DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #15

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My recollection (and I could be wrong) was they were two separate events. His sister said they talked, but someone else (neighbor? NG?unnamed source?) mentioned the lawn company.

I could be wrong though.

That sounds more reasonable than my memory. I do wish we knew more from the sister about that call. (And my heart breaks for her knowing now what she didn't know while she was on the phone with SS.)
I think his first account was closer to the truth, at least in that he received the money in an envelope. I have said before, I think he wanted to know what was in the package, so he opened it, which then meant he needed to put it in a new envelope so SS wouldn't know he had snooped. I don't know the significance of lying about whether the car was locked or not. I don't know why JW would have gone into the bank with the accountant. If I was withdrawing $40K, I wouldn't want the new assistant to see me doing it (which is another reason I think the money was in a manila envelope - not pulled from the accountant's pockets.) Why on earth would the accountant tell JW that he just handed him $40,000, but not make any record of JW receiving it?

Every time I start to think JW was not involved in the crime, I remember the Mosler registration. I can't think of any legitimate reason that it should have been in his bag with his passport, etc. SS had the car emissions-tested months before he hired JW, around the same time that JW took and posted a pic of the car, saying he'd driven it because the owner wanted to know what a "real race car driver" thought.

If he's not involved, he is the unluckiest guy in the history of unlucky guys.

I think the accountant gave JW the money because SS told him to. No need for a receipt. The Mosler registration was expired and useless. It was not the title.
I think his first account was closer to the truth, at least in that he received the money in an envelope. I have said before, I think he wanted to know what was in the package, so he opened it, which then meant he needed to put it in a new envelope so SS wouldn't know he had snooped. I don't know the significance of lying about whether the car was locked or not. I don't know why JW would have gone into the bank with the accountant. If I was withdrawing $40K, I wouldn't want the new assistant to see me doing it (which is another reason I think the money was in a manila envelope - not pulled from the accountant's pockets.) Why on earth would the accountant tell JW that he just handed him $40,000, but not make any record of JW receiving it?

Every time I start to think JW was not involved in the crime, I remember the Mosler registration. I can't think of any legitimate reason that it should have been in his bag with his passport, etc. SS had the car emissions-tested months before he hired JW, around the same time that JW took and posted a pic of the car, saying he'd driven it because the owner wanted to know what a "real race car driver" thought.

If he's not involved, he is the unluckiest guy in the history of unlucky guys.
You make a good point about the envelope. His gf may be familiar with his red bag, so he wanted to impress her with a picture of big money in that bag. Then he came back down to reality and realized he needed another envelope for the money, or maybe the original one wasn't torn too bad and he was able to tape it shut, hoping his boss wouldn't notice.

With the Mosler registration, maybe he "borrowed" it to prove to some doubter that he really did have access to and had driven a Mosler.

Personally, I think this guy is a big dreamer and, sadly, his dream fizzled into one sorry nightmare. I believe he really did care for his employer and his family, and their murder has weighed heavy on him -- even heavier on him than it would had he not abused his position with AIW to promote himself socially.

I agree that all this does make him look guilty of involvement, but until there is evidence presented against him, I'm going to lean toward the side of his innocence.
Okay, this is bugging me. When the story first hit the news, there was mention that SS talked to his sister in Florida that morning and she thought everything was fine. I'm remembering she mentioned that SS said the lawn crew was there. Am I remembering that correctly? (It's possible I'm not!)
If so, I'm thinking that was a clue to her about who the perps were or how they entered the home. It's a strange thing to randomly mention in a phone call. I also wonder if SS initiated the call or if her call was mixed in the flurry of calls that morning....
bbm sbm

My 1st thought echoed yours: why w/ Mr S mention lawn crew to sister (if he did)?
Then re-thought: if machinery was noisy, w/h/bn difficult for Mr S to hear sister or w/h/drowned out his words to her. With noisy background, not so strange to mention lawn crew. JM2cts, could be all wrong.
I was doing some backreading cause I am new here, not to the case though.

Walked in to our kitchen a few minutes ago and what caught my eye, but a red lined backpack slung over one of our barstool chairs. Did a double take, looked a little closer and saw the "Herschel" tag. My wife knows I've been following this case and we had a little chuckle over my "holy crap" moment. She's had it a few months but I had never really noticed it. Crazy. IMG_20150622_203808.jpg
Walked in to our kitchen a few minutes ago and what caught my eye, but a red lined backpack slung over one of our barstool chairs. Did a double take, looked a little closer and saw the "Herschel" tag. My wife knows I've been following this case and we had a little chuckle over my "holy crap" moment. She's had it a few months but I had never really noticed it. Crazy. View attachment 76836

Since there's no cash in there; I would check JW whereabouts. Lol.

