GUILTY DC - David Messerschmitt, 30, murdered in Washington hotel room, 9 Feb 2015 #1

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Considering Thomas Circle is close to the gayborhood and the Green Lantern is 200 feet from the Donavan, of course the gossip is going to speculate that maybe it was a Grindr hookup gone wrong.

Yes, Lou Chirabbo the reporter who first reported this narrative does have friends/sources in the departmentlet's deconstruct his article which is the basis for the rest of the media reporting that David Messerschmitt may have been gay or bisexual:

- The warrant mentions the case has some of the similarities of a “pick-up” murder.
Translate: A guy who lives a few miles from the Donavan has a room here. Fighting with the wife? No. Maybe it's a hookup gone wrong. Maybe.

- Messerschmitt was found lying face down on the floor with stab wounds to his back.
Notice the omission of any information about Messerschmitt's state of dress which keeps alive the possibility he was naked

- Among the items found in the hotel room, according to the search warrant document, were a condom and lubricant, an enema, a wallet with credit cards, a computer and cell phone.
Notice how he lead with condoms, lube and enema; that pushes the notion of a "pick-up" murder forward & takes the focus off of the fact that the perp didn't steal a thing from the victim

- Law enforcement experts have said so-called pickup or hookup murders often involve someone who targets gay men or straight women by befriending them at a bar or other meeting place, including online hookup sites, and persuading the victim to invite them to their home or another place such as a hotel room. The perpetrator then robs, assaults and sometimes kills the unsuspecting victim.
Notice that Lou cites no source for this info Why? Because there is no established pattern; most often when these occur they turn out to be crimes of passion and it is often revealed that there is a long history between the killer and the victim; but those details rarely make headlines when they are eventually revealed

- “I would hope that if the police have any evidence that the person David met was through a sex line – gay or straight – the public would be informed quickly so they can be aware of any danger to them,” said gay activist Peter Rosenstein.
Quoting a random gay activist (not connected to a group) because the quote causes the reader to be afraid, panic and pay attention to a very random act of violence

Buried in the article is this important revelation:
- Paul Tupper, chair of the D.C. group Gays and Lesbians Opposing Violence, said police sometimes alert LGBT community groups about instances of anti-gay violence but police have not contacted GLOV about the case of Messerschmitt’s murder.
Yes, someone who runs an actual, local LGBT anti-violence organization that LE alerts when there is an issue so they can help get the word out has NOT been contacted by LE

- Rick Rosendall, president of the D.C. Gay & Lesbian Activists Alliance, said the Messerschmitt case has been the subject of discussion in gay community circles in his neighborhood on the 17th Street, N.W., strip where several gay bars and restaurants are located.
Translate: People in the gayborhood are talking about a big local news story. However the way Lou crafts the paragraph serves to push forward the possibility that DM is connected/part of the gay community

- But Crump said police could not comment on whether they have determined the case appears to be a gay or straight pickup murder or whether the department’s Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit has been called in to help homicide detectives investigate the case. “The GLLU is aware of this case,” Crump said. “I cannot comment further as this is an ongoing investigation.”
I will bet you a million dollars that Crump's statement "The GLLU is aware of this case" was in response to Lou asking "Is the GLLU aware of this case? Are they involved in the investigation?"

Followed by:
- The New York-based LGBT Anti-Violence Project has said pick-up murders have evolved from earlier years when gay men invited someone they met at a gay bar or other gay meeting place to their home for sex and were later killed by the person. According to AVP executive director Sharon Stapel, gay male victims of pick-up murders have met their killers in recent years mostly through online hook-up sites and apps.
More drivel that is only connected to this case because Lou is shaping this narrative because like most high profile murders/crimes that occur in the area and getting significant news coverage, people are gossiping about it and speculating so when Lou hears it discussed from the barstool he thinks it will get him readers.

And the quote that closes the article:
- “While there is the factor for the family if David was bi or gayand they didn’t know and they now have to deal with that, it shouldn’t change what people think about David and the good things he accomplished in his life,” Rosenstein said. “All those things are still the same.”
Remember Rosenstein? He's the completely random gay activist not connected to any organization who blatantly pushes the idea that "David was bi or gay"

Yes, all that is derived from and based on the fact that opens the article "the warrant mentions the case has some of the similarities of a “pick-up” murder."

The article is long on babble and almost completely void of facts yet it is the basis for the news media narrative that DM is gay or bi.
It's interesting that the Cincinnati ABC affiliate WCPO would be the (only?) news outlet to report that DM left his home on Sunday night.

The byline on the article is Ally Kraemer (WCPO's social media reporter) and Tom McKee (WCPO reporter); neither have worked as journalists in DC at any point in their career so it seems a touch odd that they would be the one's to break this detail.

