DC - Former President Donald Trump indicted, 4 federal counts in 2020 election interference, 1 Aug 2023, Trial 4 Mar 2024

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New — Judge Chutkan sets her schedule in Trump's Jan. 6 case in a written order

Can you link that directly? I can not see the other pages (just page 1) - TIA if you can! :)
Would like to see if the next date is what I have - which is:

Updated 8/29/23

DC – 2020 Election. Trump has been charged with 4 criminal counts:
• Conspiracy to defraud the United States
• Conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding
• Obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding
• Conspiracy against rights

August 28, 2023 @ 10am: Status Conference hearing
September 25, 2023: Rule 12 & other dispositive motions (hearing?)
October 16, 2023: Oppositions to Rule 12 & other dispositive motions
October 25, 2023: Replies in Support of Rule 12 & other dispositive motion
TBD: Motions Hearing.
November 13, 2023: Motions in Limine
November 27, 2023: Oppositions to Motions in Limine
December 4, 2023: Replies in Support of Motions in Limine
December 8, 2023: Final Pretrial Conference
December 11, 2023: Jury Selection
January 2, 2024: Trial.
Monday, March 4, 2024 – Jury selection to begin.
Breaking news!

“I am pleased to report, for those that care, that I just won the Senior Club Championship (must be over 50 years old!) at Bedminster (Trump National Golf Club), shooting a round of 67,” Trump’s post reads.

“Now, some people will think that sounds low, but there is no hanky/lanky. Many people watch, plus I am surrounded by Secret Service Agents. Not much you can do even if you wanted to, and I don’t. For some reason, I am just a good golfer/athlete - I have won many Club Championships, and it is always a great honor!”
Good golfer, possibly. Athlete - could someone please hold my clubs while I ROTFL.
Can you link that directly? I can not see the other pages (just page 1) - TIA if you can! :)
Would like to see if the next date is what I have - which is:

Updated 8/29/23

DC – 2020 Election. Trump has been charged with 4 criminal counts:
• Conspiracy to defraud the United States
• Conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding
• Obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding
• Conspiracy against rights

August 28, 2023 @ 10am: Status Conference hearing
September 25, 2023: Rule 12 & other dispositive motions (hearing?)
October 16, 2023: Oppositions to Rule 12 & other dispositive motions
October 25, 2023: Replies in Support of Rule 12 & other dispositive motion
TBD: Motions Hearing.
November 13, 2023: Motions in Limine
November 27, 2023: Oppositions to Motions in Limine
December 4, 2023: Replies in Support of Motions in Limine
December 8, 2023: Final Pretrial Conference
December 11, 2023: Jury Selection
January 2, 2024: Trial.
Monday, March 4, 2024 – Jury selection to begin.


Wasn't his lawyer all over TV saying he was ready to go, this was an easy win, he'd read Pences book and knew his cross examination etc etc.

I think Trump probably wishes he hadn't stiffed quite so many law firms in his long and varied career. He's not exactly getting the best of the best, and defending an ex-president in a historic trial would usually be worth it just for the exposure and the CV buff. No matter the chances of winning.

Either really says something about this case or really says something about Trump that absolutely no Law Firm of any size is willing to touch this relatively speedy and straightforward case.
Malignant narcissists don't feel regret, remorse, guilt or shame (and a lot of other things but those are most relevant to this post). It's honestly very unlikely Trump has the insight to link his actions to law firms being unwilling to represent him because he doesn't see his actions as in any way wrong in the first place. It'll be the firms' problem - too weak and cowardly to defend such a strong client. It's not his fault he stiffs attorneys - they don't deserve to get paid because they didn't do well enough in representing him. Nothing is ever a malignant narcissist's fault.

So you have, as an attorney, a barely constrained client who believes he's smarter, better and more knowledgeable than you and who sees everything in the world as merely transactional so you may well not even be paid for the privilege of him often ignoring your advice.

