DC DC - Relisha Tenau Rudd, 8, SE DC, 26 Feb 2014 - #4

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I am glad you asked this question...

Yes...LE said the last sighting was at Blandensburg Road, NE area of Washington DC...

Does anyone know the significance of this road?


Holiday Inn
I am glad you asked this question...

Yes...LE said the last sighting was at Blandensburg Road, NE area of Washington DC...

Does anyone know the significance of this road?


Well the road is kind of long, but when I put it into Google Maps the first thing that popped up was Holiday Inn.

There is also a large section of a park, a cemetery, a Denny's, and several churches. It's hard to say where she was actually seen without more information, but I'd bet my hat it was that Holiday Inn.
JMO but they are still dealing with a child.

Absolutely, and I understand that. I guess that confirms for me that a) there are other people involved so there needs to be a solid case against them....and b) they do not believe that Relisha is deceased.

The only reason to preserve someones image/reputation is if they will be needing it again. To me if they were certain that Relisha had passed then there would be no hesitation in flooding the public with everything they have. This to me is a good sign. Although I have asked myself many times that if this poor little blossom has been passed on to someone else for unspeakable things, would she be better off being gone. That is very hard to write, and I hope its not taken the wrong way, I would just prefer to think of her in heaven, happy and loved everyday rather than the other. JMO
I am glad you asked this question...

Yes...LE said the last sighting was at Blandensburg Road, NE area of Washington DC...

Does anyone know the significance of this road?


If you look on the case map. . .https://www.google.com/maps/ms?msid=218199748434644937742.0004f50b3c5b13bc4b55d&msa=0

The Holiday Inn Express from 2/26 is on Blandensburg.

The Days Inn from 3/1 is on New York Ave right off of Blandensburg.

Both hotels are really close together. . .almost kitty corner.
That's what I think too. It's what makes me lean towards thinking he didn't plan to sell or kill Relisha. Her death was an unintended result of something sinister. Everything after was CYA.


ETA #2. . .in case there are inappropriate pictures of Relisha in that swim suit.

Or #3.
The saddest thing about it is that I think option #3 (Tatum did buy the swimsuit) is most likely partially because I haven't seen much evidence of the family getting much of anything for poor Relisha. Tatum however, apparently bought all sorts of things for her. I suspect these things actually did come from Tatum, because I think if they came from the family we'd be seeing all over Shamika's FB that she gave her daughter an iPod/iPad/whatever. :(
A comment made in this video by the host just made me query my own thought process on this...


"There was a relationship that spanned over a year, where Tatum gained the trust of the mother, aunt and grandmother."

Something isn't sitting right for me. From all accounts this man spoiled Relisha with the love and gifts she wasn't getting from her own family. Now of course it appears that he was grooming her, which breaks my heart. I am having trouble putting this into the right words, but I guess the question I am asking is, would someone take 12 months to foster a relationship and gain the trust of a family, to either take the child for the own use or to sell the child. It seems like a very long time to put a plan in place especially for a group of people that never seem to know what they are doing or where they will be one day from the next. I guess my question is does anyone think that this was planned from the get go, or a spur of the moment situation?

I also believe that there will be several more key players in this brought out in the next couple of days that are heavily involved. Reason for this thinking is, if you have a dead perp there would be no problems in releasing all the information you have because it will not jeaopardise any future charges. There are obviously, to me, other people who are being investigated beyond SY.

Apologies for the rambling, but I just can't seem to get any of this to sit straight in my head.

BBM. MOO from personal experience - YES, it could take 12 months, especially if the mother, family, or child is resistant or non-compliant. I have no experience with the selling part (thank God for small favors!), but for "own" personal use (oh, how I hate typing that), the pedophile in my life took about that long to get everybody groomed to trust him...just typing this makes me want to throw up!!! I am by no means an expert on the subject, but I think my personal experience trumps any "expert's" opinion.
BBM. MOO from personal experience - YES, it could take 12 months, especially if the mother, family, or child is resistant or non-compliant. I have no experience with the selling part (thank God for small favors!), but for "own" personal use (oh, how I hate typing that), the pedophile in my life took about that long to get everybody groomed to trust him...just typing this makes me want to throw up!!! I am by no means an expert on the subject, but I think my personal experience trumps any "expert's" opinion.
I fully agree, especially after hearing the experiences you and others have so kindly and helpfully and bravely shared on Relisha's threads.

