DC - Former President Donald Trump indicted, 4 federal counts in 2020 election interference, 1 Aug 2023, Trial 4 Mar 2024

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Your post is certainly timely. He's indirectly attacking the judge over on Truth Social. He re-truthed a post that calls Judge Chutkan a leftwing activist Obama appointment who has admitted openly she is running election interference against Trump. With her photograph.

And while I agree with you on the law - I personally believe Trump is so personality disordered that he cannot, will not, ever be constrained by it. He's the epitome of a malignant narcissist. Civility and personal responsibility are for 'lesser' folks.


Could not agree more
I know! It's frustrating, but probably only to me and my obsession about keeping things in their place. I'll make it through....just a few more days and a thread will be opened. ;)

Just don't put the forks where the spoons go. Please!


I promise to keep the forks in their proper place and hold your hand until we can start a new thread! :)
I actually have a pet theory that Trump may be trying to bait Judge Chutkan into cracking down on him, in part, so he can exploit it to his gain (both financially and rhetorically) but he was always going to attack this judge anyway. From a really good Psychology Today article on how a malignant narcissist responds to failure:
Any evidence presented, and those that present it will be attacked aggressively and vindictively. The better the evidence, the more aggressive the attack. Individuals who are doing the right thing by reporting criminal acts, unethical behavior, or failings are to be discredited, humiliated, hounded, and bullied—not even their families are to be spared if need be. The narcissist will engage supporters or enablers to simultaneously attack those who offer proof or evidence, even if it embarrassingly exposes their poodle-like behavior as that of spineless sycophants.

And the 'PERFECT' phone call (Trump did nothing wrong):
As they lash out with vindictiveness, the malignant narcissist will continue to talk about themselves in glowing terms; irrespective of their actual situation, as they are incapable of introspection, much less contriteness. They will trumpet their greatness, their achievements (real or imagined), their faux infallibility, and even portray themselves as worthy of being revered rather than reviled.

There's a lot more at the link should anyone be interested - it's really very enlightening.

I actually have a pet theory that Trump may be trying to bait Judge Chutkan into cracking down on him, in part, so he can exploit it to his gain (both financially and rhetorically) but he was always going to attack this judge anyway. From a really good Psychology Today article on how a malignant narcissist responds to failure:

And the 'PERFECT' phone call (Trump did nothing wrong):

There's a lot more at the link should anyone be interested - it's really very enlightening.

Excellent description of a malignant narcissist, but I would like to understand how 70 million people (who voted for Trump)-- have a cult-like worship of this vile malignant narcissist! The more indictments, the more money he gets, and worse, some of these so called supporters are willing to start a civil war for him!!!! I don't get it, never will. And even worse, how do you wrap your head around the leaders of the Republican party in lock-step with him!
Excellent description of a malignant narcissist, but I would like to understand how 70 million people (who voted for Trump)-- have a cult-like worship of this vile malignant narcissist! The more indictments, the more money he gets, and worse, some of these so called supporters are willing to start a civil war for him!!!! I don't get it, never will. And even worse, how do you wrap your head around the leaders of the Republican party in lock-step with him!
I am honestly convinced he has 'the goods' on a great many people. Rep. Matt Gaetz for example. He was by Trump's (literal) side in Iowa over the weekend declaring that only 'by force' can change be made in Washington. That smacks of 'overthrow the government' / treason to me. And no one came to Iowa to hear Rep. Gaetz - so you need to ask yourself 1) Why was he there? and 2) Why did he say that?

IMHO the only logical reason is Trump has the goods on Rep. Gaetz's proclivity for underage girls.

I am honestly convinced he has 'the goods' on a great many people. Rep. Matt Gaetz for example. He was by Trump's (literal) side in Iowa over the weekend declaring that only 'by force' can change be made in Washington. That smacks of 'overthrow the government' / treason to me. And no one came to Iowa to hear Rep. Gaetz - so you need to ask yourself 1) Why was he there? and 2) Why did he say that?

IMHO the only logical reason is Trump has the goods on Rep. Gaetz's proclivity for underage girls.

You know, I am just not sure if it is because he has the goods on people. As far as Gaetz goes, everybody knows he has a proclivity for underage girls- but for some reason he has not been prosecuted. I am leaning more towards Trump represents to these Republican politicians, a thirst for power- that was always there, but kind of under wraps, until Trump came to power, then these politicians saw a way to be part of Trump's aura and grab some of that power for themselves- Lindsey Graham to me is a perfect example- he seemed to be a decent Republican politician- he was initially very critical of Trump- said he was going to ruin the country (paraphrasing)- then he did a 180--- I believe these politicians yearn for that power and bask in the glow of Trump's power- they are not redeemable at this point. The only thing we can hope for is that they are voted out of office- all of them, and Trump must never be president again. It will be the end of democracy.
Excellent description of a malignant narcissist, but I would like to understand how 70 million people (who voted for Trump)-- have a cult-like worship of this vile malignant narcissist! The more indictments, the more money he gets, and worse, some of these so called supporters are willing to start a civil war for him!!!! I don't get it, never will. And even worse, how do you wrap your head around the leaders of the Republican party in lock-step with him!
70 million people don’t have a cult-like worship of Trump. Not even in the ballpark or the same planet in my opinion.

