***Day 5 -Committal Hearing*** 18th,19,20th March 2013***

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:please:Hey Squizz, any idea what day we may look forward to hearing about the (roundabout??):please:
Can one of our brains trust remember when we find out the admissibility of the Relationships Australia files?

Don't know about the brains trust but here you go.

Also today, the court was told prosecutors no longer wished to call the Baden-Clays' marriage counsellor to give evidence. Her employer, Relationships Australia, had objected to her testifying and also to the tendering of documents relating to the counselling sessions.

Prosecutor Danny Boyle said the issues relating to her evidence would not be argued "at this stage".

The committal hearing continues.
Can one of our brains trust remember when we find out the admissibility of the Relationships Australia files?

I think the prosecution said they wouldn't bother going ahead with that issue at the committal so we wont hear from the counsellor at this stage.
:please:Hey Squizz, any idea what day we may look forward to hearing about the (roundabout??):please:

No idea DZ. The way it is going I am thinking they may leave it till the trial and use it in the interferring with a corpse . I think they have pretty well got him to trial and want to hold some cards back for later . Just MOO . what does Allioop think. Obviously with 400 witnesse and only 40 being heard here they have heaps more stuff to throw at him .
ali, do you think the defense would have had a conversation with GBC about options at this stage i.e. this is how the evidence is looking, IF you have anything to confess and you plead guilty now this would be the likely outcome, etc.

I don't mean discussing GBC's guilt/innonence, rather just advising him of options given the evidence that has been presented.
Tells her he's giving her the finger ?? Why, don't get that ?

No she says that back to him after his sarcastic comment.
I'm sorry, I don't think she looks 63 and in walking gear (and possibly sweaty and all that) I think that she could well be mistaken for Allison
Waaaaaaay off topic.....is there going to be a thread for the Streeter bloke who shot his dad and uncle...?
Hi Squizz, the prosecution are just presenting the witnesses that the defence wanted cross examined so unless any witnesses to the roundabout thing are in that list of witnesses to be cross examined, we won't hear about it. However the magistrate has all the statements that the prosecution thought necessary to seek to have him committed. So the magistrate may well have that info but we don't. The prosecution is not presenting their case as such, just introducing the witnesses agreed to be cross examined.
So we are just getting bits and pieces of evidence.
No she says that back to him after his sarcastic comment.
I'm sorry, I don't think she looks 63 and in walking gear (and possibly sweaty and all that) I think that she could well be mistaken for Allison

Is it just me or in that photo does it look like she's wearing a wig? She could possibly have had her very similar to Allisons 11 months ago.
ali, do you think the defense would have had a conversation with GBC about options at this stage i.e. this is how the evidence is looking, IF you have anything to confess and you plead guilty now this would be the likely outcome, etc.

I don't mean discussing GBC's guilt/innonence, rather just advising him of options given the evidence that has been presented.

Like manslaughter ????? like we had a fight and bla bla bla so I dumpped her body . Always thought thats what he should have done but too big an ego
ali, do you think the defense would have had a conversation with GBC about options at this stage i.e. this is how the evidence is looking, IF you have anything to confess and you plead guilty now this would be the likely outcome, etc.

I don't mean discussing GBC's guilt/innonence, rather just advising him of options given the evidence that has been presented.

I am sure that by now and even before the committal started the lawyers have given GBC their opinion on if he will be committed, and if that does happen that he has options regarding his pleas. If committed, and I think he will be, I think we will see a plea of not guilty. Of course that can be changed at any time up until a jury gives their verdict.
He's cheese and sleeze. He has never came across to me as a grieving husband. More like its a bit of an inconvenience. Imo.

Yes indeed. And the more I hear about him the more I think "Sleaze" with a capital "S". I've met heaps of creeps like him in my day either socially or at work, and I now have the ability to pick a sleaze a mile off. Poor old Toni has been taken for one hell of a ride and I do feel somewhat sorry for her as she doesn't seem like the sharpest tool in the shed. I also DO NOT believe he loved her (as she stated) as I believe he only loved one person - HIMSELF. MOO.
Waaaaaaay off topic.....is there going to be a thread for the Streeter bloke who shot his dad and uncle...?

Here you go...

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9063936#post9063936"]Australia-Murder accused fronts court over double killing - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Yes indeed. And the more I hear about him the more I think "Sleaze" with a capital "S". I've met heaps of creeps like him in my day either socially or at work, and I now have the ability to pick a sleaze a mile off. Poor old Toni has been taken for one hell of a ride and I do feel somewhat sorry for her as she doesn't seem like the sharpest tool in the shed. I also DO NOT believe he loved her (as she stated) as I believe he only loved one person - HIMSELF. MOO.

and gerard , and gerry , and gerard , and gerard , a real case of, look at me ,look at me, look at me , me me , look at me
Folks please leave derogatory name calling comments out of it. This is not allowed.

Back to topic of Committal Hearing thanks
Hi Squizz, the prosecution are just presenting the witnesses that the defence wanted cross examined so unless any witnesses to the roundabout thing are in that list of witnesses to be cross examined, we won't hear about it. However the magistrate has all the statements that the prosecution thought necessary to seek to have him committed. So the magistrate may well have that info but we don't. The prosecution is not presenting their case as such, just introducing the witnesses agreed to be cross examined.
So we are just getting bits and pieces of evidence.

wouldnt think the defence would pick them would you , could be seriously incrimenating
I just shake my head..I can't believe that GBC would think that people are so gullible to believe.... the scratches on his face are from a razor, the scratches on his neck is from a catterpillar, the marks on his chest are from him scratching himself and the wound on his palm is from a screwdriver...and they all happened in the same timeframe..and it just so happens that his beautiful wife went missing at the same time !!!

bring on justice for Allison and her family !!!!
From my notes of the second bail hearing re the driver who saw a woman jogging. Danny Boyle said Mr Cowley's evidence is a long bow to say that was Allison. It was a nondescript identification, Mr Cowley was driving at 5.30am and saw a lady as he approached neighbour on Boscombe Rd, it was dark he had his headlights on. The judge said his opportunity to observe her wasn't good.

I think the time frames are all appropriate for this lady to have been the walker. In her words, she left home regularly around the same time 5:40 to 5:50am everyday she worked (without fail)! And she walked for about 30 to 45mins deciding which route she felt like doing. She was as straight as an arrow with her testimony and Davis was trying hard to cast shadows on her movements.
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