DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #12

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I think that if the sister called and SS didnt answer, it might have been a red flag. Also, I wonder if DW thought she had access to more $ for them.

I do not believe it would have raised a red flag for her. He is running a very expensive business. At the same time, launching and getting ready for the grand opening of something that was near and dear to his heart. But I do not know if he took calls from family during meeting time on a regular basis. Obviously, he spoke to her either on Wed or Th. My guess is LE focused and discovered the time of the call weeks ago.
NOPE. probably not. My daughter's good friend used to work as a fact checker for NBC News Corp and she and her co-workers were laid off. She said that most news organizations have cut to the bare bones recently and fact checkers were one of the first things to go. They have very few and they have too much to do so it goes undone.


In regard to major news organizations, journalistic standards have been greatly lowered in the last decade or so. They expect fewer people to do more and more work. Suffice it to say that accuracy is a low priority these days.

So don't blame the messenger (writer/correspondent), blame the corporation that values profits over integrity.

And the employee told LE that he gave the money bundles with bank wrappers to JW. The media reported the flurry of phone calls that AM included SS and the bank. JW took a photo of the money and a bank wrapper could be seen. Not sure why there is doubt the bank was involved. I think the evidence proves the bank supplied the money.


I don't think that has been raised. It was bank money, investigators are looking for bank receipts, bank wrappers, and no SW for accountant who says bank gave him the money--it was JW's lie that he was a party to that, saw bank give accountant the money. another example of his lie, not that bank's. Sure they have everything on video.
Why he would have told investigators he saw bank official give accountant the money--maybe to pump his cred. as in he was on the same level of trust as accountant and so stood next to him as the bank official gave "them" the money. Like, don't have to question me man, I am like Mr. official and SS's right hand dude...
One poster here said the money did not come from the bank. Yeah. It did.
The money probably came form the bank, but when? The $40,000 is different from the flurry of phone calls. The former was arranged the night before. It clearly wasn't enough so more calls were made. We do now know when the $40,000 was withdrawn because it came out of the the AIW employee's ockets.

IMO LE has spoken with the bank manager, the accountant and has the video from the transaction
Sorry folks, but the speculation wrt firefighters > drink containers must stop unless someone can provide an official (LE or MSM) source for the information.

The money probably came form the bank, but when? The $40,000 is different from the flurry of phone calls. The former was arranged the night before. It clearly wasn't enough so more calls were made. We do now know when the $40,000 was withdrawn because it came out of the the AIW employee's ockets.

BBM. SS contacted JW on Wednesday night about the need to pick up a package. If the $40,000 was mentioned at that time, please provide a link.

The flurry of phone calls came on Thursday.

The documents show a flurry of phone calls among Savvas Savopoulos, a bank, an accountant, the personal assistant, a construction company executive and Savopoulos’s American Iron Works company in the hours before the fire. The calls started shortly after 7 a.m. May 14 and ended just before noon. The fire was reported at 1:15 p.m.

My daughters boyfriend trains at a dojo. I asked him what goes on at grand openings. He said there are often 'prize fights' and 'prize' competitions. Competitors from around the world often come to openings and compete and show their skills. Maybe there were prizes being readied?

ETA: I also considered that some of these international stars might be paid to attend. I know that here are conventions, such as dragon-con, where the talent is paid to appear. And sometimes they are paid in cash for daily expenses.
Per Diem: A contractually agreedupon sum of money paid daily to help cover an actor's daily expenses

Per diem is routinely paid in cash.

I searched in total vain for some sort of announcement about the new dojo that might suggest it was going to be a big event. I didn't find anything. I would be very surprised if international stars were planning to attend.