And I'd argue one of the reasons this case isn't desired by anyone more presitigious is only in part Trump's troublesome history as a client - who wants to take such an incredibly high profile case with a volatile client that they may very well lose as it's a strong case prima facie and add to that there's a trail of failed lawyers in Trump's wake who too often either require their own attorneys after representing him or find themselves in disciplinary and/or disbarment proceedings.

If one recalls, decent attorneys were falling over themselves to represent him for his first impeachment for the very reasons you state - it was worth it just for exposure and accolades. Every legal action since then the caliber of attorneys willing to represent him has diminished.


ETA: Important to remember too that Trump views certain traits positively - it matters more to him that an attorney is rude and disrespectful to a judge than where he went to law school; it matters more how he looks on television than how many cases he's won. Part of the problem with Trump is he himself is drawn to the wrong attributes when seeking legal representation in the first place. Lauro's bombastic, aggressive nature comes across to Trump as a win even though legally it obviously harms him. He misconstrues rudeness and nastiness for strength.
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Good golfer, possibly. Athlete - could someone please hold my clubs while I ROTFL.
Also Home Alone 2 Minor Actor.

Also as he self-reported his height ... apparently his height from long ago because even way back at the G7 Summit in the "Family Photo", Justin Trudeau (who is actually 6' 2") was taller. Dude needs to put away the 1982 Driver's License he's obviously consulting.

He just needs to lie ... about anything and everything. It's actually quite sad, but there doesn't seem to be an ounce of truth in him.
He just needs to lie ... about anything and everything. It's actually quite sad, but there doesn't seem to be an ounce of truth in him.

Slightly O/T so my apologies in advance -

The main reason for my interest in cluster B personality disorders is that I was once married to someone very much like Trump. My ex used to lie about the silliest, most mundane things like what he had for breakfast or what movie he'd watched on TV. Things it didn't make sense to lie about - 'normal', non-disordered people typically lie about things that matter, including sparing someone's feelings or lying by omission. Cluster B disordered folks lie because a) they can without feeling negative emotions; b) if you believe their inconsequential lies, you're more likely to believe their bigger lies; and c) it feels GOOD to them. It's a power trip - a high - duper's delight if you will.

To bring this back to Trump - look at how long he's been seeding the ground for the big lie. It's not one big lie - it's dozens if not hundreds of little lies told all the way back to birtherism meant to erode the public's faith in democracy, government, and our institutions. All those little lies set the stage for his supporters believing the big lie. And it's all in a bid to gain, consolidate and keep power by any means necessary. I think even many non-supporters have a lot less faith and trust in our government, elections, and institutions than we did a decade ago and while Trump is not the sole cause - he is a major factor and sought to exploit and manipulate that eroding trust to his gain.


ETA: Also, image is everything to Trump - for himself as much as others. He makes hiring decisions not on qualifications but on appearances. And his image reigns supreme so he will never admit to any perceived weakness that plagues us mere mortals like weight issues or health problems, etc.
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from court site:

Doc# Date Filed Description
30 Aug 17, 2023 RESPONSE TO ORDER OF THE COURT by DONALD J. TRUMP re Order,,,, Set Deadlines,,, (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit, # 2 Exhibit, # 3 Exhibit, # 4 Exhibit, # 5 Exhibit, # 6 Exhibit, # 7 Exhibit)(Lauro, John) (Entered: 08/17/2023)
Response to Order of the Court
Exhibits - 7 attachments.