That bag looks 1 book heavy and 40 Large light.

You make a good point about the envelope. His gf may be familiar with his red bag, so he wanted to impress her with a picture of big money in that bag. Then he came back down to reality and realized he needed another envelope for the money, or maybe the original one wasn't torn too bad and he was able to tape it shut, hoping his boss wouldn't notice.

With the Mosler registration, maybe he "borrowed" it to prove to some doubter that he really did have access to and had driven a Mosler.

Personally, I think this guy is a big dreamer and, sadly, his dream fizzled into one sorry nightmare. I believe he really did care for his employer and his family, and their murder has weighed heavy on him -- even heavier on him than it would had he not abused his position with AIW to promote himself socially.

I agree that all this does make him look guilty of involvement, but until there is evidence presented against him, I'm going to lean toward the side of his innocence.

I think it would weird me out if my BF put somebody else's money in his bag and sent a photo. I'm curious as to what he had told her. I would bet he was trying to make her think it was his - otherwise it'd make no sense it was in his backpack or bag. This is pretty disturbing. I wouldn't be surprised if the GF contacted LE herself after hearing the news. I'd be scared to death my BF was involved.
bbm sbm

My 1st thought echoed yours: why w/ Mr S mention lawn crew to sister (if he did)?
Then re-thought: if machinery was noisy, w/h/bn difficult for Mr S to hear sister or w/h/drowned out his words to her. With noisy background, not so strange to mention lawn crew. JM2cts, could be all wrong.

Or did perps have weed wacker in the house as torture and turn it on to warn SS not to say a word. I doubt you could hear lawn crew from inside with quality windows and buildout. They maybe found it in garage or had it when they rang doorbell?
I keep bouncing around questions about these issues. What wd a reasonable person do / would I do in those shoes?

1. If SS spoke directly to AIW acct'ant, to JW, to BoA, what did he tell ea of them?
- To AIW acct'ant, get $40,000 from safe? BoA? Put $ in env, give to JW, don't tell him what, have him deliver to home.
- To JW - meet acct'ant; get package; drive straight to my home, put in red car in garage, leave immed.
- To BoA - I'm emailing auth for w/d from AIW a/c or my personal a/c. Give $ to acct'ant or JW?
Or e-mail me encrypted form I'll e-sign & email back? Or I'll stop by BoA Friday, sign hardcopy form in person?

2. What wd/did acct'ant do?
Get $40,000 from safe or BoA? Put $ in env, give to JW, not tell him what, have him deliver to home.
Wd acct'ant write quickie rcpt for JW to sign to ack receiving package & instruxn to deliver?
If acct'ant was on BoA surv-cam w $ handed to him, put in env, then still on cam, handed to JW, wd he think - that's sufficient?

3. What wd/did JW do?
Meet acct'ant; get package; drive straight to S home, put $ in env in red car in garage, leave immed.
At least one distraction: take pic of $, email. Other variances? Did JW arrive at S home, walk around, knock on doors?
Try to deliver package to Mr S personally?
Did JW leave only pt of $? Not deliver any $ to S home?
Other communctns w DDW knowingly? Or unknowing tel-con, texts, VMs, w DDW-directing Mr S?

4. What wd/did BoA do?
Say ok to Mr S's request(s)? I'm emailing auth for w/d from AIW a/c or my personal a/c. Give to acct'ant or JW?
Or e-mail me encrypted form I'll e-sign & email back? Or I'll stop by BoA Friday, sign hardcopy form in person?

5. What about construction co/contractor in Mr S's flurry of calls? Did Mr S postpone or cancel a meeting?
On-site progress inspection? Something else?

Hard for me to imagine - like some others here have said -
personally being participant/courier to receive or deliver $40,000 currency and not getting siggie from other(s) involved.
JM2cts, could be all wrong.
Or did perps have weed wacker in the house as torture and turn it on to warn SS not to say a word. I doubt you could hear lawn crew from inside with quality windows and buildout. They maybe found it in garage or had it when they rang doorbell?

Before running away with this discussion, I can't recall anything about SS's sister claiming SS told her anything about lawn crew being there.
Before running away with this discussion, I can't recall anything about SS's sister claiming SS told her anything about lawn crew being there.