I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but I don't think it's routine to pay per diems in cash, or at least I have never heard of a per diem being paid that way. When I have had a per diem, I've always been paid by check.
Just a thought... Information that the police has known about this case for a while continues to be very slowly made public. Is it possible that the reason for this is to lessen the trauma for the two surviving daughters? This was an unspeakable crime perpetrated against their family. I can't imagine what they must be going through.
Not likely... It must take an inordinate amount of time to sift through all the evidence.
In an ideal world, the affected would be protected- but just my input.

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BBM. SS contacted JW on Wednesday night about the need to pick up a package. If the $40,000 was mentioned at that time, please provide a link.

The flurry of phone calls came on Thursday.

The documents show a flurry of phone calls among Savvas Savopoulos, a bank, an accountant, the personal assistant, a construction company executive and Savopoulos’s American Iron Works company in the hours before the fire. The calls started shortly after 7 a.m. May 14 and ended just before noon. The fire was reported at 1:15 p.m.



Sorry if this has been discussed already. I have to skim over posts to keep up, so I may have missed it.

Any idea about this BBM? Has it been said if it was an AIW exec? I always thought it was odd the way it's worded and leads me to believe it's NOT AIW.
I searched in total vain for some sort of announcement about the new dojo that might suggest it was going to be a big event. I didn't find anything. I would be very surprised if international stars were planning to attend.

I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but I don't think it's routine to pay per diems in cash, or at least I have never heard of a per diem being paid that way. When I have had a per diem, I've always been paid by check.

I go to events with my daughter, and our per diems have always been paid in cash, so we can spend it easily that day on meals etc. I have never seen a per diem paid by check because the entire purpose is that it can be used immediately, for daily expenses. When you are out of town or out of state/country, a check is not that helpful.

I read a few posts way upthread saying that a few notables were arriving from out of town. Does anyone else remember that?
I believe there is a possibility that the bank (and others) suspected the money as a ransom demand and loaded it with a "dye pack" inside on detectable by a special light or similar. Something changed the mindset after the money drop to stimulate it to a monster murder site. I just can't believe someone walked out of B of A with $40K in cash on demand and no red flags went off.


I just don't understand why people think that it is so outrageous that SS would withdraw his own money. Even though it was in an amount much larger than what most are accustomed to doing. If the bank was suspicious, I don't see them loading a dye pack. They'd have called police as they are obligated by law to report crime/fraudulent activity. How would the dye pack help VF and the S family? If SS had authorized an individual to act on his behalf in withdrawing the money, that is all the bank needed to verify. IMO.
I wish dw had just used a gun. This guy loves to torture and humiliate. He is very hands on. Just shoot me and get it over with. But stabbings and bats and strangulations and arson is too much.

I bet he had access to guns but since he was such a gentle giant; He decided not to have firearms involved in his home invasion.

He seems to think that killing someone via gun is a sign of weakness.

Btw: If you think prisoners are going to beat him up for what he did. You are wrong. He will probably be looked at as a legend for the amount of news coverage and cash that he has received.

Disagree my friend.......even the lowest of the low will kill a baby killer. It's a strange convict moral compass but it's real.

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BBM. SS contacted JW on Wednesday night about the need to pick up a package. If the $40,000 was mentioned at that time, please provide a link.

The flurry of phone calls came on Thursday.

The documents show a flurry of phone calls among Savvas Savopoulos, a bank, an accountant, the personal assistant, a construction company executive and Savopoulos’s American Iron Works company in the hours before the fire. The calls started shortly after 7 a.m. May 14 and ended just before noon. The fire was reported at 1:15 p.m.


JW gets a call Wednesday night.I don;t think it matters whether or not he was told what was in the package. He meets the AIW employee Thursday and gets the money directly from him, the employee takes it out of his pocket. The money came from somewhere and since the report is that it as in B of A wrappers, we can assume it came from B of A. But JW did not see it being withdrawn. The same morning SS calls around and tries to get more money, in addition to the $40,000. After the fire, JW tells the police he saw the other employee withdraw the money from the bank then admits this wasn't true. He never saw it being withdrawn. It could have been withdrawn before all this happened for other purposes. This is what I assume. JW doesn't know precisely where the money came from, and doesn't know his boss is dead and thats why he lied about seeing it come from the bank. JMO.