31 Aug 21, 2023 MOTION for Leave to File Reply Brief by USA as to DONALD J. TRUMP. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order)(Windom, Thomas) (Entered: 08/21/2023)
Motion for Leave to File
Attachment 1
Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order

Aug 21, 2023 Order on Motion for Leave to File Document AND Set/Reset Deadlines

Aug 21, 2023 MINUTE ORDER as to DONALD J. TRUMP: The government's 31 Motion for Leave to File Reply is hereby GRANTED. The government may file a reply in support of its brief proposing a trial date by August 22, 2023. The reply brief shall be limited to six pages. Signed by Judge Tanya S. Chutkan on 8/21/2023. (zjd)
Order on Motion for Leave to File

32 Aug 21, 2023 RESPONSE TO ORDER OF THE COURT by USA as to DONALD J. TRUMP re Order,,,, Set Deadlines,,, Order on Motion for Leave to File,, Set/Reset Deadlines, (Reply Brief) (Windom, Thomas) (Entered: 08/21/2023)
Response to Order of the Court

33 Aug 22, 2023 Consent MOTION to Appoint a Classified Information Security Officer by USA as to DONALD J. TRUMP. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order)(Windom, Thomas) (Entered: 08/22/2023)
Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
Attachment 1
Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order

Aug 22, 2023 MINUTE ORDER as to DONALD J. TRUMP: The government's 33 Consent Motion to Appoint a Classified Information Security Officer is hereby GRANTED. The court will issue a separate sealed order designating the Officer and any alternate Officers. Signed by Judge Tanya S. Chutkan on 8/22/2023. (zjd)
Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief

35 Aug 22, 2023 Unopposed MOTION for Protective Order Pursuant to the Classified Information Procedures Act by USA as to DONALD J. TRUMP. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order Proposed CIPA Protective Order)(Windom, Thomas) (Entered: 08/22/2023)
Protective Order
Attachment 1
Text of Proposed Order Proposed CIPA Protective Order

37 Aug 22, 2023 ORDER as to DONALD J. TRUMP granting 35 Unopposed MOTION for Protective Order Pursuant to the Classified Information Procedures Act. Signed by Judge Tanya S. Chutkan on 8/22/2023. (zjd) (Entered: 08/22/2023)
Order on Motion for Protective Order

Aug 28, 2023 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Tanya S. Chutkan: Status Conference and Hearing Pursuant to Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA) as to DONALD J. TRUMP held on 8/28/2023. In the interests of justice (XT), and for the reasons stated on the record, the Court grants Defendant's 18 Motion for Exclusion of Time Under Speedy Trial Act. The time from 8/3/2023 through and including 8/28/2023 shall be excluded in computing the date for speedy trial in this case. Jury Trial in this matter is set for March 4, 2024 at 9:30 AM in Courtroom 9 before Judge Tanya S. Chutkan. Bond Status of Defendant: appearance waived, remains on personal recognizance; Court Reporter: Bryan Wayne; Defense Attorneys: John F. Lauro and Todd Blanche; US Attorneys: Molly G. Gaston and Thomas Windom. (zjd)

Aug 28, 2023 Speedy Trial - Excludable Start AND Status Conference AND ~Util - Set/Reset Deadlines/Hearings

38 Aug 28, 2023 TRANSCRIPT OF 8/28/23 STATUS HEARING in case as to DONALD J. TRUMP before Judge Tanya S. Chutkan held on August 28, 2023; Page Numbers: 1-61. Date of Issuance: 8/28/2023. Court Reporter: Bryan A. Wayne. Transcripts may be ordered by submitting the Transcript Order FormFor the first 90 days after this filing date, the transcript may be viewed at the courthouse at a public terminal or purchased from the court reporter referenced above. After 90 days, the transcript may be accessed via PACER. Other transcript formats, (multi-page, condensed, CD or ASCII) may be purchased from the court reporter.NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have twenty-one days to file with the court and the court reporter any request to redact personal identifiers from this transcript. If no such requests are filed, the transcript will be made available to the public via PACER without redaction after 90 days. The policy, which includes the five personal identifiers specifically covered, is located on our website at www.dcd.uscourts.gov. Redaction Request due 9/18/2023. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 9/28/2023. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/26/2023.(Wayne, Bryan) (Entered: 08/28/2023)