That is why I tend to agree that Relisha is either alive, or her death was accidental and/or possibly even not by the hands of Kahlil Tatum.
BBM. MOO from personal experience - YES, it could take 12 months, especially if the mother, family, or child is resistant or non-compliant. I have no experience with the selling part (thank God for small favors!), but for "own" personal use (oh, how I hate typing that), the pedophile in my life took about that long to get everybody groomed to trust him...just typing this makes me want to throw up!!! I am by no means an expert on the subject, but I think my personal experience trumps any "expert's" opinion.

Yes it does. So very sorry you were a victim but now you are a victor :loveyou:
This March 1st thing has me wondering.
IF this is the last time Relisha was seen, why wouldn't LE come out and say she was last seen March 1st by her grandparent in the company of Tatum??
It seems like if this was it, they would've released that information a while ago. I have to think there was an additional time she was seen on March 1st that they have NOT released yet that is less innocent.
They would not take this family's word for anything right now, imo. I think LE can place her somewhere else.
We know they saw Relisha on the 1st because the time stamp on the video of her dancing around was on the 1st. . .and SY posted it on her Instagram.

That's the thing. . .their story was that he took her on the 26th and they never saw her again. But it turns out they at least saw her on the 1st per the video. I think the truth is she went back and forth with him several times. They just want to cover themselves, so they can pretend they didn't know anything about the abuse. . .they knew. :furious:

Yep ITA! Before they were so adamant that they last saw her on 2/26, only talked to her via phone, but she was okay, he's a nice man, he's had her before and always brought her back, blah, blah, blah.

One could argue that maybe they really were duped by Tatum. After all they do come across as intelligence challenged. But I don't think so. I think not only did they know, but they have been a part of everything all along. This far in and they are STILL creating stories. New tall tales to cover their old tall tales. And the newest tale is one to try and explain that video being timestamped 3/1.
BBM. MOO from personal experience - YES, it could take 12 months, especially if the mother, family, or child is resistant or non-compliant. I have no experience with the selling part (thank God for small favors!), but for "own" personal use (oh, how I hate typing that), the pedophile in my life took about that long to get everybody groomed to trust him...just typing this makes me want to throw up!!! I am by no means an expert on the subject, but I think my personal experience trumps any "expert's" opinion.

Much respect to you and others who are able to speak about their own experiences. I take your input very seriously and thank you for confirming that it is indeed possible.

In this situation I guess I look at the family and think that it probably wouldn't take 12 months at all to groom them. They seem to be easily bought. Flash a bit of cash and a pair of J's and it would seem that you could have them dance like puppets on a string.
Kinda sorta OT, but I don't know where to post this - does anyone know anything about becoming a foster parent? The process, especially? I'm not sure if I could do it bc I have a 2 BR condo and have a nine year old son, I might need more space than I have? But I have always been great with and loved kids, and I really think I could help a kiddo that needed some love and stability. I'm pretty young and I think that helps too, with an "older" kid relating to me. If anyone has any advice please let me know!
I am glad you asked this question...

Yes...LE said the last sighting was at Blandensburg Road, NE area of Washington DC...

Does anyone know the significance of this road?

First and foremost, New York Ave and Bladensburg Rd, NE is one of the most notoriously bad sections of the city. It was once the home of a horrific homeless shelter called the Capitol City Inn. The place was a haven for violent crime...just google it. It was finally shut down in the late 80s or early 90s and then there was a huge fire that finally brought the place down. There was a Metro Bus garage right near it. (It was a huge old Motel. Used as permanent housing for low income families.) Anyway, the whole point in shutting it down was to get rid of the bad elements that were congregating in that area and committing heinous crimes. It seems that the city just started putting people up in these other low-rent motels along NY Ave and Bladensburg Rd. So, really nothing has changed.

Secondly, New York Ave to Bladensburg Rd is the main thoroughfare from NE DC to PG County, MD. There is a huge cemetery, Mt Olivet, on the way out of DC and into MD.

