DC DC - Relisha Tenau Rudd, 8, SE DC, 26 Feb 2014 - #7

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I feel your pain! I will be attending in spirit from Cali :heartluv: Your little ones come first, and you've been working SO hard for Relisha these past few days (as always!) - so I don't feel like you've done anything BUT help to #FindRelisha :moo:

The care and concern you put forth in preparing to search FOR Relisha are more than we've seen this cast of characters express FOR THEIR OWN flesh and blood, Relisha Tenau Rudd. This does not escape me, and it strikes me to my core.

I, too, wish I could be there, but the distance is too great. There have been many a turn already where I've felt as though I've let Little Relisha down, when I've failed to meet a sleuthing deadline (falling asleep at my keyboard transcribing - that's happened :facepalm: ), and I've woken up in :tears:

Then the realization hits me: she has been let down all her life, by so many. We saw/heard it ourselves - AGAIN - on the air last night. It breaks me. It makes me work harder, and I hope she knows that there are many people out here, striving to ensure she will NOT be let down again. IMV, we number in the tens, if not hundreds of thousands. It should be millions, who care about Relisha.

May this extrapolate to the "Other Relisha's" out there. Regardless of the outcome, and I am valiantly :praying: for a positive one, the least we can do is make a promise to Relisha that her story, and that of her brothers, will leave a legacy of positive change for all children like them.

No more hiding in the shadows - little ones. Your voices will be heard. Your stories will be told. We are here. We are listening. Change is coming.


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You're making me cry Kimi! You have done so much too. A big hug to you and Nikki and all the websleuthers who care enough about Relisha to ask the hard questions and don't take "I don't know" for an answer. :tyou: :tears: :heartbeat:
Not sure if you guys saw this but I wanted to share that Keith Warren stated that he is looking for 5 analysts to join his show. I am hoping that this will help to clean things up. I am hoping that he will include educators, child psychologists, mediators, and perhaps some community activists. I wonder if I should offer to assist.
Also, people have commented on the fact that Relisha never stated Mr. Tatum's granddaughter's name. I have actually seen children do this. I've seen it done in children who just don't have well developed communication skills (which most of the family members seem to be lacking), when children don't play with the other child often, or when children are lying. Again, I have worked with children in poverty who have experienced severe trauma who create stories and the people in those stories. It is possible that Relisha was the one who made up the stories about a granddaughter in her own mind to dissociate from sexual abuse that she didn't understand or just a way of escaping a world in which she didn't feel loved. Or she could have been fed the story of a granddaughter to repeat by her mother or Tatum to conceal what was really going on.

Snipped & BBM. Wow, this never occurred to me, but you are so right!!! Just brought back a flood memories for me. When I was sexually abused as a child, during the acts, I would disassociate to the point where I became like a different person who would be floating above, looking down on the awful scene below. It was like I was a watching a movie that I was in, but it wasn't really me in the movie. Does that make sense? Probably not...so, imagine a little girl trying to make sense of it! :cry:

During those times, I felt like I was split into two different people... maybe the person watching above was a make-believe friend or someone I created to help me cope with the person (me) below. Although I never verbalized that to anyone, and I never had make-believe friends, I can totally see Relisha or any child in her position, making up a friend to deal with sexual abuse.

Or, like you said, she could have been fed that story...she could have been coached on what to say as a part of the grooming process.

Both possibilities are totally plausible to me. Thank you again, AndieS for your great thought-provoking post. At this point, I can no longer assume that KT, MTY, SY, or any adult, made up the story about the grand daughter, it could very well have been Relisha herself who made it up. I understand.

Ok, need to step away for a while. I'll be back later for the BTR show, assuming there is one.
I apologize for the super-long message.

Also, is there anyone in the DC area who will be going to the Arboretum to search tomorrow? I am planning to go.

No need to apologize for your awesome 1st post AndieS!

:tyou: for representing Websleuths at the Search tomorrow :heartluv:




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Not sure if you guys saw this but I wanted to share that Keith Warren stated that he is looking for 5 analysts to join his show. I am hoping that this will help to clean things up. I am hoping that he will include educators, child psychologists, mediators, and perhaps some community activists. I wonder if I should offer to assist.

BBM. Yes, you should! Your post has opened my eyes to other possibilities in this case. I think you would be an asset to Mr. Warren and his show.
I inadvertently posted to the media thread, but no discussion is allowed, so I am posting my "explanation" of what happened here:

OP by kimi_SFC: Bb

Reply by margarita25: butt post? :biggrin:


Welp! Almost! I'm at an Easter egg hunt with the girls at Church. It was a front pocket post :blushing:

I'd edit it, but the truth of the matter is, my mind was on Relisha as I was scampering across the grass, taking photos of my girls picking up brightly colored eggs with their pals, braids flying in the wind and the sun. :tears:

Wouldn't you know it, my iPhone manages to send a post to Websleuths, to a Relisha thread, unbeknownst to me.

The world (and if you're a believer, the Lord), works in mysterious ways. Truth be told, when we arrived at the Church, I made a special request. The Pastor complied, and said a prayer for Relisha before the festivities. It was beautiful.



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Per Keith Warren at TRRTF, there will be a one one one interview with Tiara (Relisha's aunt) at 7pm. No call in questions.
KLT's FB is gone.

