DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #10

DNA Solves
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They got DW's DNA results back very quickly.

They got DW DNA in lightning-speed time. Never even knew it was possible in such short time until this case. Although the victims were wealthy, I think it's the sheer horror of this crime that made that happen.....not money.
One thing that keeps bothering me is the idea that JT is a kid. He just turned 28! He is a good seven years past being a kid.
They got DW DNA in lightning-speed time. Never even knew it was possible in such short time until this case. Although the victims were wealthy, I think it's the sheer horror of this crime that made that happen.....not money.
His DNA was already in the National database due to his previous criminal behavior. So, that is was made it so efficient. All LE had to do was extract DNA from the half eaten pizza, at the bite mark, run it for a profile and submit it into the national database in hopes of a hit. Anyone who has not been arrested and charged with a felony is likely not in the database, yet.
What motive did he have to lie about whether or not the Mosler was locked?

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Touche! Exactly. Why lie about this? But then how did LE know it was not locked? Or were they trying to trip him up? When he said the red car was locked, did they ask him where he got the key and where he returned it to? Could he not tell them, so he changed his story to say it was unlocked? Maybe he thought it would have been locked so he took a stab at that answer.
Once we stop accepting JW's versions, either of them, we are free to entertain another scenario.
The adults were being kept on the second floor in one room and young Phillip in his own room on same floor. They are all bound and taped up. Perhaps an accomplice is guarding them.
JW calls a perpetrator who is "manning SS's phone" and texts that he is 10 minutes away, giving that perp the heads up to station him/herself downstairs and unlock door for JW to deliver the money,coming through the garage.
They touch base, get stories together, count money, whatever. JW never goes near the Mosley.
Does he take his cut away in his red bag or leave red bag with DW and HIS cut? It seems that LE wonders.

Where to now? If he has taken half the money as his cut, he will have to hide it. LE could not find it in his car. But all of it was not found with DW and his crew either. JW has his 20 k.

After the drop-off (and a text to confirm, which goes straight to perp-accomplice, he has time to hide the money before appearing at Lowe's.

That's not what you wanted to know.
When he leaves the house, does he know DW plans to murder everyone and set the house on fire? Does he know what DW has been doing to SS and Philip and how the women have suffered? Does he care? No. He compartmentalizes. That part is not his job.
The difficult truth is not about DW. We already knew. We know evil people, brutes, girl-friend beaters, raging beasts born to a life of crime.
It's the JW's who are scary.
Such an upbeat, promising young man, articulate, good family, nice manners, well-groomed, not all wild haired and wild eyed.
JW is the real stuff of nightmares because you would have trusted him too.

:) His own car. The same car that was parked outside of the police perimeter at the SS house while the firefighters were busy. He drove his own car back to the house as soon as he learned of the fire.

It seems as though the majority of the news reports are shamelessly and deliberately slanted things towards drama.
How do you know this to be fact?
When looking at the Google photos up thread, I noticed no mailboxes in the neighborhood, so I am assuming the homes have mail slots or boxes near the door and the postal worker delivers to the door, unlike my house with a mailbox on the street.
DC folks- do you "know" your postal worker ?

Maybe someone, I'm thinking a woman, played the role of postal worker with a "package" to sign at the front door and the DDW kicked in the door at the same time... whoever answered the door is outnumbered.
You can rent similar uniforms at costume shops.

Just my thoughts...

Being quite familiar with the postal service professionally, I can tell you that mailboxes and their placement are defined in all USPS Postal Regulations in terms of placement, size, etc. Older neighborhoods would be "grandfathered" into what is required today in newer residential areas, which is why you see boxes at the curb or "banks" of boxes at a corner in a group. They most likely have door drops or boxes on the house for older areas like this. As far as the apparel postal workers wear today, I've had carriers show up in a Disney tank and Bermuda shorts......the whole idea of dress code? Gone.