39 Aug 28, 2023 PRETRIAL ORDER as to DONALD J. TRUMP: Upon consideration of the parties' Proposed Briefing Schedules 23 30 32, the court hereby sets the following pretrial schedule. All pre-trial motions, excluding motions in limine, due 10/9/23, oppositions due 10/23/23, and replies due 11/6/23. Motions in limine and Suppression Motions due 12/27/23, oppositions due 1/9/24, and replies due 1/22/24. Not later than 12/4/23, the government shall provide notice of evidence it intends to offer pursuant to Fed. R. Evid. 404(b). Parties shall exchange expert witnesses on 12/11/23. Parties shall exchange exhibit lists by 12/18/23 and file any objections to exhibits by 1/3/24; replies due 1/9/24. Proposed jury instructions and voir dire questions due 1/15/24. Parties shall exchange witness lists by 2/19/24. Trial will commence on 3/4/24 at 9:30 a.m. in Courtroom 9 unless otherwise specified. See Order for additional details and instructions. Signed by Judge Tanya S. Chutkan on 8/28/2023. (zjd) (Entered: 08/28/2023)
Order AND ~Util - Set/Reset Deadlines/Hearings

link: United States v. TRUMP, 1:23-cr-00257 - CourtListener.com
To bring this back to Trump - look at how long he's been seeding the ground for the big lie. It's not one big lie - it's dozens if not hundreds of little lies told all the way back to birtherism meant to erode the public's faith in democracy, government, and our institutions. All those little lies set the stage for his supporters believing the big lie. And it's all in a bid to gain, consolidate and keep power by any means necessary.
Confirming and even adding to your point that Trump has been lying to set the stage for The Big Lie is this article from 2020.

On election night in 2012, when President Barack Obama was reelected, Trump said that the election was a "total sham" and a "travesty," while also making the claim that the United States is "not a democracy" after Obama secured his victory.

Trump even wrote on Twitter, "We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!"

Trump also previously called for the American people, presumably those who didn't vote for Obama, to "fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice," because "the world is laughing at us."

Trump first challenged the election results in 2012, continued to do so in 2016 and has now done it again in 2020.
Very interesting remarks by Rachel Maddow last night about what re-election means to Trump and to the country…essentially, the potential that he will be “president for life” to avoid the consequences of his numerous indictments.


Slightly O/T so my apologies in advance -

The main reason for my interest in cluster B personality disorders is that I was once married to someone very much like Trump. My ex used to lie about the silliest, most mundane things like what he had for breakfast or what movie he'd watched on TV. Things it didn't make sense to lie about - 'normal', non-disordered people typically lie about things that matter, including sparing someone's feelings or lying by omission. Cluster B disordered folks lie because a) they can without feeling negative emotions; b) if you believe their inconsequential lies, you're more likely to believe their bigger lies; and c) it feels GOOD to them. It's a power trip - a high - duper's delight if you will.

To bring this back to Trump - look at how long he's been seeding the ground for the big lie. It's not one big lie - it's dozens if not hundreds of little lies told all the way back to birtherism meant to erode the public's faith in democracy, government, and our institutions. All those little lies set the stage for his supporters believing the big lie. And it's all in a bid to gain, consolidate and keep power by any means necessary. I think even many non-supporters have a lot less faith and trust in our government, elections, and institutions than we did a decade ago and while Trump is not the sole cause - he is a major factor and sought to exploit and manipulate that eroding trust to his gain.


ETA: Also, image is everything to Trump - for himself as much as others. He makes hiring decisions not on qualifications but on appearances. And his image reigns supreme so he will never admit to any perceived weakness that plagues us mere mortals like weight issues or health problems, etc.
Since you have personal experience with this type of behavior can you explain why this is not a mental illness but a disorder? I have an ex who supposedly had a disorder but is now institutionalized due to psychosis.

MOO but prior to this President probably Richard Nixon was the last one with issues but he understood he had been involved with criminal behavior.

Sorry to follow slightly off topic but at the heart of this whole continuing saga is mental health. No reasonable person thinks this is sane behavior.
Since you have personal experience with this type of behavior can you explain why this is not a mental illness but a disorder? I have an ex who supposedly had a disorder but is now institutionalized due to psychosis.