Sorry if this has been discussed already. I have to skim over posts to keep up, so I may have missed it.

Any idea about this BBM? Has it been said if it was an AIW exec? I always thought it was odd the way it's worded and leads me to believe it's NOT AIW.

I thought it might be in reference to the contractor doing the Dojo work but now that I think about it, it could be one of the killers posing as a contractor to further the cover story that the money was for the Dojo. The Dojo was about completed.

JW gets a call Wednesday night.I don;t think it matters whether or not he was told what was in the package. He meets the AIW employee Thursday and gets the money directly from him, the employee takes it out of his pocket. The money came from somewhere and since the report is that it as in B of A wrappers, we can assume it came from B of A. But JW did not see it being withdrawn. The same morning SS calls around and tries to get more money, in addition to the $40,000. After the fire, JW tells the police he saw the other employee withdraw the money from the bank then admits this wasn't true. He never saw it being withdrawn. It could have been withdrawn before all this happened for other purposes. This is what I assume. JW doesn't know precisely where the money came from, and doesn't know his boss is dead and thats why he lied about seeing it come from the bank. JMO.

They are not accusing him of seeing or not seeing money being withdrawn. First time he claimed money were given to him in an envelope. The second time he claimed money were given to him in bundles.
The difference is what the money was in, not where the money came from. Money came from Bank of America.
JW gets a call Wednesday night.I don;t think it matters whether or not he was told what was in the package. He meets the AIW employee Thursday and gets the money directly from him, the employee takes it out of his pocket. The money came from somewhere and since the report is that it as in B of A wrappers, we can assume it came from B of A. But JW did not see it being withdrawn. The same morning SS calls around and tries to get more money, in addition to the $40,000. After the fire, JW tells the police he saw the other employee withdraw the money from the bank then admits this wasn't true. He never saw it being withdrawn. It could have been withdrawn before all this happened for other purposes. This is what I assume. JW doesn't know precisely where the money came from, and doesn't know his boss is dead and thats why he lied about seeing it come from the bank. JMO.

You are citing a lot of facts that LE has not confirmed such as whether the calls on Thursday were to obtain more than $40,000 or whether JW's revised statements were supported by actual evidence or the employee. I do doubt that the money was pulled from his pockets. And I'm pretty sure by the time LE interviewed JW, they were aware--and conveyed to him--that four people were dead in the home. I assume JW lied to protect himself, rather than protect his boss.

I just don't understand why people think that it is so outrageous that SS would withdraw his own money. Even though it was in an amount much larger than what most are accustomed to doing. If the bank was suspicious, I don't see them loading a dye pack. They'd have called police as they are obligated by law to report crime/fraudulent activity. How would the dye pack help VF and the S family? If SS had authorized an individual to act on his behalf in withdrawing the money, that is all the bank needed to verify. IMO.

Nobody has said it was outrageous, let alone so outrageous?

I agree that if they had used a dye pack, the first thing they would have done would have been to contact 911.
Nobody has said it was outrageous, let alone so outrageous?

I agree that if they had used a dye pack, the first thing they would have done would have been to contact 911.

Lol, if I went to my bank to withdraw my own hard-earned money and an employee of the bank put a dye pack in my cash and called the police, I would A) say that person has been watching too much CSI and B) change banks.

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I go to events with my daughter, and our per diems have always been paid in cash, so we can spend it easily that day on meals etc. I have never seen a per diem paid by check because the entire purpose is that it can be used immediately, for daily expenses. When you are out of town or out of state/country, a check is not that helpful.

I read a few posts way upthread saying that a few notables were arriving from out of town. Does anyone else remember that?

I do remember reading that. That people were actually "on their way" here when they learned if the murders.

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