Also, if you Google SS and get beyond this tragic news, you'll find that they used their home address for business and events. It is everywhere if you google it....before the murders. I know you can find anyone on the Internet, but it was never hard to find their addres......it was everywhere. Very easy with a name......he used his home address freely. I'm not rich, but having a husband in law enforcement, I use all those opt out options just to make it harder to track.
LE released the information about finding blood on DW's shoe days after his arrest. Don't you think they would have also said his shoe/boot also matches the print on the door? I do.


To be clear, law enforcement did NOT release the information about the blood on the shoe, unnamed "sources" provided that info. Considering how often the info reported and attributed to unnamed "sources" is wrong (and that it's pretty irresponsible to use unnamed sources when it's information that should be able to get attributed and when the suspect is sitting in jail and there's absolutely nothing gained by this unattributed info except polluting the jury pool and public opinion).
The only reason I find his toys noteworthy is that he has a passion that is beyond his means, at least without a great deal of personal financial sacrifice. It seems that he'd go without toys like a GoPro if he needed money for things like a trip to Italy. I guess it feeds into my image of him as out of touch with the reality of his circumstances, who doesn't respect what it takes to earn what he wants to have.

Again, I'm not saying I think he his involved. But, I belive it would be hard to rule him out.

BBM. It is impossible to rule him out at this stage, imo. Many financial crimes are motivated by delusions of grandeur. I think JW's trip to Italy was a cover story to explain his departure from the U.S. after this crime.

Touche! Exactly. Why lie about this. But then how did LE know it as not locked? Because when he said it was locked, they asked him whee he returned the key and he could not tell them? Had he assumed it would have been locked?
Did he deliver any money to the Mosley?
Did he go into the garage?
So if not, where would he have been and how much time might have been taken up in that location?
The adults were being kept on the second floor in one room and young Phillip in his own room on same floor. They are all bound and taped up. Perhaps an accomplice is guarding them.
JW calls a perpetrator who is "manning SS's phone" and texts that he is 10 minutes away, giving that perp the heads up to station him/herself downstairs in house, unlock door for JW to deliver the money. They touch base, get stories together, money is counted, whatever. JW never goes near the Mosley. He doesn't know if it is locked or unlocked, if locked where the key would be as he actually has no instructions from SS, only what the perpetrator-in-chief texts him with SS cell.

Does he take his cut away in his red bag or leave red bag with DW and HIS cut?

Where to now? If he is involved with the money as a share he will have to hide it. LE could not find it in his car. But all of it as not found with DW and his crew either.

After his prolonged drop-off he has time to hide the money before appearing at Lowe's.

That's not what you wanted to know.
When he leaves the house, does he know DW plans to murder everyone and set the house on fire? Does he know what DW has been doing to SS and Philip and anyone there? Does he care or compartmentalize as in "not my job?"the difficult truth is not about DW. We already knew. We know evil people, brutes, girl-friend beaters, raging beasts born to a life of crime.
It's the JW's who are scary.
Such an upbeat, promising young man, articulate, good family, nice manners, well-groomed, not all wild haired and wild eyed.
JW is the real stuff of nightmares because you would have trusted him too.

Considering how expensive that car is, I'd imagine the car's alarm will record/timestamp on the vehicle's computer each instance the door is locked/unlocked and the alarm is unarmed and armed.

That's really the only logical explanation as to how LE might possibly know that information.
Touche! Exactly. Why lie about this. But then how did LE know it as not locked? Because when he said it was locked, they asked him whee he returned the key and he could not tell them? Had he assumed it would have been locked?
Did he deliver any money to the Mosley?
Did he go into the garage?
So if not, where would he have been and how much time might have been taken up in that location?
The adults were being kept on the second floor in one room and young Phillip in his own room on same floor. They are all bound and taped up. Perhaps an accomplice is guarding them.
JW calls a perpetrator who is "manning SS's phone" and texts that he is 10 minutes away, giving that perp the heads up to station him/herself downstairs in house, unlock door for JW to deliver the money. They touch base, get stories together, money is counted, whatever. JW never goes near the Mosley. He doesn't know if it is locked or unlocked, if locked where the key would be as he actually has no instructions from SS, only what the perpetrator-in-chief texts him with SS cell.

