DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #13

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It could be LinkedIn's "fault." I seem to have LinkedIn page that I did not create--I assume they gathered the information from some of my employers websites. I'm slightly curious about what it says but don't want to create an account just to see what my "full profile" reveals.
Aha!!! I never thought of that, but now that you describe it that way, that probably is how it works! So intrusive. I have never signed up to LinkedIn and it never occurred to me that there might be one for me already.
I've never even really looked myself up on the internet.
Deportation is the least of DW's worries. He would serve his sentence first and since his sentence will probably not allow for him to leave jail alive, I doubt he'll ever face deportation. Immigration law is this lawyer's comfort zone so thats what he's focusing on when in reality this is a murder case. But these lawyers have no experience with murder.
The document being referenced as the BMW SW Return is actually an Evidence Collection Log. The date on the document is the date entered into the evidence room at the PD Forensic Evidence Laboratory. The other Return documents are labelled Return and more informally list the evidence than this document. The BMW most likely was searched on the 15th rather than delayed for six days.

That sounds right and I don't know anything about SW and returns, however, on the first page about halfway down, it says this:


"I received the above detailed warrant on May 15, 2015, and have executed it as follows:
On May 21, 2015, at 2:38pm I searched the vehicle described in the warrant and I left a copy of the warrant and return with Case Agent properly posted."


Do you think it's just a recording thing? If I just read this as an uninformed lay-person, it sounds like they searched it on the 21st, but if you are familiar with these procedures I'll take your word for it. :) Wint was named as a suspect about 24 hours before that. Could that be relevant?
SS wasn't identified until the next day. At the time at least one LE source told a reporter at the scene, who told me, that the 4th body was a male employee. But they knew immediately it was a murder scene.
Yes. To the best of his knowledge, SS could not be located. I would think, having come to the scene of the family house, seeing the damage, perhaps flames, maybe firefighters pulling out bodies, and with no msg. back from Amy, he might have called AIW, the Dojo, Mrs. G., ANYONE, and asked if still no word on Amy and SS. As he had received no word all this time as to their welfare, and the last time he knew SS was inside the house, how could he fail to have a clue that he was standing in front of a potentially serious accident, and that now, with LE interviewing him about a money delivery, he's a witness in a potential crime?
As you say, THEY knew immediately. My gosh, hundreds of miles away, I knew the fire was "suspicious" and there had been fatalities. Live news/breaking news.
The very LEAST JW could have known is that the questions about his own actions have grave implications.
JMO/ speculative
You know the more I think the more I'd like to know about W3. Is it possible this person provided a "false" description of man driving Porsche to throw LE off ... and make it seem like JW was driver? JW has short well groomed hair & that fits neatly with description. W3 could be one of the 'others' involved with DW. JMO
Was driving SS really dream job?

I doubt playing chauffeur when he used to giving newspaper interviews, being a Big Man at the track, etc....is anywhere near "a dream job." No ego stroking here.

On my opinion of course.

Actually I called it a sweet job.

How about this: Plausible, but he would really be jeopardizing his job for one big payoff and stepping into a criminal world that I doubt he had ever experienced. He certainly is gullible enough to try.
IMO SS had been trying to send subtle messages to people that didn't pick up on his hints. A courier service certainly wouldn't help, so he convinces DW, that "We need to contact JW and get him to bring more cash.
Maybe SS had a plan for another bs message hoping that JW would realize something wasn't real. Unfortunately, no connection and his backup rescue plan failed.

Maybe. In that desperate moment I think I would've instead fabricated a reason to call a really smart friend or family member who knew me well enough to pick up on my subtle messages instead of a seemingly immature young man. But, maybe he thought JW would give him his best shot for some reason. Or maybe he had already tried to call some others. This just happened to be his last call.
Could they have just impounded the car until they uncovered more evidence against JW. At that point, with increased suspicions, they decided to actually execute the Search Warrant.

Can they do that?

I think that would be an anticipatory search warrant.

From Nolo.com
Search Warrants and Probable Cause

A judge will issue a warrant if the police can show that it's reasonably likely that the search will turn up contraband or evidence of a crime.

Information Needed to Establish Probable Cause

The Fourth Amendment doesn’t define probable cause. Its meaning remains fuzzy. What is clear (after 200 years of court interpretations) is that the affidavits police officers submit to judges have to identify objectively suspicious activities rather than simply recite the officer’s subjective beliefs. The affidavits have to establish more than a suspicion that criminal activity is afoot, but do not have to show proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
The information in an affidavit need not be in a form that would be admissible at trial. (For example, a judge or magistrate may consider hearsay evidence that seems reliable, even if a judge might exclude it at trial.) However, the circumstances set forth in an affidavit, viewed as a whole, should demonstrate the reliability of the information (Illinois v. Gates, U.S. Sup. Ct. 1983). In general, when deciding whether to issue a search warrant, a judge or magistrate will likely consider information in an affidavit reliable if it comes from any of these sources:

  • a confidential police informant whose past reliability has been established or who has firsthand knowledge of illegal goings-on
  • an informant who implicates himself or herself as well as the suspect
  • an informant whose information appears to be correct after at least partial verification by the police
  • a victim of a crime related to the search
  • a witness to the crime related to the search, or
  • another police officer.

JMO/pure speculation: LE had more on JW than the lies cited on the CD, as of the date of the SW.

I do not mean to imply that they had proof of guilt or even evidence of guilt. Just that they had reason (probable cause) to think they would find evidence of guilt and a judge agre
ed with them.