I understand DM is from Cincinati but I'm highly skeptical of it's accuracy.

and saw this, though I hadn't noticed it when read before from here:

"Messerschmitt left his home Sunday night, according to police reports obtained by WCPO reporter Evan Millward."

plus, there was some fluky law blog speculating that linked various articles, early on... before the documents were released.

Neither of those two reporters obtained the info.

I've been noticing since joining WS, any high profile crime seems to have a coat-tailing of ancillary issues come up in coverage, blogs and SM, and sometimes activist who join the band wagon for good cause and intention. As such, David's case is what it is and people will see it as they see it, until all the facts are known. To find the POI or evidence that would put them away, LE needs witnesses, evidence, and probably test results from the autopsy, any DNA that may have been found, community awareness of the timing and the POI's face out there in public, to hopefully ID them. The person who killed David wanted very much to kill him apparently. It doesn't look like it may have been for any cash David may have had in the room. The murder can be seen as humiliating in these circumstances, so maybe just killing him wasn't enough for this killer. If it weren't for the broken elevator, there may have been no way to see the POI's face clearly. It would have been an even more clueless crime open to even more speculation, indeed assumptions the way things go.
Does anyone find it odd that the law form removed his profile from their website almost immediately after the news of his death broke? Most employers would leave the profile up for a respectable amount of time after someone has died. Why the rush to do so? That did strike me as perhaps relevant in some way beyond damage control.

Understandable, but classless :notgood:
Writing as an out gay man a few years older than David, I'm not convinced that this is a gay hookup gone wrong.

Based on their history as a couple and the progressive cities he called home I highly doubt he is gay.

Don't forget how many "straight" guys want trannies occasionally (not real women). I don't understand that, even after knowing it for a long time.

In my own mind, if you like guys, you want somebody with an "X" part. If you like girls, you want somebody with a "Y" part. I don't lust after women with an "X" part. Just guys that are "guys." I don't want a "man" with a "Y" part or such, either.

But whether gay, straight, bi, man, woman, what-have-you... I think the "hook-up" was arranged by somebody for a totally different reason that some quick sex. Maybe they knew they could get him this way (but it wouldn't work if they tried another method) and that's how they got him.

BTW... I have nothing against trannies, cross-dressers or such people. They just make me nervous. They always wanna touch on you and get up in your face. That's why I'll go to certain bars but not others. I'm mortified of Connections. I still kinda "like" drag queens. For example, Lady Chablis in the Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. That's a good movie that she kinda "makes" and I really love "her," but I would be scared to death to meet them in person.

Sorry for the drag queen rant but it's been a long day and I haven't had a chance to put much beer in me.
The poi is a female; So what does the LGBT have to do with this?
No offense, but I know for a fact that gay guys are hornier than normal guys. I know of more "hook-up" aps for gay people than straight people. Maybe they got more lately. I still think this was some kind of "hook-up" and I still don't know whether that person on the steps is a boy or girl. Just that they look shady.
Does anyone find it odd that the law form removed his profile from their website almost immediately after the news of his death broke? Most employers would leave the profile up for a respectable amount of time after someone has died. Why the rush to do so? That did strike me as perhaps relevant in some way beyond damage control.

There is also the possibility that international interest in the story brought hundreads of thousands visits that may have crashed their site. Remember, it's a law firm web site not a news type site and not configured to receive so many hits, which it did.

When topless pics of Kate surfaced, I was initially amongst the first sites to publish it on my blog and went from 1000-2000 visits per day to the same amounts of visits per minute. It was insane and the site crashed because my hosting plan on a shared server couldn't handle it.

There again, maybe they wanted to distance themselves, who knows.
Don't forget how many "straight" guys want trannies occasionally (not real women). I don't understand that, even after knowing it for a long time.

In my own mind, if you like guys, you want somebody with an "X" part. If you like girls, you want somebody with a "Y" part. I don't lust after women with an "X" part. Just guys that are "guys." I don't want a "man" with a "Y" part or such, either.

But whether gay, straight, bi, man, woman, what-have-you... I think the "hook-up" was arranged by somebody for a totally different reason that some quick sex. Maybe they knew they could get him this way (but it wouldn't work if they tried another method) and that's how they got him.

BTW... I have nothing against trannies, cross-dressers or such people. They just make me nervous. They always wanna touch on you and get up in your face. That's why I'll go to certain bars but not others. I'm mortified of Connections. I still kinda "like" drag queens. For example, Lady Chablis in the Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. That's a good movie that she kinda "makes" and I really love "her," but I would be scared to death to meet them in person.

Sorry for the drag queen rant but it's been a long day and I haven't had a chance to put much beer in me.

