***Day 3 -Committal Hearing*** 11th,12,13th March 2013

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I sort of feel sorry for the defence. I guess though its not proving so much that he didn't do it, but casting just enough doubt that he can't be found guilty. Surely they must see that all the evidence is stacked against him !

Most important is that the magistrate does.

I started following this committal with a truly open mind, but the more I see Peter Davis SC trying to cast doubt on expert witnesses etc, the more I'm convinced that this will go to trial.
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou

Baden-Clay told business partner he needed a bigger car with room enough for his children and his lover's children. #badenclay

:thud: :puke:
How convenient that Olivia starts giving the press conference that he loved his wife, just as they start talking about his affair with TM.
I'm going to be sick ! :furious:

And I think the defence are going to be furious when they hear about her tv performance outside the court. Sounds like she's a little bit worried to me.

Jurors have reportedly reached a verdict in the Patel manslughter trial in Brisbane #breaking
The lady in the white top I refer to was sitting about three or four seats in from the aisle. She had shoulder length brown hair. I actually saw her move along in the seats this morning before it started until she could see him.

The lady that yelled at him yesterday was sitting - I think - front row, far side. So sort of in the corner. She had a yellow ribbon pinned to her top. Hair pulled up. The whole front row appeared as though they knew each other. Of course this could just be because they have been sitting together the last couple of days.

No, I didn't ask for a witness list sorry. Didn't want to intrude :blushing:

That far side front row had a reserved sign on it for family. Actually the first 2 rows were for family/friends. And I doubt that anyone could see GBC as he sat quite out of sight (in the naughty corner).
Methinks OW is a tad worried abput how things are looking for her big bro and needs to help out GBC with some carefully placed PR. After all she does have a knack for fundraising.
OK, so ruling out the suicide theory defense, what's left? Gerard did it or a random stranger did it for no apparent reason. Which one looks more probable?
the business had a couple of good years, WHERE did all the money go to?? partners not paid, staff not paid, commisions not paid, rental not paid..dodgy accounting sheets... Nige and Elaines payments kept secret from the partners, due to their 'privacy'...

where DID that money go to?

WHAT? $1? How the heck did he manage that? He saw her coming down in the last shower the poor woman!

Perhaps he may have managed that because he was in prison on remand and the "business" as such no longer existed?

QUOTE: She said he was not able to come up with the money so in December 2011, they entered into a new contract where he agreed to buy her share for $200,000.

Baden-Clay paid Ms Frost a deposit of $20,000, the court heard.

The arrangement enabled Baden-Clay six months to come up with the remainder of the money and a further three months if he needed it.

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OK, so ruling out the suicide theory defense, what's left? Gerard did it or a random stranger did it for no apparent reason. Which one looks more probable?
Hmmm, they might just have to play dumb and say "We don't know who DID do it, we just know Gerard DID NOT."
how I long for that Forensic accountant..

* clearing decks, sorting the mail, finishing up the days work, (Sydney time) ..
A bigger car So he could take them all overland? Good grief.
Methinks OW is a tad worried abput how things are looking for her big bro and needs to help out GBC with some carefully placed PR. After all she does have a knack for fundraising.

Yeah Kaching... I can feel a fundraiser plea for his legal fees coming on now they see it is prob going to trial.
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou

Baden-Clay told business partner he needed a bigger car with room enough for his children and his lover's children. #badenclay

:thud: :puke:

I bet GBC is squirming now. Well done Phil Broom. :rocker:
the business had a couple of good years, WHERE did all the money go to?? partners not paid, staff not paid, commisions not paid, rental not paid..dodgy accounting sheets... Nige and Elaines payments kept secret from the partners, due to their 'privacy'...

where DID that money go to?

Exactly.. where did it go.

Those partners were fools to do business with him like that.
I heard on the news that the friends and relatives had reserved this area themselves. They most definitely can see him from over there. The exact seats and rows to sit in to see him were mentioned in an online news story either this morning or yesterday.

I will bet my house that the lady in white could see him. She made it glaringly obvious. Were you in court ? Could you see the lady that I am talking about ?
( please don't take the tone of this question as accusatory, because its not :blushing: )
I was sitting in the first public area when you go in the door. Third row back, behind the media people.

There was also a couple of times when the Forensic Dr's evidence didn't agree with what Mr Davis was trying to say and this lady smiled and glared even harder at GBC. More or less to say - stick that !
I'm going to toe the line with you here and say the following..I've known a few blokes in my time who were control freaks. Anyone of his nature, I think would know EXACTLY what she was up to in terms of all activities, medical or otherwise. I would put a fair wager he would even know the exact contents of her handbag, car etc to a high degree.
As I say I've met a few creeps like this unfortunately and they are far more aware of what their partner is up to than you'd care to believe. I remember being told once that this is because dishonest people think everyone else around them is dishonest.

Breno, have to say I disagree on this one. I think this one had completely disengaged from the relationship and couldn't have given a fat rat's cl$&@er what she did - unless of course it inconvenienced him. He would have been quite happy if she had disappeared off the face of the earth....oh....
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