Does he take his cut away in his red bag or leave red bag with DW and HIS cut?

Where to now? If he is involved with the money as a share he will have to hide it. LE could not find it in his car. But all of it as not found with DW and his crew either.

After his prolonged drop-off he has time to hide the money before appearing at Lowe's.

That's not what you wanted to know.
When he leaves the house, does he know DW plans to murder everyone and set the house on fire? Does he know what DW has been doing to SS and Philip and anyone there? Does he care or compartmentalize as in "not my job?"the difficult truth is not about DW. We already knew. We know evil people, brutes, girl-friend beaters, raging beasts born to a life of crime.
It's the JW's who are scary.
Such an upbeat, promising young man, articulate, good family, nice manners, well-groomed, not all wild haired and wild eyed.
JW is the real stuff of nightmares because you would have trusted him too.


A-freaking-mazing. You wrote it. True. Thank you. I still want to vomit about what I have read today, but at least I feel there is someone hearing the same evidence and responding in a like way! Bless you.
Touche! Exactly. Why lie about this?


Unfortunately, I think JW is a pathological liar. A smooth talking loser. He's 28-years-old working as a gofer for a wealthy man and he has delusions of becoming a race car driver. He has a girlfriend who he is trying to impress and perhaps that is because she, too, sees him as a loser. His bags were packed and he was ready to hit the road, passport ready.

I think the goal of LE is to nail this guy as the planner.

He wouldn't want to make it look like he's fleeing, not prematurely. He doesn't know he will blow it when he gets called in. He's trying to allay the suspicion. If he has to go, he will. When he's ready to go, he will. Insurance. JMO I leave mine at home in a secure place if I am not traveling and do not need it for ID.
Touche! Exactly. Why lie about this? But then how did LE know it was not locked? Or were they trying to trip him up? When he said the red car was locked, did they ask him where he got the key and where he returned it to? Could he not tell them, so he changed his story to say it was unlocked? Maybe he thought it would have been locked so he took a stab at that answer.
Once we stop accepting JW's versions, either of them, we are free to entertain another scenario.

An engineer who worked on Mosler design has a resume on the Internet. Somebody who is bold should ask him about entry and ignition systems, if it is clear that the car features prominently in the timeline of where the money was when. I have to speculate that the entry systems are quite sophisticated, and could possibly give clues into the changing drop off story, if the story somehow hinges on the Mosler being locked or unlocked.

I just saw the resume when I was looking for info on the car. I hope it's ok to post this.
Then it appears the criminals went for the more modest, grass-roots affluent than the upper stratospheres in which the level of surveillance, activity, personal protection might be more of a challenge. Perhaps they knew that this CEO would be able to liquidate assets with more ease, less layers of monitoring than others in the same area with more visible signs of largesse and thus more built-in protection, service people, staff working in the household in an office, pool cleaners, guests possibly, supplies being delivered...it appears that the SS family routine was compact, predictable, and by comparison with their "larger living" neighbors, they might have had less hub bub, fewer people attending them, and all together more laxity in regard to security. We have also been told that theirs was a particularly quiet, off the more beaten path patch. Sounds perfect.
This crime then was not about getting the most money, but was one of opportunity (that inside link again), not having to deal with a fortress, so no undue challenges for breeching, and a place perhaps less "observed."
From what those in the know say, if the criminals' objective was to haul the most loot away, they could have fished in a bigger pond. But if the objective was to have the best chance at getting away with a crime of theft where there were more "knowns" and more easily controlled variables, I'd think the smaller scale life style would have been the good bet.
i think bet the criminal/s did. But it strikes me now that the roulette wheel was carefully chosen for its accessibility. What made the SS house accessible? What made the odds in favor of getting in and getting out?
JMO that "link" talked up early in the case, that inside info. This was a crime that was presented; it cropped up; the perpetrator felt confident he'd meet with little or no resistance. Someone facilitated JMO. And I think this is LE's theory. Someone offered up this crime. Not in all its unfolding--that's down to the maniac allegedly in charge of the scene and the people. Someone made it sound doable.

