DC DC - Relisha Tenau Rudd, 8, SE DC, 26 Feb 2014 - #7

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So here goes the question that has been bothering me since the mention of AY's daughter......Is Relisha actually the child that AY gave birth to? I would put nothing past this family and there clearly is a huge secret that no-one wants out. I am kind of feeling like I want proof that Shamika is Relisha's mother. JMO
Today - according to K.Warren - Irving Rudd will speak out. KW said he interviewed him and will play the recording so it won't be live. IR from what I gather is recovering from a brain condition (aneurysm) - and doctors have recommended avoiding stress. I gather that means stay away from the circus we have been seeing play out.

I read on the KW comments that all this has been hitting him (IR) hard emotionally (do we actually have what appears to be a normal parent here?). No sooner than I read that - someone posted what she felt was an inappropriate response from IR about a friend request she sent him. She posted an image of it and I while I saw the choice of words odd - I did not see it from her perspective. I saw it as questioning why a complete stranger wanted to be a FB friend.

I am very interested in hearing him so it looks like my earbuds are coming along with me to Easter at my MILs. I don't think with him I will need to worry about my wire slipping out of my phone like the other night. Of course just at that moment a caller started cursing SY out and my iphone had been on high volume to hear previous background talking. Meanwhile my husband had fallen asleep and jumped up like I have never seen looking around and asked who was THAT ? Had to be there - but it was some comic relief to an otherwise horrible topic.
The whole point of her calling in, the whole point of SY bring up AY daughter is so that everybody will talk about something and somebody other than Relisha, SY and AW.


absolutely - deflect and avoid. And just Thursday night - I was beginning to inch over to her side. Now I am thinking everyone is hiding something and knows they had a part in this outcome. And they knew KTs role all along and that it's a bad outcome. If not - why wouldn't both sides just say- yes everyone , Relisha spent time with KT. We knew him for years and never once did we suspect him of anything. He was like a family member and we were all wrong about him - now let's find our baby.

If I had the public coming down on me from the start about a decision I truly thought was right - I would appeal to their humanity and compassion about what my thought process was at the time. Even if I had to admit to drugs and other choices that blurred my judgement - I would be begging for forgiveness and for their help to find my child. The last thing I would do would be waste time challenging people who cared about the case . AW literally asked someone "why you have my daughters picture on your FB? You don't even know her.

As far as KT goes - everyone involved seems to be easy on him - instead of outraged with him. I hear more good than bad when it comes to him. I started wondering if maybe a family member harmed her then turned to him to help
cover up (asking him to call the school, buy trash bags, etc). and then shot AT to make him look guilty ...but my gut says no. Setting him up that perfectly - would take organization and very careful planning (avoiding cameras at ATs hotel, precision timing, etc). I don't see anyone capable of that yet. Plus they would be playing the role of victim not pointing fingers.
Alright dagnabbit. None of these relatives appears to be genuinely concerned for this child. Especially the mother and grandmother. My mother would have to be medicated if her grandchild was missing. And I would have to get a restraining order to keep my mother from beating a confession out of me.

PLEASE somebody arrest those two! :please:
So here goes the question that has been bothering me since the mention of AY's daughter......Is Relisha actually the child that AY gave birth to? I would put nothing past this family and there clearly is a huge secret that no-one wants out. I am kind of feeling like I want proof that Shamika is Relisha's mother. JMO

Boy, that would be a twist, wouldn't it? :yow:

But nothing would surprise me. The behavior here is beyond bizarre. There has to be some big dark secret that everyone feels compelled to keep secret. And it seems to be even bigger than they were letting KT take Relisha. It seems bigger and more ominous than that. . .and that alone is just insane!

I think we need a presser. As impossible as it is not to stare in awe at this train wreck, I don't think it's really helping. These characters could continue their bickering, blaming and finger pointing forever. How would you like to sit around the Thanksgiving table with this dysfunctional lot?! And I don't think a one of them would even leave the table to get up and answer the door if someone was banging on the door screaming, "It's Relisha! Let me in!" SMH!


<I was filming a fund-raiser for some folks who want to build a playground for the shelter’s 500 kids, as currently there is none. Prior to filming, I’d asked the Playtime Project volunteers to locate the kids who seem especially bright, engaged, and personable. These kids would be the pool of subjects, from which we’d draw the kids we wanted to feature in our video. Relisha was one of those kids.

Unlike some of the other kids, Relisha’s mother wasn’t present for filming. We used a Playtime Project volunteer for Relisha to react to during the shoot.>

This shows the level of parental commitment, care and concern Shamika had for Relisha. An eight year-old little girl who was probably wise beyond her years from a 'street' education and for the most part took care of herself, since her mother wasn't guiding, loving and protecting her. Dammit. JMO :stormingmad:
Boy, that would be a twist, wouldn't it? :yow:

But nothing would surprise me. The behavior here is beyond bizarre. There has to be some big dark secret that everyone feels compelled to keep secret. And it seems to be even bigger than they were letting KT take Relisha. It seems bigger and more ominous than that. . .and that alone is just insane!