I know certain news outlets like to ramp up rhetoric of civil war talk. I think it’s ridiculous and don’t see that happening. imo moo
70 million people don’t have a cult-like worship of Trump. Not even in the ballpark or the same planet in my opinion.

I know certain news outlets like to ramp up rhetoric of civil war talk. I think it’s ridiculous and don’t see that happening. imo moo
I hope you are right, although one woman was interviewed at one of his rallies and said if he goes to jail "there will be civil war"- quote, unquote. that does not mean all of his supporters feel that way, but some do.
70 million people don’t have a cult-like worship of Trump. Not even in the ballpark or the same planet in my opinion.

I know certain news outlets like to ramp up rhetoric of civil war talk. I think it’s ridiculous and don’t see that happening. imo moo
I think many, if not most, of the people in D.C. on J6 had absolutely no intention of insurrection and overthrowing the government, but unknown to them, they were used as cover for those who were interested in insurrection and overthrow. The fans were duped and I worry a similar tactic could be used again, and I think that is a legit concern.

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I think for some people, Trump gives them a green light to be their worst selves and to them, it feels good. It makes them feel better to insult, humiliate, hate other people. Trump doesn't act the way most politicians do - he swears, he criticizes, he mocks, etc which manipulates people into believing he's 'just telling it like it is'. Every so often though, there is a slip to show it's a facade like "I love the poorly educated". And like any other predator, the most vulnerable are at biggest risk of being victimized, scammed and exploited. And it's sold as patriotism! He hates America, imo, because America doesn't show him due deference. He has always, even while hugging a flag, talked America down. It's actually rather perverse in my opinion.

But for other people, I don't think it's so much how Trump makes them feel as much as what Trump can do for their own thirst of ambition - for their bank accounts, notoriety, careers, elections, etc. Being tangetially related to Trump, clinging to his coattails, has made the right people an awful lot of money, influence and power. It was CBS CEO Les Moonves who stated in 2016 that Trump was good for ratings.

Ultimately, I think Trump offers something to everyone who supports him and for some people, it will simply be the offering of a community of like minded people - a feeling of acceptance.

But imagine how good America's enemies feel watching talk of civil war? When Americans are fighting each other instead of autocracy across the world? Autocracy is really at the core of the DC and Georgia cases - one man wanted unfettered power to overrule democracy itself because if he couldn't win power legitimately, he'd do anything he could to steal it.

I think for some people, Trump gives them a green light to be their worst selves and to them, it feels good. It makes them feel better to insult, humiliate, hate other people. Trump doesn't act the way most politicians do - he swears, he criticizes, he mocks, etc which manipulates people into believing he's 'just telling it like it is'. Every so often though, there is a slip to show it's a facade like "I love the poorly educated". And like any other predator, the most vulnerable are at biggest risk of being victimized, scammed and exploited. And it's sold as patriotism! He hates America, imo, because America doesn't show him due deference. He has always, even while hugging a flag, talked America down. It's actually rather perverse in my opinion.

But for other people, I don't think it's so much how Trump makes them feel as much as what Trump can do for their own thirst of ambition - for their bank accounts, notoriety, careers, elections, etc. Being tangetially related to Trump, clinging to his coattails, has made the right people an awful lot of money, influence and power. It was CBS CEO Les Moonves who stated in 2016 that Trump was good for ratings.

Ultimately, I think Trump offers something to everyone who supports him and for some people, it will simply be the offering of a community of like minded people - a feeling of acceptance.

But imagine how good America's enemies feel watching talk of civil war? When Americans are fighting each other instead of autocracy across the world? Autocracy is really at the core of the DC and Georgia cases - one man wanted unfettered power to overrule democracy itself because if he couldn't win power legitimately, he'd do anything he could to steal it.

Honestly, for many I think it is they simply will not vote for a Democrat, period.

Okay, fine.

But why the devotion to DT? Pick another candidate for the party!

I really, really think that if the GOP picked a moderate conservative, compassionate on the social issues but "tough" on crime, that candidate would win 2024. But for some reason, they are devoted to the man over party, over policy, and over country. And here we are.

I hope you are right, although one woman was interviewed at one of his rallies and said if he goes to jail "there will be civil war"- quote, unquote. that does not mean all of his supporters feel that way, but some do.
I hope the prosecutions for the Jan 6th riots have persuaded people that Trump isn't worth it.

Donald Trump’s Truth Social post on Monday warning former Georgia lieutenant governor, Geoff Duncan, against testifying before the Fulton County grand jury, comes days after the federal judge presiding over a separate Trump case warned inflammatory remarks from the former president would push her to schedule the trial sooner.

US district court judge Tanya Chutkan said on Friday that she would take every step to safeguard the integrity of proceedings and to avoid tainting the potential jury pool.

(I am not surprised but I'm still shaking my head.)

(I am not surprised but I'm still shaking my head.)

(I am not surprised but I'm still shaking my head.)
Am I reading this correctly that Trump threatened someone not to testify in Georgia?


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