DC DC - Relisha Tenau Rudd, 8, SE DC, 26 Feb 2014 - #4

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This case exemplifies the difficult position that LE is put in: How much public info is too much? Will releasing accurate locations cause more risk to the child? Will the suspect, who holds so many cards, wind up dead and the trail to the bigger ring go dead?
This is case ended up being a huge threat to the crime ring. I hope LE has everyone of those people from the days inn and protects them. Otherwise, any link to the big fish will be gone forever.

I have to remind everyone of the two officers recently arrested, in the iirc 6th district, who were involved in prostituting and photographing young females. One supposedly killed himself at the Tidal Basin and the other is in jail.

I have to say, I would not be surprised if other officers were involved in this case, too. And just in the last few weeks a MFD employee was arrested on some sexual charge.
wusa9 ‏@wusa9 3m
#BREAKING: @DCPoliceDept Chief Cathy Lanier to discuss case of missing DC 8-year-old Relisha Rudd at 11:30 a.m.
Hey all.

New Lady member here, from London, UK.

It has been torture waiting to register for this site - I had to wait for a new email addy. I have been desperate to post/reply !

I have been following Relisha's case since the very beginning, I prefer USA news to Uk and was suspicious from the off, the story, the circumstances, the Mothers behaviour.

I have thought about this little girl every day. I have trawled social media and read everything I can..I just feel I owe it to her to be one who cares about her. I feel for her because I had a hard upbringing, very similar and I think there but for the grace of god or whoever go I.. I'm almost 40 now but I dread to think what may have become of many more children had the internet been around and society been as bad in the 70's /80's for child paedophilia as it is now. Dont get me wrong - evil has and is around, always has been always will . but the opportunities..It seems much more likely that women will put their children at risk for financial gain nowadays than before.

On the subject of horses and stables - its a bit late now but in the first news report I read with comment from SY, she mentioned that KT took Relisha to see horses frequently.

I also feel this is much bigger than just KT, due to things I have read and the evidence - he wasn't in this alone. I am suspicious about his suicide and certain witnesses who have provided information on his last movements etc.

I also think Relisha was worth more alive to him than dead. As we sadly suspect though, she was either too injured to be kept around (makes me feel sick just typing ths) or her death could've been accidental in a certain way - I will explain what I mean.

When I was younger, we lived in a poor area on a rough estate. Myself and my friends had been victims of child sexual abuse. It was not isolated, it was planned and orchestrated by a very organised gang. I was one of the lucky ones, as we has CPS involved in my family for a different reason and I ended up out of the circle . I wont go into details but what sticks out for me , is my friends (male) who had it the absolute worse were put in this position by their Mothers, some of the local mothers were on Heroin at the time and lived in the same block. One Mother had entered in to some sick agreement with part of the gang, an old creep who posed as a child model photographer. She met him when he stopped her to say he wanted to get her boy a part in a famous UK soap. These people feel around and get the jyst of what mothers to go for, they test the water to see how far they can manipulate a naïve or callous/ drug addicted parent .

These men look for the weakling , the unprotected one at the back of the herd and make their moves.

Anyway, things progressed and a deal with this main Mother was set -

The deal was that she would offer her boy (my friend) and encourage the other Mothers to let their children (almost all boys)go to the house by verifying what a good man he was, how the kids could make money modelling or be on tv, how his house was safe, how he was like a godfather to her boy and nothing had ever happened, how he had a wife somewhere, they couldn't have kids and he just loved having the local kids over for movie nights etc...she got him lots of fresh 'talent' as they called it, she duped a lot of vulnerable Mothers In exchange for money and drugs from him - she justified her behaviour by accepting the mans claim that 'it would just be photos, no touching' and that he would drug the children whilst doing so, thus in her mind they would never be aware of what happened when they awoke. So in her mind - as sick as we see it - she saw it as harmless because ' they didn't know anything.'

This is what stuck in my mind when I started learning about Relishas case.