ETA: KLT's FB is gone, but the phony KLT page is still up.
Yay, Nikki!
I'm at work and will miss tonight's show.

Relisha, people are looking out for you!
Good afternoon everyone. I am a newbie to the group who has been sitting back and reading responses in addition to listening to the Keith Warren show. I would like to add that I have lived in the DMV area for about 10 years now and have worked in SE DC for many of those years. I have worked with many 'Relishas' and 'Antonios' who have known nothing but trauma and pain and I have interacted with the parents of these children who lack parenting skills, empathy, education, natural responses, etc.

In reading some of the responses on WS, FB, and other sites it seems that there is an expectation and judgement of how these people should act and should respond. Unfortunately a generational cycle of drug abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, neglect, lack of education, etc. has created a culture where children are not valued, and are passed around and are told that they are meant to be seen and not heard. I say these things not to excuse the behavior of these family members but to provide history as far as why their lifestyles and values may not mirror what many of us see as 'normal'

Anyway, a couple of things have stood out for me as a "sleuth". Is it possible that Kahlil Tatum initiated a separation from his wife, not because they were having trouble but because he was involved in something and he did not want her to get caught up in it. Additionally, could her murder have also been related to this.

Also, people have commented on the fact that Relisha never stated Mr. Tatum's granddaughter's name. I have actually seen children do this. I've seen it done in children who just don't have well developed communication skills (which most of the family members seem to be lacking), when children don't play with the other child often, or when children are lying. Again, I have worked with children in poverty who have experienced severe trauma who create stories and the people in those stories. It is possible that Relisha was the one who made up the stories about a granddaughter in her own mind to dissociate from sexual abuse that she didn't understand or just a way of escaping a world in which she didn't feel loved. Or she could have been fed the story of a granddaughter to repeat by her mother or Tatum to conceal what was really going on.

I am wondering, similar to another person who asked if perhaps there might be two different cases here. That being the Tatum murders and those perhaps being separate from the disappearance of Relisha.

I am disturbed by some of the things that have gone on during the Keith Warren radio show. While I appreciate his coverage and his desire to get to the bottom of what happened to Relisha, he is a horrible interviewer and host and I feel that so much gets lost because he doesn't ask the hard hitting questions and follow up on potential "leads" that may be garnered from some of his guests. Daniel tried to chime in a number of times but was cut off by the women and Warren never followed up. I don't think Daniel was trying to hide anything, I just think he wasn't as loud as the others so his voice got lost. Also, India added very little to the conversation though she spoke the loudest. Warren should have seen that and thanked her for her time and continued the interview with Ashley who had more information but who kept getting cut off by India. Kudos to the web sleuths who have been calling in and asking great questions.

Additionally, KW is putting out the names of the Tatum children who themselves are grieving and have just lost their parent/stepparent. I think it is insensitive of him to do it this way because he won't be the only one trying to reach out to them. Now that their names are known people from all over the internet will be seeking them out and trying to get information. I think that he could have asked his "researchers" to reach out to the family off-line and if they were open to a private interview, then that would be their choice.

I would say the same thing regarding Ashley's child. It appears that she either had a child or didn't have a child due to her being missing or abducted. What I gather is that she either aborted or possibly gave the child up for adoption and Shamika is doing nothing more than throwing salt into an old wound that her sister still has not come to terms with. As much as we want to find Relisha, and as much as we don't trust the words of these family members, let's make sure that we are not crossing the line in trying to find Ashley's daughter which may have been created due to abuse.

Someone suggested WebSleuths members create their own talk radio blog to keep this story active. I honestly wish that someone would do this or that Keith Warren would get a more experienced interviewer/moderator from the DC area to host his show to serve as a mediator so that these conversations don't have to escalate and so that we can actually learn more information that can aid us in finding Relisha.

This is a superb first post! I too have worked with many Relishas and Shamikas and Antonios. I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment.

Sometimes we speak with emotions rather than logic. It is easy to sit back and call someone 'trash' or 'worthless parent', etc.

But it is so much more complicated than that.....boy oh boy is it ever.
I am doing a transcript of last nights show now. It will be a bit before I can post it.
I wonder who took down KT's FB page? AKT's is still there.

I have a few now deceased friends on my FB still. It is a little creepy at times, but I like it because it is a place we can go to 'speak' to them and post messages and view photos.

Some families do opt to take down the pages for reasons that are understandable. I do know that FB handles this well and takes family requests seriously.

I have a feeling people have been contacting KT and AKT's family members which is unacceptable. Mr. Warren calling out the Tatum family members on air was VERY unprofessional and insensitive. They are victims. They lost their parents. I appreciate his concern for Relisha but that crossed the line for me.

I do think he lets them scream and carry on because he thinks someone will slip and spill the beans.
Some pictures


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I also think he lets them scream, curse and carry on as he doesn't want to alienate the caller as they will never allow an interview or questions on his show again. It is a tough spot for him to be in. He has never had this many people participating in his program, and he surely feels good about that.


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I am so behind but trying to catch up. Right now, I'm at my son's track meet at Morgan & have my granddaughter. So, now that she's sleep and nothing is happening on the track. How do I get to the basement because I read a few things on the TRRTF FB page about a psychic & body of water by a bridge... a little disturbing but I want to see if it's being discussed.
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