DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #11

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Everyone's day on Wednesday is really interesting to me as well- where was JW at all day? The SW for his phone records went back to May 10, so LE probably has this information, or at least will soon if they don't already. And as you state, why the 6PM "start time?"

I'm really on the fence about JW's involvement. LE knows way more than we do at this point, and knows that reports that he has lied, reports of what was found in his car, etc. are out in the open now. LE has still not stated he is cooperating, not a suspect, or anything of that nature. They have also stated that DW did not act alone, yet no one else has been arrested. I am just really curious as to what other information they have right now...

On 6/ 21 CNN Pamela Brown (anchor) stated that NG last saw JW at the Dojo at 3:30 on Wednesday,we know that SS didn't leave till approximately 5:30 (Phone call from AS)
This scenario has always made the most sense to me. But that would mean that JW's lies to LE and the backpack in his car w/his passport and expired Mosler registration are insignificant.... JMO.

If the alleged perpetrator DW committed these kidnaps and murders solo, that fact would not make JW's lies or the items found in his car more significant or less so. Though we have no way of knowing, most of us find it hard to conceive of the idea that JW had a hands-on role in the violence because we "profile" him as disinclined to stab and bludgeon folks, especially those he had befriended and we see no history of same.
Someone here mentioned using a full name that you wouldn't normally use. Like instead of saying "hey Mike can you came home asap"...you would say "hey Michael can you come home asap". Now If the play on name would not work...I am just not sure how you would work in a code word without looking obvious. Hmmmm....

"Red rum"......
DW doesn't seem like he's the sharpest tack on the board but I think he understands that if he confesses any glimmer of hope of him getting off is over. He's not going to admit to anything because if he confesses he is staying in jail, it's not like he's going to get a deal if he tells on JW. Only time i see him telling about JW is when he is found guilty and is sentenced to life in prison because then he has no chance of getting out and nothing to lose. Currently his defender is saying he is innocent. JMO

It doesn't really work that way. Deals are cut ahead of a conviction, not afterward. Currently, his defender has no choice but to say he's innocent because that is what he claims. A jury will have no problem with a conviction of murder. His only hope of escaping maximum punishment is to cut a deal in exchange for testimony and I have no idea if the prosecutor is even willing to do that at this point because of the incredibly heinous nature of the crime.

With the DNA on the pizza, blood on his shoes, and money orders and cash found on him, I think he already knows he ain't going anywhere. Why be the only one going down for this crime? If JW is involved, DW is going to call him out, imo.

No way. Its still way early and no lawyer (his lawyer is good, not Ficker) would let their client. And the only reason he would talk is if he got something in exchange and I can't imagine they'll offer anything. He hasn't even been indicted yet. He and his lawyers haven't received discovery.
It doesn't really work that way. Deals are cut ahead of a conviction, not afterward. Currently, his defender has no choice but to say he's innocent because that is what he claims. A jury will have no problem with a conviction of murder. His only hope of escaping maximum punishment is to cut a deal in exchange for testimony and I have no idea if the prosecutor is even willing to do that at this point because of the incredibly heinous nature of the crime.


Yeah, that is what I said. There is no reason for him to admit to anything now because he is claiming he is innocent. If he is found guilty and has the rest of his life in prison then he may tell on JW because at that point it doesn't matter to him.
If W-1 believed that the family was going to survive this, no way was he going to come in the house. He wouldn't take a chance that even his voice would be heard.

At this point, my theory is that W-1 did believe that the family would not be hurt.

That might be his defense when arrested but I doubt a jury will buy it because he lied to the cops, his lack of cooperation hindered the investigation and he has lost all credibility. He isn't some impulsive teenager, he's a grown man.

One of my employees had a sawed off shotgun put in his face and robbed by business. Who was it???? The grandson of a dear customer that I had tried to help.....this was my thanks. I've been burglarized twice......by my own drug addicted brother. The couple in North Carolina who were recently slaughtered....by a convicted felon handy-man neighbor they "tried to help". Had a childhood neighbor who years after we had grown up.....broke into my mothers house in the middle of the night and crawled into the bedroom my younger sister had growing up. He went on several years later to go to a long time family friends house and beat a 80+ year old woman to death. I think victims are rarely random, they are selected even if subconsciously. There's not a lot of planned thinking going on which is why they target someone they know or knew who may not have a lot of money, but when you have more.....that's more than them. Opportunists. Sometimes that connection can be years ago, but the fact that DW hasn't worked for AIW a for years means nothing. It's "someone" he knew of that was wealthy......he had a name and that was easy enough to pull of the Internet. He stretched way back in his mind and the light went on with SS.