Me either........only that they talked and it was a "normal" conversation.

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bbm sbm

My 1st thought echoed yours: why w/ Mr S mention lawn crew to sister (if he did)?
Then re-thought: if machinery was noisy, w/h/bn difficult for Mr S to hear sister or w/h/drowned out his words to her. With noisy background, not so strange to mention lawn crew. JM2cts, could be all wrong.

Maybe that was SS's clue. "Lawn crew". Maybe they didn't have a lawn crew and he hoped his sister would pick up on this. Crew.
Has LE or anyone confirmed this?
I looked in the urban dictionary to see if lawn crew had another meaning. Nothing there. But I did find a business by that name...
And that pressure washer box was in the garage...
Does anyone believe we will get any new information at the preliminary hearing for DW? I feel like we need some more information. Speculation is great but will anything new be on the horizon at that hearing???

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Me either........only that they talked and it was a "normal" conversation.

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Exactly. I can't find anything suggesting SS told his sister that lawn crew was there.
What sisters reportedly said is that SS was in good spirits. Nothing about lawn crew.
I have been lurking here. Can you or anyone else source the above part of the quote? Thanks

Responding to TexMex made me start thinking about when JW would have first seen the Mosler. He posted a photo of it on SM (A) on January 4th. The DMV lists the car as passing its emissions test on January 3rd in Derwood MD, months before SS hired JW. I just checked the arial view of the Autobahn parking lot and I FINALLY found where the photo was taken - in the Autobahn parking lot (B). You can see the very distinctive stripes to the starboard side of the Mosler (C), as well as the top of the address of 8260 Preston Ct across the road (D).

Given that the car registration seems to have expired and the emissions test is necessary to renew it, I would assume that SS was not driving it on a regular basis before January. Since there's no photo of JW driving the car, we don't really know if he did. I think that day is the first time JW saw the Mosler and if he and the car are involved in the crime, I think that would be the earliest a plan could have started hatching. Absolutely JMO, but I have a hard time believing the impetus for the crime was a ten year-old grudge, although it could have played a role.


ETA: JW again posted on SM about the Mosler on April 17th. Was SS driving the car without current registration or had he renewed it online and MD doesn't report registration renewals to Carfax?

The quote mentioned a few posts above was posted on January 2nd.
Broke Racers ClubFacebook.jpg
I think the accountant gave JW the money because SS told him to. No need for a receipt. The Mosler registration was expired and useless. It was not the title.

Expired or not, why would SS give a legal document with details about one of his vehicles to his employee of 6 weeks?
Expired or not, why would SS give a legal document with details about one of his vehicles to his employee of 6 weeks?

Agree. This guy moved up too quick in the position for my taste.

Who was the driver before him and was he that privy as well.
Agree. This guy moved up too quick in the position for my taste.

Who was the driver before him and was he that privy as well.

Interesting. I bet SS created this driver position just for JW. JW definitely used his charm on SS!!
Responding to TexMex made me start thinking about when JW would have first seen the Mosler. He posted a photo of it on SM (A) on January 4th. The DMV lists the car as passing its emissions test on January 3rd in Derwood MD, months before SS hired JW. I just checked the arial view of the Autobahn parking lot and I FINALLY found where the photo was taken - in the Autobahn parking lot (B). You can see the very distinctive stripes to the starboard side of the Mosler (C), as well as the top of the address of 8260 Preston Ct across the road (D).

Given that the car registration seems to have expired and the emissions test is necessary to renew it, I would assume that SS was not driving it on a regular basis before January. Since there's no photo of JW driving the car, we don't really know if he did. I think that day is the first time JW saw the Mosler and if he and the car are involved in the crime, I think that would be the earliest a plan could have started hatching. Absolutely JMO, but I have a hard time believing the impetus for the crime was a ten year-old grudge, although it could have played a role.

View attachment 76843

ETA: JW again posted on SM about the Mosler on April 17th. Was SS driving the car without current registration or had he renewed it online and MD doesn't report registration renewals to Carfax?
View attachment 76846

The quote mentioned a few posts above was posted on January 2nd.
View attachment 76845

Awesome sleuthing rkf!!! I live in DC and can't understand why the emissions testing would've been done in Derwood, MD. If he kept the car in his garage in DC or at AIW in Hyattsville, then this place seems out of the way. Does SS have a business in Derwood? Do we know exactly where this was done? A random gas station or special foreign car service center?
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