DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #13

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At least three more new details did come out in that 20/20 special. SS, AS and PS took a sabbatical and lived in the Virgin Islands for a year...while the girls stayed in the US at boarding schools. We also learned they had a private jet and a yacht.

Does the year coinicide with when the Mosler seemed to not be registered? When was the virgin island year? The Mosler seemed to have its registration expire in 2013, then steps were taken in early 2015 to get it emissions tested, presumably to get it reregistered.
While scouring court records, I noticed on one that he actually did hold a job, at Metal Fab Inc, in 2008...after he left AIW.

Just K, I just want to say how much I appreciate your sleuthing. A lot of the "sleuthing" that goes on here is just commenting and speculating, but you actually learn facts that are super-interesting and potentially very relevant. For that, I am very appreciative!
I answered my own question:


Beginning in Fall of 2012, Savvopoulos spent a year in the virigin islands. So they came back in the Fall of 2013. The car registration for the Mosler -- if it expired -- would have expired in November of 2013. So the Virgin Island year doesn't explain the lapse in the Mosler registration.

That article had another piece of information that I don't recall seeing before. PS was scheduled to be back at school on Tuesday, but the crime started on Wednesday. Has the reason for that been discussed? From the Washington Post article above,

"...she next week was spent nursing Philip back to health. Amy’s last post on Facebook came on the night of Monday, May 11: 'And little P makes three with concussions,' she told her friends. 'First day back to St. Albans on Tuesday. Let’s cross our fingers that it’s a different experience there. #feeling motivated.'
I am almost positive I wouldn't have thought anything of it and done as requested. AS said she was taking care of a sick child. It was after 9pm. She paid for it over the phone and then left a tip in an envelope.

There is even a place for "delivery instructions" when you order online (from the 3 places I have available to me - Dominos, Papa Johns and PizzaHut). So I would bet they often get some interesting requests. I have thought about it because our 3 dogs make it soooooo difficult to answer the door...but I have to sign the receipt - so I can't.

Yep. It was paid for, tip left...it's all good. What they do with the pizza after they pay for it is their business, not the delivery guys
Maybe DW didn't act alone, maybe he did, I don't know. All I'm saying is contrary to Brad Garrett's opinion that DW couldn't have done it alone, DW could very well have done this alone. IOW, it wouldn't be impossible for DW to have been able to do this all by himself.

I just think it's HIGHLY unlikely that one person would have been able to simultaneously control three grown adults (one of whom had formal training in martial arts) and a 10 year old in two separate rooms, while also having the ability to order a pizza, control SS and AS communications to various people, and coordinate receipt of the cash.

Honestly, I would be a little bit surprised if fewer than three people were involved. I still don't think DW is the person seen running from the burning vehicle... DW just has an entirely different build than what appears to be shown in the video. https://youtu.be/J4oMxwTNgaM

I'm still perplexed that none of the people taken into custody at the time of DW arrest were found to have any direct involvement.
What ever happened to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)? They are busy deporting children of undocumented aliens and not tracking felons like Wint. Why do I even ask?

This!!!! 1000 times! These officials have the blood on their hands. There is not one reason this animal shouldn't have been deported years ago! My husbands cousin was deported for credit card fraud that occurred when she was a teenager - ripped her away from her 2 young children. Not saying that's ok, but he was still here??? Something is very very wrong here!

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I agree. I love Ryan. I don't know what HLN was thinking . I cannot watch HLN during the day anymore. Those viral video stupid shows are mindless drivel. It is ridiculous.

THANK YOU.... I don't know what happened to HLN, unwatchable.
Okay, let's say it was a hit. I again go back to what's "logical" (in my head anyway [emoji66]) What are the odds, the sheer odds that someone put a hit on this family and the hit man they hired is a guy who A) knows the victim and B) used to work at his company years prior? I've seen the movie 6 Degrees of Separation but how would DW know anyone that SS knows??

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I Agree. DW is no HIT man. He would have been out of there that night.
NG says the voice mail telling her not to come to work on Thursday saved her life. But she had already made arrangements with SS to work at the dojo on Friday instead of at the house on Thursday.

That may have been SS's attempt to get out a message. If he had arranged on Weds. for NG to work at the dojo on Thurs. then she would not be expected to come to work at the home on Thurs. However they tell DW, another housekeeper is coming tomorrow, we need to contact her. SS calls and leaves the voice mail Weds night, AS raises the issue in the morning that NG didn't acknowledge the call so she needs to text her. Unfortunately, NG, although she thought the phone call was strange but didn't pick up that it was an instruction contrary to the prior plan to work at the dojo. Now don't blame NG, she was just following orders from the family.
I've been thinking about something that struck me when I heard PS's voice in the background of that call SS made. I have hesitated to post about this because it is so painful to think about what that poor little boy went through. But for any others who have heard it, I would love to hear your take, insights, thoughts, opinions. At first I thought he may have said "what are you doing", or "I don't want to " or something like that, but I really can’t be sure. Yet, although I could not make out precisely what he was saying, his tone was pretty clear. I heard annoyance and confusion and fear in his tone. But what struck me is that something about his tone also spoke to familiarity. In other words, if it were a complete stranger to him, I cannot imagine a 10 year old child in the scene he was in, being bold enough to speak with that tone to a complete stranger who has them all hostage. The recording I heard was not the original version that apparently had more of PS in the background.
IDK. Not sure if I’m even making sense.
Wish someone would respond to my post about Wint being hired by another SS company after termination from AIW. Did he just transfer? Maybe wasn't fired? We can talk pizza would've could've should've but would love your thoughts on this, # 257 above. :)

This is new! We've know SS had the other company and there was some legal issues
with it, but no idea DW worked there.
Did SS leave a message during that last call to JW? Never heard if there was a message left. Wondering if was a simple butt dial.....happens. Maybe it was while DW was collecting all the phones.......