Finally, the notorious "Trinidad" neighborhood is in very close proximity to that intersection. Some of the most dangerous parts of the city are right there.
Kinda sorta OT, but I don't know where to post this - does anyone know anything about becoming a foster parent? The process, especially? I'm not sure if I could do it bc I have a 2 BR condo and have a nine year old son, I might need more space than I have? But I have always been great with and loved kids, and I really think I could help a kiddo that needed some love and stability. I'm pretty young and I think that helps too, with an "older" kid relating to me. If anyone has any advice please let me know!

Awesome. I would contact your CPS who could direct you.
Just K-I do remember many posting about the area :scared: I googled a few of the Hotels mentioned along the way. Trip advisory checked as well. It quickly was evident that if your up to no good and want people to look the other way. Perfect location.
A comment made in this video by the host just made me query my own thought process on this...


"There was a relationship that spanned over a year, where Tatum gained the trust of the mother, aunt and grandmother."

Something isn't sitting right for me. From all accounts this man spoiled Relisha with the love and gifts she wasn't getting from her own family. Now of course it appears that he was grooming her, which breaks my heart. I am having trouble putting this into the right words, but I guess the question I am asking is, would someone take 12 months to foster a relationship and gain the trust of a family, to either take the child for the own use or to sell the child. It seems like a very long time to put a plan in place especially for a group of people that never seem to know what they are doing or where they will be one day from the next. I guess my question is does anyone think that this was planned from the get go, or a spur of the moment situation?

I also believe that there will be several more key players in this brought out in the next couple of days that are heavily involved. Reason for this thinking is, if you have a dead perp there would be no problems in releasing all the information you have because it will not jeaopardise any future charges. There are obviously, to me, other people who are being investigated beyond SY.

Apologies for the rambling, but I just can't seem to get any of this to sit straight in my head.
You are so right. Athough, I'm new to this forum, I have read every post and couldn't wait to reply. I
There are several discrepancies IMO. Like, why is there video footage of KT & RR going in a motel room date stamped on 02/26... but no other conversation about anyone else entering that room like the wife, the alleged 9 yr old granddaughter, or anyone else. Why haven't we seen footage of them exiting the motel. Why isn't there a lot of conversation about her kids being taken same day of RR Amber alert. Why isn't there a lot of conversation about the stepdad AW posting pictures with a was of $50 dollar bills to his FB profile exactly a week after RR's last documented sighting. Or the fact that AW was wearing a whole HH outfit when he interviewed???....he lives in a homeless shelter without a job...so how could they afford anything Helly???? Or the fact that his own family doesn't believe his wife SY and has tried to beat her up....which right off of his FB page??? Also that brother-in-law RSL(KT's deceased sister's husband) that was on the initial Amber Alert then removed??? Why??? He(RSL) helped him(KT) search for a gun on the internet for who??? when was that search done??? RSL was also one of the 3 people in the Red Roof Inn the night prior to wife AK being killed, he also is the same one that returned to hotel around 5:40 am to pick him up & take to Metro. Why??? And what Metro??? His vehicle & wife's vehicle were in parking lot of the hotel. Nobody, even knows that wife is dead yet??? They found the wife around 9 am and the Amber Alert did not go out until almost noon on the 20th. Now, I believe the reason he didn't go home was because he knew they were looking for him on the 19th.

Please excuse my ranting but I have been looking at this precious little girls face since this story began. It is such a shame. Her own mother would not sign the missing person papers on the 19th and they had to get a court order for custody just to sign off on Amber Alert...SMH!!! I hope every person that was involved in the abuse of Relisha is punished and put under the jail. And, her other 3 children need to remain in the custody of the state because SY, AW, AY, maternal grandmother, etc should not be allowed to poison the lives of RR's siblings ever again.

This truly my own opinion. And, thanks for all the compassion that is being given for Relisha...already we Care.
I keep seeing it mentioned that the video of Relisha from Instagram, 3/1.

You can post a video from your phone any day you want- do we know this video was made on 3/1 or is it just assumed b/c of the date it was uploaded?
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