Sounds like you need something harder than beer. Some whiskey brandy scotch and cognac?
Don't forget how many "straight" guy

In my own mind, if you like guys, you want somebody with an "X" part. If you like girls, you want somebody with a "Y" part. I don't lust after women with an "X" part. Just guys that are "guys." I don't want a "man" with a "Y" part or such, either.

But whether gay, straight, bi, man, woman, what-have-you... I think the "hook-up" was arranged by somebody for a totally different reason that some quick sex. Maybe they knew they could get him this way (but it wouldn't work if they tried another method) and that's how they got him.

BTW... I have nothing against trannies, cross-dressers or such people. They just make me nervous. They always wanna touch on you and get up in your face. That's why I'll go to certain bars but not others. I'm mortified of Connections. I still kinda "like" drag queens. For example, Lady Chablis in the Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. That's a good movie that she kinda "makes" and I really love "her," but I would be scared to death to meet them in person.

Sorry for the drag queen rant but it's been a long day and I haven't had a chance to put much beer in me.

Goodness me! That's a very backward way of thinking. Hurry up and have that beer!:needdrink:
I thought the same thing too. Any sex worker worth their grain of salt, would dress and carry themselves appropriately.

The pros, you don't notice. The effect of the way this POI was dressed on its own says more drug delivery than sex worker to me, if I hadn't seen the face, if I hadn't seen the gait, and if it wasn't where it was. It seems to be a woman trying to look like a man, as an effeminate man would have less trouble looking like a man. I still think the odd hip waddle isn't just awkwardness of the big shoes and outfit, but there's stuff in those stiff pockets that don't seem to crease in ever in the video.
No offense, but I know for a fact that gay guys are hornier than normal guys.
Sorry. But high school and college gang rape is at a all time high and I never seen them consist of gay encounters. These boys are so horny that they do not mind sharing and treating females like a piece of meat. I think gays are just opening up more since the lifestyle is being integrated into alot of prime time tv shows lately.
Sorry. But high school and college gang rape is at a all time high and I never seen them consist of gay encounters. These boys are so horny that they do not mind sharing and treating females like a piece of meat. I think gays are just opening up more since the lifestyle is being integrated into alot of prime time tv shows lately.

As I mentioned earlier in this thread, I was involved in the adult industry for over a decade, so can say "horniness" has no boundries. From celebs to politicians, high flying executives to horny "straight" tough talking macho ranchers who were straight, but liked to get their freak on in just about every way. I dealt with them all on a daily basis.

Gay men are just more open and don't have the constraints or have to put a front up of living a Ozzie and Harriet life. If some "happily married women" knew who and what their husbands were bumping ugly with, there would be a helluva lot more murders.
Oh oh, before I forget. DM took his new bride to Mykonos and Santorini, 2 beautiful Islands in the Aegean seas and it just occurred to me that Mykonos has always had a BIG gay scene.

You see where I'm going with this??? :thinking:
Drug delivery did cross my mind, but then I thought of his text to his wife about being home in an hour. You can't do dope that fast unless he planned on taking it home. But yes, drug connection making a drop off came to mind too.
Gay or straight, it doesn’t matter. My guess is that DM had a person in his room for fun, that person left, and the knifer came to visit.

They are connected, IMO. Jealous partner of the first visitor, someone in cahoots with the first visitor, a john avenging the short-changing or violence to the first visitor, or a "Pelican Brief" Washington murder...who knows? If the time of the text home and the surveillance video released is in sync, then someone just left the room when he sent the “be home soon, honey” text and the well-bundled android ascended.

While escorts or other arrangements will be late, it stretches my logic to think he waited so long for his appointment to show up that he texted the equivalent of “retreat” only to have her/him show up. This was someone following up on someone else.

The first one left with the door slightly cracked, and easy entry. He never saw it coming.

I agree that he never saw it coming - and your theory makes sense as to why he answered the door to this stranger. Can you leave a hotel door cracked like that? Someone knew he was there, that's a given to me. Tutti, I can agree on the pockets having something in them - could it be just the knife? Lol at the funny description of said bundled stranger - just amazing that he got through the hotel dressed like that, nobody at the door? Nobody noticed? He or she was so shady but managed to slip in and out.
Drug delivery did cross my mind, but then I thought of his text to his wife about being home in an hour. You can't do dope that fast unless he planned on taking it home. But yes, drug connection making a drop off came to mind too.

Do you really think someone would pay 300+ for a room just for a drug drop off?
I agree that he never saw it coming - and your theory makes sense as to why he answered the door to this stranger. Can you leave a hotel door cracked like that? Someone knew he was there, that's a given to me.

Not hard to do at all if you want to. But if he thought his friend was returning, he would have opened the door, making back-stabbing harder to explain.
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