I suspect SY may have the mind set like this woman did. And I suspect two things happened then - it obviously didn't stop at photos, it became physical force. By him or/and his associates. So Relisha was harmed. But I also believe she possibly OD'd on drugs given to knock her out. This will explain SY resistance to file a MP report or to be involved in any of this investigation, because she knew that KT could drop her in it just as much . I always thought Relisha looked a bit out of it in her latest photos and the vid. I thought I bet Mom knew and they were drugging Relisha on her night stays, so she never suspected a thing.

As soon as they mentioned hotels in the news about Relisha, I thought she was being exploited in Child abuse images - (By the way, I don't call it child *advertiser censored*, *advertiser censored* is a term coined by abusers when it comes to children, there is no *advertiser censored* - it is illegal images of child abuse, photos of a crime scene - I and others in the abuse survivors groups in the UK frequently call out the media and organizations for calling it' child *advertiser censored*'. We do not like the term, it desensitises the issue and dumbs it down to a semi acceptable term. We often get the papers to change this term) - I too know that abusers will use a hotel , especially hotels in a large chain like Holiday Inn etc, because they are all decorated and carpeted in the same generic way. so photos and video is easier to distribute without fear of a comeback from identifying features in the content. You won't know the area, or maybe even the country that it came from.

It also explains why he had so many ipad and phones, as you can download /upload material more privately through 4G etc then you can wirelessly.

Relisha was worth much more alive to KT if he was renting her out. He also wouldn't be acting alone. A lot of others could have been in trouble if he was caught or if he, his wife (IF she knew) or Relisha spoke out. If he wasn't offering her to other sickos, he would still want her alive - Child abusers do not tend to kill their long term grooming victims, its a long expensive and time consuming habit for them to get the child and they like to keep in that chlids life for as long as possible for maximum abuse and benefit to themselves.

The fact that he continued to work there whilst Relishas family - who would have seen him everyday, and if they thought he had her would have been in regular contact - all carried on their daily lives, shows you it was an uneasy truce somehow.

Mothers who do this have disconnected emotionally from their child, they may say the right thing - barely - sometimes, or they convince themselves through guilt that they are good parents - because in their minds , they are. Its all denial and a mind set that normal people just cannot fathom or understand.

It is easy for a groomer and manipulator to control a situation like this, certain families with different morals to others - can be bought easily.

I don't feel she has been sold on now, she is a very 'hot' subject as far as the crime, the news , the reward and publicity goes- someone is now missing her and she is traceable and would know too much, long term sale savvy abusers prefer a child who is not going to be missed much be it either though neglect or easy access and there is usually some co-operation , family wise. It is how they get the longevity out the child. Relisha would be too much trouble for them to have in their hands.

Phew. Sorry for the length ...there's been so much I wanted to comment on at so many times that I had to get the initial feelings off my chest...Anyway, pleased to meet you all and I very much admire and enjoy reading all your postings on WS.:seeya:

paintedred, I applaud you for enduring what you did as a child and instead of perpetuating and repeating it in adulthood you are determined to improve life. Truly, I applaud you!

I agree with much of what you said. I, too, think Relisha may have been too injured and/or traumatized to be of further use to this pedophile.

As a person who's life has been much closer to this type of crime and tragedy what do you think is the extent of culpability on the part of the mother and other family members?

Personally, I think Shamika Young has children as a source of income and nothing else. I think she may miss Relisha because SHE was grooming Relisha to take over parenting of her younger brothers. Nothing else.

Until we as a society make the so called 'parents' feel the wraith of long jail sentences the problem will continue to escalate. JMO.

Welcome to websleuths!!!
Agree. Sadly. I just hope Tatum left a huge trail somewhere in his personal belongings :banghead:

I hope for that as well. I am sick to death of parents like Teghan Skiba's so called mom and now Relisha Rudd's 'mother'.

