DC DC - Relisha Tenau Rudd, 8, SE DC, 26 Feb 2014 - #1

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since many of us are having some problems with our emotions tonight, because this case is very triggering - I went ahead and read through maybe the most well written and extensive article that is out there. I am quoting aspects of it that I feel are of most importance when it comes to putting together timelines, sleuthing or getting a general idea of what in the hell happened here.

I do suggest reading this if you can, but if you cannot - just read the quotes myself and others are providing because it's the jest but it's plentiful. I bet there are people reading this website due to this case for the very first time, maybe thinking "My gosh! They don't even know this child and look at how upset they are." - but there's something very tangible about Relisha and that changes this from a "case" or news story to something much bigger. Relisha was born into a statistic and I do not want to see her end up one and that be "all she wrote". Relisha is more than a number, she's become our little girl.

Anyway, here's some quotes from the article that's been linked a few times already but I will link it at the bottom again:

"Relisha Rudd’s absences piled up at Daniel A. Payne Elementary School, topping 30 days this year before someone notified the D.C. Child and Family Service Agency on March 13."

"At the same time, officials at Relisha’s school struggled to figure out why she had missed nearly six weeks of class and were confused by excuses provided by her relatives, who said Relisha was safely in the care of a “Dr. Tatum.” Even after police got involved, Relisha’s 27-year-old mother, Shamika Young, assured reporters that Relisha was in a “safe place."

"For the past 18 months, Relisha Rudd lived with her mother and three younger brothers, ages 4, 5 and 7, in the sprawling 278-family shelter on Massachusetts Avenue in Southeast Washington. "

"Relisha played with a 9-year old girl they thought was Tatum’s granddaughter, and he took her shopping and swimming, often returning with a new toy. “He always brought her back when he was supposed to,” said Relisha’s aunt, Ashley Young."

"The statement also says that shelter officials did not know of Tatum spending time with Relisha, and that he worked in a separate building from where they lived. "

"Police tried to call Tatum at 9:39 p.m., but the call went “directly to voice mail,” according to a police affidavit filed Wednesday, and the phone was never turned back on.

Now here's Relisha's background via this story:

"In July 2007, workers with the Child and Family Service Agency reported finding inadequate food and supervision for Relisha and her newborn brother and that Relisha had an injury that could have been caused by abuse"

"In April 2010, the agency sustained a complaint that one of Young’s boys was neglected when doctor’s appointments were missed after a surgery, and that children were “living in environmentally unsafe conditions.” Records show that the home was full of cigarette butts and covered with trash, and that small children were allowed to bathe by themselves, “without supervision.”"

"Nov 2013 Records say the mother was “verbally abusive on a regular basis and would leave [the children] alone often.”"

"the day before Relisha’s relatives put her in Tatum’s care — she reached her fifth unexcused absence, according to a person familiar with the investigation."

"After 10 unexcused absences, the school was required by law to call the city’s child welfare agency: Relisha reached that threshold March 13.
That day, a school social worker referred Relisha to the child welfare agency, noting that her grandmother insisted she was ill and in the care of Tatum."

"Not until March 19 — six days after Payne raised a flag about Relisha — did a social worker reach out to Tatum and visit the homeless shelter at D.C. General,"

"Otero emphasized that Tatum posed as a doctor to excuse Relisha from school absences."


I can't get it to work on Safari or Chrome, but I'm on a mac and it wants me to download exe files and other links don't seem to work. Is there a way to start one using some google application? I know *this probably doesn't help but it's what I use* when I host chatrooms for an hour for Q&A, I create a chatroom via tinychat. It's very simple and works on all things like iphones, ipads, kindles and computers.
Can't we just go ahead and start a thread in the parking lot? I am not sure about the rules for the parking lot.....maybe Nursie can weigh in and let us know??? :please: oh :please: Nurse??!!
since many of us are having some problems with our emotions tonight, because this case is very triggering - I went ahead and read through maybe the most well written and extensive article that is out there. I am quoting aspects of it that I feel are of most importance when it comes to putting together timelines, sleuthing or getting a general idea of what in the hell happened here.

I do suggest reading this if you can, but if you cannot - just read the quotes myself and others are providing because it's the jest but it's plentiful. I bet there are people reading this website due to this case for the very first time, maybe thinking "My gosh! They don't even know this child and look at how upset they are." - but there's something very tangible about Relisha and that changes this from a "case" or news story to something much bigger. Relisha was born into a statistic and I do not want to see her end up one and that be "all she wrote". Relisha is more than a number, she's become our little girl.

