DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #12

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Lol, if I went to my bank to withdraw my own hard-earned money and an employee of the bank put a dye pack in my cash and called the police, I would A) say that person has been watching too much CSI and B) change banks.

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ITA. I'd be steamed for sure.
Lol, if I went to my bank to withdraw my own hard-earned money and an employee of the bank put a dye pack in my cash and called the police, I would A) say that person has been watching too much CSI and B) change banks.

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I wouldn't mind if they sent LE to do a wellness check to make sure no one had a gun to my back. But a dye pack----NO WAY> That would make me angry.
I go to events with my daughter, and our per diems have always been paid in cash, so we can spend it easily that day on meals etc. I have never seen a per diem paid by check because the entire purpose is that it can be used immediately, for daily expenses. When you are out of town or out of state/country, a check is not that helpful.

I read a few posts way upthread saying that a few notables were arriving from out of town. Does anyone else remember that?

I remember some speculation that took on a life of its own, but I am pretty sure I have not seen links or any sort of substantiation of notables coming for the opening. Not saying it isn't true, but I have not seen anything other than rumor/speculation/assumption.

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I remember some speculation that took on a life of its own, but I am pretty sure I have not seen links or any sort of substantiation of notables coming for the opening. Not saying it isn't true, but I have not seen anything other than rumor/speculation/assumption.

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SS was a pretty busy man. He was a very successful man. He held some important and prestigious positions in the Martial Arts and Racing world. And he was from an influential DC family. It is hard for me to believe that he would spend so much time and effort and resources on this DOJO Grand Opening if he were not expecting a crowd and some important guests. JMO
Disagree my friend.......even the lowest of the low will kill a baby killer. It's a strange convict moral compass but it's real.

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Very real.

The two prisoners who were killed in a Nebraska prison riot on Sunday appear to have been killed by other inmates, and were serving terms for sex crimes against children, said Scott R. Frakes, director of the Department of Correctional Services.

The money probably came form the bank, but when? The $40,000 is different from the flurry of phone calls. The former was arranged the night before. It clearly wasn't enough so more calls were made. We do now know when the $40,000 was withdrawn because it came out of the the AIW employee's ockets.

Where did the above bolded part of the sentence come from? Link please? IF the money had come from the employee's pockets, red flags would have been raised many times!
In discussing this case with a CEO, he stated the accountant would have a preset limit at the bank on how much money he could sign for. The $40,000.00 was probably his limit and he would only be authorized on certain accounts.

Since SS had several businesses, we don't know how he had this set up. However, as a wise business man, I feel sure SS had limits on his various companies as a protection.
They are not accusing him of seeing or not seeing money being withdrawn. First time he claimed money were given to him in an envelope. The second time he claimed money were given to him in bundles.
The difference is what the money was in, not where the money came from. Money came from Bank of America.
Right. Where the 40 k came from and that it was 40k is not in contention as case facts. Investigators will already have verified those details. Anything JW said on the record to investigators certainly does make a difference TO THEM, however. What I'd like to know is what benefit did JW hope to gain by lying about witnessing the withdrawal? What did he anticipate witnessing it vs. not witnessing it would imply to investigators?
Apologies to yepitsme and thanks to JoeFriday. :shame:

My reading of the statement was SO far off!! I took it to mean as if money was collected from many employees pockets! How crazy of me and I read it twice.

I am so embarrassed and red faced at the moment! Please forgive me.
Affidavit isn't accusing JW of lying about seeing or not seeing the withdrawal. They are accusing him of falsely claiming money were given to him in a envelope when actually money were given to him in four bundles.
Presumably he saw the withdrawal, that is not the point of contention in the story.
Where did the above bolded part of the sentence come from? Link please? IF the money had come from the employee's pockets, red flags would have been raised many times!

It is in the CD's second, revised version of events told to LE by JW. I do believe it raised red flags with LE. I sure don't believe the employee pulled the money from his pockets. I think it was handed to JW in the same manner it was received from the bank.

Something just clicked in my mind. If you listen to the call that SS made to the housekeeper, the one in which many of us think PS can be heard in the background, he says VF is spending the night, her cellphone isn't charged, his charger won't work on her phone and to please let anyone who might be looking for her know that she is staying over. He doesn't name her husband. He seems only vaguely aware that she has family and not who they are specifically. So how did he call her husband the next day when her husband was trawling around the outside of the house? SS had her husband's number programmed into his phone? Was she alive and not gagged and forced to tell him the number?

Or did one of the abductors know him well enough to have his number handy?

