DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #15

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Who told Wint that he needed to break up the money into smaller bills and money orders?

He doesn't seem that bright to have known that kind of information. Maybe he watched a lot of movies about holding people for ransom...
No one needed to tell him that. He was street smart enough to realize the money could be traced so he had the two women buy money orders and then cash them to launder it into safe cash.
I think the accountant didn't trust jw and made sure he knew that 40 large was being delivered so there would be no questions on anything if something comes up missing. The accountant probably recorded the transaction just in case for self purposes.

He knew jw was a newbie. I'm surprise that jw didn't call back the accountant to confirm that the package was delivered.

I wonder if the accountant called mr s once the package was on it's way or later to see if delivered.

But on a brighter note. Mr s was able to speak to his sister and vf probably knew that hubby was pounding at the door.

But hopefully in their minds it may them feel better even though they knew the outcome was forthcoming.
Welcome! I have never lived in an apartment so I don't know how involved people become with their neighbors. I would expect though that when the police are called and a guy is wielding a machete there might be a few gawkers watching the show from a safe distance of course.

The machete was at a gas station near AIW-- not at the apartment complex.
I just think we'd know by now if JW was guilty of anything, other than being brazen and dumb... Maybe JW does know Wint, but I don't think that makes JW guilty of anything of other than being scared for his life.

On page 1 of this thread, I posted not to talk about DW or JW's families. That is to include step-mother, step-father, mom, dad, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, aunts, uncles,cousins, nieces, nephews and anyone else who is related to them. It is continuing.

Don't bring their friends here, or addresses where the friends or families live/lived.

It is against TOS and if it continues, Time Outs will be given. Thank you.
I just think we'd know by now if JW was guilty of anything, other than being brazen and dumb... Maybe JW does know Wint, but I don't think that makes JW guilty of anything of other than being scared for his life.

Um... He's guilty of lying to law enforcement at a minimum!
I know, why is JW so central to this whole thing?

So I was asking myself, okay, let's pretend JW didn't exist. How would DW have gotten the money?

DW could hold the family hostage and demand that SS free up funds from various locations, but how would he collect those funds without raising attention to the situation?

He could:

a) drive SS to bank and let SS go into bank to get funds, at which point, SS would expose the situation. Bad plan as that's a gamble.

b) drive SS to AIW and let SS collect funds from accountant, at which point SS would expose the situation. Bad plan as that's a gamble.

c) he could tell accountant that he has family hostage and bring the money and he'll set them free. Bad plan as LE would likely be notified.

c) he could hire a courier to go to accountant, pick up package and then drop off on porch or elsewhere. Good plan. Except, the accountant would confirm the destination address and get suspicious that the courier was being asked to drop off at the house. (This is for SS who is preparing the dojo!) Also, the courier couldn't cover for the hostage situation and make the accountant feel comfortable that nothing fishy was going on.) Also, the accountant would be sure that the courier would deliver to directly to SS and get a signature. The accountant would track the delivery.

All of those are quite risky, as would be to enlist SS's driver/assistant to do the picking up and dropping off, knowing that person could easily become suspicious and raise concerns to the accountant, or at least let the accountant know that SS was at home. Or, that person could insist upon delivering the package directly to SS. Or might question, why the car? Or, might walk around the house.

SO, JW was actually really important to this crime. Only he, the driver/assistant, would be able to innocently pick up and drop off cash at any place without raising enough suspicion that the accountant would immediately drive to SS's house or contact LE. And, it's perfect, because he would even be able to maintain his innocence to SS. He is just following SS's instructions.

But SS seems like a pretty smart man. I bet he caught on. I wonder if he let that be known or pretended otherwise. I wonder which would have been the more dangerous move? He might have thought that by telling JW that he knew JW was in on it, JW might have pulled the plug if he any kind of moral code after realizing that the family and VF were being hurt more than he thought. Maybe he pled with JW and that's why JW was crying.

I'm not convinced. JW wasn't the only person who worked for SS. Just because we have a limited cast of characters that we know of doesn't mean other people don;t exist.

Your argument hinges on the idea that SS would alert LE. But SS was on the phone with several people. He could have alerted them. He didn't because his wife and son were being held. Assuming more than one person was involved, that same threat would have existed in all of your scenarios.
I think it is interesting that we have not heard anything from JW since this event happened. Based on reading his SM accounts both for him and his fledgling racing business he had started, I got the impression he liked to brag and had intentions of garnering attention to himself and his future. When the housekeeper did her interview with 20/20 it showed me that they were reaching out to any even remote witness for media coverage. JW had not and was not returning phone calls. That is the opposite of his earlier demeanor, IMO. This is a chance for his 15 minutes of fame and maybe more. I believe there is a reason he is not cashing in on this opportunity.


Well judging from this discussion there are a lot of people out there who think he's a murderer. I wouldn't want to expose myself to that.
I just think we'd know by now if JW was guilty of anything, other than being brazen and dumb... Maybe JW does know Wint, but I don't think that makes JW guilty of anything of other than being scared for his life.

Quite possible. The two could know each other and randomly have both been central to this event without JW being guilty of complicity. For all we know, as another poster said, maybe JW is shocked to learn of the coincidence that DW was the murderer of his boss.

It's possible that DW decided to steal from SS (and or kill the family) with knowledge that JW was his assistant (sparked the idea), or perhaps without knowledge ("Holy smokes, JW is my victim's assistant! Now what do I do?!") And I do think a possible scenario is that DW voluntold JW what his role would be in the crime and threatened him if he didn't go along.