Anyway, here's some quotes from the article that's been linked a few times already but I will link it at the bottom again.



I agree, Astro. Wonderful article. I was also blown away by the great lengths her mom went to in order to conceal her whereabouts. As Shamika's sister hinted, she knew more all along. She is complicit to a large degree.

But I also think it's a good article to clear up exactly how she went so long without being reported. I'm not sure about what was going on at the shelter regarding supervisors being aware of what Tatum was up to, but it seems like the school was very on top of things. They had a meeting with the mom after the maximum number of absences, they called and spoke with "Dr Tatum", they asked for a written notice, they tried meeting with him in person. And then they blew the whistle when they realized it was a sham. I feel very bad for her teachers and school staff who probably get most of the kids from that shelter - and try to meet their needs day in and day out. I used to work with the principal there when I was at another school, and given how this case has affected us, I'm sure that school staff are just torn to pieces about Shamika.... :cry:
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NurseBeeme, did I do this right?


Sleep will be fitful at best tonight. I will check in tomorrow, and hope I did this chat thing correctly. I pray there will be no bad news in the morning, and even better, some good news!

I know it was discussed earlier today, but did they ever say why they were searching on foot around the shelter? Were they actually looking for Relisha or were they possibly searching maybe for something else? I am still confused by that search.
It's a very broad generalization at best, imo. Not representative of the whole.

No, it is absolutely not representative of the whole. Not one of the sincere believers can possibly understand or be proud of what Tatum has done. Please understand I am speaking of inmates only. They see some benefit to embrace conversion. They are mostly con artists. They convert for all the wrong reasons most of the time. I could explain more but I do not want to make this thread about that.

Relisha is the focus of this thread and the little innocent person who is missing and must be found.

I an effort to find her LE has to study the person who has taken her. This abductor has contacts and friends in a sort of network. Those contacts he has have their own trusted contacts who will not hesitate to help Tatum on the run.

I just hope and pray that Relisha is found safe and that she can recover from all she has endured. It doesn't look good for her, but hope is all we have. There is at least that.

They only said they were searching two by two, like a grid search outside, and inside they were talking to more residents there to see if they had missed talking to them earlier and to try to narrow down the time line more. I'm sure they searched the buildings, but it didn't really say that.

Maybe because the last known place that Tatum was seen was with his wife and two other people, and Relisha wasn't with them? I don't know. Maybe since he was janitor he could have hid things there or something.

I wonder if any of Relisha's belongings were still at the shelter? In that video it looked like Tatum was carrying a laptop or Ipad. Probably the Ipad he supposively bought for Relisha...probably same one he was looking at photos of handguns for sale...

This case...I don't wanna know if it can get worse...cause surely it will. This is scary, and so damn sad!
Shades of Shaniya Davis. That image is forever ingrained in my psyche.

OMG, Bessie, I know. I will never forget that or little Shaniya. When I saw the video of little Relisha walking down that hotel hallway I even drew back from my screen and thought of Shaniya. My heart sank. I so want there to be a better outcome for Relisha.
JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL: Did Family Think Janitor Could Get Ill Girl Help?

Aired March 26, 2014 - 19:00:00 ET


BRENDA PRINGLE, FRIEND OF RELISHA`S FAMILY (via phone): Thank you for having me.

As far as what I was told, Mr. Tatum was Relisha`s godfather. And we had no problem with him getting her, because he never gave us a reason to doubt or a (UNINTELLIGIBLE) taste in our mouth for us to say maybe. Know (UNINTELLIGIBLE) Relisha, know she`s not allowed to do nothing with him no more. To the family, he was a good guy. He never gave us no bad signs, nothing.

As far as Relisha`s illness, to my concern, before she moved into the D.C. shelter, she never had a migraine; she never had a seizure. Once they moved into the D.C. shelter, my niece started having seizures. She started having migraines. Her mother and her stepfather took her to the hospital, and they could not figure out why she was having migraines, or headaches. They was giving her medication for it.

But obviously, the medication was not working, because she almost fell out in front of my eyes. That was cause sometimes for her not to go to school. Because I would call my sister and tell her she`s not feeling well, she`s dealing with a migraine...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Brenda, let me ask you this. Now, they - - the mother of Relisha and her stepdad wanted to get her a CAT scan is my understanding. But they couldn`t afford it. So they were trying to help their daughter.