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Exactly! How come he can't call him directly on Wednesday night, if he can do it on a second's notice on Thursday morning? I actually think SS was trying to give a coded message, because he said "So I don't know if you can tell anybody that would be worried about her...that she's just going to be here with us tonight." I'm still wondering if he tried to send encoded/encrypted messages to anyone else.
911 seats don't recline like regular car seats do. There is no room for the seat to go back. And unless the passenger was a 5lb. yorkie...there is no way he was hiding in the passenger seat of the Porsche. IMO

Mine does. Not completely flat, but certainly below the window line.
Hi neighbor! (I don't live in Dupont, but not far).

The metro stop is about as close to the S house as the Foggy Bottom stop is to Georgetown, which is to say not very. Its about a 15 minute walk, at least, up a hill to get there from the Woodley Park stop. Certainly possible but this is not a question of accessibility. The house was accessible if you were determined to get there, but not the softest target. And it was an awfully warm day to be walking up that hill in a hoody.

I think they drove there and the others, or other, left in the car they came in.

The person in the grainy video is an athlete. His running form is perfect, even though he's carrying a bucket. The bucket could have been empty (though why would he carry it if it was) but its still awkward and not easy to run with. I don't know if DW was an athlete and could run like that. Does anyone know if either he or his brother did some running in school?

Hi neighbor!
Right. Where the 40 k came from and that it was 40k is not in contention as case facts. Investigators will already have verified those details. Anything JW said on the record to investigators certainly does make a difference TO THEM, however. What I'd like to know is what benefit did JW hope to gain by lying about witnessing the withdrawal? What did he anticipate witnessing it vs. not witnessing it would imply to investigators?

It implies he was involved. He was lying because he knew he needed to explain how he knew it was $40,000 in cash. He wanted cops to believe he dutifully delivered the "package" to his boss and wanted them to believe if any of it was missing, well that's not his fault. The fool blew it when he took the photo and also stated the exact amount "40" in the text message.

Apologies to yepitsme and thanks to JoeFriday. :shame:

My reading of the statement was SO far off!! I took it to mean as if money was collected from many employees pockets! How crazy of me and I read it twice.

I am so embarrassed and red faced at the moment! Please forgive me.

Oh, don't feel that way! I got so dizzy reading CD, at one time I was seeing double--literally. I thought I made the brilliant discovery that TWO employees in addition to JW were at the BOA. I had to point this out to everyone on the board.
Apologies to yepitsme and thanks to JoeFriday. :shame:

My reading of the statement was SO far off!! I took it to mean as if money was collected from many employees pockets! How crazy of me and I read it twice.

I am so embarrassed and red faced at the moment! Please forgive me.

Hey man.....it's hard and confusing to keep up with this stuff! Especially after a couple nice glasses of good wine! [emoji485][emoji485]

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Nobody is saying you can't take your own money out in cash, it's just that specific thresholds exist for a reason and an amount of $40k can and would raise an alert for lots of people. I'm sure there are specifics that can indicate whether it may be for nefarious reasons vs entirely innocent reasons. I have no idea what SS banking habits were. I didn't make up the laws, I'm just reciting what they are and why some of us might think it noteworthy to carry around that amount of cash.
Yes, regulations are in place to try and prevent crime and potential ransom money would be one of those crimes.[/QUOTE] bbm

bbm1 A one time $40,000 currency transaction, raising an alert for lots of ppl?
Yes, maybe for some ppl.
Not so much for others & fin institutions. From my 20+ yrs employment experience in branch ofcs & home ofc of national financial institution, this ^ transaction is not a brow-raiser, ime. $40,000 currency transaction, then local branch or home ofc completes CTR form & moves on w bus. of day.W a one-off transaction, NBD - as far as currency reporting law. Now if an employee had reason to believe a ransom situation prompted the currency request, could be diff story (I don't recall any like that at our firm, ime). However our software kicked out reports highlighting what would appear to be attempts to structure transactions to evade CTRs. An officer reviewing these internal reports would decide whether to complete & file CTRs, poss'ly leaning toward "over-reporting." JMcts.

bbm2 Nefarious vs innocent reasons for currency?
The CTR form that a bank, brokerage, et al complete does not req or ask info about 'reason' for the currency. Some legit businesses operate on currency; some crim. enterprises deal in large amts of currency. The IRS is responsible for sorting out who is $ laundering and engaging in other tax avoidance schemes. In completing & filing CTRs w the IRS, banks & brokerages do not shoulder that burden. JMcts.

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Currency_transaction_report

See [PDF]104 Currency Transaction Report - Internal Revenue …

FelicityLemon -
I agree - without knowing Mr S' and AIW's banking patterns and practices, who could say his requests to bank s/h/raised alarm there.
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