JW is not a suspect in the case or a POI and has been charged with no crime.

I agree with you. But as impressed as JW is with money it only makes sense that he didn't take a photo of 4 stacks of money because he never had 4 stacks of money. With all we know about him, if he could've he would've.

Or $20K was his...
Yes. To the best of his knowledge, SS could not be located. I would think, having come to the scene of the family house, seeing the damage, perhaps flames, maybe firefighters pulling out bodies, and with no msg. back from Amy, he might have called AIW, the Dojo, Mrs. G., ANYONE, and asked if still no word on Amy and SS. As he had received no word all this time as to their welfare, and the last time he knew SS was inside the house, how could he fail to have a clue that he was standing in front of a potentially serious accident, and that now, with LE interviewing him about a money delivery, he's a witness in a potential crime?
As you say, THEY knew immediately. My gosh, hundreds of miles away, I knew the fire was "suspicious" and there had been fatalities. Live news/breaking news.
The very LEAST JW could have known is that the questions about his own actions have grave implications.
JMO/ speculative

Of course he knew he was lying to LE about a probably arson and murder. My point is that he did not know his boss was dead. Which to me explains why he lied.
About the search warrant, remember that was requested before they had identified DW. There is a lower standard with respect to cars because they can drive away. I think the lying would have provided sufficient basis for a SW, I don't think LE necessarily knew more.
That sounds right and I don't know anything about SW and returns, however, on the first page about halfway down, it says this:


"I received the above detailed warrant on May 15, 2015, and have executed it as follows:
On May 21, 2015, at 2:38pm I searched the vehicle described in the warrant and I left a copy of the warrant and return with Case Agent properly posted."


Do you think it's just a recording thing? If I just read this as an uninformed lay-person, it sounds like they searched it on the 21st, but if you are familiar with these procedures I'll take your word for it. :) Wint was named as a suspect about 24 hours before that. Could that be relevant?
You are correct. There are actually two Return pages in the PDF. One is blank and the other has been filled out by Det. Darryl Richmond. He dated it 05/21 which would indicate the BMW was in custody for six days before it was searched.
I hope they have better records than this on chain of custody of the vehicle.
Plausible, but he would really be jeopardizing his sweet job for one big payoff and stepping into a criminal world that I doubt he had ever experienced. He certainly is gullible enough to try.

Agreed, I would say for anyone involved this was not a well-calculated risk. But people take stupid risks that jeopardize their jobs, families and lives for little money all the time.

In CA recently, a woman in her twenties staged her own kidnapping with her boyfriend to get her dad to give $8500 in ransom money. She was darling with a gorgeous smile, worked as a physical therapist and was known to have a sterling character.

As so many have said, maybe JW thought he would get much more money. However, he was impressed enough by $40k ($20k visible) to show it off in a pic to his GF, and she seemed completely blown away by the amount. Jeeezus!
Deportation should be the least of DW's worries when facing a possible death penalty.

I know, right? Unless.... pure speculation here- what if he honestly is only looking at worst case scenario some sort of sentence and then deportation- i.e. what if the DNA from wint is there because he was legitimately there, but what if the person who carried out the horrific acts was like his brother?

Chances are LE is on the right track but as long as we're examining all angles...

Hypothetical: Anyone read Defending Jacob (lawyers, chime in here)- the killing "gene" (if that really exists?)- wint was there- but a relative(s?) and accomplices did the really awful stuff. Wint throws them all under the bus, gets minimal time, pleas out (he seems like a plea deal kinda guy)- and wants to secure his ticket back to Guyana where he can do whatever whenever?

Just a random and likely far fetched theory.
sbm. From link: Atty: "My client is a U. S. citizen." bbm
WaPo reporter: "Wint was born in Guyana and became a naturalized citizen after moving to the U.S. in 2000." bbm

Pardon me?
Early threads discussed DW as permanent resident/green card holder, not a citizen.

Remember early talk about his (~ 2-3 mo?) US Marine Corps service?

Did his being in USMC lead to nat. citizenship, maybe pt of reason he went in?
"Path to U.S. citizenship
A lawful permanent resident can apply for United States citizenship, or naturalization, after five years of residency. This period is shortened to three years if married to a U.S. citizen...Male permanent residents between the ages of 18 and 25 are subject to registering in the Selective Service System." bbm

All of above is IIRC, w no link, could be all wrong.
Under felony murder, it doesn't matter who did what. If they are multiple perps, and one killed everybody, while other perps were just sitting around eating pizza, all of them can be charged with the same thing.
Actually I called it a sweet job.

How about this: Plausible, but he would really be jeopardizing his job for one big payoff and stepping into a criminal world that I doubt he had ever experienced. He certainly is gullible enough to try.

This is a very good question! And on the one hand, I think no, just not the type, not the history. Then again, are we sure he has never rubbed elbows with "the criminal world?" We can't be of course. Admittedly, we look at his photos, read his enthusiastic and professional sounding descriptions of the programs he's running, know a bit of his outer persona through what we glimpsed on FB, and thus far, we find no criminal record. STILL, many scam artists, small time non-violent sociopaths, workplace thieves and embezzlers, never serve time or face real charges.

All we know about him is through the short time he was at Autobahn. And that he did some amateur racing before then and wanted to go big time. Sum total. Very small window, very small world he showed the public--the Kart racing world, the stint at the racing school.
We don't KNOW JW. We don't know his history.

I hope he is not in any way connected to this most awful of crimes as then truly he would be the snake in the garden of eden, not to get too bible-thumpster. JMO
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