DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #15

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Yeah, who is more likely to have manilla envelopes? AIW office, Accountant - not JW.

Some posters think that JW was a buttoned-up enough assistant to carry his own bank bag and manilla envelopes knowing that doing odd jobs for SS could entail financial transactions. He could also have a sewing kit in case SS lost a button. Anything is possible. We just don't know how fastidious he was in his new position.

But I absolutely do not buy for a second that a professional, experienced accountant (or really anyone) would hand $40k to a 28-year-old driver (or anyone) without putting it into SOMETHING. It's not like he wouldn't have access to office supplies. It was another lie on JW's part to explain why the money was loose in his own bag. There is zero reason to assume anything JW said after the first lie was credible. What a tangled web...
Thanks, and interesting article not so much for what it says but for what it leaves out. Big gap in mr. Hanover's bio. Dads a marine fighter pilot then mr. Hanover repairs jewelry, goes to law school and hangs a shingle up.
It does say that he has two offices one in fair fax and the other on nw 16 st. I wonder how toney these addresses are?
It said they hired him that is his family. I know we can't sleuth them but a trial like this is gonna cost, and if I was a surviving daughter I would sure as spit sue that basterd no matter what in civil court.
I think you might be over thinking it a bit. Are you saying that DW planned to spend the night and have money delivered from the bank the next morning? Why wouldn't he just break in very early in the AM, and skip the all night sleep over portion?

If JW had not been available, SS could have worked something else out. Couriers , for one example. I am sure he used them in his various businesses. JMO

I used couriers as a possible alternative to JW in my post that I overthought. :)

I don't claim to know what DW's plan was. Hold the family hostage and demand ransom money. Just run in during the day and take cars and art. All we know is what unfolded. He ended up holding the family and VF for ransom money (with or without the plan to murder them). So it's not a ridiculous place to start.
With this discussion back and forth on DW and JW, the money, and the red bag, something occurred to me. Why did the accountant just pull the money out of his pockets and hand it to JW? Why didn't he put it in a envelope and be more professional about it?

If JW was told to pick up a package and bring it to SS, four wads of money doesn't make a package. Perhaps SS figured his accountant would have the money sealed in an envelope. It does seem strange to hand that much loose money over to a kid. Yes, JW was/is still a kid - at his age he has no formal job skills or training and his interest is in a field that is out of his financial reach. JMO.

JW doesn't have pockets to put this money in as the accountant probably had a sports coat on, so he puts it in the red bag. After he finds out he is to leave the money in the car, he realizes he doesn't want to leave his red bag. At this point, he stops somewhere
to purchase the envelope.

Why wouldn't JW loan SS his bag for a few hours and plan on getting it back later when he saw SS at the dojo instead of taking time to stop and buy an envelope? According to Google maps (pass the salt) a car leaving from AIW at 9 am on a Thursday morning should take 45 minutes to get to the S house, using the most time-consuming route.)
I agree that he was smart enough to do a lot of things, the money order business included. In the beginning, I had the tendency to think he wasn't too bright. I've changed my mind and realize that he has just as much access as we do to all kinds of information via TV and the internet. He's been a criminal for many years now, and he's gotten away from some convictions. It was easy for me to think criminal = lame brain, but that was my emotion coming out. It's frightening to put intelligence together with criminal soul. Maybe he's an avid reader. Not much formal education, but the desire to learn. Too bad it was for this kind of life.

I know I have been underestimating DW's intelligence or caginess.

There are so many things we want to know about this decision to rob SS.

I think I'm going to put together a spreadsheet to keep myself clear.

Time plays a very important part in my list. When did he first start thinking about doing this? The week before, the day of? Renting the truck - was it related to this crime or something else entirely? LE knows when the truck was rented, I don't think we do. What was the original plan if there was one? Was it just going to be a one-off burglary with no victims involved? Was it always going to be a hostage situation?

But, wait! There's more...

Amerint does not rent trucks. It provides mobile service for truck fleets. The person driving the truck was authorized to do so. The company carefully worded a p.a. that it was not involved.
Surely JW had to know that the detectives were going to talk to the accountant. How far off the true story is JW going to veer, knowing that the acct. will give them the facts? I don't think the story we have heard about the meeting with the accountant is that far off from what the accountant said as well. JMO

JMO - I think when JW first started talking to LE, he assumed they had not already spoken to the accountant. Otherwise, he wouldn't have told a lie that they could refute.
Amerint does not rent trucks. It provides mobile service for truck fleets. The person driving the truck was authorized to do so. The company carefully worded a p.a. that it was not involved.

That's right, I'd forgotten. They said truck was not stolen and no employee involved in criminal activity or something like that.
Update the question to HOW, but still WHEN did DW get the truck.

