The following is pasted from the linked page I posted yesterday (post #177)
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Smit's butler door story, which gave rise to a major "urban myth" on the internet, is particularly disturbing, as once again he is very clearly stretching the truth to suit his "clients." Here's a more complete picture from reporter and insider Frank Coffman, known on the forums as "Masked Man." Coffman is by no means a member of the BORG persuasion, and has enthusiastically defended both Ramseys. Hopefully this will put that particular urban myth to rest forever:
There was NO open door at the Ramseys' [sic] house on the morning of Dec. 26, 1996. John Ramsey himself found all the doors closed and locked that morning. Here are the FACTS:
* According to John Ramsey, ALL the doors were LOCKED. John Ramsey told the police that "I looked around the house that morning and... and all the doors were locked and I checked every door on the first floor... and they appeared to be locked." (Thomas, p. 172)
* Sgt. Paul Reichenbach checked all the doors at the Ramsey house in the early morning of Dec. 26, 1996. He found no open doors and no signs of a break-in.
* In June 2001, Linda Arndt testified at her civil trial that there were no signs of a break-in or other identifiable points of entry for an intruder into the Ramsey home.
* Patsy Ramsey told a guest at the memorial service on Dec. 29, 1996 that all the doors were closed and locked.
* Police chief Mark Beckner told me that the northside [sic] door (the so-called "butler's pantry door") was opened by a crime scene technician early that morining [sic]. The police technicians went to work at the Ramsey house by 6:50 a.m. on Dec. 26, 1996.
* Lou Smit himself told me a few months ago that he agreed that the "butler's pantry door" was probably left open by a police technician, just as Beckner said.
I have to admit: at one time, I was taken in by the myth of the "open door" because it was reported in a newspaper story and it was touted by others. Since then, I have learned that there were no open or unlocked doors. Neither the police nor John Ramsey found any open doors. The mistaken notion about an "open door" got started after John Fernie noticed that the northside [sic] "butler's pantry door" was ajar. Fernie didn't know that the door was left open by a police technician." (From a Websleuths post by Masked Man dated August 20, 2001)
So, again - just more Smit/Ramsey spin. All the doors were closed and locked
per JR that night/morning.