DC DC - Chandra Levy, 24, Washington DC, 1 May 2001 *found deceased in 2002*

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Too bad this case is now cold. If the Washington PD had done their job right in the first place, perhaps they could have solved this in the beginning. I still wonder if his top aids have been questioned (Lynch & Dayton).

Personally I think Condidit knows more than he's ever admitted. While I don't think he would personally dirty his hands or mess up his hairdo, I do think he knows what happened.

I'm anxious to see him grilled by the defense attorneys. Since he brought the suits, he can't hide behind the 5th amendment or congressional privilege!
The Globe tabloid has a cover story on Chandra this week. Apparently there is a new grand jury. Three people who know Condit have been shown photos of a man who used to throw parties. He's the guy Rita Cosby mentioned I guess. He worked for the DoD and lives in Maryland.

I just saw the Enquirer story in the store. It has a cover story on Chandra too. Says it will name the killer but doesn't. The Globe had much more detail. But the Enquirer has a photo of the gravesite.

How wonderful that there may be closure for that family. What a heartbreak. Her parents just looked lost through that awful experience. I guess I would too. :(
Unfortunately I didn't purchase the Enquirer - but the front cover story was that Chandra's Killer has been found. If anyone else gets a chance to buy it - please relay the info - otherwise I may go out and buy it tomorrow to see what it says and relay the info here on the board.;)
Darn it--I just remembered that I gave my NE to my mom so I will relay what I can remember about the article.
It basically says that Condit is not a suspect but that the man who killed Chandra was introduced to her through Condit. They do NOT identify this man but I believe they say he's in his 40's or 50's. They think that she was lured to the Klinger (Klingel?) mansion in that park and was killed either there or nearby. (Remember that she was on line researching the mansion.) Sorry, I'm not remembering much more.

Personal opinion: Remember the talk about Condit having wierd sexual interests...something about wanting to wear leather and watch Chandra have sex with another man? I think the man who killed her might have been involved in some sort of threesome activity--why he killed her? I don't have any idea.

Sorry I can't remember more. I'm sure someone else will share about it.
This is Condit v. Dunne related, but it is really about the Chandra Levy case. There has been an update in the Condit v. Dunne civil suit.

This has been the only report I have seen about this news. Of course we do have it at www.justiceforchandra.com where I first read it.

>>>from www.nypost.com (fair use)


October 4, 2004 -- <<<

>>>Lin Wood, the lawyer for former California Congressman Condit, spent two days this week questioning Dunne under oath in Condit's defamation suit against the Vanity Fair diarist. The two-day grilling was
videotaped, and Wood is preparing arguments for the
tapes to be made public.<<<

Dunne's attorney, Paul LiCalsi, did not do so well questioning Condit last Monday. Both sides seem to want to display the results of their questioning.

>>>The main issue, LiCalsi said, will be his motion "to
force Mr. Condit to anwer questions" about his
relationship with Chandra Levy. "It turned out to be a
very frustrating day," LiCalsi said. "He refused to
answer on a claim of privilege, which has no merit."<<<

So the drama continues. There should be some followup news on the depositions being made. I have not seen any yet. Read the whole article.

Hello, I will post here rather than at the Chandra Levy cold case topic. Maybe this will interest someone.

We have a new topic now at www.justiceforchandra.com. It is called "In Defense of Dominick Dunne: For His Legal Counsel."

Condit of course is suing Dominick Dunne, and some of us at the Chandra site have decided to comment. We are looking for the truth. I hope we find it, or "someone" finds it.

Former Rep. Gary Condit must answer questions about his sexual history in his slander case against a magazine writer who suggested Condit knew more than he let on about the death of intern Chandra Levy, a judge ruled Wednesday.


This should be interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good!!! What a can of worms he opened with this lawsuit! :dance:
According to Geragos, Condit did take a poly...of course, it was only 4 questions.
Was the examination at Marks office, or at the police station?

The Ramseys' supposedly took poly's, too. However, there was no drug testing before they took them, and the examiner wasn't someone reputable.
If Im remembering correctly, it was at Mark's office...arranged by Mark..given by someone Mark hired. I remember the day he went public with the results..saying Condit had passed yada yada yada. They had asked 4 questions, but I cant remember what they were...if they even said what they were. It was a farce, no doubt, but again, we are talking about Geragos here.

ahhhhh I stand corrected...wasnt Geragos that made the announcement..was Lowell...

California Rep. Gary Condit passed a private polygraph test in the disappearance of former intern Chandra Levy, his lawyer said Friday, but police and Levy's family discounted the results.

Lowell said Condit showed no sign of deception when asked whether he had anything to do with Levy's disappearance, if he harmed her or caused anyone else to harm her or whether he knows where she can be found.

"Those people who are honestly concerned about the disappearance of Ms. Levy will now realize that Congressman Condit has exhausted the information he can provide and that the spotlight on him should be turned elsewhere," Lowell said
this is good news, Condit's guilty in my book and some how he got away with murder ......maybe not???

yea, the people that gave him the lie detector test are on his payroll. :liar:
I think he got away with murder too, every time I watch Cold Cases think of him and hope this crime will some day be solved. Thought his wife was strange too. Wonder if he has a job now, or maybe trying to make a living with lawsuits. Maybe this one will open up Pandora's box.
Although I think Condit was heavily involved in the disappearance, I dont for one minute think he will ever be charged.
I read everything about Chandra's case I could get my hands on. I'll never forget the day I read this about Gary's sexual deviancy! He kind of had an ongoing sexual laison with some beautiful woman from DC - for the life of me I can not place her name. At the same time he was doing Chandra. But she said that under his bed he had rubber masks. And he would make her wear one { the one she mentioned was of the Speaker of the House ~ they were all of big political figures in DC } and then with her wearing this they would take a shower together.

I couldn't believe that part of her interview was published, but then I never read it anywhere else. Anyone else read this? BaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D

I'll slap myself, lightly! :slap: :rolleyes:


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