DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #18

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Again, that is interesting to me because the SW for cell records wasn't executed until the 28th and the article was written on 5/20. Because we don't know if 11:54 was missed, VM, text, or dropped call. Because some posters say a cell phone won't pick up a signal at Lowes. There has been no SW Return unsealed AFAIK. Just makes me wonder what police documents the WP writers are referencing. Maybe JW signed off on LE getting the records and the SW was a formality for the future trial of DW. Or there is some other document that mentioned the police finding the 11:54 while scrolling thru the phone. It is frustrating about this last call because there is more detail on other calls/VM/texts. Just have to wonder if the reporting is lacking or the WP reporters really don't have this info.

IMO The formal search warrants were issued on 15 May. You can safely assume police got permission or else got a search warrant to look at JW's phone on the spot on 14 May. They wouldn't want him to have time to erase anything or accidently lose the phone before the following week's thorough search of the car.
The torture of Philip is one of the "keys" to this crime. I am not convinced that he was tortured solely for revenge tho. Ponder all the reasons why torture happens...
Look at the mechanics of this crime with enough critical thought and it's quite easy to narrow down why he was tortured to only 2 likely possibilities.

like what? sexual desire?
IMO Wint targeted SS because he knew him as a rich guy. He and a cousin (per CNN) both had previous history at AIW. IMO it wasn't started as "revenge" for any hard feelings about the job, just he knew he'd have money. He checked out the home...huge, expensive cars...and decided to target them. He kicked in the door, subdued the females and the boy and once SS is summoned home he starts demanding a large sum in cash. SS begins making those arrangements. IMO as he roamed around the beautiful home with beautiful things and expensive art his rage grew every hour. He also realized his captives would have to die. Once that decision was made the torture was easy for him. JMO

But then why not take the cars overnight?
Again, that is interesting to me because the SW for cell records wasn't executed until the 28th and the article was written on 5/20. Because we don't know if 11:54 was missed, VM, text, or dropped call. Because some posters say a cell phone won't pick up a signal at Lowes. .

It is not a fact that "some posters say a cell phone won't pick up a signal at Lowes."
Some posters say sometimes a cell phone MAY NOT pick up a signal at Lowes.
It depends on the phone, the carrier and where the cell phone is in the store.
But then why not take the cars overnight?

My thought is it was cash he wanted. He'd been arrested in March. Perhaps he was planning to flee prior to his court date. He'd done months in jail before...maybe he wasn't up for doing several years?
He could have taken whatever cash was at the house plus watches and diamonds and fled in one of the cars..but he wanted a big chunk of cash and waited overnight to be able to get it
For every car driven away at night he would have one less person to maintain control of the hostages.

Why not just kill them that night and take the cars and loot? Cars were worth more than $40K!
The torture of Philip is one of the "keys" to this crime. I am not convinced that he was tortured solely for revenge tho. Ponder all the reasons why torture happens...
Look at the mechanics of this crime with enough critical thought and it's quite easy to narrow down why he was tortured to only 2 likely possibilities.

Only 2 reasons? What do you think they are?
I cannot speak for Keefer but here are my guesses-
Money/greed and a high dose of PURE EVIL.

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Why not just kill them that night and take the cars and loot? Cars were worth more than $40K!

That's one you will have to address to Darron Wint and he isn't talking. His mind doesn't function the same as ours.
I think it's pretty straight forward. One has to sell cars and valuables. That's how a lot of criminals get caught, by trying to sell their loot.
I presume DW thought cash was much safer. Especially considering he and his group of friends were converting cash into money orders and then cashing these money orders.
So that would make this cash untraceable (and that assuming it was traceable to begin with).
I don't think he wanted to get caught.
I think he was trying to commit the perfect crime. Unfortunately for him, the whole house didn't burn down.
I've seen a few posts about DW not talking - how do we know that? Did I miss something? No snark, I do miss information and articles :/
The torture of Philip is one of the "keys" to this crime. I am not convinced that he was tortured solely for revenge tho. Ponder all the reasons why torture happens...
Look at the mechanics of this crime with enough critical thought and it's quite easy to narrow down why he was tortured to only 2 likely possibilities.

No mystery to me and I don't believe there was any agenda other than using the child as leverage. It is ultimately more effective than torturing the adults.
Philip was a means to an end.

This is not to say that DW did or did not enjoy it; I just believe that he didn't care one way or another. Nothing personal about their child, purely business in his mind.

I firmly believe he may have enjoyed the torture of SS especially (the psychological in addition to physical), but I don't believe he had personal issues for Philip other than as leverage.