MOO but prior to this President probably Richard Nixon was the last one with issues but he understood he had been involved with criminal behavior.

Sorry to follow slightly off topic but at the heart of this whole continuing saga is mental health. No reasonable person thinks this is sane behavior.
Personality disorders are a mental health illness though - according to the DSM there's cluster A, B and C. I'm aware of A which are schizoid type and C which are anxiety driven but all my interest and experience lies with Cluster B - antisocial, narcissistic, borderline and histrionic personality disorders. I prefer to call them disorders because it's almost impossible to distinguish where the underlying personality starts and stops to the illness. I think of it like a cancer. And, because unlike most mental health issues, Cluster B is notoriously impervious to treatment. Many people who have a cluster B disorder (and often they're comorbid) don't believe there's anything TO treat.

But important to remember like so many other mental health issues cluster B is a spectrum. There are people with personality disorder who are a danger only to themselves if at all, there are people like Trump and a slew of folks in between. I've said before he is so disordered I really would have believed he existed in theory only. Arrested development - almost no emotional intelligence or insight, sadistic, no empathy, no impulse control, etc. Most disordered people live normal lives and many even rise to the ranks of their career fields.

I believe Trump is what's termed a malignant narcissist though you won't find that descriptor in the DSM - it's understood to be a blending of antisocial and narcissistic personality disorders.

Signs Someone Is a Malignant Narcissist​

Signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder (and the severity of these symptoms) vary. But the following are common characteristics of malignant narcissists:
  • Preoccupied with fantasies about beauty, brilliance, success, and power
  • Unable to handle criticism
  • Tendency to lash out if they feel slighted
  • Likely to take advantage of others to get what they want
  • Overly concerned about their appearance
  • Have an expectation of being treated as superior
  • Lack of empathy for others
  • Inflated sense of self and inability to self-regulate
  • Have no remorse for hurting others and no interest in apologizing unless it benefits them
  • Have an attitude of deserving the best of everything
  • Tendency to monopolize conversations and/or mistreat those who they perceive as inferior
  • Hidden insecurity and a weak sense of self
  • Tendency to blame others for their own bad behavior

Additional signs of malignant narcissism can include:
  • Seeing the world in black-and-white terms, including seeing others as either friend or foe
  • Seeking to win at all costs, leaving a great amount of pain, frustration, and even heartache in their wake
  • Not caring about the pain they cause others—or maybe even enjoying it and experiencing it as empowering
  • Doing what it takes to protect themselves from loss, inconvenience, or failing to get what they want in any situation
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Personality disorders are a mental health illness though - according to the DSM there's cluster A, B and C. I'm aware of A which are schizoid type and C which are anxiety driven but all my interest and experience lies with Cluster B - antisocial, narcissistic, borderline and histrionic personality disorders. I prefer to call them disorders because it's almost impossible to distinguish where the underlying personality starts and stops to the illness. I think of it like a cancer. And, because unlike most mental health issues, Cluster B is notoriously impervious to treatment. Many people who have a cluster B disorder (and often they're comorbid) don't believe there's anything TO treat.

But important to remember like so many other mental health issues cluster B is a spectrum. There are people with personality disorder who are a danger only to themselves if at all, there are people like Trump and a slew of folks in between. I've said before he is so disordered I really would have believed he existed in theory only. Arrested development - almost no emotional intelligence or insight, sadistic, no empathy, no impulse control, etc. Most disordered people live normal lives and many even rise to the ranks of their career fields.

I believe Trump is what's termed a malignant narcissist though you won't find that descriptor in the DSM - it's understood to be a blending of antisocial and narcissistic personality disorders.

