***Day 1-Committal Hearing*** 11th,12,13th March 2013

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For goodness sake, Allison was unhappy because she had a cr@p husband! This doesn't make her unstable, this makes her human.

Snap kimster :) Kerry now describing scratches, she said they were fresh and weeping and discussed with Geoff Dickie.
10.20am: Mr Davis said Allison had told her best friend she was having trouble with depression as far back as 1997 when, while travelling through South America, she experienced it as a side effect of taking malaria medication.

He said she later suffered it during the births of her three children.

In 2009, he said Allison confided to her best friend that she had taken medication for depression.

"So, in 2009, Allison Baden-Clay is effectively telling you she has suffered depression for 12 years," Mr Davis said.

Witness Kerry-Ann Walker said there were only intermittent bouts of depression during that time.

"She had good days and bad days," she said.

"It was never severe enough that it affected her taking care of the children."

Mr Davis said there was plenty to show Allison had been suffering from depression for many years.

"Some days she couldn't go out of the house, so some days she wasn't able to function," he said.

"She could always function," Ms Walker argued.

You guys are awesome. :takeabow:

Beat me to saying that about you guys.....'Obsessor' I too have been up since sparrow F... to get my days work done so I can sit in on this with my boss knowing and his permission....already had text messages this morning from Bris:jail::banghead:...A big day for all concerned.....I hope TM is in the hot seat today.....Go all you good people on websleuths......
I hope we get to see GBC in his royal box......:moo::seeya:

10.33am: Witness Witness Kerry-Ann Walker said she met her friend Allison for coffee in early 2010, where they again spoke about her depression.

"She told me that she had started taking her anti-depression medication again but she didn't like taking it so she was only taking a very small dose," Ms Walker said.

She said most of their conversations during that year were not about depression. Instead, Allison had talked often about her troubled relationship with her husband.

But by 2012, Ms Walker said Allison was doing well.

"After the children, after (her youngest) was about two or three she started working," Ms Walker said.

"Once she started working she was out and about a lot more.

"We would catch up a lot more.

"She was much more outgoing."

The court heard Ms Walker saw her friend for the last time on February 3, 2012.

She said Allison had not discussed feeling depressed at that time.
<modsnip>. As an old contrarian, can I just encourage you that if you really are interested in seeking "justice for all" you have nothing to fear from the truth whether it comes from the prosecution or the defence!

You are correct in that we have nothing to fear from the truth and that's all everyone wants, the truth! At this point we certainly don't feel that the truth lays in suicide though as noting points towards that at this point!!

I'll add though that just because you're depressed doesn't mean you'll suicide. Hell I've suffered from terrible depression over the years and have never attempted to take my own life.
Is GBC looking at Kerrie-Anne when she is speaking? Can anyone see?

Obby it is hard to see him right now but they are directly in each others line of view so it would be impossible for them not to have some eye contact IMO.
Witness tells court she spoke with Allison Baden-Clay about Allison & Gerard visiting a counsellor. #BadenClay
10.33am: Witness Kerry-Ann Walker said she met her friend Allison for coffee in early 2010, where they again spoke about her depression.

"She told me that she had started taking her anti-depression medication again but she didn't like taking it so she was only taking a very small dose," Ms Walker said.

She said most of their conversations during that year were not about depression. Instead, Allison had talked often about her troubled relationship with her husband.

But by 2012, Ms Walker said Allison was doing well.

"After the children, after (her youngest) was about two or three she started working," Ms Walker said.

"Once she started working she was out and about a lot more.

"We would catch up a lot more.

"She was much more outgoing."

The court heard Ms Walker saw her friend for the last time on February 3, 2012.

She said Allison had not discussed feeling depressed at that time.

Alison Ariotti&#8207;@AlisonAriotti

Witness says she saw red, angry and very fresh scratches on Gerard Baden-Clay's face the day Allison was reported missing. #BadenClay
they can talk suicide all they like, It still doesn't change the evidence and motive that GBC murdered his wife
The judge will rule on this next week on the 20th March.

Courier Mail update -

9.25am: The court has heard that one witness, Carmel Ritchie, is separately represented by a lawyer after she was summonsed to give evidence.

Ms Ritchie, a counsellor with relationships Australia, will argue that any documentation or evidence she could give, would be inadmissible in court.

"It is conceded that she is compelled by way of summons but anything she has to say is inadmissible in these proceedings," Ms Ritchie's lawyer told the court.

Peter Davis, for Baden-Clay, said his client did not consent to waiving any "privilege" from the counselling sessions.

The argument over whether Ms Ritchie will be compelled to give evidence on private counselling sessions will be heard next Wednesday.

Is the Wednesday mentioned the 13 March or 20 March? More likely to be 13 March I think, as 20 March will be the last allocated day set aside for the committal.
It's a shame they don't have to come up with how she got under that bridge after 'suiciding'
Gbc just stood up, have to say he hasn't lost any weight at all. If he had yellow jacket on he wouldn't look any different from the old c21 shots.
Best friend said she noticed scratches on Gerard's face the day Allison disappeared. So fresh, they were weeping. #kate kyriacou
@Ashley McDermid....GBC still wearing his wedding ring!!
Bet he wasn't wearing it when he met up with TM....
Second witness is Sue Braun - a good friend of my better half...!
10.43am: Mr Davis asked witness Kerry-Ann Walker whether she would be surprised that as recently as March 19, 2012, Allison had asked for an increase in her anti-depression medication after telling her doctor she was experiencing mood swings.

"That would surprise me, yes," Ms Walker said.

Mr Davis followed with: "There's actually quite a lot going on behind the scenes that she hasn't told you?"

"You're hardly in a position to really assist the court as to what her state of mind would have been."

Ms Walker replied: "I don't agree".

"I think I knew her better than most people.

"I was aware of what she was going through."

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