***Day 2 -Committal Hearing*** 11th,12,13th March 2013

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Goodness me Kiwijayne, another one who heard screams. There just seems to be so many witnesses that heard screams on that night. :what: And from all accounts they were loud screams that woke some of the locals from their sleep. Not so GBC apparently. He went to bed at 10:00pm and slept soundly until about 6:15am the next morning. :twocents:

Well I lived next road over and I never heard screams or dogs barking.
Sorry I didn't express that very well. I meant that I don't have anything to add on the issue of the scratches. They exist. I guess it's up to the courts to investigate what caused them. By the way I'm not certain that he's innocent, I'm just not so trusting of the police, media etc as some. I like to question the prevailing wisdom because it's often wrong! I also believe that motivations, even of police officers should always be held up to scrutiny. They have a lot of power and you don't have to be Einstein to know that not all of them are honourable!

Like in ANY profession you'll always get the odd one here and there that may not be up to scratch... but by the way you express yourself it seems you have no trust in any of them. I think it's wrong to assume straight off that they're bad.If you look around you'll see teachers that shouldn't be teachers, nurses, doctors, plumbers even truck drivers that perhaps should have chosen a different profession/trade... but we can't automatically brand them ALL as bad, can we?

We also can not assume that the guilty are innocent just because we don't like police.

As a previous poster said, please go and have a look at the evidence so far. Try and look at it as if this had happened to someone you love and this evidence was collected to find the murderer.
I was thinking that, but wouldn't forensics be able to tell from her phone calling history? I think it's just the content (sms,' photos, drafts) that are unable to be retrieved without the phone. Can anyone confirm this?

What if he texted from Alison's phone? To a phone the police aren't aware of? Gosh....a million possibilities
I was thinking that, but wouldn't forensics be able to tell from her phone calling history? I think it's just the content (sms,' photos, drafts) that are unable to be retrieved without the phone. Can anyone confirm this?
I pretty much wrote the same as you, only later. Sorry, I didn't see your comment before that. Good thinking by the way. ;)
10 witnesses on Day 1, 6 witnesses on Day 2 = 16 witnesses heard. 26 further witnesses to be heard over the remaining 4 days allocated. Also the Relationship Australia counsellor matter has to be decided. No wonder an earlier start tomorrow.

Is it an earlier start? I thought the judge said the start was 9.30am tomorrow, half an hour later than today's 9am start (no daylight savings time in Qld)
Goodness me Kiwijayne, another one who heard screams. There just seems to be so many witnesses that heard screams on that night. :what: And from all accounts they were loud screams that woke some of the locals from their sleep. Not so GBC apparently. He went to bed at 10:00pm and slept soundly until about 6:15am the next morning. :twocents:

Even the phone sneaking itself off its charger and nicking out half the night then sneaking itself back on didn't wake him.
I think it may go that when an iPhone reaches fully charged, it will disengage from accepting its charge. Then after some discharge it will reengage and accept a charge to top up.
Just reading some more news articles from today's hearings.... Back to the cuts in his face which we now know are fingernail scratches- they looked for bloody tissues... Did they actually take the razor do we know?? You'd think with deep gouges like that there would still be flesh in the razor! I know that first hand from several little shaving the legs mishaps over the years! Not that it matters because we all KNOW he didn't cut his face shaving!!!!
Good morning! :seeya:

Oh wait, maybe I should say "what are you doing up this late?" :D

Please be sure to read this post when you get a minute: [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9025389&postcount=49"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Threadiquette- Questions about rules welcome here - NEW INFO![/ame]

I've been enjoying your thoughts on the hearings! :cheers:
I don't understand why the media did not publish this info about the facetime call being an error. They knew as soon as they saw the second bail hearing documents that was the case so why not publicly state so. It did not prejudice anyone to release this info, and in fact the opposite. Why did the media hush it up.

I've read that article twice now, and I'm not seeing where the face time call was an error? What are you seeing that I'm missing?



ETA: Okay - I see. The article is from July 2012 - so there is new information on the phone call. Got it!
Thats one thing which still doesn't sit right with me...Although the Analyst completely dismissed the facetime call as being remotely possible, I wonder what exactly caused that glitch in the program used. And it just so happened to be to NBCs phone, Who was (unconfirmed) sighted that night. Very odd indeed, perhaps there was some interaction between those phones that the program just wasn't up to date on.
Peter Davis certainly didn't follow this line of enquiry................

THIS is a good point Breno. One that I hope was checked into.
Sorry I didn't express that very well. I meant that I don't have anything to add on the issue of the scratches. They exist. I guess it's up to the courts to investigate what caused them. By the way I'm not certain that he's innocent, I'm just not so trusting of the police, media etc as some. I like to question the prevailing wisdom because it's often wrong! I also believe that motivations, even of police officers should always be held up to scrutiny. They have a lot of power and you don't have to be Einstein to know that not all of them are honourable!

A lot of husbands arent very honourable also and some even cheat on their wives and murder them.

Thank God all police arent corrupt and all husbands arent cheating wife killers.
Does anyone know who that woman was today? wow. Anyway. I might head in tomorrow if I can get a good parking spot.

Hey Stormy and anyone else going to court.
I have been away from Brisbane for a little while but when I worked in George Street I used to park up behind Roma St parklands on the other side near Wickham Tce. You have to walk a little bit but it's a nice walk.They have/had 8 hour meters there were you could park cheaply. There used to be lots of them but not as many anymore,you might still find an 8 hour meter up that way.
I saw this lovely lady in the courtroom on the first day. She sure does like her coffee. Anyway, I don't believe she is an ex lover, as she would be a witness and not be allowed in the court room.
" I don't love you, I hate you"
I think she was passing on a bold loud message from TM , and he knows she is TMs friend maybe? Maybe after the first days session , TM got to hear a bit more evidence, the scratches, screams, blood matching Allisons in the car, and was shocked, along with her friends.
I would do the same if I had the guts. Go girl!

After watching the yellow ribbon wearing blonde lady I am of the opinion it was not MH.
I'm not going to snoop this lady but rather I am giving her a round of applause for showing the guts to confront an alledged murderer. Good for her.

Fuskier, that song you found WOW. That was very weird, even having G's name in the song.
I know. I started the first ever thread on Allison missing. My room in the house was the closest to Allison's house.

Hi kiwijayne - did you live in the vicinity behind the BC residence, or did you live on the other side of Brookfield rd eg in the boscombe road area?
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