Then how does this janitor/godfather, this janitor at the homeless shelter where the family is living, how does this man who is considered a godfather, step into the picture and offer to help them out of their predicament of not being able to afford to get the medical tests that they need for their daughter?

PRINGLE: Well, from my understanding, Relisha is on Medicaid. And I guess Medicaid could not afford it. So I guess Relisha`s mother and the godfather, Mr. Tatum, I guess they had a conversation about it. And from my understanding, to my knowledge, Mr. Tatum was supposed to put Relisha on his Kaiser plan for her to get the CAT scan to see what was causing her to have migraines, what was causing her to have seizures.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So he offered to put her on his insurance, and that was one of the ways he said, "Well, let her come and live with me at my house, so then I can put her on the insurance." Is that right?

PRINGLE: No, he -- she was never supposed to be living with him. Right?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, when she doesn`t come home the first night -- OK, February 26, he takes her. So she`s never supposed to be living with him. Why not on the evening of February 26, when she doesn`t return back to the shelter, do they not call authorities ASAP?

PRINGLE: To my knowledge, I thought she was with her mother, because...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But she wasn`t. I can tell you that. I can tell you that. She was not. The last time she was seen was February 26.

This man takes her to a hotel. It`s on surveillance tape. And she is not physically seen.

Now, you told us that a week ago somebody spoke to her on the phone. Tell us about that. And then we`re going to get some input from our panel. But that`s another big piece of the puzzle. Because she`s been missing, last seen February 26. That`s when he takes her. That`s when she`s seen at the hotel with him, going into a hotel room. But it`s not until the next month, the 19th, that she`s reported missing.

Now you`re saying, well, really, on that same day, you spoke to her, or somebody in the family actually spoke to her?

PRINGLE: Her grandmother and her aunt. Mr. Tatum called my sister and the grandmother at 9:07 in the morning, and they asked could they speak to Relisha. He said, "Hold on, I`m going to tell you what Relisha and my granddaughter did."

They said, "OK, what did she do?"

He said they woke up that morning, Relisha and his granddaughter, they woke up and they cooked breakfast. They cooked scrambled eggs...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Wait, wait, wait. Did he say that? Or did she say that? In other words, did you -- did they talk to the little girl, or was he saying, "Oh, yes, the little girl made breakfast for me"? The two -- because he has a granddaughter. The two little girls made breakfast.

PRINGLE: No, first they talked to Mr. Tatum. After they talked to Mr. Tatum, then they talked to Relisha. Relisha clarified what Mr. Tatum was telling them at first, that she had cooked breakfast, she had cooked scrambled eggs and toast. They asked if she burned down the place. She said, "No, Grandma. No, auntie, I did not burn down the place, and actually it was good."

VELEZ-MITCHELL: OK. I have to stop you right there. You provided such great information. Thank you, Brenda. Don`t hang up. Because we want you to weigh in.

M. YOUNG: The Lawrences (ph) would never feed them, because the parents wasn`t available. Mr. Tatum took notice that the Lawrences (ph) would never give them breakfast, and he started feeding him. And the Lawrences (ph) told him not to do it.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I want to go back to Brenda Pringle, the friend of the family. Now, I understand that this guy keeps going to work. She`s missing. OK? She starts going missing on February 26. Nobody sees her again. They may talk to her, but they don`t see her. But this guy keeps going back to work at the homeless shelter every day. So didn`t they ask, "Well, where is Relisha? Why isn`t she going to school? Bring her back?"

PRINGLE: Well, as far as I know, I don`t know if anybody asked him that. But I know as far as when everything went down the first day, he was at work. Because his supervisor had seen him and was trying to approach him and he ran.

(MUCH More@Link)


Interestingly, JVM did NOT mention that kt was placed on the FBI's Most Wanted List, nor did she mention the increase of the reward to $70,000! If this show is a "live broadcast" - I have three words:
Whiskey - Tango - Foxtrot

This will make more sense when you read the transcript of the segment in full. JVM, what's your excuse for not being "on top of the case?" There is NO excuse! :banghead:

ETA: Case in point: When BP said, "But I know as far as when everything went down the first day, he was at work. Because his supervisor had seen him and was trying to approach him and he ran," why didn't JVM ask the tough questions, and get more details about what happened on this day? I realize BP may not have been allowed to answer it, but JVM didn't even try! It was a frustrating show to watch, because she was at least an hour behind, and she had Relisha's "auntie" on the show, but NO questions about Doc Tatum were ever addressed! I have to wonder if this was intentional. Far f rom a Lion's Den, if you are willing to allow an opportunity to pose the questions Relisha deserves to have asked on her behalf, then end the segment by saying, "We`re staying on top of this one."