I say change the laws, throw the book at them and see how fast some 'parents' don't leave their kids with the janitor or the boyfriend they've known for a few months. See how much more protective the fear of serious jail time causes these types to become.
Retweeted by FOX 5 DC
Tom Fitzgerald ‏@FitzFox5DC 7m
.@DCPoliceDept Chief holding 11:30 news briefing in the case of the critical missing 8 year-old #RelishaRudd and search efforts.
The area around the door handles appears different.

Good catch there popsicle!

I, on the other hand, was still experiencing mild hallucinations from that trippy carpeting. whoa... wasn't that a herd of elephants leaving the movie theater?
JVM transcripts are up, and here's the pertinent part regarding the Comfort Inn (my sincerest apologies - I passed out after spending almost 2 hours on the 1st 20 minute of the segment between JVM and MTY! :blushing: :facepalm: )

M. YOUNG: What the family got, as far as that video of him being -- him and her being seen in the hotel, in the Comfort Inn over there -- that hotel over there on New York Avenue, she went to a pool party. They were supposed to have -- her and his granddaughter were supposed to have had a pool party at the hotel, at the indoor pool there at the hotel.


Here's the next part:

JVM: to her, your granddaughter, more than two weeks later. So if you`re right, she was definitely alive long after cops say she vanished. So tell us, on March 19, what did you hear? Who did you talk to?

MTY: On March 19, Mr. Tatum called my daughter, Ashley`s cell phone, because my phone was off. I could not receive no incoming calls, no texts. He called her cell phone. I put it on speaker.

We spoke to Mr. Tatum first. He said Relisha cooked breakfast this morning. She cooked toast, scrambled eggs.

I said, "Did she set the fire alarm off or did she burn the house down?"

He says, no, no smoke detector and no fire trucks. Actually, everything was good. The eggs was great and the toast was wonderful, not even burnt.

Then we asked can we speak to Relisha. Relisha gets on the phone and says, "It`s my Nana. Wow. I`m talking to my Nana today. Nana, I fixed scrambled eggs and toast. I didn`t burn the house down. I didn`t set the smoke detector off. Everything was good."

JVM: So...

MTY: She got off the phone. The next phone call that me and her aunt actually received was at around -- between 12:09 and 12:30. But I must say 12:30.

He called. I asked, where was Relisha. Once again I put the phone on speaker so that everyone in the house could hear. He says, his words were, Relisha was downstairs with his wife, playing with his 9-year-old granddaughter, and his daughter was downstairs. They were going to go out the door to go to the mall and he would see me at 5 p.m.


MTY: I told this to the FBI and Metropolitan Police. They told me that Mr. Tatum -- I never spoke to Relisha, that Mr. Tatum was at D.C. General. Like I asked them, "How am I supposed to know if I`m sitting in my daughter`s house, and he`s calling me on his cell phone?"

JVM: Are you sure? Are you sure it was your granddaughter`s voice?

MTY: I know my granddaughter`s voice. Out of all six of my granddaughters, one is still a baby, so he`s not talking; one`s just learning how to talk. Out of all six of my granddaughters, with the exception of the two younger two, she and her younger brother are the only ones that get overly excited when they talk to me on the telephone.

JVM: So I have to stop you there. And again, I really appreciate your candor in explaining your version of events. Because we just want to -- it`s complicated. We just want to get to the heart of it.

So I want to bring in Marc Klaas. Your daughter was tragically abducted and killed. You`re the founder of Klaas Kids Foundation, the premier expert on missing children.

Now, you hear first of all the discrepancy. The police say she disappeared on March 1. This grandmother right now is telling us, "No, I talked to her on March 19."

MARC KLAAS, FOUNDER, KLAAS KIDS FOUNDATION: Well, there`s a couple of things here.

MK goes into his experiences with the kidnapping and murder of his precious Polly. There was a hoax caller, and in that incident, they asked the caller questions only Polly could know. He alluded to the fact that MTY and AY should have done the same. (more @ link)

Police Halt Search For Relisha Rudd At Kenilworth Park

“We came up here based on a theory. And that theory was based on the information we had available, the information we could confirm at the time. And the theory was that potentially we would find Relisha in this area,” Newsham says.


