GUILTY DC - David Messerschmitt, 30, murdered in Washington hotel room, 9 Feb 2015 #1

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Another thing we don't know is just how they knew so quickly to check this hotel for him. It's not like the maid happened upon him, right? Who knew he was there? Can't imagine that if he was there for what we think he was he'd divulge that info. to his wife. Would he tell a colleague that kind of info.???

Yes, a friend or colleague would know. This will get solved.
Men share notes together about where they go for "relaxation"
My mind keeps going back to the wife, but I could be wrong. Was the enema thingy left to humiliate in death? The sort of thing an angry spouse would do.

For those talking about backpage etc, a lot of what is known as cash and dash goes on in the paid for sex "sector". Providers showing up just for the money and decline to service johns or straight up running out door.
Another thing we don't know is just how they knew so quickly to check this hotel for him. It's not like the maid happened upon him, right? Who knew he was there? Can't imagine that if he was there for what we think he was he'd divulge that info. to his wife. Would he tell a colleague that kind of info.???

I thought the same thing. However a straight living fella with a penchant for men and enemas, won't be sharing that with real life people, maybe on line forums but not work colleagues. So much being withheld by police. There again if he used a credit card to pay for room it would have been a clue to his movements that day, hence them finding him so quick.
Another thing we don't know is just how they knew so quickly to check this hotel for him. It's not like the maid happened upon him, right? Who knew he was there? Can't imagine that if he was there for what we think he was he'd divulge that info. to his wife. Would he tell a colleague that kind of info.???

Has it been confirmed that he did NOT use a credit card to check in? If he used a credit card, the wife just had to check online account activity to see where he was.
Yes, a friend or colleague would know. This will get solved.
Men share notes together about where they go for "relaxation"

I was in the adult industry for over a decade. Men share about heterosexual experiences not about their bi-curious or trans gender fantasies.
Also I wonder how long a paid sex hook- up takes. If he was expecting someone, would he have time to do the deed, shower, and get home in an hour? Seems like a tight time frame to me.

Unless the hook up had already happened and he was going to grab a quick shower and come home.
If he was there for a sexual tryst, he wouldn't have opened the door to a familar face that he was NOT expecting.
Also I wonder how long a paid sex hook- up takes. If he was expecting someone, would he have time to do the deed, shower, and get home in an hour? Seems like a tight time frame to me.

Unless the hook up had already happened and he was going to grab a quick shower and come home.

Also, depends what services he requested. IMO
Yes, a friend or colleague would know. This will get solved.
Men share notes together about where they go for "relaxation"

I was in the adult industry for over a decade. Men share about heterosexual experiences not about their bi-curious or trans gender fantasies.

You are our subject matter expert. What is your theory on what happened in this particular situation?
And thank you for your forthright disclosure. Your life experience is very valuable.
I was thinking that was a possibility, too, but only up to that jumbled up mass at the end that looks like three letters plopped on top of one another! I'm a teacher, so I'm usually rather good at deciphering poor handwriting, but this has me stumped.
Something as important as this document one would think it should be legible. This is a disaster! I cannot make out that word either and if this hadn't taken place in a hotel room, some of the items would be lost on me also.

Also trying to catch up with recent developments, therefore a question: is the "enema" on the s/w what leads some to believe the victim was NOT there for a heterosexual encounter or has some other information come out?

Something as important as this document one would think it should be legible. This is a disaster! I cannot make out that word either and if this hadn't taken place in a hotel room, some of the items would be lost on me also.

Also trying to catch up with recent developments, therefore a question: is the "enema" on the s/w what leads some to believe the victim was NOT there for a heterosexual encounter or has some other information come out?


I'll speak for myself.
Knowing what I know about The Donovan and immediate area, I suspected a homosexual meet up from the start. With the enema found in the room, I would find it hard to believe it was a heterosexual tryst.
That is if it was not a set up after all. IMO
I'll speak for myself.
Knowing what I know about The Donovan and immediate area, I suspected a homosexual meet up from the start. With the enema found in the room, I would find it hard to believe it was a heterosexual tryst.
That is if it was not a set up after all. IMO
Thanks! I am still curious when he checked into the hotel as his wife hadn't seen him since early Sunday and if she had any inclination what he was doing there.

Thanks! I am still curious when he checked into the hotel as his wife hadn't seen him since early Sunday and if she had any inclination what he was doing there.


Let me go back and check, but I remember seeing or hearing that he had checked in that day around 5:00. Don't quote me, though! I need to backtrack to find that info.
I could pull up numerous crimes right now which begun as "armed" robberies and ended up as murders, that's why they're called "botched" robberies. David was a lawyer; if he threatened the person who was attempting to rob him, maybe that person decided they couldn't risk it--probably a seasoned criminal, maybe on parole--and just quickly reacted by stabbing him. By then, David had already seen his or her face--they couldn't just "leave him there", so to speak.

Another motive could be sexual sadism. The person on tape could be lesbian or transexual. It's not necessarily just a woman "pretending" to be a man. Crime, in general, doesn't make sense. People always want to find a deep motive or some sort of big story; often, it's just a case of a person being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Also, there's a reason why drugs and crime go together like bread and butter.

I read that the victim was found partially clothed. If this begun as a sexual encounter, it's entirely possible the victim was defenseless, laying on his stomach. He could've also been stabbed walking towards the door or turning repeatedly and quickly, fallen on his stomach or kneeling down and stabbed again for "good measure".
And, why not just whack the victim on the head (render him unconscious) and take his cash? Was the victim killed to prevent him identifying the perp??

Who knows? Often, crime isn't "rational". Criminals usually have low self control and act in the moment. Combine this with being under the influence of drugs...

IF the perp knew the victim was married (on the dl with his gay hookup activities) then the perp knew it was unlikely the assault/robbery would be reported and thus unlikely for the victim to file charges... so why kill DM?

No, not necessarily. Like I said, maybe David threatened to tell. Maybe he used his legal expertise as a "weapon". Maybe he got angry and threatened to call the police or downstairs to the concierge. Who knows? Men are becoming more willing to report these incidents due to changing societal norms, I think.

Maybe David had seen this person before, let his guard down, and when he turned his back--wham! Maybe the perp expected him to have more cash on him. Maybe he did have a lot of cash in his wallet, we don't know...
I wonder why the perp didn't take DM's cell phone, laptop and credit cards? If this was a set-up (the perp simply intended to rob the victim) why not take anything/everything of value?

Because, all those things could easily be traced. That's why I think this was a bit more of a "seasoned" criminal or at least one whose done a few robberies before.
It's all completely speculation. I don't even think a proper hypothesize could be formed given the lack of evidence we have, here. We don't know how much cash was taken, what enemies David may have, what personal and business circumstances he was surrounded by, whether or not a sexual encounter took place or maybe David had an entirely different reason to be at the hotel...
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