The guy that robbed me....they were going to give him 3 years until my victim impact statement......he got 11 and he gets out in March. I'll be sleeping with one eye open and my 2nd amendment.
Has LE been able to open the safe?

Might the keys to Mosler be inside it?

Or might some critical parts of the Mosler be stored in the safe to prevent theft of the car?
The violence horrifies and puzzles me, because it seems so personal. I know that DW has a history of threatening violence and pushing women around. I know he threatened a child once. But a threat and hours and hours of inflicting torture...it just seems like the kind of intense hatred that doesn't work unless he was on drugs or continually drunk over those long hours. Something seems so personal about this crime. Being fired years and years ago, somehow does not work for me. And who could hate that child so much? Hate the Father, maybe. But PS? But what do I know? Maybe DW is a sadist. Maybe he was just an unreliable person to be used as the "inside man."

If W-1 is involved, then I'm assuming a crime was planned where he thought he would not be suspected. If SS knew at any point that W-1 was involved, SS and family would have to die. Although, I am of the opinion that W-1 is involved, I think this was meant to be a property crime, and some members of the "Team" went rogue. Why do I think W-1 would not hurt the family? I ask myself that question. Because he doesn't seem the type? Neither did darling Scott Peterson, the "wonderful husband" Sharon Rocha vouched for. So what do I know of him either? None of us can do anything but guess about any of these people.

My understanding is, DW worked at AIW in 2005 but I am uncertain as to how long he worked there (I don't think it was for five years), nor do I know under what grounds his dismissal occurred when he was "fired".
I understand it was 2010 when he was arrested outside AIW with a MACHETE, a BB gun and the open container of alcohol, the only charge for which he pleaded guilty. My point is, DW harbors resentment in a manner that is pathological. He is not a normal, psycho-emotionally healthy person. Therefore, it's not too far fetched to think that in 2015, DW challenged with his old resentments but stirred by more recent events (I posted my opinion about precipitating factors back on June 3rd) he acts out violently.
Although horrifying, it is not entirely surprising when one delves just a bit (it's all most of us can really glean from our armchair sleuth internet searches) and read the many detailed reports on this site, some with associated links, to learn of DW's long and significant violent history. More importantly, his threatening, violent episodes are extreme, over the top and inordinate to the offense. Example, fight with girlfriend (something most relationships experience and endure), DW assaults and threatens the object of his anger with extreme physical harm. He becomes "crazy" citing knives and cutting.
His source, emotional hurt/pain but his response is vengeful anger becoming his wish for complete annihilation of the person who he perceives as creating painful conflict in himself.
In my opinion, if we were to change the context of this case a bit and view it instead as a domestic violence case ( I am NOT identifying this case as domestic violence. I'm simply suggesting we step back and look at it through that lens), we would all be a bit more accepting, shake our heads and acknowledge it's terrible such things happen in our world. I realize the horrific circumstances of a child who suffered so dearly is deeply disturbing for many here but truth is, in many domestic violence cases, horrible things are also exacted upon children. DW's family sought and maintained a restraining order against him for a year. That is an extreme action.How many cases of domestic violence homicide in any of our areas do we know of when there was a history of conflict, possibly stalking, maybe even a restraining order but eventually domestic violence homicide occurs?
Instead, in this case, because there was no obvious, developed relationship other than a decade old employment history ending with DW's involuntary termination and although there is, at the very least, an episode of his stalking AIW in 2010, we all seek to rationalize the incredulousness of the crime with conspiracy theories and try to make it about fast cars, scheming assistants and clandestine monies.

With approximately 1,000 posts per thread and nearly a thread a day (merci moderators) it is truly a major chore to locate the comment from a poster who cited DW's muscular build and posed how perhaps DW consumed steroids to augment his body building. That is a keen thought in my opinion.
Over the past few weeks many here have identified DW as narcissistic due his FB page with its DW "selfies" and self appreciating comments. In my opinion his narcissism is beyond the level of casual comment. I recommend readers take a few minutes to look up Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder to form your own opinion then imagine the narcissist angry with "roid rage".

One question I have, if the SW for JW's BMW was signed as issued on Thursday, May 14th why was the inventory not conducted until seven days later, Thursday, May 21st? I may have missed discussion of this but its nagging me so if I have it wrong please set me straight with information. In the early stages of an investigation for such a horrible crime LE must cast suspicion wide and look at nearly everyone involved with the victims until details can be learned. It doesn't surprise me at all that JW was investigated especially as he was the person who transported the $40K to the home on May 14th. I would think if LE felt strongly JW was involved in a criminal manner the SW and inventory of items from his car would have prompted LE to act more urgently.
I have been one of those who does not believe JW is on this and hope that is revealed as truth. I have empathy for him and his family as they go through the sometimes crazy public scrutiny.
W-3 seems to have had a reasonable view of the Porsche's driver to identify the neon-green construction vest. I think it's possible for DW to have appeared short haired by simply restraining his hair especially if sunk in the driver's seat of a Porsche. Older photos of him with his hair pulled back reveals a good amount of forehead and temple couple that with a hood covering most of his head. I'll have to go back to read W-3's account and description to learn if W-3 commented on skin tone.