I wish they would keep searching there. My grandaughters Grandmother went missing (murdered) in Nov. 2011. She always went to Rouge River Park near her home to feed the stray dogs. The LE did a search in a huge park area where she fed the stray dogs, with helicopters, cadaver dogs, seachers. They found nothing. The next Feb. 2012 a person mushroom hunting found her body in a different part of the park, but the other side of the park from where they searched . The killer just dumped her there, not buried. Killer got life:jail: Not knowing where her body was those months was horrible.

They need to keep searching the park. He was in that park for a reason.

Find Relisha!
NBCWashington ‏@nbcwashington 1m
HEADS UP: D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier will be holding a press conf. on search for #RelishaRudd at 11. Tune in to #News4Midday to watch.

NBCWashington ‏@nbcwashington 1m
#News4Midday starts now, http://bit.ly/1i4lyRU
JVM transcript re: SY throwing MTY and AY under the bus (and running them over!)
JVM: But again, here`s the surveillance video from February 26, showing the child not with her grandmother, but at a motel with this guy, or a hotel.

So I want to go back out to Melissa Young, Relisha Rudd`s grandmother. Why is your daughter saying she gave the child to you, or her sister, when we see the child with Tatum?

MTY: I don`t know why she`s saying that. I don`t know. It could be for personal reasons. I don`t want to speculate.

JVM: Have you had...

MTY: I don`t know why she could be saying that.

JVM: So you didn`t take the child? In other words, your daughter is saying, well, you had her. You`re saying, "No, I didn`t."

MTY: No. No. I didn`t take my granddaughter.

JVM: And I`m sorry, Melissa, and I want to say, I`m sorry to have to ask you these difficult questions. We`re just on a search for what happened, and the clock is ticking.

MTY: I know.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So thank you. I thank you for, you know, having the courage to -- to take all these questions that are not pleasant to ask. I want to go to...

MTY: I didn`t mean to -- I didn`t mean to cut you off, I`m sorry. But I was listening to the gentleman when he was speaking, and before he started speaking, I noticed the lady that was speaking, she said the word kidnapping.

In the beginning, Mr. Tatum didn`t kidnap her in the beginning. My daughter actually -- when she -- OK. I don`t know what their relationship, you know, really is, or what the agreement was, with my granddaughter...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Wait a second. Did your daughter have a relationship with Khalil?

M. YOUNG: She was never in a sexual -- never, and you can quote me on this, she never had no type of sexual relationship with Mr. Tatum. Mr. Tatum is not Relisha`s father. Personally, no Relisha`s father lights (ph) up.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. I want to ask you if you could stand by for one second. So we`ve got so many people who are just -- just absolutely itching to weigh in.

more @ link:

This is the quote of my transcription of the last portion, from the last thread. A lot of the stuttering, and a few KEY words were left out! This isn't captured by the cnn.com transcriptionist, and for that reason, I am still going to go through my DVR of MTY's "apppearance" as soon as I can.

#HinkyMeter = redlining

JVM: Thank you for clarifying that....

MTY: in the beginning, Mr. Tatum didn't kidnap her in the beginning. My daughter actually, when she, ok, I don't know what the evidence you know really is, or, what the agreement was, with my granddaughter being with

JVM: (interrupting) wait a second, did your daughter have a relationship with Khalil?

MTY: She was never in a sexual - NEVER - and you can quote me on this. She never had no type of sexual relationship with Mr. Tatum. Mr. Tatum is not Relisha's father. I personally know Relisha's father myself.

JVM puts her on hold
Was this PC scheduled? It makes me nervous. Anyone else?
Was this PC scheduled? It makes me nervous. Anyone else?