But, I digress. I snipped the above, because it has the dialogue between Brenda Pringle, and JVM. That's what's important here. Also, the small snip by "M. Young" is pertinent. Both are choosing to speak for SY to the media. Meanwhile, SY's acts of defiant silence continue to deafen :moo:
These people that buy babies like this...I assume they want to keep them alive? Would any circumstance make them want to kill them? Would they resell them instead? I'm trying so hard to keep hope...yet at the same time...I wonder if being alive, and knowing what could be happening to her....I wonder if death wouldn't be better...I just don't know. This case will haunt me. Such a cute little girl, who didn't deserve the life she's been forced to live. An innocent child who didn't ask to be brought into a world of such evil. I thought kids that ended up in trafficking were stolen, run aways, etc. I knew Shaniya's case, little Cherish's case...truly felt they were isolated incidences...maybe to protect my own mind...I don't know...but this has shaken me to the core. WHY LORD WHY???? They are just babies!!!!

2Hope4, I have been asking myself the very same questions as you. I thought about posting these questions, but I wasn't sure how others would respond. Thank you for posting this. I think we all have been asking ourselves the very same things. I wonder which is worse for Relisha, living or dying. Only God knows the answers to these questions, and everything is in HIS hands. God Bless you, and everyone here. God Bless Relisha most of all.

I hope we here that this po$ is caught later today, and God willing Relisha be found safe.
I need to keep off of Facebook for the sake of my blood pressure. All I will say is that if my friend's child was missing - it would be plastered repeatedly on my wall and I would be making pleas for others to share. I think I have shared the FB page more than those who knew the people closest to this case. How can claims be made that there is no interest when those closest are posting selfies or ranting and cursing other people? I was happy to see several who had the alert up - but I am not seeing the traction other children have gotten on FB and that is because the other children's faces were being pushed all over FB and media by those closest.

I did get a brief chuckle reading some of the "About" information people put for school or employment -streets, Inc, University of Laziness - smh.

If there is still hope - and the FB page created for Relisha says they may be in Atlanta - then I hope they start sharing this story - social media is powerful.

I watched the video again and it breaks my heart that this trusting little girl could have easily raised a scene in public that day - but she was too innocent to know the danger she was in. Now that the manhunt is on I doubt he will have her out in public.
silence speaks volumes and I am guessing SY realizes she can't dare expose herself to these interviews because the questioning will unveil this child's life. Silence is her best friend now because she can't possibly offer any explanation that will justify these actions. The focus is on finding Relisha right now so I have no desire or stomach to hear her explanations anyway .

Anyone know if Caylee's Law was signed in DC. - I know states were passing it but not sure which ones. Casey Anthony - another one who took no responsibility. Karma has some work to do .
I've got quite a few family & friends in Atlanta, several have shared her missing poster on FB.

edited to add: including me, duh. I find myself reading MP cases of adults with curiosity, often leading to disgust, anger, relief, such a range of emotions. but cases such as this, that involve an innocent child and a useless parent... gosh, my emotions pretty much bounce only from livid, to pissed, angry, repeat.

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The thing that really gets me is her look walking down the hallway of the hotel. She looks happy to be in a cozy place. She does not look worried or suspicious. I hate how that look had to change at some point and fear started taking over. Oh, how I wish it was really just a nice, comfortable hotel visit for her. I wish that for her so badly.

Right. She looks like staying in a hotel with a non related male is commonplace for her and she's done it many times.... :(

Ok , I was so distracted yesterday. I did read all of the new posts, I think. Is it now looking as though he is NOT with Relisha today ? He was spotted somewhere post disappearance without her ?
Breaking my heart, kiddo . Where are you ?
Right. She looks like staying in a hotel with a non related male is commonplace for her and she's done it many times.... :(

Ok , I was so distracted yesterday. I did read all of the new posts, I think. Is it now looking as though he is NOT with Relisha today ? He was spotted somewhere post disappearance without her ?
Breaking my heart, kiddo . Where are you ?

I didn't see anywhere that he was seen RECENTLY without her...i think the hypothesis was that his activities March 20th included many other people, none of them being Relisha. He took a trip to Richmond on March 19th, so we are wondering what happened to Relisha over that course of time.

(I hope I summed that up properly, feel free to correct me, guys!)
:please: let today be the day we catch KT and find Relisha!
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