Although there are many mysteries about this case that remain for the public. Washington DC PD and other LE deserve to be commended for their prompt work to identify and capture DW.

I think of Richard Jewell.

"Jewell's case is considered an example of the damage that can be done by reporting based on unreliable or incomplete information."



Richard Jewell was named by the FBI as a suspect in the Olympic bombing. I am not aware that he ever lied to the FBI in the course of that investigation.

JW hasn't been named a suspect and he admitted he lied to investigators. Investigators made this known to a Judge in order to obtain a search warrant and a legal document belonging to the dead murder victims was found in his vehicle. JW posted photos of himself on social media with the victims' personal property, including a vehicle that was later stolen in the commission of four homicides/arson.

Hardly a similar comparison to the Jewell case by any stretch.

I forget... but didn't SS's Sister know about the $40.000 drop off? Seems like I vaguely remember hearing some detail along those lines. Can anybody clarify?
I just want to say thanks for the very interesting conversation and debate. It is genuinely fascinating to explore this case. I'll likely not post again, mostly because I am almost always on my phone and the mobile experience hasn't quite up to the desktop experience, at least on my version of the iphone--the quotes don't show in the tiny (like 1/3-1/2 inch window in which you can type in a reply), the display doesn't show a string of multiple quotes with your reply and no there's no thanks button (and I like to give thanks to the great insightful posts!)

But, also, sometimes anonymous comments are a little like road rage. You're just driving along trying to get somewhere and suddenly somebody is yelling at you because you didn't see them wanting to merge in front of you or something. While it's tempting to yell back or honk, I'd prefer to watch the traffic from off the road, preferably from a patio with a glass of wine in hand.

That said, I am admittedly obsessed in seeing how justice will be done in this case. And I am also so curious to see how the conversation on this site evolves between such confident theorists as (hopefully) more arrests are made, and new facts emerge and are confirmed by law enforcement. But what's important is that, no matter who was involved, they are held accountable and the family can feel that they know what has happened. There is NO way to reconcile this brutal crime. It's difficult to even process or think about without feeling ill. But justice is one little thing to help right the wrong. Have a nice Sunday.
I forget... but didn't SS's Sister know about the $40.000 drop off? Seems like I vaguely remember hearing some detail along those lines. Can anybody clarify?

You may be referring to a girl that made a comment on a fox article that included the video of the perp running with the bucket claiming to be SS niece. The person claiming to be his niece stated that "That thin was a bag with $40,000.00 in it, after my uncle was instructed to call AIW, inc. Saying he needed the money for a piece of art." This comment was made on 5/19 before the MSM announced the 40K amount in the news.

Here is the link and the comments are still there fwiw..

He could have watched he house for couple of days.

I think that would be extremely difficult to do in that neighborhood because the hilly, curving streets but also because the neighbors seem to have a strong community that has established roots and looked out for one another for years....not a lot of moving in and out. Neighbors become familiar with what cars belong there and those that don't. LE has said the link was AIW and have alluded to an insider being involved and I have no reason not to believe them.

There is no way DW acted alone.

My understanding is, DW worked at AIW in 2005 but I am uncertain as to how long he worked there (I don't think it was for five years), nor do I know under what grounds his dismissal occurred when he was "fired".
I understand it was 2010 when he was arrested outside AIW with a MACHETE, a BB gun and the open container of alcohol, the only charge for which he pleaded guilty. My point is, DW harbors resentment in a manner that is pathological. He is not a normal, psycho-emotionally healthy person. Therefore, it's not too far fetched to think that in 2015, DW challenged with his old resentments but stirred by more recent events (I posted my opinion about precipitating factors back on June 3rd) he acts out violently.
Although horrifying, it is not entirely surprising when one delves just a bit (it's all most of us can really glean from our armchair sleuth internet searches) and read the many detailed reports on this site, some with associated links, to learn of DW's long and significant violent history. More importantly, his threatening, violent episodes are extreme, over the top and inordinate to the offense. Example, fight with girlfriend (something most relationships experience and endure), DW assaults and threatens the object of his anger with extreme physical harm. He becomes "crazy" citing knives and cutting.
His source, emotional hurt/pain but his response is vengeful anger becoming his wish for complete annihilation of the person who he perceives as creating painful conflict in himself.
In my opinion, if we were to change the context of this case a bit and view it instead as a domestic violence case ( I am NOT identifying this case as domestic violence. I'm simply suggesting we step back and look at it through that lens), we would all be a bit more accepting, shake our heads and acknowledge it's terrible such things happen in our world. I realize the horrific circumstances of a child who suffered so dearly is deeply disturbing for many here but truth is, in many domestic violence cases, horrible things are also exacted upon children. DW's family sought and maintained a restraining order against him for a year. That is an extreme action.How many cases of domestic violence homicide in any of our areas do we know of when there was a history of conflict, possibly stalking, maybe even a restraining order but eventually domestic violence homicide occurs?
Instead, in this case, because there was no obvious, developed relationship other than a decade old employment history ending with DW's involuntary termination and although there is, at the very least, an episode of his stalking AIW in 2010, we all seek to rationalize the incredulousness of the crime with conspiracy theories and try to make it about fast cars, scheming assistants and clandestine monies.

