DC DC - Relisha Tenau Rudd, 8, SE DC, 26 Feb 2014 - #1

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I really adore you Nurse, but I know when you warn me about an article that I should heed the warning because it's going to be triggering to me. Thank you. I'm feeling really pissed and very sad at the moment, I guess heartbroken will be the right word I'm looking for.

This just makes me think of my case and wondering "What IF I didn't get a call from my old man's motor club that he heard word 2 kids were being abused by so and so's ex old lady". What if I didn't go over there with DCFS to look? They could be Relisha. But I got there in time, they are in foster care and Im not kidding you when I tell you that the 5 year old was listed as FERAL. So I guess i'm just everywhere between these 3 little girls (Relisha and my two). I know now how things operate from inside the system and I meant what I said a few posts back, I am quitting this job after I know for certain these girls won't be returned to bio mom. I can't do it, hats off to those that can - and I'm not even a social worker!

I'm getting off track and I do apologize. Can you tell I need to vent?

Anyway, Im going to go hug my chihuahua and the bottle of sedatives and then just sit back and read the wonderful heartfelt contributions each of you are making.

Message to all posters in this thread:

Whether you know it or not, whether you see it or not -YOU are making a difference. You are living for Relisha when you post about her. You are caring for her when you mention her name or wonder about her. You are loving her when you make maps, scour the internet for any leads, check newsites, post here - pm others asking if they know anything to give you more leads.. and that does not go unnoticed. You are ALL she has as strength right now, you are her voice and her energy. Keep posting, keep looking, keep talking about this little girl that Shamika wanted to slip through the cracks and disappear.


AstroKitty, the Thanks button simply is not enough. Your post brought me to tears, and I can't express to you how much your words mean to me - and I know I'm not alone! :hug:

I sat here tonight watching my own girls at Youth Group. We have been in hiding for a while now, in the wake of DV, and I know what it's like to be "in the system." It is humbling to need help, to lose it all in the process of protecting your children from harm.

People like you, who are on the front lines, understand both sides, and have insight most don't. Thank you for putting into words what I couldn't - or maybe was afraid to.

I am honored you see your fellow WSers as you do. I am proud to sleuth by your side. Thank you for fighting for those kids! Please keep taking care of yourself, and know you are loved :loveyou:

I am crushed by this case, and I'm scared to go to sleep, only to awaken to tragic news. :please: let Relisha be safe somewhere. Accountability will NO DOUBT come to all who contributed to this, of that I am certain!

Tonight, may all the Forever Angels from the cases we've followed, watch over Relisha tonight, and guide LE to her, and help bring her to safety. Sadly, she does not have a safe home to come home to...




(Again, sorry for the long post from my broken heart)

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I took a Xanax awhile ago, and will use an AdvilPM and melatonin to fall asleep tonight.

A short-term chatroom would be very helpful. This case has hit me the hardest of all the ones I have followed. So much pure evil all over this sordid mess, and I am still reeling from JVM's continuous loop from the hotel surveillance video last night. There's a beautiful 8-year-old at stake who has no one in her life advocating or caring for her. For those of us who never had children but always wanted them, this is especially cruel.

Praying hard for Relisha's return....
Astrokitty, you know how very much I respect you and what you bring to this site. At least I hope I have been clear in that opinion in the past on cases we have followed in common. I hope nurse is able to give you an answer about chat area soon. I know there was once a place for that completely outside of this site but I have not visited lately so I do hope it is still there.

I just wish there was something I could do to reach out to you and give you more than a cyberhuig right now but cyber hug is all I can offer til nursie gets back to you. She is such a good souls about giving those trigger warnings and I want her to know that I appreciate that bout her too.

Her hat is well-suited in that way. She is someone who is concerned for members well-being and tries to let us know when something triggery is coming. There are so may members who are here because of their personal experiences. I have met so many folks who are here because of something in their history that makes them passionate about witnessing and advocating for victims/victors/survivors and those who were not afforded the opportunity to be survivors.

Relisha baby girl, I am sorry I did not know about you until this all happened. So many of us are so sorry that we only knew of your plight, your need for us until you were already in teh wind and so at risk. We are here. We are going nowhere. We love you beautiful girl. We shall not give up.
Would love to keep the focus on Relisha. Where is this beautiful baby girl?
Astrokitty, you know how very much I respect you and what you bring to this site. At least I hope I have been clear in that opinion in the past on cases we have followed in common. I hope nurse is able to give you an answer about chat area soon. I know there was once a place for that completely outside of this site but I have not visited lately so I do hope it is still there.