Signs Someone Is a Malignant Narcissist​

Signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder (and the severity of these symptoms) vary. But the following are common characteristics of malignant narcissists:
  • Preoccupied with fantasies about beauty, brilliance, success, and power
  • Unable to handle criticism
  • Tendency to lash out if they feel slighted
  • Likely to take advantage of others to get what they want
  • Overly concerned about their appearance
  • Have an expectation of being treated as superior
  • Lack of empathy for others
  • Inflated sense of self and inability to self-regulate
  • Have no remorse for hurting others and no interest in apologizing unless it benefits them
  • Have an attitude of deserving the best of everything
  • Tendency to monopolize conversations and/or mistreat those who they perceive as inferior
  • Hidden insecurity and a weak sense of self
  • Tendency to blame others for their own bad behavior

Additional signs of malignant narcissism can include:
  • Seeing the world in black-and-white terms, including seeing others as either friend or foe
  • Seeking to win at all costs, leaving a great amount of pain, frustration, and even heartache in their wake
  • Not caring about the pain they cause others—or maybe even enjoying it and experiencing it as empowering
  • Doing what it takes to protect themselves from loss, inconvenience, or failing to get what they want in any situation
Yup. My ex was a very well respected psychologist. Always pointed out that disorders were bad but not like schizophrenia. Disorders can be controlled with treatment meds and lots of therapy of which Trump has probably had none. Scary stuff.
But according to lawyers and witnesses who’ve been in the room with special counsel investigators, Smith and his team are interested in this subject because it could help demonstrate that Trump was implementing the counsel of somebody he knew to be under the influence and perhaps not thinking clearly.
Jack Smith’s Team Grilled Witnesses About Rudy Giuliani’s Drinking

Anecdotally, there's been rumors about Giulani's drinking for a very, very long time. He's always denied them. His ex-wife wrote a book in which she detailed that he began to abuse alcohol after he failed to secure the Republican nomination for president in 2008 but in addition to that there have been multiple allegations by reporters, staffers, etc. JMO

Striking moment inside the courtroom: Judge Chutkan was taken aback at Team Trump's suggestion (in a motion) that the govt's request for speedy trial was comparable to the racial railroading of the Scottsboro Boys in the '30s. Trump's case is "profoundly different," she said.


Donald Trump's case is "profoundly different" from the Scottsboro Boys case, in which Black teenagers were put on trial (in 1930s Alabama) within days of indictment, Chutkan said

“It was stunningly stupid. Because one, the comparison is ridiculous. But second, if you want to alienate a judge in the case, this was exactly what to do. A female judge, a Black judge, and to talk about that case and compare it to Trump’s case was absurd,” retired California Superior Court Judge LaDoris Hazzard Cordell told CNN’s Kaitlan Collins on CNN’s “The Source” Monday night.

“And Judge Chutkan really took them up on it and said this case is entirely different. I think she was absolutely offended,” Cordell added.

“It was stunningly stupid. Because one, the comparison is ridiculous. But second, if you want to alienate a judge in the case, this was exactly what to do. A female judge, a Black judge, and to talk about that case and compare it to Trump’s case was absurd,” retired California Superior Court Judge LaDoris Hazzard Cordell told CNN’s Kaitlan Collins on CNN’s “The Source” Monday night.

“And Judge Chutkan really took them up on it and said this case is entirely different. I think she was absolutely offended,” Cordell added.

Seriously, what were the attorneys thinking? Did Trump put them up to this (assuming he even knows about the case)? It was truly “stunningly stupid.” Almost beyond belief, except that it really did happen. SMH
I was reminded of this today (and despite her not being federally indicted, I think it belongs here):
The January 6 panel published testimony from Hope Hicks, Trump's former White House communications director. Hicks told the panel that while Powell was speaking, Trump muted himself. While muted, he laughed at Powell, and told others in the room: "This does sound crazy, doesn't it?"

It's anticipated that Trump's going to use an advice of counsel defense - effectively, my lawyer made me do it - so I think stuff like Trump's words here and him knowing about Guiliani's drinking to excess are going to come back to haunt him. JMO
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