Respectfully snipped

Whatever they are hiding has to be massive....These people live their lives out loud on social networks yet when their child is missing no-one can say anything about her....We haven't even heard the usual parents comments about the kind of child she is....Its almost as if they have forgotten Relisha is missing. I am hoping that if she is no longer with us that KT was actually the kind soul this poor baby needed in her life...and whether or not he is a nice person as far as someone who could kill his wife could be...I hope that he wasn't evil towards Relisha and gave her the love and care she was clearly lacking in her life.
The whole point of her calling in, the whole point of SY bring up AY daughter is so that everybody will talk about something and somebody other than Relisha, SY and AW.


Respectfully, if in fact Relisha was with AY then it is 110%v relevant if AY has a missing child.

That would show that AY has lost 2 children in her care.

The thing is SY says she was with AY and AY says she was not. I am usually good at judging lies, but I am lost with these two. One of them if not both are lying about where Relisha was!

I am wondering if they were both (AY and SY) present at AY's house March 1 when they both handed Relisha over to Tatum and they are both trying to cover their butts.

IS ANYONE CALLING TATUM NAMES? ?!?!! no. not one bad word has said about a man who took an 8 year old girl to a hotel, alone, and shot his wife in the head.

I can't fathom.....I just can't. No one is calling him a creep, or a jerk, or a pervert, or a liar, or a murderer?!?! not one single person?

The whole point of her calling in, the whole point of SY bring up AY daughter is so that everybody will talk about something and somebody other than Relisha, SY and AW.


Respectfully snipped

Whatever they are hiding has to be massive....These people live their lives out loud on social networks yet when their child is missing no-one can say anything about her....We haven't even heard the usual parents comments about the kind of child she is....Its almost as if they have forgotten Relisha is missing. I am hoping that if she is no longer with us that KT was actually the kind soul this poor baby needed in her life...and whether or not he is a nice person as far as someone who could kill his wife could be...I hope that he wasn't evil towards Relisha and gave her the love and care she was clearly lacking in her life.

Yes exactly ...they behave like they have forgotten that she was even missing because she was never really Present. Always flopping around ....
Heart breaking..:please:
They need to arrest SY for child abuse and neglect. WTH is taking so long? I am upset now and I just woke up.....

I am going to Easter egg hunts and Earth day parties with my kids and I am bringing Relisha with us in spirit. Tomorrow I will light a candle for her soul in church.
Phones seem to drop out with this family when the questions get too hot.

Reading between the lines I think Ashley had a daughter when she was still in care and maybe had it adopted out Indiana said she didn't know anything about the daughter until today because she only got together again with Ashley when she left care at 18 years. So probably was before she was 18. If she did have it dopted then it was the smartest thing the fmily has done. I.M.O.

Melissa said that she was friends with Tatum and he would give her a ride home when he saw her in the street. So far she is the only one admitting to knowing Tatum.

Now Shamika says Relisha never went anywhere with Tatum because she wouldn't allow it. But earlier on in an interview Antonio said she was with Tatum and he rang him to bring her back.

Shamika has already said that she trusted him and knew him for years but would not let Relisha go with him on his own and he was her godfather. Antonio on the blog said he didn't like the idea of Tatum being the godfather. This family seems to be celebrating everything together, how come they didn't celebrate the christening of Relisha and meet Mr. Tatum?

None of them will say anything bad about Tatum except that no one actually knew him. The way it's going Mellissa is the only one to say she knew him but, that might change soon once she works out she is it. JMOO
I want to re-listen to a part of last night's radio show. Is it available yet?
Could somebody post a link for me? Thank you.
If there is a link for the interview with Irving Rudd, could some kind soul post the link please? T.I.A.
Marg, I don't think anyone thinks Tatum was the real, Christian idea of a
godfather to Relisha. I think it is an "honorary" title. I would be very surprised if the child was ever baptized in a church with real Godparents. IMO
So here goes the question that has been bothering me since the mention of AY's daughter......Is Relisha actually the child that AY gave birth to? I would put nothing past this family and there clearly is a huge secret that no-one wants out. I am kind of feeling like I want proof that Shamika is Relisha's mother. JMO

Or.... what if KT is the one who took AY when she was young and he is the one who fathered her daughter 7 yrs ago? That would certainly explain everyone not talking because in that case they ALL knew what KT was.
Or.... what if KT is the one who took AY when she was young and he is the one who fathered her daughter 7 yrs ago? That would certainly explain everyone not talking because in that case they ALL knew what KT was.

I'm hearing you!! I think the child of AY may not necessarily lead to where Relisha is but it may lead to the centre of this cluster $%^@ that is the young family.

Something is being hidden and I think this child may be the key. Maybe, just maybe KT's wife knew about AY all those years ago if that happened and when KT started getting close to Relisha she didn't want it to happen a second time....JMO and of course all speculation.
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