I just wish there was something I could do to reach out to you and give you more than a cyberhuig right now but cyber hug is all I can offer til nursie gets back to you. She is such a good souls about giving those trigger warnings and I want her to know that I appreciate that bout her too.

Her hat is well-suited in that way. She is someone who is concerned for members well-being and tries to let us know when something triggery is coming. There are so may members who are here because of their personal experiences. I have met so many folks who are here because of something in their history that makes them passionate about witnessing and advocating for victims/victors/survivors and those who were not afforded the opportunity to be survivors.

Relisha baby girl, I am sorry I did not know about you until this all happened. So many of us are so sorry that we only knew of your plight, your need for us until you were already in teh wind and so at risk. We are here. We are going nowhere. We love you beautiful girl. We shall not give up.
sorry guys i had a late Kid sports pick up. Yes i will find the chat link brb

I sure hope we wake up to some good relisha news in the morning!
I wish I could hug each and every single one of y'all. Relisha especially. :(

Is there any indication that her migraines were actually documented? Or was it all part of the medically excused absence ploy. :(

Every time something like this happens I just want to know why. Why people feel so entitled to having children that they claim to love in theory. I could say so much more but I won't. I still have some benefit of the doubt to give, so I don't assume anyone views their newborns or future children as potential income sources. So at what point does that disconnect occur? What's the minimum age for a child when the parent/guardian is able to completely dehumanize them for their own benefit? How do you do that, all the while pretending to be a loving parent to anyone who asks? I know there's no answer to these questions, but I don't know how not to keep asking.
The thing that really gets me is her look walking down the hallway of the hotel. She looks happy to be in a cozy place. She does not look worried or suspicious. I hate how that look had to change at some point and fear started taking over. Oh, how I wish it was really just a nice, comfortable hotel visit for her. I wish that for her so badly.
I had migraines at her age- no doubt per dr, from stress; familial molestation and having separation anxiety. I would also vomit.
This makes me so sick, b/c I look at KT and can see the same, smug, superiority thing going on as my abuser. I think this case stirred up some really awful feelings, usually I'm perfectly fine, after all these years, but last night I dreamt I had to convince ppl what I told was true, and I had to sneak around finding proof.

The most hurtful part of this case is that her own mother allowed this, I cannot say yet that she was complicit knowingly, but I believe that will come. I wonder why she is not arrested?
And the fake tears from the "stepfather." Despicable ppl.
The thing that really gets me is her look walking down the hallway of the hotel. She looks happy to be in a cozy place. She does not look worried or suspicious. I hate how that look had to change at some point and fear started taking over. Oh, how I wish it was really just a nice, comfortable hotel visit for her. I wish that for her so badly.

I don't doubt KT gives her things, better food and attn than she was used to. IN addition, she is in survival mode. Think of Shasta Groene, she survived b/c she befriended her abuser/abductor.

ETA: I don't doubt Relisha has learned far more about surviving, and adults than most her age do, or should.
I'm not going to say anything except...no...your husband should do some research ASAP.

I'm not going to go any further into it either, mrsobrien, but it IS true. I know this firsthand. I saw it happening daily. The conversions, that is.

* So sorry................trying to catch up!

It's a very broad generalization at best, imo. Not representative of the whole.
I'm not going to go any further into it either, mrsobrien, but it IS true. I know this firsthand. I saw it happening daily. The conversions, that is.

* So sorry................trying to catch up!

Sorry guys, just now seeing this. Omg! Anyone have a poster of Relisha they can post? On my phone and having trouble finding one. TIA.
The thing that really gets me is her look walking down the hallway of the hotel. She looks happy to be in a cozy place. She does not look worried or suspicious. I hate how that look had to change at some point and fear started taking over. Oh, how I wish it was really just a nice, comfortable hotel visit for her. I wish that for her so badly.
Shades of Shaniya Davis. That image is forever ingrained in my psyche.
I can't sleep...can't get the chatroom to work...my head is killing me...
Sorry guys, just now seeing this. Omg! Anyone have a poster of Relisha they can post? On my phone and having trouble finding one. TIA.

Hold on and let me find it. Bessie resized it. Brb (everyone else had to take a nerve pill over this case and i drank three diet Cokes and cannot sleep now!!!)
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