My questions is why JW didn't answer the 11:54 AM call from SS or at least his phone. And yes it would be interesting to know if there was a voice message left for JW. My hunch is there wasn't.
I've been actively following this case and reading the boards as a guest, but thought I would join in the discussion. Forgive me if this has already been suggested or discussed.

In my opinion, the assistant JW was definitely involved.

Then, there's the fact that JW car was found parked only a block from the family's home the day of the fire. So, he receives word of a fire at his employer's house while in Chantilly, drives back to DC to their house and finds their home engulfed in flames, and then... parks his car and leaves on foot/with a friend/in an Uber? That makes ZERO sense. Obviously, he dropped the money off, DW murdered the family and took care of setting the house on fire, and the deed was done. He went back to get his share of the money, to help with getting rid of supplies used to start the fire, to give DW a ride to metro, and/or to have one last joy ride in the Porsche.

The person in the surveillance video running away from the torched Porsche has a taller and leaner build than DW. I think the person in the video is JW.

These are just my thoughts, but the fact that his car was parked a block away without him in sight, is just a major giveaway in my opinion.

Source article: http://www.washingtonpost.com/local...9031d4-0adf-11e5-a7ad-b430fc1d3f5c_story.html

JW went back after the fire had been reported, after someone had called AIW and someone from AIW called him. He parked a block away because you couldn't get any closer. It looks like he left with the police to be questioned at the station. There is nothing about him returning to the house that is suspicious to me, especially since he was public about the fact that he was returning.

He clearly lied to cover up something but I don't think it was this crime. As I've written before, I think he thought there was something not right about the money, or something SS wanted to keep confidential. SS was not identified at this time and there was some belief that the man found in the fire was an employee of the family, not SS. They were not releasing any names publicly and JW had every reason to think SS was still alive and still his boss. I think that explains why he wasn't trying to reach SS -- he wasn't concerned. He assumed SS was at the dojo or somewhere else. AS was the one he was concerned about.

The one thing that give me pause about JW was not answering the call from SS after he dropped off the money. Do we know if SS left a message or also sent a text? if so, it could have been as simple as "got the money," in a message or a text and JW would have seen no reason to respond.

As for the pizza, there is no way a pizza delivery person would assume the family was being held hostage. No one would think that. THey could have been in a back room watching a movie on TV and thats why the lights were off. There's no reason why a pizza delivery person would even take the time to wonder.

And if SS wanted to send a secret message that they needed help he would have succeeded. Its clear to me he thought his son would be safer if he cooperated.


Stop with the rudeness. If you have a problem or concern, Contact a Mod, scroll and roll or you may find the ignore button can be your best friend.
We don't know if the 11:54 call was answered or not. The only thing we know is that was the last call from his phone. We also know that JW tried to call SS at 1:40 and there was no answer.
Has anybody considered this.....I have never delivered pizza...but if I did and someone had me leave it on the porch I would have called the police and reported suspicious activity! This is just crazy!

We order pizza fairly often. It's usually when events haven't gone as planned and don't feel like cooking that night. The pizza place has our card info on file. Sometimes delivery is in 15 minutes. I can actually see myself telling them that if nobody answers the door, just leave it on the patio table. I might be taking a shower. The pizza guy in this case wasn't aware of all the other events occurring at the same time. Taken as a whole, yes, everything was suspicious but without context, this single stand-alone event wasn't a blaring red light, IMO.
And I'm in finance. You do indeed need to fill out IRS forms for a withdrawal of 10k! How could that happen when all this bad stuff was going down?

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The customer doesn't have to fill out the forms. That is the bank's responsibility. SS does not need to be personally present for that. It's not that big of a deal to fill out the forms. BOA would already have all the required info on file.
Khaki, I thought the same thing regarding Philip's tone sounding like he was yelling at someone he knew. I really wish I hadn't heard that message, because hearing it and not being able to help that little boy is gut-wrenching. It's too much. But I think about how my 10-year-old son and his friends communicate, and something about what I heard sounded like he was really mad at someone he knew. I try to make myself feel better that maybe Philip gave them hell. He had love from his parents. He had to know that. I hope it was short period that there was no hope. :( too sad
1) She attended the funeral. Doubtful the surviving family is going out of its way to avoid her. I don't see why they would share the uncalled for hostility some in the public feel for her--JMO No wonder people have survivor guilt.
2) I think the family has made it clear they want THEIR own privacy respected
3) She has tried to clear up the media' inaccurate, incomplete info. from earlier days. And its still goes on (see details about the murder in today's CNN story, also aired on tv). She never claimed to know about any transaction ahead of time. She told People.com those false reports have bothered her. She wishes to clear them up. Asked if her employer usually had cash delivered to the house, she has consistently said she never witnessed same.
4) Given that she is VF's employer and has been the cleaning service for family for a few decades, she does know about VF's usual schedule. As well, she was the recipient of phone calls/texts over two days, so she has filled in some gaps and addressed their content in terms of HER finding them strange. I do not see how discussing her feelings and the part of the time-line she knows harms the family or the case. I sure don't see how the few details she provides implies she might be involved.
Nothing she has disclosed threatens survivors' security. Nothing she has said goes beyond the scope of what she would know based on some phone calls and her role in the life of the family. If she started going on about the personal habits of her employers, their medical history, their relationship, personal confidences or conversations she has overheard, we might have reason to criticize her.
Some in the public seem to feel the servants should be neither seen nor heard. She is a survivor and she is a victim of loss in this hideous crime.

JMO and a strong one.

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