As of this AM. I am wondering if it has to do with the child trafficking rumors. Hopefully putting them to rest.
Just bringing this pic over. Another member found this on trip advisor and suggests the carpet looks like the video of 2/26 with Relisha and KT walking.

I think it's the Fairfield Inn on New York Ave, NE.

For comparison, here is the clip from video. The doors are brown at Fairfield inn.

The carpet patterns, while bizarre on both counts, appear to be different.


  • carpet.png
    275 KB · Views: 24
JVM: Part 3


JVM: Well, let me jump in and cut to the chase. Melissa Young, there are some who suggest maybe your child was sold -- to...

MTY: No, she was never sold.

JVM: Your granddaughter.

MTY: My granddaughter was never sold to Mr. Tatum. He asked the question what everyone is wondering, what was my daughter`s relationship with Mr. Tatum? They kind of relationship they had, they had a friendship relationship. Nothing sexual, nothing like that.

JVM: Well, let me jump in. Let me jump in and ask you this. Why the doctors` notes? Now, what we are told was that Dr. Tatum...

(Bringing this over from the previous thread):

MTY denies any knowledge of Doctor's note.

MTY: I didn't know anything about a doctor's note that Mr. Tatum was given given giving to the school (stuttering). I knew nothing of a note. I know the school had asked (inaudible) "Can I get a note from her doctor?" When I told the school that her doctor never called me back to see what I needed, *I GAVE THEM MR TATUM'S NUMBER* but it never said Dr. Tatum on it. It said Mr. Tatum, because I didn't know how to spell his name.

JVM: Thank you for clarifying that. I appreciate it.

JVM transcript re: SY throwing MTY and AY under the bus (and running them over!)
JVM: But again, here`s the surveillance video from February 26, showing the child not with her grandmother, but at a motel with this guy, or a hotel.

So I want to go back out to Melissa Young, Relisha Rudd`s grandmother. Why is your daughter saying she gave the child to you, or her sister, when we see the child with Tatum?

MTY: I don`t know why she`s saying that. I don`t know. It could be for personal reasons. I don`t want to speculate.

JVM: Have you had...

MTY: I don`t know why she could be saying that.

JVM: So you didn`t take the child? In other words, your daughter is saying, well, you had her. You`re saying, "No, I didn`t."

MTY: No. No. I didn`t take my granddaughter.

JVM: And I`m sorry, Melissa, and I want to say, I`m sorry to have to ask you these difficult questions. We`re just on a search for what happened, and the clock is ticking.

MTY: I know.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So thank you. I thank you for, you know, having the courage to -- to take all these questions that are not pleasant to ask. I want to go to...

MTY: I didn`t mean to -- I didn`t mean to cut you off, I`m sorry. But I was listening to the gentleman when he was speaking, and before he started speaking, I noticed the lady that was speaking, she said the word kidnapping.

In the beginning, Mr. Tatum didn`t kidnap her in the beginning. My daughter actually -- when she -- OK. I don`t know what their relationship, you know, really is, or what the agreement was, with my granddaughter...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Wait a second. Did your daughter have a relationship with Khalil?

M. YOUNG: She was never in a sexual -- never, and you can quote me on this, she never had no type of sexual relationship with Mr. Tatum. Mr. Tatum is not Relisha`s father. Personally, no Relisha`s father lights (ph) up.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. I want to ask you if you could stand by for one second. So we`ve got so many people who are just -- just absolutely itching to weigh in.

more @ link:

This is the quote of my transcription of the last portion, from the last thread. A lot of the stuttering, and a few KEY words were left out! This isn't captured by the cnn.com transcriptionist, and for that reason, I am still going to go through my DVR of MTY's "apppearance" as soon as I can.

#HinkyMeter = redlining


During several SM occasions (which you can go downstairs for) and now this interview, it has seemed like MTY gets more angry/defensive about Tatum/SY's relationship than ANYTHING else.
Hmmm... the PC link isn't working for me, Anyone else?
KIMI , thank you for working so hard on this case for us :) You are appreciated !
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