Again. Amazing! And sooo true. I was feeling so frustrated. But you wrote it!

To be clear, law enforcement did NOT release the information about the blood on the shoe, unnamed "sources" provided that info. Considering how often the info reported and attributed to unnamed "sources" is wrong (and that it's pretty irresponsible to use unnamed sources when it's information that should be able to get attributed and when the suspect is sitting in jail and there's absolutely nothing gained by this unattributed info except polluting the jury pool and public opinion).

While it sickens me to no end, I have to agree. It does and will pollute a jury pool, but it wouldn't be the first time.....it's impossible with technology to avoid that these days. If you can find a jury pool who is "willing" and "honest" that they can exclude what they have read and seen about this case to come to a verdict without using WHAT THEY HAVE READ AND SEEN about a 10 year old child not just murdered but mutilated.....I want to meet that person. Because it's not possible. It goes against human nature to block that. When you slaughter families and there is tangible evidence you were there......like blood on your sneakers and I hear that on the news and now I'm a juror? I'll remember that.... admissible or not. Read me all the directions you want as a judge....guilty for DW.
Definitely couldn't point to the idea even remotely that that person was considering leaving the country. I agree.

I know you are being sarcastic, but I never said it could not even remotely mean he was leaving the country. Just saying that plenty of people have their passports in their cars, even if not planning to fly that day.

To be clear, law enforcement did NOT release the information about the blood on the shoe, unnamed "sources" provided that info. Considering how often the info reported and attributed to unnamed "sources" is wrong (and that it's pretty irresponsible to use unnamed sources when it's information that should be able to get attributed and when the suspect is sitting in jail and there's absolutely nothing gained by this unattributed info except polluting the jury pool and public opinion).

It's not irresponsible because it is covered under the shield laws. Journalists are allowed to protect sources if the information they are reporting is considered to be for the greater good. But as a retired journalist, I can tell you that the main stream media have policies about who is allowed to be an an unnamed source. It has to be someone of very high rank who they trust when asked to be "off the record." The media can not conspire with LE but they certainly can work together. It is a very fine line and I have no doubt, both media and LE are walking it in this case.

I know you are being sarcastic, but I never said it could not even remotely mean he was leaving the country. Just saying that plenty of people have their passports in their cars, even if not planning to fly that day.

I doubt plenty of people carry passports in their cars. My passport is in my home safe. Hate to have it burn up in a fire, ya know?

While it sickens me to no end, I have to agree. It does and will pollute a jury pool, but it wouldn't be the first time.....it's impossible with technology to avoid that these days. If you can find a jury pool who is "willing" and "honest" that they can exclude what they have read and seen about this case to come to a verdict without using WHAT THEY HAVE READ AND SEEN about a 10 year old child not just murdered but mutilated.....I want to meet that person. Because it's not possible. It goes against human nature to block that. When you slaughter families and there is tangible evidence you were there......like blood on your sneakers and I hear that on the news and now I'm a juror? I'll remember that.... admissible or not. Read me all the directions you want as a judge....guilty for DW.
Thanks for your thoughtful reply. I completely agree.
I think when these SW's were acquired, LE really had no idea the depth of this crime. They knew JW had received $40K in cash and gone to the house. He didn't help things by lying about what are, IMO, inconsequential details. They couldn't know that he didn't extort that money, go to the house and kill the family and set the house on fire.

So they treated him like Prime Suspect #1.

But again, IMO, their investigation pretty quickly showed them more of the crime...how it unfolded after talking to the other employees. Found the pizza and it's strange delivery instructions. Then found DNA from their now Prime Suspect #1.

It doesn't surprise me in the least that he was investigated. That being said, it is clear to me that their investigation didn't turn up anything. We know they found the DNA, and if there was anything in JW's car that gave them any idea he was involved, he wouldn't still be considered just a witness.

That is my explanation anyway.

What are "acquired search warrants"???? I'm not sure how you can conclude JW is still just considered a witness when LE are releasing public documents right and left but maybe I missed something.
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