DC DC - Relisha Tenau Rudd, 8, SE DC, 26 Feb 2014 - #7

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I just got booted - after 31:01

Relisha IS worth it!

I will try again tomorrow if ISC is on!

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I hope every single child in this family are permanently removed! These people make me sick! WTF do they think this is ? Do they think they're on Jerry Springer or something? Why the hell don't one of these fools tell the truth for once in their sorry lives, and not once since this case began have I heard any of them make a plea for Relisha's safe return or outrage at KLT! Just WTF is going on with these people!

This case is mentally, emotionally and physically draining. This case takes all my time, and I'm sure many others too. We care more about Relisha than anyone who's related to her. I don't know what LE is doing, but they need to investigate these fools, and start locking them up until the truth comes out!

I'm so sorry Relisha!
She explained earlier in the show that it was something that she did not want to discuss, I'm assuming she was raped and became pregnant or maybe incest or both.

I just say your reply. That doesn't really explain why SY said that AY's man told her that the girl was dead. Although I can't put it past SY to say anything to deflect.
I'm sick and tired of our children being expendible and no one being held accountable. It just make me literally sick to my stomach.
Are/were you in the BTR chatroom, tlcya?

yes ma'am :D I saw ya'll in there and I think a lot came from this show. I regret that the dirty laundry airing yelling profanity thing happened with SY and AY and wish that would have been shut down much sooner but despite the fact we are left with just as many question and versions of events after the show, I truly feel that all of this gives leads to LE. People are changing stories left and right and it is all in the press and on the radio show or Mr Warren. LE should be looking and listening to hear the varied versions because they WILL lead to the truth one day. About who and what exactly happened to Relisha Rudd


I don't really try to hide my identity. I feel like what I say here or anywhere else on the web ought to be backed by ME, my real life self. So while I do not use my actual name here or elsewhere, I also do not bother to take pains to hide my identity or my opinions from being attached to a real individual.
I just say your reply. That doesn't really explain why SY said that AY's man told her that the girl was dead. Although I can't put it past SY to say anything to deflect.

True, but I think LE would already know if AY had a missing child, at least I hope to God they know. Somebody said they alerted the authorities yesterday about the information of Ashley have a child she no longer had in her custody.
True, but I think LE would already know if AY had a missing child, at least I hope to God they know. Somebody said they alerted the authorities yesterday about the information of Ashley have a child she no longer had in her custody.

I sure hope so but we all have seen plenty of cases where no one knew a child was missing. Erica Parsons is a great example.

Most likely it's SY trying to cause trouble for others and nothing bad happened to the child, if there is one.
I have to say, witnessing SY's effect (like a Tasmanian Devil of deflection and defensiveness, no offense to real Tasmanian Devils), when the focus was squarely on Relisha - HER CHILD - was truly eye opening.

I don't know what's going on in that "family," but that's Relisha's home environment. The same can be said for that precious little child who bore witness to the arguing - then was allowed to get on the phone and speak on his missing cousin.

The "adults" are allowing these incredibly poor decisions on a public forum. Imagine what happens behind closed doors. :no:

We must continue to :sleuth: for Relisha. I have faith LE is doing the same. Her story has captured so many hearts, gaining more momentum each day.

We will NEVER give up. I thank you all for your incredible efforts.

:heartluv: :grouphug: :heartluv:

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True, but I think LE would already know if AY had a missing child, at least I hope to God they know. Somebody said they alerted the authorities yesterday about the information of Ashley have a child she no longer had in her custody.

The first night that came out I alerted MPD... you never know.
Just what are SY, AY and MYT hiding? Everyone including LE knows that Relisha was allowed to go with KLT by all of them! So what is it that they're still hiding? Why did SY call in just to start some B.S. with AY? What was AY saying when SY called in? What was SY afraid would come out? What are these people afraid of? Why still no outrage toward KLT? What did they do to Relisha???:banghead:
This show was the best one yet until Shamika called in. And then that one caller. I just got done being physically ill.

This family makes this case seem hopeless. The majority of them seem to have their own agenda and can't get past their petty bickering (in the scheme of things) to put Relisha first.

I truly believe that what we are seeing/hearing/reading is the result of our country's welfare state. And a sign of what is and what will be.

I am so sad and ill.
I wonder what LE thinks about all of them. When is something going to be done? Why aren't these fools in jail? I hope this is all part of a strategy, but if it is, it's time to lock them all up, and let the finger pointing start! They all can be locked up for ObJ, child endangerment/abuse/neglect.

Are these people afraid of more serious charges to be put on them???
yes ma'am :D I saw ya'll in there and I think a lot came from this show. I regret that the dirty laundry airing yelling profanity thing happened with SY and AY and wish that would have been shut down much sooner but despite the fact we are left with just as many question and versions of events after the show, I truly feel that all of this gives leads to LE. People are changing stories left and right and it is all in the press and on the radio show or Mr Warren. LE should be looking and listening to hear the varied versions because they WILL lead to the truth one day. About who and what exactly happened to Relisha Rudd


I don't really try to hide my identity. I feel like what I say here or anywhere else on the web ought to be backed by ME, my real life self. So while I do not use my actual name here or elsewhere, I also do not bother to take pains to hide my identity or my opinions for being attached to a real individual.

BBM. Understood, same here! Thank you for being there, and here. As a WS newbie, I always appreciate and respect your posts as a WS vet! :loveyou:
I truly don't understand or pretend to understand Solitaryone. It's like the Caylee Anthony & Haleigh Cummings cases. And the Shaniya Davis......when we saw that Murderer carrying her onto the elevator at the hotel we were just sick. This is very hard for us.
These other family members/associates wanting to speak up now, but where were any of them before Relisha disappeared?
I was very disappointed with DR.

Why? Just curious. I missed a lot of what he was saying, so I'll have to reserve judgement until I actually hear what he had to say.

Um, please remind again, WHO is DR? lol. TIA
Why? Just curious. I missed a lot of what he was saying, so I'll have to reserve judgement until I actually hear what he had to say.

Um, please remind again, WHO is DR? lol. TIA

DR is the uncle or step-uncle to AY and SY. I had a hard time making out what he was saying, and he seemed guarded in what little he did say. No one wants to step up and tell all what they know. They give out a little info. here, and a little there. They all act like they are afraid to say too much about one another, and that is more important than finding Relisha.

I'm just venting after the show! I'm pizzzed off!
I was disappointed in DR too and India! She didn't even know much about anything. She's in a different atmosphere.
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