Why wouldn't JW loan SS his bag for a few hours and plan on getting it back later when he saw SS at the dojo instead of taking time to stop and buy an envelope? According to Google maps (pass the salt) a car leaving from AIW at 9 am on a Thursday morning should take 45 minutes to get to the S house, using the most time-consuming route.)

He's a simple young guy, the bag to him was like a woman's purse. He carried personal things that were important to him and it was only natural to him to hang on to his bag. The idea of leaving his bag and recovering it later may have never entered his thought process.
If JW really knew DW, as next door neighbors, then he knew that DW threatened to slice up an infant with a knife, threatened to kill his family, beat up his girlfriends, etc etc. So why would he be so surprised the family died? What would he think was going to happen in a home invasion where the intruder is not wearing a mask? His Dad was a cop---he knows what's up.

#1 I'm not sure what JW's relationship was with his father and how much his dad would have shared with him re: police procedure
#2 It's possible JW didn't research DW's criminal past. Even court records aren't terribly informative. He could simply "believe" that DW could do what he says he could do - whatever that was... JMO

That is an interesting read! I laughed at this part:

He said he’d never heard of Fox News’s Greta Van Susteren prior to receiving an invitation to be on her show. When he was told that Van Susteren is a former Washington defense attorney, Hanover quipped that he’d reconsider his decision to appear. “Oh [expletive], that means she’s going to ask me tough legal questions,” he said
Its impossible to get inside SS's head and know what he was thinking. I do find it a bit surprising that no one was able to hit the panic button on any of the alarm consoles in the house.

Well, assuming it's like any other residential alarm, you have one main "panel".....not many. But I don't live in a 10,000 sq ft house. You could have "panic buttons" that you could carry in your pocket and I have those at my store but if someone broke in my house and I'm upstairs......no way to get to the panel. This is my panel by the front door downstairs. .

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He must not have followed the OJ trial either...
He's a simple young guy, the bag to him was like a woman's purse. He carried personal things that were important to him and it was only natural to him to hang on to his bag. The idea of leaving his bag and recovering it later may have never entered his thought process.

Good analogy.....a woman's purse. This is my car aka .....my purse. I have no shame in this photo! [emoji16]. I could reach for a shoebox (a Zappos return) I could reach for a garbage bag ( a clothes donation). JW happened to have a Manila envelope. ......

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I'm sorry, I thought we were talking about the social aspect of JW and DW "growing up, hanging out, doing whatever" because they were neighbors.

No. Social circles are social circles. Manhattan, Tokyo and Los Angeles may be small town to you, not me. The large cities can be anonymous, but not social circles those are just that a social group - it's a smaller atmosphere that has nothing to do with the population of the town or city where one lives. Maybe the term social circle it means something different to you. Think race car circuit, church, PTA, drug house, people with like-minded interests. Yes, there is gossip within. It's human nature.

People who live in the same apartment complexes and buildings frequently know what's what. Not about everyone, but there is some knowledge.

I'm not talking about best friends forever *rollseyes* dating friends exes because I'm not 12 years old.

Gossip. People gossip.

I believe the peace order requests and assault charge re: girlfriend were in 2006. DW could have a largely new social circle since then. He's moved many times since then. I'm convinced whoever is involved in this with DW crossed paths with him much more recently than 2005.
JW didn't need to "stage" the photo or show all four stacks. He just took a pic with his Iphone and sent it to his GF.
Gasoline was likely in the garage. Not uncommon to keep a container of gasoline in a garage. PS needed it for his cart.
Note none of the cars were driven away by DCMPD, they were towed.
IMO The Bentley and Mosler are locked in the garage.

The only car IN the garage was the Mosler.
The sad thing about this article is that it says DW's family saught him out as an immigration lawyer because DW may be subject to deportation. They don't seem to understand that DW's likely fate is a life term without parole or death. Hanover sees his chance to make the big time. Instead of referring them to a criminal lawyer he is giving them pro bono representation in an area of law in which he has no experience.
Why wouldn't JW loan SS his bag for a few hours and plan on getting it back later when he saw SS at the dojo instead of taking time to stop and buy an envelope? According to Google maps (pass the salt) a car leaving from AIW at 9 am on a Thursday morning should take 45 minutes to get to the S house, using the most time-consuming route.)

Much longer than 45 minutes from Hyattsville in morning traffic!
JMO - I think when JW first started talking to LE, he assumed they had not already spoken to the accountant. Otherwise, he wouldn't have told a lie that they could refute.

I don't think LE had already spoken to the accountant. I think it's the photo JW sent that caused the backpedaling. JW was the first witness.
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