone was out on/taken off/put back on again? Any other times we could chuck in there? I know the FaceTime call is in doubt but just out of curiosity, wasnt that just after midnight?
Wasn't the Prado damaged but the damage was dismissed and the car was released back, could they have hit the bridge or a little prang to make the noises? Just thinking out loud.....

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Many thanks to our court attendees today and to our twitter update posters. Your time and efforts are much appreciated. Also thanks to Marly, Doc and Alioop for your timely and clarifying posts. I will not be here tomorrow as although working, will be off site, so no access to computer. So it will be a late night tomorrow night catching up.
A jacket does up at the front. A jumper just goes on over the head.

Edit, my point is that they are quite different.

Mightn't be "quite different" to a man though. (No offense to males meant! Not a sexist remark.)
Ladies knit jumpers, jackets and cardigans.
Men wear sweaters. Probably all the same. Easier to say, that's all.
Wasn't the Prado damaged but the damage was dismissed and the car was released back, could they have hit the bridge or a little prang to make the noises? Just thinking out loud.....

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That's an interesting point. Maybe something else to consider - didn't one of the witnesses (in MSM) say the vehicles were travelling very closely to each other - I'm picturing bumper to bumper? Maybe the car behind bumped the car in front - I know I've done this before and there was absolutely no damage to either car.
Here is my take on what may have happened to Allison.

She was killed at home around 9:00-9:30 pm. Another female (OW) came to the house later after GBC asked her to come over urgently to watch over girls (more screams when this person arrives and realised what had happened). He then disposed off ABC at the bridge around 11:30-12:30. I believe he pulled the body off the back of car onto the ground (first thud) and then rolled the body off the bridge onto the mud below (second thud). At around 4:00 am, after conferring with NBC, both went back to move her under the bridge to the location where she was found (more out of sight). Just speculating. My opinion only.

Ok, I'm going to stop after this! Lol. Wondering if based on the above he went at 10.30 to dump the body. Tried to do it but realised he needed help. So went back home and came back with someone else?
I am confident that Allison's death was premeditated. I just don't think the date/circumstances were. I think the prosecution have the correct motives. IMO
Yes, i definitely don't think it was planned for that night.

If it was planned then it didn't go how he wanted it to. Too many lose ends.
I don't think he would have wanted the girls around and he would have made sure that he wouldn't be a suspect.
That's why all of this is so over the place.
Wasn't the Prado damaged but the damage was dismissed and the car was released back, could they have hit the bridge or a little prang to make the noises? Just thinking out loud.....

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I seem to recall very early on a local saying the damage to the car was before allison went missing. I remember something about an accident near his work. Does anyone remember?
looking at the sketch of GBC he looks like he has put on a lot of weight. Did anyone who attended today think he had? That makes me think he is starting to get comfortable in Arthur Gorrie and that he must be the first on the food line up.
I imagine someone who is in jail for something they didnt do would be very thin and stressed at all times. He is looking chunky lala in that pic.
Why couldnt he just man up and sit there so everyone could see him. Is it usual for those in the dock to be concealed from view from the rest of the courtroom?
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