Probable? Eh. But possible.

You would think that LE would have enough evidence to bring on another arrest weeks into the investigation. And they said the crime required assistance. But, still, no more arrests. Why do you think that is? Some people who seem knowledgeable have said that LE often waits for an air-tight case before arresting because the clock starts ticking after an arrest. But other people say there's no way that LE wouldn't make an arrest if they had a shred of evidence. I just am not knowledgeable enough to know either way--and seems like experts dispute it.

I sure would like to think that if LE felt absolutely certain that JW is nothing but a victim of circumstance, they'd help a guy out by clearing his name after releasing info that would clearly make him the subject of intense public scrutiny and suspicion in such a serious crime.
Um... He's guilty of lying to law enforcement at a minimum!

That's what I meant by "dumb". If and when it is released that Wint only had 20 Large and JW is arrested and in possession of the other 20 Large then I will believe JW was involved.
Um... He's guilty of lying to law enforcement at a minimum!
Yes, he lied to DCMPD but this is not a crime unless he lied about his name and address. Lying to a Federal Agent is a federal offense with severe consequences.
It is more than likely that jw and anyone else who arose suspicion have been invited to take a polygraph. Yes, there are ways to beat the box but in doing so that could invite more suspicion and scrutiny.
I think it would behoove any websleuther to concentrate on dw. Just who is he? Is he someone else beneath the surface? What lawyers have represented him in the past? Lawyers cost money ya know.
Has he had a real job since 2009 or whenever he got fired?
Where did he get money to live?
Did he own a car?
Where did he live? How much does it cost to live there?
Quite possible. The two could know each other and randomly have both been central to this event without JW being guilty of complicity. For all we know, as another poster said, maybe JW is shocked to learn of the coincidence that DW was the murderer of his boss.

It's possible that DW decided to steal from SS (and or kill the family) with knowledge that JW was his assistant (sparked the idea), or perhaps without knowledge ("Holy smokes, JW is my victim's assistant! Now what do I do?!") And I do think a possible scenario is that DW voluntold JW what his role would be in the crime and threatened him if he didn't go along.

Probable? Eh. But possible.

You would think that LE would have enough evidence to bring on another arrest weeks into the investigation. And they said the crime required assistance. But, still, no more arrests. Why do you think that is? Some people who seem knowledgeable have said that LE often waits for an air-tight case before arresting because the clock starts ticking after an arrest. But other people say there's no way that LE wouldn't make an arrest if they had a shred of evidence. I just am not knowledgeable enough to know either way--and seems like experts dispute it.

I sure would like to think that if LE felt absolutely certain that JW is nothing but a victim of circumstance, they'd help a guy out by clearing his name after releasing info that would clearly make him the subject of intense public scrutiny and suspicion in such a serious crime.

:goodpost: and I agree about LE putting him in a tight place - between a rock and a hard place.
New News Report.
On Tuesday at 9:00 p.m. CNN Special Reports will feature the Mansion Murders, a report by Pamela Brown.
I'm not convinced. JW wasn't the only person who worked for SS. Just because we have a limited cast of characters that we know of doesn't mean other people don;t exist.

Your argument hinges on the idea that SS would alert LE. But SS was on the phone with several people. He could have alerted them. He didn't because his wife and son were being held. Assuming more than one person was involved, that same threat would have existed in all of your scenarios.

Yes, I thought about that. However, SS being physically present in a private conversation with someone from the outside, having the opportunity to write things down, even if DW was standing 20 feet away with his phone ready to text back to the house to hurt family members if SS pulled any funny business is a little more risky than SS being duct taped having convo's with speaker on, when DW could hit "end call" instantly and run. SS would have just a little more independence and power being physically present. And having DW lurking in the background or being side by side with SS in a big money transaction might raise suspicions.

IMO. Although, I will say that I am shocked at how much phone time SS got. At any moment, he could have easily yelled "Call 911! Help!". We know why he did not. He must have believed he could manage the criminals to an outcome that would end differently for him, his family and VF.
No one needed to tell him that. He was street smart enough to realize the money could be traced so he had the two women buy money orders and then cash them to launder it into safe cash.

I agree that he was smart enough to do a lot of things, the money order business included. In the beginning, I had the tendency to think he wasn't too bright. I've changed my mind and realize that he has just as much access as we do to all kinds of information via TV and the internet. He's been a criminal for many years now, and he's gotten away from some convictions. It was easy for me to think criminal = lame brain, but that was my emotion coming out. It's frightening to put intelligence together with criminal soul. Maybe he's an avid reader. Not much formal education, but the desire to learn. Too bad it was for this kind of life.

I know I have been underestimating DW's intelligence or caginess.

There are so many things we want to know about this decision to rob SS.

I think I'm going to put together a spreadsheet to keep myself clear.

Time plays a very important part in my list. When did he first start thinking about doing this? The week before, the day of? Renting the truck - was it related to this crime or something else entirely? LE knows when the truck was rented, I don't think we do. What was the original plan if there was one? Was it just going to be a one-off burglary with no victims involved? Was it always going to be a hostage situation?

But, wait! There's more...
Its impossible to get inside SS's head and know what he was thinking. I do find it a bit surprising that no one was able to hit the panic button on any of the alarm consoles in the house.
We cannot possibly fathom anyone's thought process in any of this.
Find out who dw is, follow the money..
Otherwise it's just mental m.
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