With approximately 1,000 posts per thread and nearly a thread a day (merci moderators) it is truly a major chore to locate the comment from a poster who cited DW's muscular build and posed how perhaps DW consumed steroids to augment his body building. That is a keen thought in my opinion.
Over the past few weeks many here have identified DW as narcissistic due his FB page with its DW "selfies" and self appreciating comments. In my opinion his narcissism is beyond the level of casual comment. I recommend readers take a few minutes to look up Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder to form your own opinion then imagine the narcissist angry with "roid rage".

One question I have, if the SW for JW's BMW was signed as issued on Thursday, May 14th why was the inventory not conducted until seven days later, Thursday, May 21st? I may have missed discussion of this but its nagging me so if I have it wrong please set me straight with information. In the early stages of an investigation for such a horrible crime LE must cast suspicion wide and look at nearly everyone involved with the victims until details can be learned. It doesn't surprise me at all that JW was investigated especially as he was the person who transported the $40K to the home on May 14th. I would think if LE felt strongly JW was involved in a criminal manner the SW and inventory of items from his car would have prompted LE to act more urgently.
I have been one of those who does not believe JW is on this and hope that is revealed as truth. I have empathy for him and his family as they go through the sometimes crazy public scrutiny.
W-3 seems to have had a reasonable view of the Porsche's driver to identify the neon-green construction vest. I think it's possible for DW to have appeared short haired by simply restraining his hair especially if sunk in the driver's seat of a Porsche. Older photos of him with his hair pulled back reveals a good amount of forehead and temple couple that with a hood covering most of his head. I'll have to go back to read W-3's account and description to learn if W-3 commented on skin tone.

Although there are many mysteries about this case that remain for the public. Washington DC PD and other LE deserve to be commended for their prompt work to identify and capture DW.

Brilliant insight!!
ITA. LE hasn't named W1 either a suspect or even a POI. Yet some posters here act as if he were already convicted. It gotten to the point that a poster claimed she doesn't understand why people who don't believe he was involved are still posting here.

Exactly. There is now, over three weeks after the crime, no link at all between JW and DW
....IMO he clearly never went into the garage because he stated he entered the garage and exited the same closing the door when he left(he wouldn't been able to do to either)....
bbm sbm

Must have missed MSM saying - garage had no exterior keypad which lets ppl enter & exit garage from driveway. Did their garage contractor say this? Someone else? TIA.
I just want to say thanks for the very interesting conversation and debate. It is genuinely fascinating to explore this case. I'll likely not post again, mostly because I am almost always on my phone and the mobile experience hasn't quite up to the desktop experience, at least on my version of the iphone--the quotes don't show in the tiny (like 1/3-1/2 inch window in which you can type in a reply), the display doesn't show a string of multiple quotes with your reply and no there's no thanks button (and I like to give thanks to the great insightful posts!)

I took a quick look back at some of your posts especially on previous threads and did not see the same issue with the multiple quote boxes until about sometime on Friday June 5. Maybe a little before. Did you start posting in a different style? Clicking a different box? Did you just start using your phone to post?

Even though I don't necessarily agree with some of the opinions you express, it would be sad to lose your input because of some quirky thing.

You might have started clicking on a different little reply option?

We aren't likely to 'solve' the mystery of the Savopoulos and Figueroa murders but maybe we can solve the mystery of why when you post (in the last few days) multiple boxes filled with quotes show up in the thread.
Exactly. There is now, over three weeks after the crime, no link at all between JW and DW

So far, LE hasn't even released how much money they found with DW. If it's close to $40k, seems very unlikely he had accomplices.
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