I'm torn between DW being a monster with zero feelings for anybody else and DW being a monster that enjoyed sadism.
I've seen a few posts about DW not talking - how do we know that? Did I miss something? No snark, I do miss information and articles :/

There were a couple of clues that DW might not be talking. LE was asking the public for the names of the peeps in the vehicles apprehended upon the arrest. And DW's second attorney repeated what Flicker said, and admitted that DW would not meet with him to talk.

I may just sip sangria til the hearing on Monday
Hello Weekend
IMO Wint targeted SS because he knew him as a rich guy. He and a cousin (per CNN) both had previous history at AIW. IMO it wasn't started as "revenge" for any hard feelings about the job, just he knew he'd have money. He checked out the home...huge, expensive cars...and decided to target them (the family) He kicked in the door, subdued the females and the boy and once SS is summoned home he starts demanding a large sum in cash. SS begins making those arrangements. IMO as he roamed around the beautiful home with beautiful things and expensive art his rage grew every hour. He also realized his captives would have to die. Once that decision was made the torture was easy for him. JMO

Motive for me is Wint was going to be flagged for deportation by ICE for whatever crime he committed in March. After 30-something brushes with the law, someone finally decided it was time for him to leave this country. He was desperate and needed cash to go on the run. I think he was no stranger to breaking and entering. This time he just upped the ante by taking hostages.

And yes, I think the longer he was in the Savopoulos' home the angrier he became at the family for their wealth and at some point he made the decision he would murder all of them. I think he took great pleasure in torturing young Philip as he represented all that Wint would never be and all the wealth Wint would never attain. I'm sure he looked at the pictures of Philip and his father and became enraged. I don't think Wint cared for his own father that much. His father must have been disappointed in his son for being discharged from the military and not being able to hold a job. He killed Mr. S in the end, but he made sure Mr. S heard what he did to Philip, as that would hurt Mr. S the most. He is one effed up .
There were a couple of clues that DW might not be talking. LE was asking the public for the names of the peeps in the vehicles apprehended upon the arrest. And DW's second attorney repeated what Flicker said, and admitted that DW would not meet with him to talk.

I do remember that the original defense team (PDs) were requesting that information from LE and that was several weeks ago. I wonder why they didn't ask his brother who was reported by name to have been picked up with him that night. If he was the one in the truck who was giving the orders to the women, he should know their names. It was posted that because criminal types are so fond of street names, DW may not have known the others' real names. He also may not have known them if hired by the person in the truck. I reallllly don't believe you wouldn't know the names of people who have their paws on "your" enormous cash wads without knowing how to get them if they steal some.

Nicknames are so convenient, lol. I like watching police interviews where the criminal says he doesn't know their real names, only their street/nicknames only to later give up the real names they've known all along.

I do know LE keeps track of street names so they can input those to see what comes up.

It's hard to imagine DW not talking to lawyers at all unless he's going to plead guilty without implicating anyone else. Otherwise, how could he possibly expect to be defended if he doesn't cooperate with his lawyers at least. He knew he didn't want Ficker, his family seemed to have forced Hanover on him and now he wants the PDs again.

I just wondered if there's been actual report, article or statement from anybody his lawyers, LE, MSM's super secret sources that declare he's not talking. :)
It is not a fact that "some posters say a cell phone won't pick up a signal at Lowes."
Some posters say sometimes a cell phone MAY NOT pick up a signal at Lowes.
It depends on the phone, the carrier and where the cell phone is in the store.

I have trouble receiving or sending calls in Wal-Mart, Lowe's and the local hospital. There are certain areas in the hospital where you can receive a signal and others where no signal can be obtained. I have Verizon and a smart phone. (Can you hear me now?) It is only later when I am outside or even in the car heading home when my phone will say "DROID" and show a missed call. If all the volumes are turned down as you cannot have a cell phone ring in the hospital, then eventually I will have a flashing light to show that I missed a call.

I think JW thought Mr. Savopoulos was busy opening the dojo and he was not expecting another call from him so soon.
Grr. I think of the 39 missed opportunities to report a violent to ICE. Not all of those arrests were for violence, I know, but you'd think after a few traffic crimes, there's be a red flag somewhere that someone got fed up and thought to put a bug in someone's ear. And those 39 were just the legal, there were so many personal reasons to anonymously report him.
But then why not take the cars overnight?

Same reason he torched the Porsche - too big of a liability. Plus, I don't think Wint was a very good driver from the description of the how erratically the Porsche was being driven. I don't think he had had a driver license. I think it would have been a huge risk to leave during the night in that neighborhood with security and risk of being pulled over. Wint wanted cash, easy money, not multiple vehicles.
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