DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #12

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Why do you think they allowed him to speak to his sister ? Seems strange considering the circumstances . I was wondering if she confused it with the day before . She could have been in shock

I think his office had been blowing up his phone with calls trying to locate SS and he didn't answer so the office contacted his sister. He pretty much had to answer his sister or she probably would have asked police to make a welfare check.

I wish dw had just used a gun. This guy loves to torture and humiliate. He is very hands on. Just shoot me and get it over with. But stabbings and bats and strangulations and arson is too much.

I bet he had access to guns but since he was such a gentle giant; He decided not to have firearms involved in his home invasion.

He seems to think that killing someone via gun is a sign of weakness.

Btw: If you think prisoners are going to beat him up for what he did. You are wrong. He will probably be looked at as a legend for the amount of news coverage and cash that he has received.
I wonder if the media is overstating the inconsistencies in JW's statements by saying "multiple times". IIRC there were two inconsistent statements according to the CDoc. 1) JW originally told LE that SS contacted Wednesday night about collecting the money. This was contradicted by text messages that indicate SS contacted JW Thursday morning 2) JW first told LE that the Mosler was locked when he arrived with the money. He later changed that statement to say it was unlocked.

I think it is possible that JW didn't intentionally lie. His first statements were made just hours after learning of the fire and I suspect he was in shock. LE have said JW "admitted to lying". I wonder if that is just their interpretation. I can't imagine a smart guy like JW saying "yes I lied".

They said he was mistaken about when he first heard from SS and yet he lied about the envelope vs bag and the car locked vs unlocked. I think he admitted he lied. jmo
Realtors need to get ready. Because I doubt family will keep the house. I know I wouldn't. Very gruesome memories. It would be too painful. Jmo

Just my opinion the house will be demolished and a rebuild will take it's place. jmo idk
Dear God, how many ways was poor PS murdered?! If there was someone else involved I would not be surprised if it is a woman. I feel sick over what the S family and VF went through. Like someone else said here, UGH!

It's been confirmed they are talking about the father, not the little boy.

The father's full name was Savvas Philip.
The son's was Philip Savvas.

I think this is where the confusion comes in.
They said he was mistaken about when he first heard from SS and yet he lied about the envelope vs bag and the car locked vs unlocked. I think he admitted he lied. jmo

bbm, Thanks, I saw this once. And what I mean is the word, "mistaken". I saw it printed once that when it was bought to his attention that he said he was contacted thursday and when he was shown that he was contacted wednesday evening about the package pickup he fessed up right/straight away. <(my words) I do believe that with what had just happened, (4 people murdered and a house and porsche torched) that he probably had everything going through his head including the picture and trxt he sent his GF. jmo idk
I think SS' sister meant Wednesday and was confused.

I don't know. I think she was a controller of the company so she is pretty bright and has all of her faculties. Wouldn't she know if she talked to her brother they very day he died as opposed to the day prior?
It's been confirmed they are talking about the father, not the little boy.

The father's full name was Savvas Philip.
The son's was Philip Savvas.

I think this is where the confusion comes in.

Plus Savvas's father's name is Philip. iirc
The only reason why I think someone smarter than DW planned this is because killers and home invasioners do not have the sense of getting money orders.

That money order stuff sounds like a smarter person helped guide his thoughts. Which means they either helped plan things or they suggested after with knowledge of the crime or they simply suggested this without knowing which crime he did.

If it is true about the money being preplanned to be there then why all the calls in the early hours on thursday morn. See to me if it was planned SS would not have been making all those calls thursday morn. jmo idk

I think the money may have been preplanned for use on Friday, the day of the opening. But after the home invasion, he decided to move that up and get the money ONE DAY earlier. JMO
It seems many are just skipping right over this, from CNN

A separate law enforcement official says investigators have been perplexed as to why the assistant changed his story multiple times, but at this point investigators don't believe he was complicit in the crime. The official cautioned, however, that a conclusion about that has not been reached.
why people insist on pushing information from a network that has proved to not be credible in their reporting on this case is perplexing...
It was. He never said the money didn't come from the bank.
The first story was that he was with the guy when he withdrew it from the B ofA. The second story was that the other guy got the money out of his pockets. I assume the whole B of A story wasn't true.
I wish dw had just used a gun. This guy loves to torture and humiliate. He is very hands on. Just shoot me and get it over with. But stabbings and bats and strangulations and arson is too much.

I bet he had access to guns but since he was such a gentle giant; He decided not to have firearms involved in his home invasion.

He seems to think that killing someone via gun is a sign of weakness.

Btw: If you think prisoners are going to beat him up for what he did. You are wrong. He will probably be looked at as a legend for the amount of news coverage and cash that he has received.

I do not claim to be an expert. Perhaps I am naive. I do not believe he will be respected. I think people convicted of a crime also are on a spectrum. Many will think this guy is sick and went beyond the norm for many housed in prisons.

I may be wrong. Killing someone in the heat of the moment is different than bashing people with a baseball bat, stabbing, torturing and murdering a child for several hours goes way beyond why many of them are imprisoned. Again, I could be wrong and not an expert. Just IMO.
I wish dw had just used a gun. This guy loves to torture and humiliate. He is very hands on. Just shoot me and get it over with. But stabbings and bats and strangulations and arson is too much.

I bet he had access to guns but since he was such a gentle giant; He decided not to have firearms involved in his home invasion.

He seems to think that killing someone via gun is a sign of weakness.

Btw: If you think prisoners are going to beat him up for what he did. You are wrong. He will probably be looked at as a legend for the amount of news coverage and cash that he has received.

Sadly I Agree. I don't think the prisoners who "matter" will have a problem with DW at all.
Even that updated story still had some incorrect things. For one, it says "Earlier this month, law enforcement officials arrested Darron Dellon Dennis Wint and charged him with first-degree murder in the case." This story was just posted today. Wint was arrested and charged May 21, not in the month of June. Do they have fact-checkers at CNN?

NOPE. probably not. My daughter's good friend used to work as a fact checker for NBC News Corp and she and her co-workers were laid off. She said that most news organizations have cut to the bare bones recently and fact checkers were one of the first things to go. They have very few and they have too much to do so it goes undone.
Just my opinion the house will be demolished and a rebuild will take it's place. jmo idk

There are plenty of homes and schools and work places that didn't get demolished after gruesome killings.

But if your comment is based from the family stating this then I'm all for it.

But please remember that people also make decisions from a emotional and or financial point of view.

Jmo. I would just sell since my parents spend years making the house worth something more than a vacant lot.

Let the new owners decide and move on. Jmo
LE seem to be adamant that more than DW was involved. When DW was arrested only $10K was located. Was the remaining $30K ever found? TIA

I don't think we've ever been told how much was found when DW was arrested. I hope that info will be released.
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